Rebirth: From Computer System to World Richest

Chapter 157: Microsoft Gu Ge Forms An Alliance! 2. The Ruins Of The Giants!

After the press conference, Brin took out his personal mobile phone!

As the developer of the Android system, Brin's personal mobile phone naturally does not use IOS and pmos!

Although this smartphone, designed by Gu Ge himself and manufactured by GL Group, has a very poor reputation globally, it is due to information, security and publicity considerations.

Brin still uses this phone.

As a native version of Android, this phone does not have messy functions customized by other mobile phone manufacturers. The overall interface and functions are very refreshing!

In the address book of the mobile phone, a series of names are well-known big names in the industry!

As the world's top rich man and a world-renowned technology tycoon, Brin's circle of friends is naturally very influential!

Just like Luo Yang, his address book is now full of well-known big names such as Huami OV, Loongson International, Taiwan Electromechanical and so on!

After dialing one of the names, Brin smiled.

"Mr. Geci! We have been carefully preparing for so long, and it is time to make it public! I hope Luo Yang will not be shocked by our gift!"

The person he contacted turned out to be a Microsoft employee!

Microsoft Corporation Headquarters.

In the large chairman's office, Gai Ci looked at the scenery outside the window and smiled!

"It is estimated that in Luo Yang's eyes, we have all become his defeated enemies! It is probably only a matter of time before Beichen Technology annexes the global market!"

"But we must teach him a lesson today!"

At this point, Gates's face became very cold!

As the person who single-handedly created Microsoft 04, he was as young and energetic as Luo Yang when he was young. Even when faced with the anti-monopoly investigation by the United States, he still managed to endure it!

And in the end he won!

The global PC system market has been completely taken over by Microsoft!

Coupled with Intel, which teamed up with him to create the "Winter Alliance", both of them got rid of IDM's control and officially became the world's top technology giants!

Although time has passed, Microsoft has lost its glory, and a new generation has replaced the old ones, but the pride in Geci's heart has never been wiped out!

"The biggest regret in my life is that I didn't meet Luo Yang when I was young!"

Regarding Luo Yang's achievements, Gaici expressed strong recognition even though he is a competitor!

Single-handedly and with a group of computer science students who had just graduated from school, he founded Beichen Technology from scratch and developed a POS system!

This move directly established Luo Yang’s status as the world’s richest man!

At the same time, Gates has always believed that if Luo Yang had not stood on the shoulders of Microsoft and Fruit Company, he would not have achieved such great achievements!

In that era when the Internet had just sprouted and PCs had not yet developed on a large scale, the operating system was still a very crude early graphical interface. Even if Luo Yang was a genius, his final achievements would probably be similar to those of Gai Ci and Gang Leader Qiao. This was Gai Ci's heart. true opinion!

"If Luo Yang was not born in the 21st century, but was born in the same period as us, among the earliest technology companies, the name Beichen Technology would definitely be indispensable!"

As an opponent, Gaici paid full attention and respect to Luo Yang!

A few months ago, Gemini from Gu Ge contacted Geci privately, and after a series of discussions, the two parties decided to formally enter into a business alliance!

Unlike the M.I.O alliance that made its stance public, this time the alliance was conducted in secret!

"Microsoft and Google are both one of the most powerful technology companies in the world! When the two deeply join forces, how will you respond?"

Gaiji smiled!

After forbearing for a long time, the counterattack method that Geci and Gu Ge Gemini have been brewing for a long time is about to be officially launched!

After Microsoft and Google expressed their stance, Amazon and even books also expressed their stance!

"This time, we will never let hackers come and go freely in our servers!"

Faced with the criticism from many media, the bald man once again made a vow!

"Pfft! I wonder if the bald man will be slapped in the face this time!"

Many media reporters looked at each other and saw the smile in each other's eyes!

After all, Ghost and other hackers managed to kill seven, in, seven out, in Amazon’s server! It’s comparable to Changshan Zhao Zilong!

On the contrary, the information security service group under Beichen Technology is currently recognized as the strongest king in the world!

As an e-commerce company, Amazon’s core business does not have much competition with Beichen Technology. Beichen Technology has not officially launched its e-commerce business, and Aurora Payment is difficult to launch in overseas markets!

Not to mention anything else, just the payment and license is enough to make countries deliberately embarrassed!

