Rebirth: From Computer System to World Richest

Chapter 212: Wherever The Aircraft Carrier Goes, There Is Justice!

The first item the two of them want to improve is the electromagnetic railgun they had a glimpse of yesterday!

The swarm system is mainly a software problem, while the electromagnetic railgun involves the battery and electronic control module, which is the responsibility of Beichen Technology.

"Mr. Luo, according to Party J's request, we have made adjustments to the electronic control part. You see, the changes here are what we mentioned last time."

Liu Chunsong introduced the improvement situation.

In addition to regular remote communication with Luo Yang, he has not left for a long time.

It’s not that laboratories are prohibited from going above ground. After all, humans are social animals. If they stay in a confined space underground for a long time, they will drive them crazy!

The institute is not connected to the outside world, but it is no problem to go to the ground for ventilation.

After all, the most precious thing in the institute is this group of scientific researchers. They are the treasures that the Dragon Kingdom focuses on. They are afraid of breaking if they are held in their hands. It is too late to take careful care of them. How can they be restricted?

The main reason is that I am surrounded by a group of technology geeks, and the strong academic atmosphere makes it easy for people to sink into it. When they often discuss it, they forget the time!

Not only here, but also in many R&D departments of Beichen Technology.

The researchers of the Graphene Laboratory have already moved into the new headquarters of Beichen Technology. After the establishment of Future Semiconductor, they will occupy a separate piece of land in the huge headquarters industrial park, and all the buildings inside will belong to them!

Unlike other departments, there is little contact with the outside world here. All relevant security measures are taken care of by Beichen Security. Coupled with Xiaobei's double protection, it is difficult for outsiders to learn the secret information!

After upgrading the electronic control system, Luo Yang also made changes to the graphene battery pack.

After the advent of graphene batteries, the technical team of the Graphene Laboratory has been improving them. The most advanced results have not been commercialized, but have been stored as technical reserves. Even the 635 Research Institute has not obtained The latest technology, even this is enough.

The main thing Luo Yang changed was the ratio of some raw materials.

"The battery module adjusted this time is more suitable for electromagnetic gun use. After the next test results come out, I will see if adjustments are needed."

Luo Yang clapped his hands.

It's been a while since he got his hands dirty.

As the laboratory director, Wei Changlin has passed his assessment. Luo Yang is currently delegating power and he is keeping an eye on the frontline work.

"Okay Mr. Luo!"

Liu Chunsong was also relieved!

Unlike drones, the electromagnetic railgun is a behemoth. Each test is very cumbersome, and the live ammunition test cannot be conducted underground, so Luo Yang will not be able to witness this test.

After solving these problems, Luo Yang followed Professor Xu and officially entered the confidential area of ​​Project No. 2!

Ouyang Ming also appeared again.

What appeared in front of everyone this time was another huge device!

If you were an industry insider, you would be able to recognize the other party's identity after seeing this scene!

"Mr. Luo, this is the second generation electromagnetic catapult we developed!"

Professor Xu looked proud!

There are countless cables scattered around in front of you, and they are finally connected to a metal structure. The surface covering has been removed, exposing the core area!

This is the true identity of Project No. 2!

Electromagnetic catapult!

Luo Yang couldn't help but be amazed!

This technology can be said to be a real weapon for the country!

After all, this thing is going to be installed on an aircraft carrier!

Aircraft carrier, this is a name that shocks countless people in the Dragon Country!

Since World War II, the outbreak of the Pacific Naval War directly made the aircraft carrier famous, and also officially announced the end of the era of "big gun ships"!

The battleships that dominated the world were completely eliminated!

The "Yamato" that the Neon Kingdom placed high hopes on was sunk by an American aircraft carrier not long after the war began!

It was also during this battle that the powerful industrial strength of the United States, "shipbuilding is like dropping dumplings", truly shocked all countries in the world! It also officially sounded the clarion call for the United States to reach the top of the world!

Today, the United States has the seven largest fleets in the world (the 10th fleet is an information fleet and does not have any warships). It controls the world's sea power. Relying on the steel behemoth of the aircraft carrier, the United States arbitrarily stirs up troubles and interferes in the world. The affairs of various countries have proved a word to the world!

Wherever the aircraft carrier goes, there is justice!

In the absence of an H-war, a country without an aircraft carrier will have its influence limited to land, and it will be difficult to radiate its influence to the ocean, let alone the global scale!

Looking at the global powers, when they reach a certain level, they will transform from a land-power country to a sea-power country, from light blue to dark blue, from offshore seas to far seas, and gradually increase the voice of the navy!

The fleets of the two superpowers [were fighting in the world's oceans!

But not every country can afford a navy.

With the strength of European powers such as Ying Fa severely declining, there are currently only three countries in the world that can rank among the top navies!


Furry Bear Country!

Dragon Kingdom!

The Mao Xiong Kingdom has inherited the legacy of the great red country and is barely able to maintain the glory of its navy. However, in its current naval combat sequence, there is no real aircraft carrier!

The only aircraft carrier, the Kuznetsov, spends more than three-quarters of a year in the repair shop. In fact, it is its "Kirov-class" H-powered guided missile cruiser that plays the role of an aircraft carrier!

The eldest brother does not laugh at the second brother. Longguo was very poor in the early years, and 057 tightened its belt. It was not until recent years that it had its own aircraft carrier.

But with the current national strength of the Dragon Kingdom, if there is the first ship, there will be a second ship!

The second project of the 635 Research Institute is responsible for researching the "electromagnetic catapult" used in electromagnetic catapult technology, which is also one of the most important technologies for aircraft carriers!

The essence of an aircraft carrier is a carrier platform, responsible for transporting carrier-based aircraft to all parts of the world. Relying on the supplies of the aircraft carrier, the combat radius of fighter jets has been greatly improved!

Compared with taking off and landing on land, what determines whether a carrier-based aircraft can successfully take off and land on an aircraft carrier is its take-off and recovery technology.

There are currently three mainstream take-off methods. The aircraft carriers of the red power mainly take off by ski jump. The Dragon Kingdom's first "Wide Area Silence" aircraft carrier is of this design.

The United States uses steam catapults. Compared with the ski jump, the biggest advantage is that it has higher take-off efficiency and faster speed, but the failure rate is also high, and the steam boiler ages very quickly.

The third type, which is also what countries around the world are mainly researching, is electromagnetic ejection!

Compared with the first two types, the electromagnetic ejection device is smaller in size and can reduce the weight of the aircraft carrier to increase more load. At the same time, the stability is higher than that of steam ejection, and the failure rate is relatively low.

Not only that, the energy utilization efficiency of electromagnetic ejection is higher, which can give the aircraft a higher initial speed and shorter time, which can win more valuable time in the battle!

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