Rebirth: From Computer System to World Richest

Chapter 125 The Volatile Crude Oil Market! The Angry Shale Oil Giant!

Xiaoya reported the results.

Luo Yang understood it as soon as he heard it.

This is because they are worried that the private super charging station business will expand too much, which in turn will threaten the country.

In fact, the worry is not unreasonable. According to this plan, countless super charging stations will be established on the land of Longguo. Although most of the current charging stations are not large-scale and have no threat to the three barrels of oil, according to If Beichen Technology's plan goes forward, the super charging station will form an extremely huge force, and the country will certainly not allow it to grow wildly.

Assuming that Beichen Technology does not enter the market, a new charging station giant is likely to be born among the public!

Charging stations, like gas stations, are a sure-profit deal. In addition to the initial investment in land, charging piles and other equipment, approval procedures, etc., after that, they only require daily maintenance. Every time you charge, in addition to the basics handed over to the power grid expenses, the rest is net profit!

In addition, charging stations are distributed across the country, and the overall profit is still very considerable. In other words, this will be three barrels of oil in the new era!

Everyone knows that three barrels of oil is a hugely profitable industry.

If it were not for Three Barrels of Oil, it would also transform and upgrade the gas station into a charging station. I am afraid that the official required joint venture shareholding ratio would not be less than 51~%!

Such a huge business is controlled by private individuals, which is unique in the Dragon Kingdom!

Officials must have certain supervision measures!

Safety representatives and financial supervision are the back-up arranged by the official. In this way, there is no need to think about tax evasion or financial fraud. The finance is open and transparent. All localities and banks, as well as Beichen Technology, all know how much money they should share, eliminating the need for A lot of trouble!

Officials are naturally more familiar with connecting with various localities and ministries. After all, they often deal with the system!

For Luo Yang, with his current net worth, he will naturally not evade taxes. It can be said that this official move has given him no worries!

According to this final plan, charging stations will be divided into three categories. The first category is the transformation and upgrading of Three Barrel Oil, which is still a state-owned enterprise in essence. The second category is the charging stations jointly established by Beichen and various localities. The official has a part of the shares and has the right to supervise. , Beichen Technology still has the controlling rights and operating rights. The third category is private charging stations, including those established solely by Beichen Technology itself, as well as other private charging stations.

"That's it, send the plan and let me proceed according to the plan!"


Luo Yang does not intend to make any changes to this plan. This is already the result of a compromise between the official and Three Barrel Oil. The details will naturally be improved by the Beichen Charging Station team.

"As for the Beichen charging station, it will first be affiliated to Beichen Automobile's department. The person in charge will be temporarily held by Beichen Automobile's Vice President of Administration, Lao Zhao. Over time, I plan to adjust the company structure and reorganize. By then, Beichen Automobile will establish a separate automotive business group. !Charging stations and car flagship stores will all be integrated here!"

Luo Yang’s words revealed a big news!

Corporate Restructuring!

Lin Ya was not surprised. She had known about this plan for a long time, and she helped improve many details.

After the charging station plan was approved by the relevant departments, all the procedures were completed with the green light. The newly established Beichen Charging Station had already formed a large team in advance and went directly to all parts of the country with the perfected template contract. , negotiated with various places respectively!

At this time, more than ten days have passed since Beichen Technology launched a comprehensive publicity campaign!

Under the guidance of Beichen Technology, Aurora Search continues to attract news. The topics related to Beichen Automobile have not cooled down, but have become more and more popular. After all, in two days, the Beichen Technology press conference will be held!

At this time, Beichen Technology no longer strictly keeps confidentiality, but will disclose some non-critical information to the outside world every once in a while, and the walls of major flagship stores have also begun to be dismantled.

However, it is still not open to the public, and the cars in the store are also shrouded in black curtains.

Even so, there are still a large number of fans of Beichen Technology coming to check in outside the flagship store!

At the same time, the negotiation team of Beichen Charging Station was constantly photographed on the Internet, constantly entering and exiting compounds in various places. A lot of information continued to be exposed, and the topic about Beichen Automobile became more popular!

After Beichen Charging Station signed an agreement with the local government, although it could not be made public before the press conference in accordance with confidentiality requirements, countless gossips have already been revealed!

"Shocked! Beichen Technology spent hundreds of billions and is preparing to build super charging stations across the country!"

"Major good news! The upstream material supplier of charging piles revealed that Beichen Technology has placed a large number of orders, and the specific number is strictly confidential!"

"Visiting the flagship store of Beichen Technology, the unified new design language is full of strong technological style! Picture/Picture/"

Similar news is constantly flooding the hot searches and headlines!

During this period, the global stock market has been sluggish, and concept stocks in the automobile, battery and traditional energy industries have fallen again and again, with quite a momentum of plummeting!

The international crude oil price has reached its lowest ever, approaching the US$30/barrel mark!

This makes countless people feel like they are facing a powerful enemy!

After emergency discussions, in order to curb the plummeting oil prices, the major oil-producing countries in the European Union announced production cuts six days ago. Shatta, as the leader, was the first to announce a reduction in daily production capacity from 10 million barrels to 7 million barrels!

