Rebirth: From Computer System to World Richest

Chapter 192 A Gathering Of Business Tycoons! A Hot Trend In Automobile Manufacturing!

In the villa, Luo Yang, who had just taken a double bath, walked out refreshed.

Lin Ya was still drying her hair in the bathroom. Luo Yang sat on the soft sofa and picked up his mobile phone. There were several missed calls displayed on it, which were calls from Mr. Ren and Rebus!

Luo Yang called back directly.

"Hey, Mr. Ren!"

"Mr. Luo, the time has been set. It will be at XX Hotel at three o'clock in the afternoon. I have notified Rebus and the boss of OV that they will come together."

"Okay, I've decided to arrive on time!"

After hanging up the phone, Luo Yang considered the follow-up arrangements.

It is not a secret that Mr. Ren and others are going to Shanghai. Luo Yang was notified yesterday. However, Luo Yang was holding a high-level meeting of the company at that time, so the meeting was scheduled for today. Then Mr. Ren took the initiative to stand up and contact Rebus and others on behalf of Luo Yang, and they walked down to the meeting place together.

After resting for half a day, Luo Yang's fatigue was much reduced.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Li Qiang drove to the meeting place.

"Mr. Luo! Long time no see!"

"Mr. Luo!"

Entering the hotel through the back door, as soon as they entered the venue, Mr. Ren, Rebus and other business representatives from major companies came forward one after another and greeted Luo Yang!

"Hello, everyone!"

Don't reach out to hit the smiling person, Luo Yang's attitude is very kind.

After the polite greetings, everyone sat down one after another, and Li Qiang and other security personnel came to the door to isolate outsiders from entering. As the door was closed, many business leaders started chatting!

"Mr. Lei has been very high-profile recently. Da Mi announced its entry into the automobile manufacturing field some time ago. It seems that he is planning to enter this trend!"

Mr. Ren was the first to speak.

The eyes of many big bosses all shifted to look at Rebus.

"Ahem! Mr. Ren, everyone knows the tricks in this area!"

Rebus laughed dryly.

It's not surprising that many business tycoons are in this circle, and they know Rebus's tricks very well.

Electric vehicles can be said to be the hottest concept at the moment. With the rise of Tesla, global capital has set its sights on this field. Many companies have just been connected to this concept, and their market value and valuation have soared. Naturally, it aroused the jealousy of countless people!

Dami has always advertised itself as an Internet company, and has always hoped that investors will view Dami based on the high price-to-earnings ratio and high valuation standards of Internet companies. This time it embarks on a wave of car-making concepts, the market value will inevitably see a surge!

More than a month ago, Rice officially announced its entry into the automobile manufacturing field, which attracted a lot of attention at home and abroad. After all, Rice, which has been successfully listed on the Hong Kong stock market, is one of the stocks that investors are optimistic about!

Especially with Beichen Technology siding with Rice, after a series of thrilling experiences, Rice has successfully reborn from nirvana! While Beichen Technology has not been listed, many concept stocks that have cooperative relationships with Beichen Technology have been enthusiastically pursued by capital. !

Among the four major mobile phone giants in Longguo, Huawei and OV are not listed companies, so the capital can only narrow the scope to Da Mi.

Rebus was also happy to see this situation.

In more than a month, the market value of rice has been rising strongly, and now it has soared to 77.2 billion US dollars. This is the best answer!

It’s not just Internet giants such as Rice, Penguin, and Ari that are seeing the spotlight. They have already announced their involvement in the field of car manufacturing earlier. Coincidentally, after Gu Ge held a press conference not long ago, he and Tesla jointly launched the autonomous vehicle. The human driving system has further stimulated the confidence of global investors!

After the press conference, the stocks of Google and Tesla skyrocketed!

As the leader in the field of electric vehicles, Tesla's market value has now risen to US$750 billion! A surge of US$60 billion!

The price-to-earnings ratio of Tetra has reached an extremely terrifying 1,485!

In comparison, Fruit Company's P/E ratio is only 29.91, while Microsoft's P/E ratio is 36.09!

Spurred by this, in addition to Tetra, the world's major well-known electric car manufacturers also received capital dividends. The market value of Longguo's four major electric car manufacturers, BYD, Vilai, Dream, and Dapeng, also increased. It has soared further and has surpassed the market value of traditional car manufacturers such as Tongyong and Dazhong!

That's it!

The conversation between Mr. Ren and Rebus aroused the interest of many business leaders.

Soon, the focus of the topic was directed to Beichen Technology.

"Mr. Luo! There is news that your Lingyun Automobile... no, it should be called Beichen Automobile now. It is said that a new series of products will be launched soon. Is this the case?"

"Yes! I almost forgot Beichen Technology! Beichen Technology is the hottest technology company in the world. With strong software and hardware R&D capabilities, coupled with Beichen Automobile, we will definitely be able to create products that will shock the outside world!"

Everyone expressed their curiosity with every word they said!

Rebus also had a solemn expression. If Daimi just plans to take advantage of this concept to make a wave of investors' money, then Beichen Technology is actually building cars!

As one of the few car companies in Longguo with car manufacturing qualifications and licenses, Lingyun Automobile's reputation is still good, and Beichen Technology's consistent style of doing things makes it unlikely that 967 is a white wolf!

Or don’t do it!

Either do your best!

This is the outside world’s consistent view of Beichen Technology!

This is exactly the case. Now global investors and many capitals are watching every move of Beichen Technology. However, Beichen Technology has done a very good job of keeping confidentiality. Very little information is revealed whether online or offline. This is Make the outside world extremely curious!

In particular, Tetra formed an alliance with Gu Ge not long ago to jointly build an unmanned driving system. It can be said that it is officially on the opposite side of Beichen Technology!

After all, Beichen Technology and Brother Gu have already formed a deadly feud!

This is very interesting!

Counting Beichen Technology's many business competitors, it seems that none of them have been able to escape unscathed. Either their market value has plummeted, they have lost money, or they have lost the vast majority of their market share!

Tesla’s alliance with Gu Ge may not end well!

There is speculation from the outside world that Lingyun Automobile, which has been fully acquired by Beichen Technology for a long time, has officially changed its name to Beichen Automobile. It is rumored that it has been intensively preparing for a secret project, and this project is very likely to become Beichen Technology's trump card to fight back against Tesla. !

Trying to get some information out of Luo Yang's mouth is also one of the purposes of today's party!

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