Rebirth: From Computer System to World Richest

Chapter 163 The Software Vendor Is Ready To Make A Move! The Ever-Changing Operating System Market!

No matter how other people are talking about it, Geci is calm and composed at the moment!

He is very aware of what is going to happen next. The outside world will definitely seize on Microsoft's move to slap him in the face!

However, he is not worried about the negative impact. With the support of the United States and the support of Wall Street capital, these news cannot have much impact on him.

He was also in a state of excitement at this moment.

Even though he is already sixty years old, he can't hide the great pride in his heart!

The old man is brave and has great ambitions!

"I have been dormant in silence for so long, not to prove how great I am! But I must get back what I have lost with my own hands!"

"Luo Yang! I will take back the PC users that you took away!"

Gai Ci roared in his heart!

Win11, this trump card that he has high hopes for, can be said to be one of his biggest trump cards!

Faced with the huge discussion from the outside world, Gaiji glanced at the spokesperson of the Kuromiya. The other party casually agreed and stepped forward again to stabilize the order on the scene. Soon, all parties temporarily restored calm.

But everyone knows that when the summit ends, there will definitely be a huge storm around the world!

"No matter how the outside world views it, the release of win11 system has become a foregone conclusion!"

"We at Microsoft have decided to officially hold a product launch conference at the company's headquarters in two days' time, on November 11th!"

“We welcome everyone!”

“I can assure you that we will definitely bring you more!

Gaiji did not reveal any more news, he needed to save the suspense for the press conference!

But even so, the news about the upcoming release of win11 is still enough to make the major media fall into a huge surprise!

Then Geci finished his report, returned to his seat, and received warm applause from everyone in the audience!

Everyone is an old fox. After fighting in the mall for so long, they naturally realize that this is a huge opportunity!

Antivirus vendors such as Symantec and Kabbah, as well as software giants such as Adobe and Otak who were invited to attend the summit, as well as the three major OMI game giant manufacturers such as Blast, Yubi, and E.A, all looked at each other at this moment. , they all saw the excitement in each other’s eyes!

"This is a good opportunity, and it may be able to change the strong pattern of POS~"!

"Microsoft's counterattack can also give us some room for survival!"

These software vendors all exist dependent on the operating system. Without the operating system, users cannot use any software at all! Whether it is anti-virus software, industrial design software, or clients launched by major game manufacturers, all Inseparable from the operating system!

"I hope Microsoft can be more helpful this time! I'm really tired of looking at Beichen Technology's face!"

Many software vendors present looked unhappy.

As Omi's local software vendors, they have a natural sense of identification with Microsoft. Microsoft provides the soil for software to run and provides them with different varieties of plants to survive. The two parties have formed an interdependent cyclic ecological system.

However, the emergence of Beichen Technology directly broke all this!

The POS system that is perfectly compatible with mainstream operating system applications on the market is like a demon from hell!

Any operating system developer in the world, whether it is Microsoft, which focuses on PC systems, or Guoguo and Guge, which focus on mobile phone systems, or Nokia, which acquired Belle Labs in 2016. , all opinions about POS are scourge!

"The POS system is a shameless gangster! He unscrupulously imitates the genes of any operating system, thereby plundering their users and the market!"

"From PC systems to mobile device systems, POS relies on this trick to achieve success! As a result, in just over a year, it has taken away hundreds of millions of PC system users!!

This is the view revealed by a certain Microsoft executive in a private setting a few months ago!

This view was subsequently supported anonymously by many people. Facing the important cornerstone of the Internet world, no one would be stupid enough to offend Beichen Technology in public!

Once it is completely blocked by the POS system, unless it is a technology giant like Microsoft that dominates the global market, or its products have irreplaceable advantages, no software company can ignore the strong pressure from the POS!

This is also the biggest dilemma faced by software vendors such as Symantec, Otak, and Yu!

They have always insisted not to develop POS versions of software and game applications, but Luo Yang simply ignored their threats. POS is compatible with win system versions of applications, making their threats as if they were children's fists, which is very ridiculous!

This makes many software vendors feel deeply humiliated!

"You won't cooperate? Sorry, we at Beichen Technology don't care at all!"

Therefore, after Gaici announced the release of win11, they immediately rekindled their desire to resist!

After the cover, the bald man from Amazon gave a speech. The theme of his speech was nothing more than further improving network security defense and severely cracking down on global hackers.

Makes you feel sleepy!

~We at Amazon will further increase investment in cloud services and continue to consolidate our leading position as the world’s largest cloud service provider! Thank you everyone!”

There was a burst of sparse applause. Most of the people present were still immersed in the shock caused by the score just now, and they were a little absent-minded at the moment.

After the bald man stepped down from the stage, his face suddenly turned as black as the bottom of a pot!

"Fake! You don't give me face like this!"

After Amazon, Lian Shu and fruit companies also gave speeches one after another. Both parties only echoed the main topics of the summit and did not put forward too innovative views.

Lianshu is mainly rooted in the field of social software, and does not plan to invest too much energy in information security, as long as it can keep user data on high-speed servers from being destroyed. The fruit company itself develops a closed (good money) operating system, which can ignore the threats of most hackers!

Of course, it is not absolutely safe, but compared to the sieve-like win system and Android system, the system security of Fruit Company is well-known.

The last person to speak was Google founder Brin.

After an official speech, Brin directly threw away the speech in his hand and knocked on the microphone.

"OK! At the end of this summit we will bring you ten good news!"

Everyone was in high spirits at this moment!

At this moment everyone smells the smell of conspiracy!

Microsoft and Google, as one of the world's largest operating system developers, have always been the most watched targets of this summit!

After all, everyone knows the security of the AnDesk system, emmm.

At this moment, even the number of times has shown its trump card, so how can Guge Company, which has been forced back step by step by Beichen Technology's two-pronged approach to install the desktop system and Guge Search, succumb to others?

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