The excuse is also very vulgar. Saudi Arabia claims that the oil pipeline is old and needs maintenance and repair. It is estimated that the repair time may be as long as three months!

"Whether you believe it or not, we believe it anyway!"

The deputy minister of the country's Ministry of Petroleum had a look of disbelief and ended the press conference with a shrug!

The oil futures market responded at that time, and the plummeting crude oil price temporarily stabilized!

Several other major oil-producing countries in the Middle East also struck while the iron was hot and issued various announcements one after another. Some said there was a fire in the oil field, some said there was a rat in the house, some said that the camel was stolen... In short, there were all kinds of excuses, and then there were all kinds of announcements. Announcing production cuts!

Netizens who eat melon burst into laughter.

"Pfft, I know these people are too lazy to make excuses. Each one is worse than the last! I also lost my camel and my ants! Then I don't have to go to work?"

"The ants have been gone for ten years!/dog head"

"It's good to get used to it. Everyone is used to their routine anyway. Whether it's crude oil or memory, it's either a fire in the factory or a flood, it's either pipeline maintenance or an accidental explosion.

I’ve long been used to it!”

"I've thought about tomorrow's headlines for them. If the price of crude oil continues to fall, I will blow up the refinery! It's really like that!"

"Damn it, there is cheating upstairs. If this blows up the refinery, the loss will be at least tens of millions of dollars. If the explosion is not controlled well... bah bah bah, the scope of the accidental explosion is probably going to cost hundreds of millions of dollars!"

"I'm just thinking about one thing. How much will the two barrels of oil take advantage of this time to "slightly increase"? 8 cents? Or 1 yuan? Can the oil price of 92 break through 10 yuan? A dog's life is saved."

"Emmm, I feel like I'm not pure anymore. Are all actors in this world? Everyone is performing, but I'm the only one who stupidly thinks this is the truth!!!"

0…Please give me flowers…………

No matter how netizens eat melons, after all, it is the name of a person and the shadow of a tree. Under the lame excuses of the oil-producing countries, the entire European Union worked together and finally stabilized the price of crude oil, allowing it to climb back to the price of 40 US dollars!

At the same time, the League of Nations Energy Agency also officially issued a warning to the outside world.

"In recent times, due to certain human factors, international crude oil prices have fluctuated greatly. Relevant data shows that if the situation is allowed to worsen, it is likely to lead to a new round of energy crisis!"

The spokesman in a suit and leather shoes had a heavy expression on his face at this moment, and he was heartbroken.

"In the last century, we have experienced the horror of the energy crisis, and I don't think anyone wants to experience it again!"

"So we hereby strongly call on all countries to strengthen their strategic oil energy reserves in the near future to prevent the situation from deteriorating in the future and eventually leading to the fourth oil crisis!"

The content of the warning has caused many international experts to call for the strengthening of strategic reserves. The most direct manifestation is that the price of oil has once again risen to 42 US dollars per barrel!

At the same time, many international media changed their tune overnight, began to tout the strategic energy status of oil, and revived the past three oil crises.

It leaves many people confused!


The Department of Energy’s energy crisis theory, to put it bluntly, is just one sentence: it deceives everyone into buying oil quickly, and jointly raises the international crude oil price back up!


You said I received benefits from the oil giant?


I don't!


Stop talking nonsense!

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this is the action of the oil giants!

Not only the oil-producing countries, but also the major international oil giants no longer stood aside. As soon as the two sides took action, the international oil price was temporarily stabilized! But this was only temporary.

Because Beichen Automobile has not yet been officially released, it has already caused such a huge impact!

The major shale oil giants in the United States are very dissatisfied with this result and say it is simply unacceptable!

"We want milk, we want bread! We want higher oil prices!"

"Shale oil is the lifeblood of the United States, and we are qualified to demand a higher market share!"

"We must unite to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of American companies!"

Subsequently, several major shale oil giants began to jointly lobby the Black Palace. Out of frustration, the Black Palace had to send relevant teams to various major oil-producing countries, hoping that everyone could sit down together and share the fruits in good spirits!

To put it bluntly, we hope that all countries will further increase their share of production cuts and push the international crude oil price to a higher position, such as above 70 US dollars! The reason is also very simple. Only when this price is exceeded can the shale oil giants make money!

At the beginning of this century, after investing massive amounts of money, the United States finally conquered mature shale oil technology and became one of the world's largest oil exporters!

Because technology and equipment costs are very high, the cost of shale oil extraction is as high as 40-45 US dollars per barrel! And its final operating cost is as high as 65-70 US dollars per barrel, not counting freight!

This is precisely the case. With the international crude oil price fluctuating within 40-50 US dollars in the past two years, most of the shale oil wells in the United States have stopped production!

It can be said that for every barrel mined, 25-30 US dollars will be paid!

It’s like a loss to grandma’s house!

If it were not for the consideration of strategic reserves, the US government has been providing subsidies to shale oil manufacturers, these giants would have left the market long ago!

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