Rebirth: From Computer System to World Richest

Chapter 204 Is There A Shady Secret Behind It? The Melon-Eating Netizens Are Complaining!

The experience of the Swiss watch industry greatly touched everyone present!

Today's Beichen Technology is like the neon of the 1970s!

At that time, Neon, as the world's second largest economy, showed strong competitiveness in many industries. Not only the Swiss watch industry, but also the automobile industry in China and the semiconductor industry in the United States were all dominated by Neon manufacturers. Rubbing on the ground!

If the United States had not used the Plaza Accord to suppress the crazy rise of neon, it is hard to say what the current world structure would be like.

Now that the rabbit is dead and the fox is sad, everyone present is feeling very sad!

And even more unwilling!

How could the United States, which has dominated the world for nearly a century, bow its head easily?

"very good!"

The commander-in-chief, who has been sitting at the top, is very satisfied with everything in front of him!

Things have been going according to his plan!

The most difficult thing to deal with is actually not the antitrust department and the Department of Commerce, but the federal justices.

As one of the poles of the separation of powers, if this gray-haired justice insists on upholding the anti-monopoly law and refuses to give in, he will be greatly passive!

223 After all, in the eyes of the people, if Congress and the Supreme Court are the parties that restrict the power of the commander-in-chief, if they insist on opposing it, then the decision of the commander-in-chief is obviously wrong!

But now the problem is solved!

The justice's eyes were half-closed at this time, as if he had fallen asleep.

The people around him also had a tacit understanding and did not disturb him.

In this way, with the deliberate connivance of the commander-in-chief and the US government, this hearing is moving in the established direction. Most of the participants at the scene showed approval after listening to the stories of Intel and AND.

With the speaker's verdict, this hearing has officially come to an end!

"The hearing is over! I want to get the results as soon as possible!"

"It's the Commander-in-Chief! Cameraman, hurry up! If you're late, you won't have a good position!"

"Commander, what is the result?"

The door of the Congress, which had been closed for more than three hours, opened. Impatient reporters who had been waiting for a long time immediately surrounded everyone, using long guns and short cannons to surround everyone!

The scene was noisy, and in the end it was the Black Palace bodyguards who pulled away everyone and protected the leader as he walked to the interview area (aeef).

"Everyone, please be quiet!"

The commander glanced at everyone, then continued to smile and announced the results of the hearing!

"The Black Palace has always attached great importance to this case. The United States will not give up any American company easily! It will safeguard our legitimate rights and interests when necessary!"

"After the emergency assessment team was established, we conducted a rigorous and comprehensive investigation into this case, and also fully listened to the opinions of all parties in the private sector. According to the results after the vote, we believe that this is just a very ordinary acquisition case. It does not constitute a monopoly!"

“The federal justices and the antitrust department recognized this result!”

"The Ministry of Commerce has also made a final decision to formally approve this acquisition!"

The scene was quiet for a moment, and then it exploded!

"Damn it! This is simply telling lies. If it's already like this, doesn't it count as a monopoly?"

The official Longguo media at the scene couldn’t help but complain silently in their hearts!

This is simply Chi Guoguo’s bias!

This situation is comparable to the Microsoft antitrust case back then!

"Yes! I know the United States will not admit defeat! We will never give up easily!"

"Intel is indeed an established manufacturer and has once again won an important victory! This acquisition will be a historic moment for American semiconductors!"

"Hiss! The federal justice also ruled that there is no monopoly. Is this a joke? Today is not April Fools' Day!"

"Is there a shady secret behind this? Have you and the members of Congress received benefits from Intel? Please answer truthfully!"

The vast majority of other American media directly expressed their cheers! Only a small number of media stood on a third-party standpoint and expressed great dissatisfaction with this answer!

Damn it!

The last question shocked many people!

Where did this newbie come from?

Do you still need to ask this kind of question?

Everyone looked at each other.

The commander's face turned black on the spot, as dark as the bottom of a pot!

"Uh, am I wrong to ask?"

The young reporter who was staring at him scratched his head and felt a chill on his back.

He comes from a third-rate tabloid newspaper, and has always been known for gossip news and all kinds of bloody stunts. He has been in the industry for less than three months! Before leaving, the editor-in-chief gave him a few mysterious words, including the one mentioned just now. Arrived question!

Regardless of whether the Commander-in-Chief will answer him or not, today’s headline news is here!

"Forget it, I'm not as knowledgeable as a rookie!"

After the leader announced the results of the hearing, he left directly, and the media reporters then stopped the smiling Intel team to get more details. Not long after, news about this hearing quickly swept the world!

“The President of the United States: Intel’s merger with AND does not constitute a monopoly!”

"The birth of a new trust! The past and present life of Intel!"

"Shocked! The gray-haired old man actually made such a wrong decision!"

"This is the glory that belongs to the Wintel Alliance! Following Microsoft twenty years ago, Intel has also escaped the antitrust butcher's knife! The global semiconductor will usher in new changes!

"Extraordinary! Extraordinary! The U.S. Department of Commerce and the Anti-Monopoly Department are hiding something shady!"

News with various headlines quickly bombards people’s attention!

After the results were announced, there was an uproar on the Internet!

Most netizens overseas were jubilant, as this result suited their purpose, but netizens from the Dragon Kingdom expressed their dismay.

"It is indeed a country where capital comes first! Capitalists are the real controllers of the United States! If Intel's situation is not considered a monopoly, then what kind of one is?"

"I have been mentally prepared for a long time. In order to maintain the influence of the United States, the former commander-in-chief intervened in the trial. In the end, Microsoft was judged not to constitute a monopoly and escaped the fate of being split up! Twenty years later, due to Terr followed the same pattern again, and the current commander-in-chief once again intervened in the trial! The so-called separation of powers and the so-called antitrust bill in the United States are a complete joke!"

"Now that I'm numb, I won't be surprised to hear the news about the merger of Microsoft and Intel tomorrow!"

"The crow's mouth upstairs should stop saying a few words. In a country controlled by capital, everything is possible!"

"Damn it! No way!"

"What's impossible? As long as Beichen Technology remains so powerful, the United States can do any crazy thing in order to resist!"

"Hiss! The rogue country is indeed so terrifying!"

This big melon really surprised the netizens of Longguo!

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