Chapter 37

The cost of a billion!

The biggest factor is still the estimated market, which is still within three years. There are 50 production lines. It is this estimate that invisibly increases the overall cost!

It is also unimaginable that a very complex production line with 80% automation is not as exaggerated as imagined. The cost is only about 49 million, which is not even 50 million.

You need to know that a complete production line is composed of more than a dozen equipment, and it is still a high-end instrument. This is the production cost. It can be seen that the high-end equipment is actually not as complicated as imagined, and it is not imagined. The cost in China is extremely high.

“Okay, I get it!”

Wang Jun signaled that the results had been obtained, and the secretary had nothing to do after the report. He signaled to leave his office before turning to An Ran and said, “Chairman…how much do you think the price is appropriate?”

“If I exclude my relationship with Horizon Intelligent Manufacturing, how much do you plan to sell?” An Ran asked back. He had said before that he would not interfere with Xinyihua’s operations, and he did not interfere. Now he kicked the initiative back.

“If you don’t think about it, although there is no definite price, you still need to hold a senior management meeting, and let the marketing department collect information about the market before making a decision.”

Wang Jun paused for a while at this point, and then continued: “If there are no accidents, the minimum is more than 1.5 billion, and the highest will reach about 2.3 billion.”


For An Ran’s pricing, although the span is not small, it will definitely be higher than 1.5 billion in the end, about 1.8 billion to 2 billion. He does not participate in the pricing, but his inner estimation: “You decide on this. , Let’s go back to the creation of Horizon Intelligence, how much do I personally tend to give?”

“After all, it looks like three years, 10 production lines, more or less preferential treatment, plus two companies you hold shares.”

Wang Jun is under a lot of pressure on this matter, but he can pull Xin Yi up, which shows that his courage is not small, and he is also a person who can make a decision: “300 million yuan, so the profit is doubled, I think the whole team All are acceptable~”. ”


An Ran did not counter-offer, but chose to agree: “Let’s set the price at 300 million yuan. I can decide now. In terms of Vision Intelligent Manufacturing, the first batch will purchase 3 production lines and the following 7 production lines. , Depends on the time, and also depends on the time to decide.”


Wang Jun nodded. He has no opinion here. There are three production lines at one time. This order is no longer small, and the manufacturing process is very complicated. If all three production lines are delivered, they will use their current The production capacity will not be fully delivered until the middle of next year at least.

There is no way, like this kind of large-scale high-end equipment, under normal circumstances, it only starts production after receiving an order, and it will never be produced in advance. If no one wants it after it is produced, can it be put in the warehouse for ashes.

That’s a high-end equipment. After a while, it may break down. For equipment like this, it still needs to be delivered after it is produced, delivered directly to the customer, and kept in operation afterwards. This is the greatest maintenance. Life span has too much impact.

“Okay, that’s it!”

An Ran finalized the matter thoroughly, and then turned around and couldn’t help asking: “What are your plans for Xinyihua’s operation next?”

It’s just asking, not intervening. The right to ask is always there.

After all, Xinyihua is different now. It is no longer a pure R&D company before, but has developed results. There are products there, the development direction, and everything needs to be adjusted, and as a company How can the helm of the company not make preparations in advance?

I believe that the R&D team should have planned before the results came out, right?

“My plan is…the LCD screen, there should be a huge market space.”

Wang Jun said that this is not without basis. He made the judgment based on the entire field and the situation of some peer companies: “I feel that this piece will definitely not be eliminated in the next three years. In other words, Almost three years later, the production equipment of the OLED screen is definitely not perfect enough, even if it is owned, it is not the time when the OLED screen replaces the LCD screen.”

“Even if the OLED screen appears three years later, the technology is relatively mature, and the production equipment is also mature enough to be fully commercialized, so in a short time, the LCD screen will still not be completely replaced, and its future is still There is a lot of market and space.”

“The era of OLED screens will not start until at least five years later. In the next five years, I believe that the market share of LCD screens will be about 50%.”

“Based on these guesses, it is still necessary to research and develop LCD screen production equipment, and strive to make better production equipment. Then it still has a certain market space, and we also have a certain share. The benefits will not be small.”

“. ¨ This is also my original instruction to the R&D team that we must leave room for upgrades. Once there are new R&D results, the production line can be upgraded. Even if there is no way to upgrade, we need to invest in R&D. market.”

“And my plan is that in the next sale of the LCD screen production line, in addition to our 10% option dividend, the remaining 90% of the proceeds will be invested in the development of a new generation of products. If the sale is successful If yes, this profit is enough to support the R&D team to continue research, without the need for financial support from the company.”

“In other words, your capital injection in the future will be all used for the research and development of the OLED screen production line equipment. The LCD screen does not need to be invested in research and development.”

Wang Jun’s thinking is very clear, although there are many of his predictions and estimates, and even some guesses, they may not be accurate, but sometimes this is the way to run a company. These estimates and guesses are needed. , Can work out the general development direction, and then make adjustments at all times during the development process. (Is it okay?)

If there is no general tone and no sense of direction, how can we develop?

To do anything, you need to establish a direction first.

Only by setting a direction, can we move in this direction and work hard.

And 90% of the profits from the LCD screen production line will be used for the research and development of next-generation products, and An Ran personally invests all the funds for the research and development of the OLED screen production equipment. This is his plan and his future plan.

Of course, this is the boat that requires An Ran to nod.

Because this involves Xin Yihua’s strategic adjustment, it is also the general direction of the company. It needs An Ran to be the master. After all, it is beyond the scope of normal operation and needs to be decided by the real boss.

The question before him is whether An Ran will think about reducing some of his capital injection. If he wants to reduce the capital injection, then he needs to set aside part of his profits and invest in the OLED screen R&D project.


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