Rebirth: From Computer System to World Richest

Chapter 174 The Fatal Vulnerability Of Win11! Luo Yang's Dark Side Chencang!

"Mr. Luo! Have you found a breakthrough?"

Everyone’s faces were delighted!

Except for Han Feng and He Siyuan, most of the other core executives were not programmers, so their contributions in this area were limited. Han Feng and He Siyuan also typed on the keyboard all night, but they were unable to come up with any conclusion.

Everyone knows that the key to breaking the situation this time lies with Luo Yang!


Luo Yang's voice reveals strong confidence!

To this day, if one were to choose the world's number one hacker, people would probably have different opinions. Some said it was ghost, some said it was Lucifer, and of course there were those who continued to support Kevin. There are a large number of supporters from all sides. Fuck each other!

But when it comes to evaluating the world's best white glove, Luo Yang directly surpassed all the well-known programmers with an overwhelming advantage and stood at the top of the world!

Almost no one questions it!

This is the status of POS core developers!

The emergence of POS broke countless opinions of programmers around the world and the industry, and Luo Yang became the world's number one white glove.

When Ghost and Lucifer first invaded Beichen Technology, both parties failed to conquer Beichen Technology's company servers. This gave people around the world a new understanding of Luo Yang's defense methods. Coupled with the core code of POS and the disordered array encryption algorithm, Luo Yang's status in the world was completely established.

Everyone present has no doubt that Luo Yang has the ability to break win11 by himself!

Luo Yang rubbed his eyes, and Han Feng next to him handed over a bottle of eye drops. Luo Yang put a few drops in, closed his eyes and rested for a while, and suddenly felt that the eye congestion was reduced a lot. 753

In response to everyone's expectant gaze, Luo Yang officially answered!

"After this night's hard work [I have initially deciphered part of the core code of win11!"

Damn it!

The whole place was completely silent at this moment!

Everyone looked at Luo Yang as if they were aliens!

"Boss! You are too... too exaggerated!"

Han Feng even forgot the name Luo Ge!

Among the golden trio, Luo Yang ranks second in age, but he is undoubtedly the big brother! Han Feng and He Siyuan are also convinced.

As well-known programmers in the Dragon Kingdom, Han Feng and He Siyuan are naturally among the best in terms of technical strength. However, after working hard all night, apart from finding a moderately dangerous win system vulnerability and several small bugs, they were unable to do anything else. Not much gain.

Unexpectedly, in the same time, Luo Yang directly conquered the core code of win11!

This is too exaggerated!

Gao Yunhai and Ma Liang looked at each other. Although they are not industry insiders, they have learned a lot about the programmer industry through their own experience. Naturally, they know how difficult it is to break Win11!

After the win-xp system was released, a hacker group from the Bear Country spent a long time and with the joint efforts of many people deciphered the win system and published the relevant code online. Since then, XP pirated systems have been It got out of hand and swept the world directly (aebf)!

If overseas users had not always had the habit of purchasing genuine paid software, pirated Windows systems would have become even more rampant!

And Luo Yang, just one person, spent one night to complete the work that took the Mao Xiong Country hacker organization a long time to complete!

Decipher a brand new win system!



The whole place was full of gasps!

"Damn it! Luo Ge is so powerful!"

Xue Xiaoshan, the head of the information security department, has eyes full of fanatical admiration at this moment!

He is Luo Yang's junior student and one of the first members to join the Luo Language Group. He has always regarded Luo Yang as his idol in life. He is very strong in information security and eventually stood out from the computer group and was Luo Yang was elected as the head of the information security department and became one of the executives of Beichen Technology.

Although he did not become a core executive, he was still one of the reserve personnel!

As Beichen Technology continues to grow, Luo Yang will consider promoting Xue Xiaoshan to a higher position when he becomes more mature. After all, the talents he cultivates are the most reliable.

"Okay, stop flattering me!"

Luo Yang waved his hand.

"When I was still in college, I could find several high-risk vulnerabilities for a new system in Microsoft's vulnerability-finding competition. Now that I have developed POS, this achievement is nothing. Low-key, low-key !”


Everyone rolled their eyes.

Luo Yang pretended to be awesome again!

Pretend to be like the wind, always with me!

After everyone laughed and made a fuss, they finally came to their senses.

For Luo Yang, a super programmer, it seems nothing unusual to do such a thing!

"Tell me about it!"

"Don't get too happy too early. The core code is not the source code. As long as the source code is not leaked, win11 will still be Microsoft's trump card!"

Luo Yang knocked on the table and began to reveal more news to everyone!

"From my preliminary analysis, the core code of win11 has changed a lot compared to the previous generation! The range of changes has reached 56%! This means that more than half of the code has been replaced. In addition to the core functions of the win system, many Things have changed!”

"Many of the vulnerabilities, computer viruses and Trojans that were originally targeted at the Win series system can no longer be used. Compared with previous generations, the security of Win11 has been greatly improved!"

Luo Yang's words made everyone look serious.

To be praised by Luo Yang, it is obvious that win11 has made great progress!

After all, the previous win10 was like a big sieve compared to POS. Viruses and Trojans could come and go freely, which also allowed POS to steal a large number of users.

After learning from the pain, Microsoft stopped squeezing out toothpaste and began to take out the things at the bottom of the box. Some of the technical reserves that had been sealed before were taken out and placed in w1!

"Don't underestimate the technical reserves of a technology giant! Any company is only three months away from bankruptcy, even our Beichen Technology!"

"It is true that we now have billions of global users and occupy the position of the world's largest PC supplier and mobile phone system supplier, but the pressure we face is also huge!"

"Microsoft and Google have been ahead of us for decades, and their technical reserves are huge! Including Intel, even though they are squeezing out toothpaste every year, if there is a life-or-death crisis, Intel will immediately take advantage of it. Develop more advanced chip architecture to maintain the leading position in the industry!"

"If we had not developed the Kunlun architecture and relied on graphene chips to further consolidate our advantages, it is actually difficult to say who has the right to speak in the chip industry today.

Everyone nodded at this moment.

They know what Luo Yang means very well, that is, don't underestimate any opponent!

Which technology giants like Microsoft, Google, and Fruit were not born out of bloody chaos? In the big dyeing vat of the United States, there is never a shortage of capital and talent!

If the original Sunrise Company hadn't sunk in due to self-inflicted suicide, today's database and operating system market structure would probably still be in chaos!

"However, I can tell you for sure! win11 is not perfect!"

"No matter how much Gates and Microsoft publicize it, compared to a POS developed completely from scratch, win11 cannot escape the shackles of the win system. Part of the source code from the win system makes the emergence of win11 a joke!"

"In my current tests alone, I have tested at least 4 high-risk vulnerabilities! All of them can directly threaten the information security of system users! In addition to these, I also found several backdoor programs left by Microsoft !”

"The most critical point is that there is a problem with the emulator of Win11 compatible with Android APP! This is a very fatal thing for Win11, which mainly promotes compatibility functions!"


There is a problem with the win11 simulator!

With Luo Yang's words, everyone in the conference room breathed a little faster!

(PS: I went back to my hometown a few days before the heavy rain. I had to deal with a lot of things, and it was not convenient to code on my mobile phone, so the updates were interrupted for a few days. Normal updates will resume from today. Thank you everyone for your persistence!)

(Da Yu also made a promise to book friends that this book will not be ghostwritten! I will write the complete outline later! Thank you again for your support! Sincerely, Da Yu!).

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