Rebirth: From Computer System to World Richest

Chapter 128 The Stunning Debut Of Beichen Automobile! It Caused A Sensation All Over The Internet!

"Having said so much, everyone must have understood the huge harm caused by carbon emissions!"

Everyone present nodded.

The leaders and many business tycoons in the first few rows all had strange expressions and suppressed smiles. They were all too familiar with Luo Yang's fear-mongering behavior, but they just didn't say anything when they saw through it!

After all, they are all old people, and these methods are no longer new!

But for ordinary people, it’s still a good thing!

"Currently, all countries have realized the dangers of excessive carbon emissions and have introduced various policies to control them. For example, the carbon emission indicators of various countries that you most often hear are the products of relevant policies!"

"As a representative industry in the industrial era, the automobile industry has always been an important problem in carbon emission control. At present, the number of automobiles in the world has exceeded 1 billion, and the vast majority of them are fuel vehicles. Taking a certain country as an example, only exhaust emissions Emissions alone account for half of its carbon emission indicators!”

Everyone present nodded.

Everyone is in the industry and is no stranger to these data!

A leader sitting in the front row couldn't help but say.

"Mr. Luo is right. According to data from relevant departments, automobile exhaust alone accounts for 52% of the United States' carbon emission indicators this year! It will even be higher! As a global automobile country, Caiguo is in this area It’s really far ahead of the rest of the world!”

"Yes! After all, the per capita car ownership in the United States is too high!"

Another accompanying leader agreed.

Judging from the current data released by various countries, Longguo’s current national car ownership has exceeded 300 million vehicles! It has surpassed the 260 million vehicles in the United States, ranking first in the world!

Judging from this situation, the pressure on Longguo’s carbon emission indicators is also very high!

But in fact, due to the gap between the total population and per capita car ownership, vehicle exhaust emissions actually account for only 7.6% of Longguo’s carbon emission indicators, and the pressure is far lower than that of cars!

After all, the total population of the Dragon Kingdom has exceeded 1.4 billion, while the United States only has 330 million people!

"Think about it, everyone, there are more than 1 billion fuel vehicles driving on the road every day, emitting exhaust fumes non-stop!"

"As time passes, the greenhouse effect and sea level rise will become more severe. It is not only polar bears that will be affected by this change, but more and more species will be threatened!"

"So it is urgent to control vehicle exhaust emissions!"

In the European and American markets, environmental protection and green concepts have been advocated in recent years. The reason why Luo Yang has repeatedly emphasized the protection of polar bears and their living environment is naturally to open up the European and American markets!

Although Luo Yang did not plan to sell abroad in the early stage, this did not prevent him from brainwashing in advance!

"Luo Yang: Environmental protection girls, it's time for you to donate money to protect the environment! Come on!/Smiley face"

Feeling that the heat is almost there, Luo Yang officially entered the topic.

"In the global environment of restricting carbon emissions, fuel vehicles obviously have no future! The future is the era of new energy vehicles!"

"As a responsible high-tech company, we at Beichen Technology have the obligation and confidence to make our own contribution to the global environmental protection cause!"

"It is precisely because of this concept that we have officially entered the field of automobile manufacturing. We hope to use our world-leading graphene technology to contribute to the new energy automobile industry***!"

“After all, protecting the environment is everyone’s responsibility!”

Luo Yang had a duty-bound expression. At this moment, he seemed to be the embodiment of justice!

Standing on the stage, he could see several leaders in the front row looking strange. Mr. Ren and several other CEOs looked at each other and couldn't help but cough a few times.

"Ahem, I'm getting older and I'm not that shameless!"

On the contrary, Mr. Yu, who was sitting next to Mr. Ren, and Rebus on the other side, both had expressions of approval at this moment!

Both of them are good at talking, and Mr. Yu is known as a big talker. He often makes many shocking remarks. Luo Yang's words really scratch their hearts when they hear them!

"Yes, Mr. Luo's rhetoric is very interesting. I should use it sometime! By then, Warwick can also become the embodiment of environmental protection!"

Mr. Yu looked at Luo Yang with burning eyes!

“Now let’s introduce our Beichen car!”

The noise at the scene has weakened a lot, and everyone is now in high spirits!

As the lights on the scene came on and the live music sounded, a blue coupe drove in from the background!

"Whoa whoa!"

People at the scene exclaimed!

“What a beautiful car!”

This is the sports version of the Feidian series. The blue body adopts a streamlined design and the lines are very stretched. It vividly explains to everyone what a "coupe" is!

And right behind it is the second fiery red flying electric vehicle!

Compared with the sports version, the comfort version's main customers are young women, the car lines are softer, and the details of the car take more care of the needs of female users. Generally speaking, car manufacturers rarely launch separate series specifically for female users. After all, female drivers are often a legend.

But Luo Yang will definitely not let this go!

Female driver?

The driverless system launched by Beichen Technology will make the term female driver a thing of the past!

As the pink flying car from behind drove in, many women's eyes lit up on the spot! Many people screamed!

"Oh my god! There is actually a pink coupe! I really love this color scheme! Ahhh! I really want to drive it home!"

"Oh my god! Mr. Luo really understands our girls' thoughts! This pink color is so beautiful!"

"In Mr. Luo's heart, there is a little Gongju living in Riding!"

The hearts of countless female viewers who watched the live broadcast were directly captured by the pink and red coupes!

