Rebirth: From Computer System to World Richest

Chapter 206 Living In The Capital Is Not Easy

While the outside world was still speculating on Luo Yang's next move, they didn't know that he was no longer in Shanghai. He had quietly withdrawn from the turmoil and had already arrived in the north by plane.

At this time, midsummer has passed, but the heat in the capital is still unabated. When she walked through the high-rise buildings all the way to her home, Luo's mother was taking a selfie.

"You came back just in time, how about this photo?"

The one used by Luo Yang himself is a black customized version of Beichen mobile phone. It is different from the ordinary version sold externally. It has many added configurations and functions. It is the one closest to the prototype.

The high-strength body of graphene glass not only greatly improves the appearance, but also allows designers to play more tricks.

If we follow the pricing set by the marketing department, the price of this phone will directly exceed 30,000 yuan!

Not only is it unique to him, but all the executives of Beichen Technology have customized versions, but the styles are slightly different. Currently, this business is only within the company, and "420" has not been officially opened to the outside world.

When Luo Yang opened Moments, he immediately saw Luo’s mother’s selfie.

"Well, the photo was taken very well.

"I also think it's pretty good-looking. The lotus seeds that my parents-in-law gave us are different from the ones outside. I've never seen many colors before!"

Luo's mother is also very satisfied with this selfie.

The background of the photo is the lotus pond in the courtyard. The colors of the lotus range from pink to light yellow, green, and white. The petals are layered in layers and in different styles, and they look very beautiful.

Lotus seeds are not a commodity on the market, but a new variety cultivated by Jinling Agricultural University. They have won first prizes in international competitions and were not originally sold to the public.

At the beginning of the year, Luo Yang felt that the small pond was empty, so he mentioned it to Lin Ya, and it didn't take long for the news to reach the ears of Lin Fuguo, his cheap father-in-law.

"If you're asking about lotus flowers, you've come to the right person! I know Professor Shen from Jinnong University. He has a project dedicated to cultivating new varieties of lotus. I'll give you this atlas. Tell me which variety you like, and I'll go directly. Professor Shen, take it!"

For Lin Ya, Luo's father and Luo's mother were very satisfied. They had long regarded her as their daughter-in-law. Luo Yang and Lin Ya had also met each other's parents, so naturally they would not be thin-skinned in such matters, so Ping Lin's father directly Someone sent me a big bag of seeds!

After a certain intimacy, Lin Ya and Luo Yang talked about it while biting their ears.

"This batch of seeds is Professor Shen's favorite, but except for the mother seed, my dad took away all the rest! I secretly heard Professor Shen and my dad quarreling!"

After learning about this situation, Luo's mother became even more interested in the lotus!

The son and soon-to-be daughter-in-law are busy with their careers all day, and Luo's father is busy with charity business. Now he has a second youth, traveling around with his team all day long, and has established more than 20 charity primary schools!

Luo's mother's daily life is also very simple. In addition to taking care of her daughter Luo Manman, and occasionally returning to her hometown to visit relatives, the rest is to serve these lotus flowers.

You can’t live up to your father-in-law’s wishes!

After giving Luo Mu a like, Luo Yang put away his phone.

"I have plans tomorrow, so you don't have to wait for me to eat."

"Okay, I know you are a busy person, why didn't Xiaoya come back together?" Luo's mother was a little confused.

"Xiaoya went to her hometown in Su City, and she will go to Pengcheng in a few days, but she didn't come back this time.

The two of them walked into the backyard while chatting. Romanman hadn't finished school yet.

After staying in Shanghai for a long time, I feel a sense of freedom when I return to the courtyard. This is incomparable to the villas in Sheshan Manor. Only here can Luo Yang feel the atmosphere of family.

When Luo Manman finished school, there was a sudden uproar in the courtyard!

"Brother, I'm getting fat!"

After being picked up by Luo's mother, Luo Manman still held a bunch of grilled squid in her hand and pounced directly on Luo Yang!

"Hey! My new shirt! Romanman, are you looking for a fight?"

Luo Yang's eyes twitched.

Xiao Nizi is already 10 years old after the Chinese New Year, and she is becoming more and more noisy. The phrase "cats hate dogs," is a suitable word to apply to her.

"Hahaha! Who told you not to bring your sister-in-law back!" Luo Manman laughed up to the sky, and smeared all the oil on Luo Yang's body, and the brand new shirt suddenly became horrible.


Luo Mu's roar came from outside, and she obviously heard the conversation between the two.

"No! Mom is going to get angry, shit!"

Luo Manman finished the squid skewers in a few mouthfuls, turned around and was about to run away, but was blocked by Luo's mother.

"Wow! Mom, I was wrong. Using violence against adolescent children will have a great impact on their childhood! This is what our teacher said!"

"If you don't fight for three days, you can go to the house and untie the tiles! I've been supporting your brother since you were a kid, but you still have a lot of potential! Look at you, you don't look like a 10-point-old girl, I feel worried just looking at you!"

"I was wrong, don't fight...

Of course, Luo's mother couldn't bear to do something harsh, and the two of them quarreled for a long time before they started to have dinner...

As the night got darker, Luo Yang moved a rocking chair to enjoy the cool air in the garden. He could see the yellowish lights in the alley in the distance, and suddenly felt like going out for a walk.

After changing his clothes and wearing a mask, it would be difficult for others to identify him at night.

Even so, Zhao Liang still brought the security team [following silently not far away.

The aroma of various foods comes from the streets, various food stalls are brightly lit, and people returning home are in a hurry, rushing back to eat.

Walking along the Shichahai Lake, Luo Yang took a stroll in the Wetland Park.

A few steps to the southeast from here is Deyun Club. Crosstalk has become more and more popular in recent years. Luo's father often goes to listen to a few performances during his break. Luo's mother is not interested in this and prefers to listen to crosstalk.

A young couple passed by. The woman was angry and the boy was coaxing her.

"Look at you, you only earn 10,000 yuan a month. When can we buy a house? My mother is urging me again and asking me to go on a blind date on the weekend. How do you want me to answer!"

"Xiao Li, please give me a little more time. I have already told my family that I am going to sell the house in my hometown. Let's get together a down payment for me. I will borrow some from my friends and I will definitely be able to buy a house in the Fourth Ring Road! "

"The Fourth Ring best friend's husband bought a house within the Second Ring Road!"

"What's wrong with the Second Ring Road? It's okay if the area is the same! If you spend so much extra money, you might as well buy a few more units in the Fourth Ring Road and rent them out!"

The two of them were getting farther and farther away. Luo Yang looked at the background of the two of them and felt that the distance between him and ordinary people was getting further and further away.

These 1.3 people in a hurry have been busy and struggling all their lives. In the end, all they want is a house, a family, and maybe a Beijing household registration.

Living in the capital is not easy!

Once upon a time, he also regarded this as his life goal.

However, since traveling through time and creating Beichen Technology, he is destined to no longer be ordinary!

The latest valuation of Beichen Technology has exceeded US$2.5 trillion. It is widely recognized by the outside world that if Beichen Technology plans to go public, the final figure will inevitably exceed the US$3 trillion mark, directly breaking the record to an unprecedented level that will never be seen again. The state of the person!

Only he, who still had absolute control over the company, suppressed the outside world's attempts to list him.

I glanced at my watch, it was already nine o'clock.

"It's time to go back, we have an important trip tomorrow!"

Thinking of a long-prepared plan, Luo Yang smiled. .

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