Even now, Beichen Mobile's network access qualifications in various countries have still not been approved!

Countries around the world are wary of the strong invasion of Beichen Technology!

The only business in which the two parties compete is cloud services. After Beichen Technology was lifted. After the ban, countries were limited to the agreement reached between the United States and Beichen Technology and could not hinder the cloud service business. At present, Egret Cloud has already provided services to major companies around the world. All data centers have been established in the country!

Bailuyun's business scope has truly expanded to the world!

The world's three largest cloud service giants, Amazon Cloud, Microsoft Cloud, and Google Cloud, have all increased their vigilance!

"We sincerely recommend that everyone choose the three major cloud service providers that are safer and more localized when storing data!"

3. The big giants joined forces with a tacit understanding and began to secretly smear Black and White Luyun!

The charges used are nothing more than leaking secrets, stealing user privacy, etc.!

Behind Bailu Cloud is the support of the world's largest PC system POS, the world's largest mobile phone system pmos, and the world's largest search engine Aurora Search!

When it comes to Internet fishing boats, Beichen Technology is definitely not afraid of anyone!

The troika of POS, pmos, and Aurora Search immediately began to refute the rumors and started online public relations, which quickly reversed the negative impact of Bailuyun!

Luo Yang then struck back and began to ban users from using Amazon's cloud services in three major businesses!

So far, all three major overseas cloud services cannot be used in POS and POS!

Many overseas users expressed their dissatisfaction with this situation, but they could only accept it!

There is no way! Today's POS and PMOs are the most secure operating systems recognized in the world! As for cloud services, they are just the icing on the cake. Anyway, Egret Cloud's technology is also world-class!

For the vast majority of users, the difference in experience is not that big!

As for charging, Egret Cloud has also launched a limited-time discount for users of the overseas version. Because the charging standard of the overseas version is higher than that of the domestic version, the discount Luo Yang can give is very strong. He has full confidence and the three major cloud services Giants engage in price war!

At present, three big cloud service providers have also launched a certain degree of discounts, but they have not blindly entered into a price war with Beichen Technology. Everyone knows that Beichen Technology is a hen that lays golden eggs.

Holding a large amount of abundant cash flow in your hands!

"External speculation suggests that Beichen Technology's cash reserves have reached US$120 billion!"

This is a professional estimate given by a professional Wall Street institution after comprehensive data from all aspects!

Luo Yang smiled slightly!

"Brother, the situation is too small! With 120 billion US dollars, aren't you losing face to someone like me?

“It’s such a great time to make a fortune in silence!”

So 067 it can be said that the bald man has secretly fought with Luo Yang several times!

After Amazon and Lianshu expressed their opinions, Fruit Company, as a well-known technology giant in the United States and the second largest technology company in the world, will naturally attend!

Soon, all the major giants in the world, except those from the Dragon Kingdom, expressed their intention to participate!

No one is surprised that Long Guo has not made any statement!

For example, Luo Yang had no intention of attending the summit from beginning to end!

"Just ignore this invitation!"

After receiving Lin Ya's reminder, Luo Yang just glanced at it and deleted the invitation information!

"With the level of evil in the United States, once I leave the Dragon Kingdom, it will definitely unite with all the major capitals in the world to keep my life abroad at all costs!"

Luo Yang shook his head.

Today, Wang Technology has become a giant company that suppresses countless established manufacturers around the world!

Because once the forces whose interests have been harmed unite, even Luo Yang cannot underestimate the pressure that will erupt. Except for the Dragon Kingdom, which can guarantee the greatest degree of security, no place abroad is absolutely safe.

For example, if Luo Yang buys an island, maybe there will be a demonstration from a certain country the next day, and he accidentally "accidentally fires" a missile, which lands directly on the island where he is!

"That's right! You can't get away with this matter in Shencheng, you have to make a difference!"

Lin Ya was not willing to let Luo Yang take risks.

During this time, Caiguo and Longguo have been showing off their muscles to each other!

After the conspiracy of the SLA Association was exposed, the United States could no longer intervene to stop it. Later, Longguo announced that it would officially hold an admission ceremony for Wanwan Semiconductor to join the Longguo Semiconductor Alliance on November 1. Official media and major well-known media will be present during the entire process. live streaming!

The United States changed hands and directly invited world-renowned giants to attend the summit!

The two sides are completely competing with each other for soft power!

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