Rebirth: From Computer System to World Richest

Chapter 141 First-Day Sales Of 2.5 Billion! The Highlight Moment Of Wanwan Huangniu!

Of course, just because the sales on the first day were so amazing does not mean that the daily sales will be so high in the future. After all, it is due to the popularity of the press conference. After the popularity cools down, the sales will gradually decrease and eventually stay at a relatively stable position.

The automobile industry is similar to other industries. It has off-season and peak season. When it is popular, it is natural to be happy, but during the off-season, the monthly sales volume cannot even exceed 10,000!

For example, during the off-season period in January this year, Tesla’s monthly sales were even less than 2,000 vehicles!

Except for mid-to-low-end cars, which rely on profit sharing between manufacturers and 4S stores and the continuous launch of new models, they follow the route of small profits but quick turnover, and thus firmly maintain their position as the car sales champion, the sales volume of luxury brands are actually It’s not too high!

Of course, the profits between the two are also hugely different!

Now Beichen Auto's sales and reputation are booming, and many scalpers have already tasted the benefits. Before the press conference, they made a big bet that Beichen Auto would be a hit, and then raised a large amount of funds through various channels to contract. Most cars in Hong Kong Island store!

So much so that the Hong Kong Island store only opened sales in the morning, and all the existing cars were sold out!

"Damn scalpers!!!"

The Mediterranean sighed!

Apart from being annoyed, there is also deep jealousy in my heart!

As a capital market, Hong Kong Island has always been fond of chasing huge profits, whether it is stock trading or scalping, it is a mystery!

Although Beichen Technology restricts scalpers in various ways, as the saying goes, there are policies from above and countermeasures from below. "610", the scalpers have already contacted many buyers, and directly increased the price to purchase Beichen cars after getting them. The final sales location , naturally it is the overseas markets that countless countries are looking forward to!

Europe, America, Asia-Pacific and other places are all places to make money!

As long as the car can be transported, the difference in price can not only make back the cost and freight, but also make money!

If Beichen Technology had not launched spot sales, the major scalpers and international hot money would have had to speculate in futures!

In order to take care of users' emotions, offline channels are put on sale first over online channels, 7 hours in advance, and will not close until dark!

With the arrival of night, considering safety issues, Beichen Automobile's major stores no longer open test drive qualifications, but you can still pay directly to pick up the car!

Of course, because the vehicle management offices in various places are already off work at this time, the car cannot be driven away directly. It can only continue to be stored in the garage of the flagship store for one night, and it can only go on the road after the temporary license plate is obtained the next day!

Of course, there were also anxious customers who directly called trucks to transport their cars home!

As long as you don't drive on the road, it doesn't matter if you don't have a temporary license plate in the countryside or an open test venue. Major car manufacturers, car media platforms, third-party testing agencies, including various car reviewers, car bloggers, etc. also used various means to obtain existing cars and conduct car tests immediately!

Crash test, elk test, linear acceleration test...

Except for some projects that are not suitable for night time, all common car test projects must be arranged!

As the time comes into the early morning, after the hour hand points to 0 o'clock, the online channel is officially on sale!

Beichen Automobile's unannounced first-day sales data has also made countless people look forward to it!

"I don't know how Beichen Automobile's sales will be on the first day. It should exceed 1,000 units, right?"

"I don't think a thousand cars is a big problem! Even though the flagship store only opened in the afternoon, I saw with my own eyes that more than 40 cars were sold! Thirty-six stores

A simple calculation can break through a thousand vehicles!"

"This data is already amazing, okay! Offline stores have only been open for sales for 7 hours, and the sales volume of cars exceeded 1,000 in 7 hours. What is there to be dissatisfied about?"

"The online channel will be opened soon. I don't know what the result will be."

"My personal prediction is that the daily sales volume of online channels should not exceed 100 vehicles! Generally speaking, there are relatively few users who directly buy a car in full online. After all, it costs hundreds of thousands. You must have a personal test drive experience before you consider purchasing a car. A car owner, even if it’s Beichen Auto, can’t just talk empty talk and just let the majority of users pay for it!”

"This is not necessarily true! After all, it is Beichen Technology! A great existence that frequently creates miracles and breaks the impossible many times!"

Amidst the heated discussions, sales channels are opened!

Many people refreshed the page immediately!

First batch of car inventory: 5,000 vehicles!

The number of 5,000 vehicles made many people nod with satisfaction.

Compared with several major domestic electric car manufacturers who are struggling every day, the first batch of 5,000 vehicles in stock means that Beichen Technology's production capacity has begun to officially operate, and then there will be a second batch and a third batch. You must know that the original Tesla , it is only after years of hard work that we have increased our production capacity!

Five seconds passed, and many people refreshed the interface again.

The first batch of car inventory: 4998 vehicles!


Many people’s eyelids jumped!

This is only 5 seconds!

We have already sold two of them. Are these two tentacle monsters?

Cars are different from mobile phones. When placing an order, you not only have to choose various configurations, but also insurance, etc. Although you can choose before the sale and pay directly after 0 o'clock, but that's hundreds of thousands!

In 5 seconds, the disabled person didn’t even open the payment page!

20 seconds pass, refresh the page again!

The first batch of car inventory: 4960 vehicles!

In just 20 seconds, 40 cars were sold!

Countless people gasped!

too crazy!!!

One minute later, the remaining inventory number became 4893 vehicles!!!

The numbers that are constantly decreasing by leaps and bounds have made countless people red-eyed! Major social platforms and forums immediately exploded!

"The brother who previously predicted that sales will not exceed 100 units on the first day, please stand up and get beaten!"

"This is so shocking! 107 cars were sold in one minute, and we still paid in full... I'm so jealous!!!"

