Rebirth: From Computer System to World Richest

Chapter 119 The Leader In Domestic Luxury Cars! The Final Selling Prices Of The Three Major Series!

"In short, Beichen Automobile's production capacity issues have been completely resolved. What remains is the final selling price, distribution and after-sales channels."

Gao Yunhai continued: "In terms of selling price, it is related to our brand positioning. According to the plans of previous high-level meetings, Yunchi Automobile's final positioning is a luxury brand, directly benchmarking Tesla and BBA! After all, no matter the technical content The investment in all aspects is enough to support the brand name of Yunchi Automobile!"

"In terms of historical heritage, we do not have an advantage, but the advanced technology that is several generations ahead of the market is enough to keep us at the forefront!"

"As long as the market can pay for it, there is no need to worry about the brand being unstable!"

"What's more, behind Beichen Automobile, there is Beichen Technology, a big backer!"

Everyone present nodded.

On this point, they have already reached a consensus.

Regarding the issue of brand positioning, Luo Yang has held several high-level meetings. Luo Yang has been preparing to take the luxury brand route from the beginning, with the intention of killing BBA and Texila in the future.

For a luxury car brand, it doesn't mean that just by saying, change the name, and set a super high price, the market will buy it. There are many considerations in all aspects.

Domestic manufacturers have made attempts in this regard. For example, ten years ago, Geely invested US$1.8 billion to fully acquire Ohro Motors!

At that time, this move could be said to be a sensation across the country, especially in the context of the era when Longguo was the first to get out of the quagmire of economic crisis. This acquisition case was written about by many media and became an instant hit.

However, ten years later, Ji Li did not get the results he wanted.

The acquired Wolwo Automobile is just one of the subsidiaries of the huge Wolwo Group. After the car business was divested, Wolwo still has many businesses such as trucks, construction machinery, and special 910 vehicles!

Even the headquarters and the most important core technology R&D center of the acquired Woerwo are still located in its home country. Geely has actually just bought the name of Woerwo in these years, but has not been able to acquire the various technologies that it covets. Got it!

Many Dragon Kingdom netizens even ridiculed that Ji Li spent money to raise children for others and became Volt's successor!

In today's luxury brand market, Ohrooh can only be regarded as a second-tier luxury brand, and many people have even excluded it from the ranks of luxury brands.

As for the "high-end brands" launched by other manufacturers in Longguo, they all failed. At present, the only domestic brand that can be considered a luxury brand is the long-established manufacturer "Hongqi". After all, it represents a national brand!

Today, Hongqi is no longer considered a luxury brand in the eyes of many people.

Hongqi is also very confused about its positioning. The price is inflated compared to other manufacturers, and its foundation and technology in various aspects are actually not as deep as the outside world thinks. In addition, many Hongqi car owners are middle-aged. Not very popular among the young market.

However, there are exceptions. For example, Luo Yang himself is the owner of Hongqi. The bulletproof Hongqi sedan, which cost millions of yuan to modify, often appears under the flashlights with him!

This is not just due to the consideration of promoting national brands. When Luo Yang was a child, the first car brand he knew about was not foreign cars, but Hongqi!

It can be regarded as fulfilling a childhood dream!

In particular, foreign factories and stores bully customers and behave very arrogantly. They treat domestic and foreign customers with two faces. Domestic reductions are called "energy absorption", and after-sales rights protection is difficult. For example, a certain brand independently recalled foreign vehicles with problems but ignored them. There are countless cases in China and so on!

In the field of luxury cars, Longguo needs a leader to stand up and compete with many foreign manufacturers with domineering styles!

Luo Yang hopes that domestic car owners can spend their money standing up!

The car owner buys a car, not a Zuying!

To sum up, this is the main reason why Luo Yang wants to position Beichen Auto as a luxury brand.

However, many senior executives said that the mid- to low-end electric vehicle market is also a big piece of cake. After all, in the fuel vehicle market, many manufacturers that once reached the top of the world's automobile hegemony spent most of their time on barrels, such as Dazhong and Feng. Tian and other manufacturers, and the best-selling products of these manufacturers are undoubtedly mid- to low-end cars that are priced lower than luxury brands!

Except for Benchi and Baoma, which have always maintained independent operations, most of the luxury brands, including Audi and other models, have gone bankrupt or been acquired, or are simply high-end brands hatched by several major manufacturers themselves. Only in this way can they be in the BBA Survive the siege.

After many discussions, Luo Yang finally made the final decision.

“The pie in the electric vehicle market is huge, and we can’t eat it all. If it looks too ugly, not only will our friends and businessmen be dissatisfied, but we will also have to consider anti-monopoly issues!

“After all, once the graphene battery comes out, there will be no rivals ahead!”

"In any industry or field, the emergence of a new technology will encounter strong counterattack from conservatives. After all, the cake is so big. The more we eat, the greater their losses will be!"