After all, as we all know, women never look at the so-called configuration and cost-effectiveness when buying things. What they buy may not necessarily be the most expensive, but it must be the best-looking!!!

The popularity of the major live broadcast rooms exploded on the spot!

The male audience was also in a carnival mood at this moment!

"This blue coupe is so beautiful! I guess it's an A-class car. Regardless of the configuration, the appearance really suits my taste. It's handsome and classy!"

"Hey, I think the pink model suits me very well! Boys should wear princess pink!"

"Hiss! A lady dressed in cross-dressing appears in the live broadcast room!"

"Holy shit! Look, there's a Darth Vader model at the back! This low-key matte black color just hits my G. spot! Isn't this the real-life version of the Batmobile! The shape is so handsome. !"

"In terms of industrial design and color matching, Beichen Technology really did not disappoint me! It looks great!"

"Made, as long as this car has reasonable configuration, I will definitely buy it on the spot! I just don't know how much it will cost. It looks like it won't be cheap!"

"I guess it should start with 20 W? But so what if it's more expensive? This time I just want to take out a loan, even if it's a loan! After all, this is a graphene car, even if it's used for collection or waiting for appreciation in the future. sure!"

There are people in the background who are always watching the trends on the Internet and reporting to Luo Yang through earphones at any time.

Luo Yang smiled.

The design team did not disappoint!

Following closely behind the Feidian series is the "Jueying" series of business sedans, which are mainly targeted at middle-aged customers. This immediately made many middle-aged customers who were not interested in Feidian look brighter!

"Hey, this one should be a business series sedan! The benchmark should be BBA!" Mr. BOE's eyes immediately lit up!

As a middle-aged man, he doesn't like to be too high-profile, so a low-key and connotative business car like Jueying immediately interested him!

"Ahem, actually I quite like that black coupe!"

Rebus coughed a few times and expressed different opinions.

I am still young!

You can still swim!

Several business tycoons looked at each other and smiled.

Everyone has their own interests. For example, Mr. Ren is not interested in either.

At this moment, the eyes of several leaders present lit up!

At present, domestic official cars are no longer limited to Dazhong and Audi series, but their influence remains undiminished, and many official cars are still accustomed to ordering these two models!

Being low-key is a must.

The Jueying series sedans are very grand in terms of appearance alone. Unlike Mercedes-Benz, which has an aura of "~I am a nouveau riche" wherever it goes, the Jueying series looks very low-key, but it is well-done in many details. very beautiful!

"The car feels very good, but I don't know what the price is? If it meets the procurement standards, maybe we can consider letting the ministry purchase one of this model?"

The leaders present took action.

This model perfectly meets the requirements of a business car!

Everyone has realized at this moment that Beichen Automobile should take the mid-to-high-end route. A car with this design style cannot be priced below 100,000 yuan!

At the same time, the Red Rabbit series SUV that is responsible for the finale also officially debuts!

With its wide body, tall chassis, and the same design style as the Jueying series, the Chitu SUV immediately caught the attention of many SUV enthusiasts!

"Oh! This SUV looks good! The big wheels and the body lines are in line with my taste! The white model is youthful, while the black model is stable. It feels really great!"

"Huh? This car......"

Mr. Ren, who was originally watching the excitement, was attracted by this SUV!

He had served in the military when he was young and was more interested in such big cars!

"Hahaha! It turns out that Mr. Ren likes this one! It seems that its prestige is still the same as before!"

Several business leaders joked with each other, especially Rebus, who thought Mr. Ren didn't like cars!

"It's all in the past. Actually, there's nothing to talk about. When I was driving in the army, I liked cars with high chassis and good passability. At that time, what I wanted to drive most was the base model!"

Everyone expressed understanding.

In that era, there were too few cars in China, and as a J-party car, Kip naturally became the expectation of a generation! (De Nuo Hao)

"Actually, I prefer to drive a hard-core off-road vehicle designed by Longguo itself. After all, Kip is from the United States. In this regard, the Tanque 500 is actually not bad. It would be great if Beichen Automobile could also launch one."

Mr. Ren expressed his opinion.

He didn't know that Beichen Motors was already designing hard-core off-road vehicles! Sooner or later, the Wuzui series off-road vehicles would appear in front of everyone and make their public debut!

With the collective debut of the three major series of models, the scene ushered in a climax!

All the media couldn't wait to set up their cameras and immediately sent back photos and reports to the headquarters! Many users who watched the live broadcast couldn't wait at this moment, and suddenly had the urge to queue up at the Beichen Automobile flagship store!

"It seems that there are many people with foresight. These people are now queuing up outside the flagship store to be able to touch the car immediately after the press conference! Maybe they can even test drive it! To be honest, I regret not going. There’s a queue! People are at work and can’t leave!”

Some netizens launched a barrage with a sour tone and envy.

"Haha, I made the right bet this time! After all, Beichen Technology has always been an industry disruptor. Without enough trump cards, it will never easily enter a new industry! We are at the entrance of the flagship store, and now the staff has begun to issue numbers. There are too many people at the venue, so you need to get a number to get in!”

"What a pity. We are not the provincial capital here. If you want to go to the flagship store, you have to drive for two hours! Alas!"

It can be said that the three major series of Beichen Automobile got off to a good start as soon as they debuted!

The kind that is so red that it explodes!

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