Rebirth: From Computer System to World Richest

Chapter 178 Gemini Angrily Lashes Out At The Board Of Directors! The Rift Within Brother Gu! (3/3)

Although the alliance between Microsoft and Gu Ge is a bit sudden, for some reason, Liu Hui has always had strong confidence in Beichen Technology!

"A year ago, the three giants Microsoft, IDM, and Beast Bone Script joined forces, but they failed to defeat the newly rising Beichen Technology. Today, Beichen Technology has become a trend! Its combat effectiveness has also become more powerful!"

"Even if Microsoft and Gu Ge form an alliance, it will be difficult to surpass the strong advantages of Beichen Technology!"

Liu Hui's eyes sparkled.

As a native of the Dragon Kingdom, he has extremely strong confidence in Beichen Technology!

Not long after, everyone who visited Guge Science and Technology Park was brought to the press conference. After finding their seats, they began to debug the equipment. [The low voices continued to spread.

Liu Hui set up the camera and waited for the big show to come!

The time came to 15 o'clock sharp.

The lights in the entire venue suddenly dimmed!

Liu Hui was shocked!

"The press conference is about to begin!"

At the entrance of the stage, the smiling Gemini Brin officially took the stage!


There was a burst of warm applause, accompanied by whistles!

Everyone knows that Brother Gu is cooperating with Microsoft to carry out actions. I wonder what kind of surprises he will prepare for everyone today!

“Welcome everyone to the press conference!”

“I think many people are paying attention to this press conference! After all, in yesterday’s win11 press conference, we announced the news of strategic cooperation with Microsoft!

Brin's speech directly captured everyone's thoughts!

Backstage, the other founder, Page, and CEO Sanda are preparing for the moment. They will also go on stage to speak soon.

"Sanda, don't think too much. Since Brin and I agree that you will take the position of CEO, we will not change people easily! Relax!"

Boss...thank you very much for your trust!”

Page patted Sanda on the shoulder, and the other party showed a smile that was uglier than crying.

Luo Yang's successive attacks on Gu Ge have made the performance of Sang Da, the current CEO, very ugly. In the previous several board meetings of Gu Ge, there have been proposals to revoke Sang Da's CEO position and replace it with others, but in the end they were all replaced by Gemini. Star - Rejected!

Sangda has been with Guge since 2004. He was previously responsible for the development of Guge's chome toolbar. After working hard for several years, he finally made his mark and took over the position of president of the Android system development department!

It can be said that the rise of Sanda has always been under the watchful eye of Ge Gemini.

Being able to enter their field of vision, Sang Da is naturally not a mediocre person, but what makes them helpless is that Xunmi met the freak Luo Yang during his tenure!

Pmos and Aurora Search directly disrupted Gu Ge’s two core businesses!

After this series of changes, Page and Brin also considered removing Sundar's position, but there was no suitable successor in a short time.

As a large technology company with operations all over the world, they will not easily change the candidates and positions of senior executives. Otherwise, frequent personnel changes will drag down the company's business and slow down work efficiency. After all, a newly appointed executive will take over It takes time to become familiar with every business!

And what they lack most right now is time!

In desperation, Peitai could only continue to comfort him!


The two looked at each other and suddenly sighed together.

How can outsiders understand the helplessness involved?

Brin continued to speak on the stage.

"The cooperation with Microsoft is the result of our careful discussions and long-term thinking. We believe that unnecessary competition will drag down the business of both parties. Cooperation will bring more benefits!"

"In the past six months or so, we have encountered a strong competitor, and its emergence has brought a lot of pressure to us! We do not deny this.

The rise of competitors has taken a large part of our market share!"

Brin didn't have the slightest idea to hide it, and directly pointed out Brother Gu's embarrassing situation!

"Buzz buzz......"

There was a low murmur of discussion in the audience!

They all know who the “competitor” Brin refers to is!

Beichen Technology!

Liu Hui was also very surprised at this moment!

"Brother Gu now is quite a bit of a loser! At yesterday's win11 press conference, Microsoft also directly admitted its defeat! This is interesting.

After a second thought, Liu Hui thought of the reason!

"You must be worried that if you continue to conceal the data, Luo Yang will ruin the market again! After all, the original Microsoft company took advantage of this diva!"

What he could think of, other media quickly thought of it.

Many people have gloating expressions!

Luo Yang's announcement of partial POS installation data directly tore off Microsoft's fig leaf. The loss of up to 600 million users directly caused a huge crisis of trust in Microsoft. Microsoft's stock price has plummeted since then, and This was the introduction that eventually triggered the sixth circuit breaker in the US stock market!

Officially from this battle, Luo Yang was dubbed the "Butcher" by Wall Street!

Now Brother Gu doesn’t dare to hide key data!

Brin's expression was a little unnatural, but it was quickly covered up, and he coughed a few times before saying.

"Although the development of the situation was a bit unexpected, we still persevered!"

"Losing is not terrible! What is terrible is being stubborn and not knowing how to adapt!"

"If we still don't think about the real reasons behind it, then sooner or later we will become old fossils abandoned by the times like the dinosaur skeleton statues outside!"

Brin's face was very serious at this moment!

What he said can be said to be very serious!

I almost didn’t point my finger at Gu Ge’s management and scolded him!

At this moment, several Gu Ge directors sitting in the first row of the audience looked as ugly as if they had eaten flies!

The supporters behind them are of course Gu Ge’s major shareholders!

~Brin! You bastard!"

The eyes of several directors were like sharp knives, glaring at Brin fiercely!

Brin glared back even more forcefully!

"Made! You caused the trouble yourself, and in the end I have to come out and wipe the PG for you! If you want to continue making money, just shut up!"

Although Brin said nothing, the threat in his eyes was very obvious!

"Damn it! Brin is really brave to say that!"

"Brother Gu, is there internal strife? Otherwise, why would you say this in public!"

Many media in the audience looked at each other in shock!

At this moment, they suddenly realized that no wonder someone took them to visit the dinosaur statue in the afternoon. It turned out that this was also the reason. Brin was obviously using this press conference to criticize and accuse Gu Ge of some of his previous decisions. !Of course, there are also some people in the company!

They are not surprised by this. As a high-quality listed company, Gemini's shares have been diluted repeatedly since it was listed!

The current largest shareholder of Google is Wall Street Capital!

Although Gemini still controls the management of the company due to the AB share system, this does not mean that other shareholders cannot intervene in related matters!

For example, Gu Ge announced that he would cut off supply to Warwick and block Beichen Technology. Later, he forced rice, OV and other Longguo mobile phone companies to give up cooperation with Beichen Technology. From a purely commercial perspective, these decisions are undoubtedly self-destructive!

The Geminis are not fools, so they will not offend the Dragon Kingdom easily!

However, these orders were eventually carried out!

The things hidden in this are very interesting!

"It is estimated that the major shareholders of Wall Street intervened! At that time, the Black Palace was obsessed with killing Beichen Technology, so it is reasonable for Wall Street to cooperate with the Black Palace's actions!"

"I guess it is because of these reasons that there are huge differences within Brother Gu!"

Liu Hui exchanged glances with other domestic media reporters and guessed the reason!

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