Rebirth: From Computer System to World Richest

Chapter 160 Group Reorganization! About The Future Of Beichen Technology!

$300 billion unicorn company!

Judging from the current situation, among domestic companies that have not yet been listed, only ByteDance, which owns Douyin, has reached this valuation! Because of Douyin’s global popularity, ByteDance’s valuation has also risen, even though it has not yet been listed. , but some institutions have already given it a valuation of US$300 billion.

Of course, there is some moisture in this number. After all, Internet companies have always been highly valued. When they go public, most of the moisture will definitely be squeezed out!

But unlike Bytedance, Beichen Automobile is a real and large entity!

Although it was founded only a short time ago, with the giant Beichen Technology standing behind it, Beichen Automobile expanded rapidly like a balloon, mastering global exclusive technologies such as graphene batteries, and also controlled the entire industrial chain from upstream to downstream. !

This means that Beichen Automobile directly controls the standard setting power of the industry!

As the saying goes, third-rate companies sell products, second-rate companies sell technology, and first-rate companies sell standards. Now Beichen Technology has an absolute say in setting standards!

After all, graphene battery technology is unique and unique in the world!

This alone is enough to make Beichen Automobile's valuation no less than 100 billion US dollars!

In addition to graphene batteries, the intelligent AI Xiaobei from the parent company Beichen Technology, as well as the unmanned driving system jointly developed by various major departments, the domestic "Suzaku" vehicle chip... Beichen Automobile has many exclusive technologies!

That’s why it has a valuation of US$300 billion!

Even so, this number is not an exaggeration. There is no doubt that Beichen Auto's market value will double once it goes on the market!

$600 billion is just a matter of time!

What this executive means, everyone present also understands, is that he hopes Luo Yang can delay the time for Beichen Automobile to be spun off separately, and can continue to develop and seek higher valuations and a better future!

"I don't think so."

Gao Yunhai gave his own opinion.

"We at Beichen Technology have already passed the initial stage of entrepreneurship. We have no shortage of funds at all. Based on the company's current profits, there is no need to go public to seek financing and serve as a wedding dress for others."

"Mr. Luo's purpose of splitting up Beichen Automobile is, I think, to facilitate the management of each department and to divide the corresponding responsibilities."

“In this plan, once the split is completed, the major departments of Beichen Technology will be spun off separately, and Beichen Technology, as the parent company, will no longer operate specific businesses, and will only retain the group’s financial and technology research and development departments, responsible for macro-strategic aspects. matters, and overall planning.”

"Major subsidiaries have gone through mergers and reorganizations, reducing many redundant departments, and the division of responsibilities has become clearer. By then, they will be subsidiaries in name, but in fact they will be independent companies!"

"By then, just one company, Aurora Search, will be able to compete with Penguin and Ahri!"

"Beichen Software Company, on the other hand, is facing a number of international giants such as Microsoft, IDM, and Beast Bone Script!"

"In this way, the specific responsibilities are clearer and the overlap of functions between departments has been reduced a lot."

Gao Yunhai gave his own opinion.

Everyone present also nodded secretly, and they also held the same view on this point.

Beichen Technology is now the largest private enterprise in Longguo and also the world's top technology giant. Its profitability is terrifying!

If we didn’t invest huge amounts of money every year from profits for research in many aspects, Beichen Technology’s financial report figures would be even more shocking!

Regarding this point, Warwick said that he also has a say.

Therefore, although Luo Yang split and reorganized the company and spun off a number of business departments to establish independent subsidiaries, it was not in preparation for listing.

Luo Yang nodded.

"What Lao Gao said is right."

"The establishment of Beichen Technology is too short after all. Looking at these international giants, which one is not a veteran who has been famous for a long time? Even Byte Jump has been established for more than ten years!"

"The establishment time is too short and the speed of rise is too fast, which has caused a shortage of personnel in our management. In addition to core and key positions, many middle and low-level managers are used as one person for several people, which has also led to further corruption. occur!"

"One of the reasons for previous leaks and corruption cases is the overlapping functions of relevant departments. For example, Qian, as a deputy director of a third-level department, does not have much access to core information, but he is also responsible for His other positions and other car companies responsible for docking were more or less threatened and manipulated by him when seeking cooperation with CPOS!"

"It is precisely because of this that he was targeted by unknown forces outside the country and became the main target of the attack!"

Luo Yang knocked on the table.

"After the company's reorganization, Qian's current position alone can be divided into at least three middle-level managers!"

"This will make the responsibilities clearer and also ensure that relevant personnel will not easily exceed their authority and touch things that are not within their scope."