"Never underestimate your opponents. The conservatives led by the oil giants, whose influence in politics, economy, military and other aspects are all over the world, will inevitably launch a strong counterattack against us! What we have to do is to give up part of the low-end market appropriately. Come and give it to other friends. After all, there are many friends and there are many ways to go. We can't resist the fire of the oil giants as a family!

Luo Yang is thinking longer term.

"Everyone, don't forget that the ultimate source of this change is the graphene battery technology that is completely in our hands! Even if we give up the low-end market, we can still make money by selling graphene batteries and patent licensing fees! Got it With core technology, we have mastered the technical standards in the industry, and we still have the right to speak!"

After the dispute was over, Luo Yang felt very satisfied.

He is the absolute soul of Beichen Technology, but (aebe) the entire company cannot always revolve around him. From a long time ago, he has begun to gradually delegate power and train the company's core executives step by step. Faced with his decisions, he can It is a good sign to bravely express your opinions and debate with Luo Yang!

Gao Yunhai then continued.

Beichen Automobile is currently preparing to launch three series, namely the "Jueying" series of sedans focusing on business, the "Red Rabbit" series focusing on SUVs, and the "Feidian" series of coupes focusing on young people!"

Absolute shadow!

Red rabbit!

Flying electricity!

Three series dazzled everyone!

"Jueying, Red Rabbit, and Feidian are all famous horses in the history of the Three Kingdoms!"

"The previously submitted plan also included the names of several other series. Now it seems that the Mingjun series is the most suitable!"

"That's right, China has a history of five thousand years, and there are countless famous horses. Naming them not only shows the domestic car brands, but also promotes traditional culture. Behind these famous horses, almost all represent a piece of history!"

"Jueying and Feidian are both Cao Cao's mounts, and Red Rabbit is Lu Bu's mount. In the history of the Three Kingdoms alone, there are many famous horses such as Lu, Zhaoye Jade Lion, etc. In other eras, there are also Xiang Yu, the overlord of Western Chu. The Wuzhen Horse, Li Yuanba’s Wanli Yanyunzhao, and the Eight Horses of the Emperor... In the future, Beichen Motors can definitely build a huge series of famous horses!"

The more people discuss, the brighter their eyes shine!

Gao Yunhai is even more confident!

Among the many naming series proposals submitted by Beichen Automotive Planning Department, he finally chose the naming scheme of the Famous Horse Series. Not only were there many names to choose from, so there was no need to worry about naming shortages, but also because as a Chinese, there is a lot of passion hidden in the bones. !

After all, who hasn’t been young and passionate?

The young man yearns for the battlefield and longs to make achievements!

Shao Ai lives in seclusion in a boudoir, but he also loves heroes!

Many famous generals and heroes are familiar to most people. This is a huge advantage for Beichen Automobile, a new brand!

Luo Yang is also very satisfied with this.

"Very good, how about the price?"

Others also looked at Gao Yunhai.

"Among these three series, the Jueying and Chitu series both have B-class (medium-sized cars) and C-class (medium and large-sized cars). The starting price of the B-class Jueying is 350,000 yuan, and the B-class Chitu series The starting price is NT$450,000!”

"The Feidian series is aimed at young people. It mainly focuses on A-class compact models, which are divided into sports and comfortable models. They focus on young male and female users respectively. The overall benchmark is the Audi A3

Benchi A-class, Baoma 1 series, is an entry-level luxury car. "

"The overall design style is biased toward youth sports. In the words of domestic friends, it is a "light luxury coupe." After all, this concept is very popular among young people, such as a certain Leopard. "For example, in a certain domain... everyone understands it."

"In terms of price, considering the purchasing power of young people, the planning department finally gave a starting price of 220,000 to 250,000 yuan!"

"According to Longguo's current policy, electric vehicles with a cruising range of more than 400 kilometers can receive a subsidy of up to 50,000 yuan. After subsidy conversion, the entry prices of Jueying and Chitu are 300,000 and 400,000 respectively, while the Feidian series can be priced at The price is around 170,000-200,000, which is close to the pricing of mainstream luxury brands on the market.”

Regarding the final selling price, everyone present looked at each other and did not express any objection.

“I think this price is very reasonable!”

Several executives expressed their attitudes.

Jueying’s starting price of 350,000 yuan is the bottom line in everyone’s mind, and it is also the current mainstream concept’s threshold for luxury brands.

Most of the official guide prices of luxury brands such as BBA are at this price. Although there are no tram subsidies, most fuel vehicles can get certain discounts, and the final selling price is often less than or close to 300,000.

As for SUVs being more expensive, this is determined by the market situation in Longguo. Users in Longguo like to buy large-space vehicles, which has led to the sales of SUVs in China being very popular. For example, the famous Harbin has made a living by selling SUVs. This company has won the top sales of SUVs for more than ten consecutive years!

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