Rebirth: From Computer System to World Richest

Chapter 131 From This Moment On, The World Is Changed By One Person!

Although the two of them have been explaining (arguing), everyone has an expression of "you don't have to say it, everyone understands", which makes Mr. Wang and Mr. Zeng feel like they have a thorn in their backs! They feel like they have a lump in their throats! They feel like they are sitting on pins and needles!

And.........a hint of coolness!

"Haha, no need to explain, everyone understands!"

"Ahem, cough, cough, everyone is a thousand-year-old fox, why are you still playing with me?"

"Lao Wang, Lao Zeng, you two look thick and big-eyed, but you are not honest at all! Next time something like this happens... cough cough cough, remember to take me with you!"

Everyone's words were filled with jealousy!

Yes, they are jealous!

After Rebus teased him, he quietly made a calculation in his mind.

“In the past six months, power battery manufacturers in Europe, the United States, Neon, Bangzi and other countries have been in a worrying situation. Although I don’t know when BYD and Ningde Times started to enter the market, even if it is only a month, It’s enough for them to make a big profit..."

"This wave of windfall is probably no less than billions! In addition, Mr. Luo is acting as the mastermind behind the scenes. Judging from Beichen Technology's huge cash flow, it is not impossible for the net profit to exceed tens of billions!"


Rebus couldn't help but take a breath of cold air!

The wealth is so touching that he is really jealous at this moment!

Even though rice is already on the market, its net profit is not high compared to its peers in the industry. After all, rice is based on its cost-effectiveness, and it has been trying to find ways to reduce costs in all aspects. Rebus once even boasted that rice The company's net hardware profit will never exceed 5%!

Of course, just listen to this kind of assurance and don’t take it seriously!

Although it is not the end of the year yet, according to analysis of the third quarter financial report, Rice's net profit this year should not be less than 20 billion dragon yuan, which is approximately equivalent to 4 billion U.S. dollars at the current exchange rate!

"Gan! Comparing people to each other is so irritating!"

Rebus was filled with envy, jealousy and hatred!

The majority of the profits from this wave of short-selling operations must belong to the main initiators Luo Yang and Beichen Technology, while BYD and Ningde Times just followed behind to drink soup, but even so

The profits from both should also be in hundreds of millions!

This is the benefit of following your big brother!

Compared with Da Mi, whose hardware business is mainly engaged in mobile phones and small home appliances, BYD and Ningde Times, as leaders in the Longguo battery industry, are obviously much more important to Beichen Technology!

Why are more and more companies now falling into the Beichen Technology camp?

In addition to the general trend, being able to follow Beichen Technology and become popular is the most important thing!

"Mr. Wang, Mr. Zeng, with this wave of support, I, Rebus, would like to call you the strongest!"

Not only Rebus, but all the business tycoons present also came to their senses at this moment. Looking at Mr. Wang and Mr. Zeng who still refused to "please plead guilty", they were joking, but they had mixed feelings in their hearts!

Mr. Luo! We also want to hug you!

"Ahem, cough, cough, in short, in order to solve these problems, Beichen Technology has spent a lot of manpower and material resources. After a difficult and long technical research, we finally successfully overcome this series of problems!"

“I hereby officially announce that the newly upgraded second-generation graphene power battery module, officially codenamed A190, has achieved large-scale mass production. At the same time, we have reduced its manufacturing cost to the point where it can be commercially popularized on a large scale. !This means that the A190 has reached commercial level!”

“All Beichen cars have adopted A190 battery modules!!!”

As Luo Yang officially announced the answer, the scene and the Internet suddenly fell into crazy discussions, and at the same time, the death knell of the global battery industry was officially sounded!

"Haha, I knew Mr. Luo would not let us down! New energy vehicles, no! It should be said that the spring of graphene vehicles has finally arrived!"

"Beichen Technology: It takes several years to sharpen a sword, but once it is finally unsheathed, we will have no opponent ahead of us!"

"This press conference did not disappoint me. After waiting for so long, I finally got the most important information! Graphene batteries, I don’t know what kind of data the final battery life can achieve!"

"Personally, I think it should be able to surpass gas vehicles. Taking the standard volume of 50L as an example, the range of ordinary small fuel vehicles is about 400-500 kilometers. The longest range of electric vehicles on the market has exceeded 700 kilometers. Of course, this is watertight. Yes, the actual battery life is only about 400 kilometers. If you turn on the air conditioner, the battery life will be reduced by almost one-third, or even more! If you add low temperatures, emmm, everyone knows it!"

"God bless! The evil fuel vehicles have been poisoning the earth for more than a century! The emergence of graphene batteries will completely sweep them into dust! Those oil giants and automobile giants that caused the greenhouse effect will all fall into hell! - ——Member of an environmental protection organization from a European country.

