Rebirth: From Computer System to World Richest

Chapter 158: Five New Super Factories! Beichen Technology’S Long-Term Layout!

Luo Yang looked at everyone.

"Now is the market development period. We are the only one with graphene cars now, without any competitors. In a few months we will consider licensing graphene batteries to other manufacturers to compete for the low-end market."

"In addition, these manufacturers also need to rebuild their production lines, which will take several months. We can probably take more than half a year or even longer to monopolize the dividends of the entire market.

"When the time comes, we will have to face more than one opponent! If we don't plan ahead now, when the world situation changes and we, Beichen Technology, have the opportunity to enter overseas markets, we will have no choice but to cry because of insufficient production capacity!"

“So we must increase production capacity!”

"The ultimate production capacity data refers to the data of 5.4 million vehicles. If we calculate a super factory with an annual production capacity of 650,000 vehicles, we will need at least 8 super factories to meet future demand!"

8 super factories!

Everyone’s expressions were lifted!

This means at least five new buildings!

"Of course, these eight factories will not be built at one time. The three existing factories are currently undergoing their second expansion. I plan to complete the five super factories in the future in two phases."

"Three will be built in the first batch, and two will be built in the second batch. At the same time, we will decide whether to build more super factories according to changes in the situation!"

"The three newly built factories are planned directly according to the expanded scale of the three existing factories. The minimum requirement is a daily production capacity of 1,800 vehicles!"

"Also, do you have any suggestions regarding the location of the new super factory?"

Luo Yang looked at everyone.

At this time Gao Yunhai stood up and spoke.

As the president of Beichen Automobile, Gao Yunhai can be said to be very proud of himself recently. He is the second most popular person in Beichen Technology after Luo Yang!

"From a macro perspective, it is best for a super factory to have relatively cheap land, sufficient cheap human resources, close to resource supply areas, and convenient transportation, whether it is water transportation, sea transportation, or railway hubs. It can be taken into consideration.

"Then there is the climate problem. The Northeast is too cold and spends most of the year in a low temperature period, so it is not suitable for large-scale factory construction!"

"Because the northwest region is remote, transportation is a big problem, and the climate is arid, so water is also a big problem, so it can be eliminated!"

"North China, South China, East China, and Central China are all more suitable."

Gao Yunhai turned on the projector, circled some places on the map, pointed at these places and said.

"At this time, we have to consider the company's long-term development strategy, whether to gather together to form a cluster effect or to spread out to minimize the risk. This is very important.

"If it's the former, then I suggest investment and construction in the three regions of the Pearl River Delta, the Yangtze River Delta, and the North China Plain (Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei-Henan-Shandong Province) as the main economic belt of the Dragon Kingdom.

At the same time, it is a coastal area, so from a long-term perspective, it is very worthy of investment!”

"If it's the latter, then we can disperse the factories to the central region. My personal suggestion is to locate them in Jiangcheng, Rongcheng, and Chang'an!"

"These three places are all sub-provincial cities with developed economies and dense populations. At the same time, according to Longguo's macro layout, these three cities have each shouldered the important responsibility of driving the surrounding regional economy. The significance of investing and building factories here , not much worse than the above three coastal economic zones!"

"The above are some of my humble opinions. Please forgive me if there are any shortcomings!"

After finishing speaking, Gao Yunhai returned to his seat.


Everyone present gave their applause.

Gao Yunhai's opinion was recognized by the vast majority of people present. After a heated discussion, everyone present was divided into two groups.

One party supports building factories in coastal areas, while the other supports building factories in central regions. Each has its own reasons. While everyone was discussing, Luo Yang was also thinking about the pros and cons!

To be fair, both sides have similar views. Luo Yang plans to build at least 5 super factories in the future, and almost all the above-mentioned regions can get one!

First of all, there is the Pearl River Delta. As the most developed area in Longguo, there are both advantages and disadvantages to building a factory here. Overall, it is still very attractive!

Not only are there Internet giants such as Penguin and Wangji, but also technology giants such as Warwick and Dajiang were born here. There are also a large number of well-known companies. At the same time, because it is close to Hong Kong Island and Oshima, it has great advantages for exporting cars abroad!

As for the specific city, it is secondary. Guancheng, Yangcheng and Pengcheng are all more suitable. The only difference is the support provided by each place.

As for the Yangtze River Delta, because the headquarters of Beichen Technology is located in Shencheng, and the Carbon Valley National Development Zone has been established at the border with Suzhou City, in the long run, factories should not continue to be built here, but should be dispersed [with carbon Ten Guguang seats are enough.

Luo Yang had previously considered building a second Gigafactory here, but has now given up on the idea.

In the North China Plain region, the north is the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, of which there is a factory in Jincheng and a factory in Yancheng, Hebei Province. The southern region is Henan Province and Shandong Province. Like Hebei Province, these two regions are both populous provinces. In Zhengcheng, Henan Province, there is a factory invested and built by Fu Shikang. Its number of employees reached 200,000 at its peak. people!

It’s almost a small county town!

According to Gao Yunhai, the most suitable places for building factories should be Yancheng and Zhengcheng of Henan Province. As for Shandong Province, because of its developed economy, it is also among the best in the GDP ranking of the provinces in the Dragon Kingdom.

The demand for super factories is actually not that urgent.

But Yu Province and Hebei Province are different. The situation of these two brothers and sisters is similar. It can be said that they are very looking forward to attracting investment and the arrival of large enterprises!

In the central region, apart from Chongqing, which is not suitable for building factories because it is located in a mountainous area, Jiangcheng, Rongcheng, and Chang'an are both provincial capitals and sub-provincial cities, as well as economic centers. In addition, they have a siphon effect on the entire province. These areas are also suitable for building factories.

For example, Chang'an and Jiangcheng have several major domestic memory manufacturers from the Dragon Kingdom setting up factories here!

Luo Yang is considering the pros and cons.

His initial idea was to allocate one to each of the other places except the Yangtze River Delta!

During his previous trip to Yancheng, Luo Yang intended to locate a new super factory in Yancheng, and one also needs to be built in the Pearl River Delta. In this way, there will be five super factories in the coastal areas!

These five super factories will take on orders from coastal areas and foreign exports!

Of the remaining three factories, at least two will be located in the central region! Among the three central cities mentioned by Gao Yunhai, Luo Yang is more inclined to Jiangcheng and Rongcheng County!

These two major factories can meet market orders from the central and western regions, and can also allocate resources from surrounding provinces and cities nearby. The surrounding human resources are also very rich, and the level of scientific research is also good!

As for the last super factory, Luo Yang intends to choose between Chang'an and Zhengcheng. As for which factory will eventually be selected, follow-up inspections are needed. .

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