Rebirth: From Computer System to World Richest

Chapter 168: See You Soon! The Two Heroes Join Forces! Win11 Is Perfectly Compatible With Android Ap

"The 21st century is an era of globalization. Any multinational giant will inevitably have business competition with its friends. However, we at Microsoft have always advocated the concept of win-win cooperation and have been committed to creating a better future!"

Gaiji boasted lightly.

"Google is a great company. Although we have competed in operating systems, search engines, cloud services and other fields before, this does not prevent us from reaching cooperation!"

"As of now, our two parties have officially reached a package cooperation agreement and signed a formal memorandum!"

"First, starting from today, the win system ecosystem owned by Microsoft will officially include Android applications. That is, starting from win11, we support directly opening and running Android applications on any client with win11 installed! We believe this will be a new beginning!"

Gates' words shocked the entire audience!

Win11 officially supports running Android applications???

"Did I hear that right? Microsoft has actually begun to embrace the Android system ecosystem!"

"It's incredible! Two old rivals who were once at odds with each other suddenly shook hands and made peace. It was like the sun was rising from the west!"

Many media reporters widened their eyes and felt a little unbelievable!

Although the market share of the two operating systems continues to shrink under the joint attack of Beichen Technology and Fruit Company, they still have more than one billion global users. The alliance between the two can be summed up by a simple addition!

At this moment, the staff gave Geci a tablet, which was the Sofei series product developed by Microsoft.

"From now on, you can directly download, install and run the Android application through the Win system store or other software stores!"

"In order to solve the compatibility problem, we teamed up with Google to develop a new simulator that can make the two seamlessly compatible!"

"This is our Su Fei tablet, please take a look~||!"

Gates said, directly opening the official app store inside the tablet.

Among the software listed for sale, many people have noticed that there are two versions at the bottom of the software, namely the win system version and the Android version.

Gaici downloaded a very popular entertainment software abroad, clicked to log in, and then showed everyone that the big screen also faithfully projected the tablet screen. Later, Gaici continued to download several Android apps, all of which ran smoothly without any lagging issues caused by software incompatibility.

The media at the scene kept exclaiming, and the major Western media were even more delighted!

"Oh buy! Win11 has indeed brought us a huge surprise! Before today, only Beichen Technology's operating system in the world could be smoothly compatible with related applications of other systems. This is also the reason why POS and pmos can dominate the world! "

"But starting from today, POS and prios are no longer exclusive!"

"Because we have win11!"


There was a burst of warm applause.

To them, Beichen Technology, which comes from the ancient country in the East, is like an evil dragon. Its figure entrenched in the sky casts a huge shadow, shrouding the entire Western countries in it. Everyone can only rely on the lustful power of Beichen Technology. Shivering!

The emergence of win11 is like a dawn that tears apart my brother!

Although a few minutes ago, the GUI design and operation method of win11 made them complain crazily, they were not completely disappointed after all!

The warm applause finally gave the press conference what it should look like, and Gates and Brin looked at each other and saw the joy in each other's eyes!

"Today's press conference is already a sure thing!"

They had been plotting for so long and finally gave everyone a satisfactory answer!

In fact, win11 is compatible with Android system applications. It was not developed temporarily this year. Gai had this idea before. Especially after POS and pmos were born, relying on system applications that are perfectly compatible with IOS and Android After conquering the city and quickly seizing the global market, Gaici strengthened this determination!

"What Luo Yang can do, why can't I do it!"

Geci was holding a breath in his heart.

Being constantly compared with Luo Yang by the global media, it is impossible for Gai to say that he doesn’t care!

Of course, this idea has not been made public and is only known to the win11 development team.

It was not until this year that Google Gemini took the initiative to seek in-depth cooperation, and Gai Ci officially revealed this trump card. Google felt not only frightened, but also extremely lucky!

"It seems that this move was the right one! Brother Gu successfully avoided a life-and-death crisis!"

Brother Gu Gemini is extremely lucky!

Judging from the information revealed by Gates, Win11 has secretly begun to develop emulators compatible with Android applications since the establishment of the project, and it was only recently that the optimization was completed!

No matter what, this secret cooperation is completely happy for both parties!

After the applause fell, Gai Ci continued with his face glowing red.

*`~We all know that the operating systems of our friends also have this function and are ahead of us, but the first person to eat the crab does not mean the one who makes the most profit!”

“In order to perfectly match this function, we and Google’s Android system development team have jointly conducted intensive research on emulator and other difficulties. We have passed tens of thousands of preliminary tests and have conducted tens of thousands of mainstream APPs under the Android camp. After testing, everything works perfectly!”

"Starting from today, win11 will become one of the best operating systems in the world with the richest software ecosystem!"


Many foreign media at the scene stood up collectively [Warm applause was like thunder (Nuohaohao) 092603404 Feilu 220190490]

"Oh, yes! I take back my previous comments, I think win11 is awesome!"

"In order to survive, Microsoft, which has always been aloof, was finally forced to make changes. Compatibility with Android applications is just the first step! There is still a long way to go!"

"No matter what, as long as the invasion of Beichen Technology can be prevented, I will always support win11!"

In the live broadcast room, countless users from overseas markets also sent out barrages to express their support. The barrages complaining about Win11 plagiarizing the Mad system were instantly drowned out, as if everyone had collectively lost their memory, and no one went there anymore. It’s time to bring this up!

And global technology companies, including fruit companies, are all looking extremely serious at this moment!

Microsoft, a super giant company, has finally regained its glory again!

At this moment, everyone feels a huge pressure, like a tsunami coming crazy!.

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