"After all, we are a technology company with highly confidential technologies. The awareness of confidentiality and security must always be on the front line. We must know that our competitors are not only international giants, but also pressure from the will of other countries!"

"Without its position and its policies, with the current huge size of Beichen Technology, it may be an exaggeration to say that it is as rich as any other country, but it is still no problem when compared with some small countries. With such a huge goal, every move will be It’s attracting the attention of many forces!”

"Today it is Qian, and tomorrow it may be Zhao, Sun, or Li. This will never be the only time for temptation from various forces!"

"But I hope that Qian's incident will not happen again!"

"I put the words here in advance. I hope some people will regret it and don't blame me for not giving you a chance!"

Everyone present was stunned.

Most of them have switched jobs from other companies, and most of their thinking is still stuck in the traditional business war. They are still a little unclear about the positioning of Beichen Technology.

After all, Beichen Technology is rising too fast!

It was so fast that many people didn’t even react!

When many people were poached, Beichen Technology was just a high-tech company that had achieved technological breakthroughs. No one thought that Beichen Technology could rapidly grow into the super giant it is today in just a few years!

As an extremely large technology giant, Beichen Technology's influence has exceeded that of ordinary commercial companies!

It is no exaggeration to say that the influence of Beichen Technology is no less than that of some small countries! As an executive of Beichen Technology, you must be aware of this in time!

Otherwise, in many affairs decisions [will affect the outcome of a series of things!

0…Please give me flowers…

After understanding Luo Yang's idea, most of the doubts of the people present about the plan were eliminated. The remaining opinions were mainly modified on some details. The general strategy was not changed and was completely retained.

After this meeting, the plan for group reorganization was initially finalized, and follow-up preparations are already in progress.

Two months later.

The inventory released by Beichen Automobile for the second time has been sold out again, and the first batch of cars has begun to be released.

Today's Beichen cars can be said to be popular all over the country. Walking on the streets and alleys, you can often see the vigorous Beichen cars whizzing by, arousing the envy of countless people around you.

But now the news hot spot has changed from Beichen Automobile to another protagonist!

Dragon Kingdom’s second domestically produced aircraft carrier is officially launched!

After the news was announced, it grabbed all the media headlines overnight.

"According to our news, the second domestic aircraft carrier "Minyu" independently developed and manufactured by our country has been officially launched and will undergo sea trials in the near future. According to relevant information, the displacement of the Minyu aircraft carrier has reached 8 More than 10,000 tons, this marks that our country’s aircraft carrier manufacturing level has reached the world’s top level!”

News from the official media continues to bombard everyone’s attention!

Compared with the previous Luyu Hao, this Minyu Hao really shines!

Luo Yang, who was on vacation in Nanhai Island, was enjoying sunbathing and listening to the radio. The news about the Minyu made him smile.

"Sure enough, it is similar to what Ouyang Ming said, with a displacement of more than 80,000 tons. The use of the word "yu" is really wonderful! Tsk tsk, Long Guo's language art is indeed as broad and profound as ever!

"I'm afraid the United States will get angry again this time! Hahaha!"

The place where he is is naturally not a public place. This is a high-end villa area near the sea. It enjoys a large and long coastline alone. It is the cheapest villa here.

Prices start at NT$100 million!

Most of the people living here are business tycoons. There is also a property owned by Jack Ma in this villa area, but like Luo Yang, they only use this place as a place to stay.

Luo Yang stayed in Villa No. 8. It was one of the properties he and Xiaoya purchased on Nanhai Island after they visited Warwick Headquarters in Shenzhen some time ago. They spent a total of 390 million!

Sunbathing, with beautiful women by his side, the sea breeze in his ears, and the good news coming from the radio, Luo Yang was in a good mood at the moment!

In particular, the electromagnetic catapult used by the Minyu uses graphene battery technology from Beichen Technology, which makes Luo Yang even more satisfied!

After all, the end of the universe is the establishment!

As Fang’s designated partner, Beichen Technology can be considered a “established” company!

"Husband, Ouyang Ming's phone number!"

Xiaoya, who got up to get the watermelon, came over holding her cell phone.

In formal occasions, Xiaoya calls Luo Yang Mr. Luo. In private, at Luo Yang’s strong request, Xiaoya has changed her name to husband!

"Hello? Where are you?"

"Lao Maozi is in China again, come back quickly! The ducks are here, so they can't fly away in vain!"


Luo Yang was refreshed!

Putting down the phone, Luo Yang stretched out comfortably. There are really a lot of good things going on today! Next!

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