"Damn it! Do foreigners speak so forcefully? The brains of these environmentalists seem to be a bit..."

"Those upstairs should watch the news more and you will know what kind of people these environmentalists are! They do all kinds of stupid things, including splashing paint on world-famous paintings, smashing cars, puncturing tires, and even doing body art... .......cough cough cough!"

"Wait a minute! Is this body art serious? I won't look at anything that's not serious!/dog head.jpg"

Countless barrages passed through the live broadcast room!

This technology event is global in scope. Users from all over the world continue to speak enthusiastically, and it has also attracted many environmental organizations!

While the topic continues to twist and turn, Tela, Songxia, GL, Sansang...these multinational giants who have been tricked again and again by Luo Yang finally heard the news they least wanted to hear!

The Sword of Damocles, which had been hanging overhead, finally fell!

"Sure enough! The guess came true!"

Musk, who was paying attention to the press conference the whole time, was shocked all over!

"Luo Yang is indeed my biggest opponent!"

Although the worst outcome has occurred, Musk feels a little more relaxed at the moment. At least he no longer has to waste unnecessary time guessing and testing Beichen Technology's back-up plan!

At this moment, countless people around the world looked at Luo Yang as if they wanted to kill someone!

Immediately, Luo Yang officially disclosed the detailed data of the second-generation power battery module!

"As a mature commercial battery, A190 has surpassed the first-generation A180 in all aspects of its performance, while improving all aspects of its shortcomings!"

"Considering cost and product positioning issues, we have graded the A190 in more detail, from 0 to 9, with each higher number representing a more powerful battery life! Take the entry-level A190, which is placed in an A-class On a car, its standard cruising range is 600 kilometers. If you drive in winter with the air conditioner turned on all the way, taking 26 degrees Celsius as an example, plus the impact of low temperature and other factors on the battery, the actual cruising range of the A190 is 450-500 kilometers!"

"As for the higher-level A191, the maximum standard cruising range has been increased by 100 kilometers. By analogy, the standard cruising range of the A199 battery module with the largest number has reached a terrifying 1,500 kilometers! Even after the air conditioning is turned on in winter, the actual cruising range is It has reached 1150-1200 kilometers! For this data, we have gone through many rounds of testing!”

Battery life 1500 kilometers!!!

After this number was announced, the whole place fell into silence! The only sound that could be heard was the rapid breathing of everyone!

At this moment, many viewers who were watching the live broadcast felt their scalps numb! The barrage in the live broadcast room also stopped for a moment!


After being stunned for a moment, the whole audience was shocked!

"Shet! I must have heard wrong. 1,500 kilometers of battery life? This is simply impossible! Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

"Hiss! I don't know why, but I have goosebumps all over my body, and now I have an urge to vomit and feel unhappy! I just want to say one thing - Mr. Luo Liubu!!! (Broken)

"Brothers, it seems that the idea of ​​​​the owner of this up is still too conservative. I thought Beichen Technology could break through 1,000 at most, but I didn't expect the actual data to be even more terrifying than this! The standard battery life of 1,500 kilometers is not for fuel vehicles. A little way to survive!!! With this data [I will ask who else! Those who badmouthed Beichen Technology before the press conference are all screwed!"

"Look at the scene, the big guys in the front row also have expressions of disbelief! Mr. Ren and the others were stunned!"

"Dear me, 1,500 kilometers. According to conventional data, this is almost three times the range of an A-class fuel vehicle! This data completely sweeps all new energy vehicles in the world! Not to mention Tesla, even if it takes the world's Electric car manufacturers cannot survive even if they are tied together! Beichen Motors YYDS!!!” 2.5

Although it is known that graphene battery modules can greatly increase battery life, the 1,500 kilometers data is really amazing!

This is not one of those car manufacturers on the market that makes false claims. The one who announced this number is Beichen Technology, which has attracted global attention!

To this day, Beichen Technology has never experienced data fraud!

Everyone can understand the meaning behind this!

The scene erupted into extremely warm applause!


The audience could no longer sit still at this moment, and they all stood up and gave warm applause! At this moment, everyone went crazy!

This will be a moment remembered in history!

No one doubts that today’s press conference will become an important turning point in the history of human science and technology!

Maybe in future textbooks, such a paragraph will be written...

"In the year 202X, a technology conference from the Dragon Kingdom directly set off a technological revolution on a global scale! A huge earthquake occurred in the energy industry! This can be said to be the most colorful event in the fourth industrial revolution. A sum of money!"

"From this moment on, the world is changed by one person!".

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