"Brothers, calm down. This wave of sales should be related to the press conference. When the popularity subsides, sales will definitely drop!"

It’s not just the melon-eating people who have been waiting in front of the computer. In the headquarters of Beichen Technology, Luo Yang and the senior executives of Beichen Technology did not go home to rest. While waiting for the first-day sales report,

Also paying attention to the numbers in the background!

"Haha! Online sales exceeded 300 vehicles in 5 minutes! This number broke the industry record!"

Gao Yunhai, who had always been worried, laughed heartily and was completely relieved!

"There is no doubt that Beichen Automobile has succeeded!"


"This is a good start! Beichen Technology has another flagship product! From today on, we can also be regarded as a well-known automobile manufacturer! Haha!"

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief!

As the president of Beichen Automobile, Gao Yunhai is naturally the most high-spirited one at the moment!

"Mr. Luo, I have not discredited Beichen Technology!"

"Lao Gao, you have worked hard during this time!"

Luo Yang took the lead in applauding and congratulated Gao Yunhai!

During this period, Gao Yunhai was under considerable pressure. He was upgrading and improving the super factory, building super charging stations, and crazy-expanding production capacity. For this reason, Beichen Technology spent more than 200 billion. If With sales so low, Beichen Technology may become the biggest joke this year!

But Beichen Technology succeeded!

The declining inventory figures of online sales channels are the best answer!

At this time, the market statistics department also released a summary report from 36 stores across the country!


This is the sales data of offline channels in just 7 hours!

Cumulative sales reached RMB 2.5 billion!

This is shocking and crazy data!

The scene was silent for a moment, and then a huge cheer broke out!

"Haha, we succeeded!"

"Long live Mr. Luo! Long live Beichen Technology! Long live Beichen Automobile!"

"This data is really crazy. The sales volume in 7 hours has exceeded the monthly sales of most car manufacturers! Once this data is released, I will see who dares to look at it!"

"If we follow this figure, sales this month will probably exceed 240,000 units! This achievement is absolutely unprecedented and unprecedented!"

The entire Beichen Technology was shocked by this data!

This number is really amazing!

Taking the sales list of a certain car home as a standard, you can see how terrifying this number is!

Among the luxury brands last month, Tesla’s monthly sales were 70,000, Audi’s monthly sales were 53,000, Benchi’s monthly sales were 51,000, and Baoma’s monthly sales were 49,000. As for other second- and third-tier luxury brands, many did not exceed 2 Ten thousand!

There are only two cars with sales exceeding 200,000, Dazhong and BYAT! All of them are mid- to low-end brand cars!

When Gao Yunhai received this report, his hands trembled with excitement...

"The daily sales volume is 8,300 vehicles within 7 hours. If it were switched to 24 hours, I'm afraid it could double again! By then, the monthly sales would be at least 400,000 vehicles!"

"You see, the sales of most stores are relatively close. The daily sales of stores in mainland China are about 200 vehicles, but in the Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan markets, they all far exceed this number! In just one afternoon, The flagship store on Hong Kong Island has sold more than 1,000 cars! Not only has the first batch of inventory been sold out, but there are also more than 200 full-price orders!"

Hong Kong Island?

Sales of 1,000 vehicles per day?

This sales is five times that of mainland stores!!!

But everyone quickly came to their senses.

"The first batch of inventory has all been sold out... I'm afraid it's not scalpers who are hoarding the goods! Who else has the ability to eat so much goods at once except scalpers?"

Sure enough, Zheng He, president of the Asia-Pacific region, sent a message through the meeting video, confirming everyone's suspicions.

"Mr. Luo, among the first batch of goods allocated by the headquarters to the Hong Kong Island store, there are 400 Feidians, 300 Jueyings, and 300 Red Rabbits. Originally, the marketing department and I thought that these thousand cars could last for several days. , the results were all sold out in just one morning! The sales of this store alone reached 400 million Hong Kong dollars!"

"Not only that, the 500 vehicles allocated to Okushima have also been sold out!"

"According to the investigation of the marketing department, the ones who shopped for goods were local scalpers from Hong Kong Island and Oshima. They raised a large amount of funds before the press conference and started buying goods like crazy after the sale started!"

"And what I didn't expect was that apart from the 5.0 stores on Hong Kong Island, Wanwan ranks second in sales! Okushima ranks third!"

Luo Yang raised his eyebrows.


At the other end of the video, Zheng He nodded.

"Yes, since Wanwan Semiconductor joined the Longguo Semiconductor Alliance, the Wanwan market has also been conquered by us! After all, the Wanwan area has a population of more than 20 million, and its purchasing power is no lower than that of Hong Kong Island! This time Beichen Automobile is in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan It was launched at the same time. Taking into account the long distance, the headquarters allocated a total of 2,000 units to the Wanwan flagship store in the first batch, and more than 800 units have been sold so far!"

Zheng He then had a strange expression.

"In addition, according to the reaction of the market research department, some scalpers from Hong Kong Island and Austrian Island swept away the car inventory in Hong Kong and Austrian Islands, and then took a plane directly to Wanwan to continue scanning the goods! For this reason, there was a stir in the Wanwan area. It is said that the local scalpers in Wanwan started the incident. They believed that the scalpers in Hong Kong and Austria had crossed the line to steal food...

This news shocked everyone present.

Taking action?

These scalpers are very brave!

The scalpers themselves are not monolithic. Some are divided according to regions, and some are divided according to connections and organizations. In the past, because Beichen Technology did not get involved in the Wanwan market, Wanwan scalpers could not make money, so compared to those who made a lot of money. For scalpers in Hong Kong, they have never had any sense of existence!

However, this time is different. For the first time, the Wan area has enjoyed the treatment of Hong Kong Island!

Ever since, this weird scene happened!

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