Rebirth: From Computer System to World Richest

Chapter 156 The Electromagnetic Catapult Is On Board! Speculation Caused By New Aircraft Carrier!

"Haha, this matter should come to light!"

Luo Yang raises a glass to celebrate!

This news is even more important than the previous two!

The main body of Longguo's new aircraft carrier has been built a long time ago. What is currently being done is loading other equipment, and the electromagnetic catapult is one of them!

It is also the most important point!

"Graphene batteries and flywheel energy storage technologies each have their own merits, but overall, graphene batteries have greater advantages and are more popular, and the most important thing is that the manufacturing cost will be lower and lower!"

"After the electromagnetic catapult is put on the ship this time, the last important module of the aircraft carrier will be completed. It is expected that the new aircraft carrier will be officially launched in more than a month!"

Ouyang Ming seemed to have let something slip.

Luo Yang's ears were very sharp, and he was shocked and said: "Is the aircraft carrier about to be launched into the water?"

"Ahem, keep it secret, keep it secret."

"This matter, in fact, is no longer a secret internally, but it is not suitable for the outside world to know yet, and we also have to buy ten minutes for the comrades in the War Ignorance Bureau. Ouyang Ming said in a low voice.

"Understood, is there any news that I can get access to?"

"Well, let me think about it... I don't know the specific data of the new aircraft carrier, but there are several versions in the ministry. A more reliable statement is that the new aircraft carrier has a displacement of 8,923,000 tons. Using electromagnetic ejection and conventional power."

"The other version is more exaggerated. It is said that the full load displacement has reached 100,000 tons! It is directly on the same level as the "Nimitz-class" aircraft carrier of the United States! It also uses nuclear power and electromagnetic ejection!"

"I personally prefer the first version. Compared with nuclear power, we are currently more suitable to equip conventional power. After all, the navy must give priority to local defense! Lao Mi's Seventh Fleet is provoking at the door every day. Our three major fleets At least a dual aircraft carrier formation is enough!"

"The cost of a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier is almost the same as the price of two previous-generation conventionally powered aircraft carriers. From this point of view, there is a high probability that the new aircraft carrier will be conventionally powered!"

"In this way, each of the three major fleets will have one conventionally powered aircraft carrier, and when the second aircraft carrier is commissioned, they can use nuclear power!"

Sure enough, Ouyang Ming drank too much and spoke a little loudly. Luo Yang couldn't help but feel excited while listening to his story!

The new aircraft carrier is about to be launched!

Taizu said that if you fall behind, you will be beaten. When the Dragon Kingdom was completely impoverished, Nuo Da's territorial waters could only rely on the four kings to defend the country. Facing the aircraft carrier formations that repeatedly provoked them at home, it can be said that they were very greedy!

When will our Dragon Kingdom have an aircraft carrier!!!

This is the voice of the older generation of navy!

This is also the voice of many ordinary people!

Luo Yang still remembers a report that in the 1980s, when the Dragon Navy was invited to the United States to visit the Forrest aircraft carrier, they were asked by the United States to only look at it from a distance and not touch or touch it!

The old general stood on tiptoe and just wanted to see a few more photos of the aircraft carrier, which made Luo Yang feel very sad!

Forty years have passed in the blink of an eye, and the data and advanced level of the new aircraft carrier that Dragon Kingdom is about to launch have completely surpassed the Forrest-class aircraft carrier that the old general visited back then!

It's a pity that this person has passed away!


Luo Yang came back to his senses after a moment and suddenly discovered a problem.

"In these two rumors, one has a displacement of more than 80,000 tons and the other has a displacement of 100,000 tons. So how much is left over from the 80,000 tons? Is it 20,000 tons?

Ouyang Ming was stunned by Luo Yang's question. He had also discussed this issue with his colleagues in the ministry, but there was no answer!

"I have cooperated with comrades from the War Ignorance Bureau. Judging from the consistent style of our army, there is something fishy about these more than 80,000 tons!"

"Look, a certain rocket launcher we exported back then had a standard range of 480 kilometers, but weapons all have errors. If buyers don't use them according to the instructions, the maximum error can reach 1,700 kilometers!"

"Look what's going on!"

"The technology of our Dragon Kingdom is still far behind that of the United States, so we have to keep working hard!"

Ouyang Ming directly mentioned the example of a certain rocket launcher.

"According to this style, the technical level gap between our Longguo and Laomi is so big, so when designing the aircraft carrier's displacement, it is normal for the indicator to accidentally go wrong! Anyway, the surplus of 5,000 tons is also a surplus, and the surplus of 20,000 tons is also a surplus. , if you’re not careful, you’ll have 30,000 tons left doesn’t seem impossible!!!”

Ou Yangming expressed his guess, and Luo Yang said: I think so too!

According to Longguo's consistent low-key style, it is normal for the data disclosed to the public to shrink. At present, the displacement of Lao Mi's Nimitz-class aircraft carrier has increased from 91,400 tons in the early stage to 104,000 tons in the later stage. There is a big improvement in the middle.

