Rebirth: From Computer System to World Richest

Chapter 152 The Collision Of Freedom And Faith! The Fall Of The Twisted Angel!

Flames and thick smoke instantly swept through the entrance of the house. Huge air waves carried fragments of wood and overturned the nearest car!

The well-trained inspector fell to the ground immediately!

After the explosion, what everyone saw was a human tragedy!


Inspector, who was seriously injured but not yet unconscious, was moaning in pain․ groan.

"Fake! Go and save people! Others call an ambulance immediately! Hurry up!"

Other inspectors rushed forward at this moment and immediately dragged their companions out of the smoke. The two who were responsible for breaking in had already stopped breathing on the spot!

And more people were affected by the explosion and suffered varying degrees of injuries!

"Farke! Farke!"

The inspector in charge took off his hat and his eyes were red!

This is one of "eighty-seventy" extremely bad accidents!

Originally, in their view, this was just a normal small task. Even though the other party was the notorious hacker "Blue Devil", they didn't pay much attention to it.

After all, the profession of hacker is hidden in darkness in the eyes of most people, and most of them are weak otakus.

But they miscalculated!

I paid the precious price of two lives for this!


Many people looked at each other, extremely scared at this moment!

Afterwards, no one dared to underestimate this house anymore. The entire team spread out and surrounded the house tightly, waiting for follow-up support to arrive before further exploration!

And the longer they waited, the more time they bought for Abraham!


Abraham breathed a sigh of relief.

There was a flash of joy in his eyes.

The casualties of the inspectors did not bother him. Because of his disfigurement, he received strange looks from many people after he returned to the town, including one of the inspectors who died!

This gave Abraham the pleasure of getting revenge!

"The snow marks behind the house have been temporarily covered. Unless the other party sends out inspection dogs and helicopters, they won't catch up so quickly in a short time! And on the way, I also deployed a large number of grenades!"

Abraham's eyes flashed with a fierce light!

Ever since he decided to risk his life and escape, he had been prepared for the worst. He bought the grenade from an arms dealer on a black market through the American soldier who taught him the relevant technology. .

It can be said that all this saved his life!

Abraham knew his fate very well. If he was caught by the inspectors, what awaited him would be endless jail time!

His invasion of Wanwan this time will inevitably lead to accountability from the Dragon Kingdom, and he will definitely be extradited to the Dragon Kingdom for trial. This is an outcome he is not willing to bear!

Even if he is not extradited, there are only two roads waiting for him!

Either he will be recruited by his motherland or some forces, or he will die!

Just like Kevin back then!

"One of the most precious things in the world, great freedom!"

As a hacker who advocates the concept of freedom, Abraham absolutely cannot bear this result, so he would rather choose this method of cutting off the aftermath than lose his freedom!

As for places to hide, there aren’t many!

This world has never been as bright as everyone knows!

In the corners that no one can detect, in the shadows under the light, there are many mysterious organizations and forces hidden. In Abraham's life experience, he came into contact with a lot of non-public secret information, and he had already communicated with an organization in advance. After getting on the line, as long as he can escape from this mountain, he can be accepted by that organization!

In addition to this organization, Eden is also very mysterious, but Eden is semi-public, so there is no way to provide him with personal safety!

After Abraham logged on to the springboard, he entered the Garden of Eden page, and faced the latest announcement that was publicly pinned to the top!

"The Garden of Eden is a country that advocates freedom, but it does not mean absolute unscrupulousness!"

"We assume no responsibility for any actions of the moderator "Twisted Angel Abraham"! Starting today, Eden will remove the ID of "Twisted Angel Abraham"! There will no longer be any relationship between Eden and Abraham Any contact! Please let us know!”


Abraham sneered.

This result was within his expectation.

After the last incident [Eden immediately broke off relations with Lucifer!

Lucifer revealed the identity of the Blue Devil and exposed him from behind the scenes. Eden once again decisively drew a clear line with him! From now on, like Lucifer, he successfully turned the name of Twisted Angel into a unique one. A permanent ID that belongs to you!

However, this was very different from the result he expected!

"Forget it! There will be plenty of opportunities in the future, and I will come back sooner or later!"

Abraham sighed, then put away his laptop and continued to move along the pre-planned route...

It is very remote in the snow-capped mountains, and the only sounds that can be heard are the roar of the army and the sound of the snow being crushed.

As the car progressed, the sky gradually darkened, and the shorter and shorter days forced Abraham to hurry up. There was still a long way to go before his safe house!

The car drove to a dangerous place. On the right side of the car was a cliff. The huge drop of hundreds of meters was terrifying!


Abraham had to slow down.

After driving in the snow for a long time, he was already a little tired.

Just when he was a little drowsy, the car body shook violently. The tire on the left ran over a stone in the snow. The car body bounced up and then rushed down the cliff on the right!

"Mom mess with the law..."

Abraham had no time to react before he followed the snowmobile and fell into the cliff at the foot of the mountain!

The jagged rocks at the foot of the mountain kept magnifying before his eyes!


After the snowmobile collided with the ground, it was instantly crushed into a discus! Abraham stopped breathing on the spot without even making a cry for help!

A generation of top hackers fell here in such a miserable way!

"I can not be reconciled!"

This was the last thought in Abraham's mind!

He could never figure out why a snowmobile with excellent performance would suddenly rush off a cliff!

However, he had no time to think about this.

There were several grenades in the package on the snowmobile. The violent vibration directly shook the hand grenades loose. After a moment, a huge fire exploded!

The entire foot of the mountain suddenly turned into a sea of ​​fire!

Hundreds of kilometers directly above the snow-capped mountains, a satellite belonging to the country passed by. Under the control of an invisible program, the satellite's ultra-high-definition lens recorded this scene.

The satellite was changing orbit according to the predetermined plan, and no one noticed anything abnormal from beginning to end. .

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