The latest Ford-class aircraft carrier has a displacement of 110,000 tons!

If Yu's statement of 20,000 tons is followed, the displacement of the new aircraft carrier has soared directly to 100,000 tons, which is ten levels directly equivalent to the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier!

If the surplus is 30,000 tons, it will be directly on the same level as the Ford class!

"I've been ignored by the War Bureau. Now I can't even tell the truth from the fake. Tsk, tsk, the Bureau has contributed a lot to it!"

Luo Yang clicked his tongue.

No matter what, the launch of the new aircraft carrier will definitely attract worldwide attention!

What makes him proud is that the new aircraft carrier's electromagnetic catapult uses graphene batteries from Beichen Technology! This is the proud glory of a dragon country company!

Seeing Ouyang Ming who was already drunk, Luo Yang contacted Ouyang Ming's driver and sent him to the reception room to rest. Before leaving, he helped Ouyang Ming activate dining permissions. From now on, Ouyang Ming can directly swipe his face to eat in the cafeteria. !

During today's trip, Luo Yang heard several good news and was in a very good mood.

On the other side, Sasha and Yeva were in a completely different mood as they boarded the plane back home!

Because just last night, they received first-hand news from China that Big Bear's offensive was blocked. Erxiong used drones provided by European and American countries to cause a lot of damage to Big Bear!

"A small drone can actually change the situation on the battlefield?"

This is something Sasha and many people didn’t expect!

Prior to this, the understanding of UAVs in various countries was still limited to reconnaissance and other ways, and even more were mainly used for civilian purposes. This is the first time such a large-scale use on the battlefield!

The results achieved by the drone this time can be said to be huge!

The trenches that others had worked so hard to dig were useless to the drones that viewed them from a high altitude. The modified drones carried grenades, explosives, impact fuse shells, bullets and other weapons and directly attacked the people in the trenches. !

In addition, there are suicide drones that carry explosives and directly hit the tanks!

The frontal armor of a tank can respond to high-speed artillery shells, deflect them, or defend against a certain powerful explosion. However, when faced with drones falling from the sky, a tank with weak top armor directly becomes a living target!

In this conflict, the shining drones have an impact no less than the Gulf War in the 1990s!

In that battle, the Camel Kingdom had a huge tank force and was confident that it could repel the intervention of the coalition forces led by the United States!

But the result was shocking. The United States directly used modern electronic warfare to directly destroy the Camel Country's tank troops!

Along the highway for tens of kilometers, tank wreckage and countless human remains are scattered!

That battle directly woke up everyone in the world!

And the Dragon Kingdom's troops also kicked off a large-scale reform...

"The impact of modern technology on war can be so great that no one can influence the direction of a war without the outbreak of a mushroom war or a full-scale war.

Sasha felt worse and worse.

Probably, it seems, maybe, the process of Big Bear's fight this time will not go so smoothly.

The faces of Luo Yang and Ouyang Ming appeared in Sasha's mind, and Sasha couldn't help but have an idea that made him feel ridiculous.

"Could it be that he will come to Dragon Kingdom in a while?"

As a soldier, after learning about the huge role of drones, he immediately realized that his country would equip drones on a large scale. Unfortunately, Daxiong’s research and development in this area cannot be said to be zero, it is almost zero. Got it!

Because of the sanctions, if they want to buy, they have only the Dragon Kingdom.

The famous Dajiang UAV Company, they naturally understand.

Sasha feels a headache at the moment!

"Forget it, let the people above make the decision. I'm just here to run errands! If it's really necessary, what about another trip to Dragon Kingdom?"

Half a month later.

The second batch of Beichen cars was officially launched for sale, once again triggering a very hot sales situation!

After nearly a month, the first batch of Beichen Auto owners have experienced it for a long time and made a very comprehensive and detailed evaluation of the Beichen Auto 3.5 car. It can be said that it has received overwhelming praise!

"Brothers, I just want to say that this car is worth buying!"

"You can watch the specific test content in my video. Now I once again guarantee with my personal reputation that everyone must buy one after the second batch of cars goes on sale! If it is not easy to drive, you can come directly to the platform to find me!"

On a short video platform, a well-known blogger directly gained more than one million followers by publishing a series of test videos!

Similar situations continue to occur on major media platforms!

Among Beichen Automobile's major flagship stores, because Luo Yang does not allow the sale of test cars, even after the inventory is sold out, the major flagship stores still retain several models, and people who come here every day to book test drives queue up. There was a long queue!

After the second batch went on sale, major flagship stores were once again full!

And its first-day sales data actually surpassed the peak of the first batch, directly reaching 23,000 units!

Total sales reached a terrifying 7.2 billion!

After the data was released, it once again caused an uproar from the outside world!

Countless people’s eyes turned red with envy!

That’s a lot of money!

If only it were all my own!

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