Chapter 54

Deduct all year-end bonuses!

This punishment is definitely not light or heavy!

Although Legendary Technology has no rules and regulations for year-end bonuses, there is no formal and complete welfare system, and An Ran and the others have the final say.

But they know very well that this annual summary meeting will be finalized.

And what they know about An Ran. They are a group of people who are not stingy. On the contrary, they are very generous. The legendary S1 has achieved such a great success, and its annual bonus will definitely not be small. Maybe they will spend two or three billion yuan as it is. The bonus at the end of the year, but now the money is gone.

did wrong!

You still expect to get the bonus, don’t dream anymore.

More importantly, no matter how much the total amount of bonuses An Ran pays, they will always get the big head. If it is 300 million, they may be divided into the least half of them, but it is 1.5. One hundred million, although it will not be evenly divided, there are still positions based on credit, but there is nothing wrong with one person taking hundreds of thousands.

This bonus is higher than their total annual salary ~ welfare!

It just slipped away from his hands in vain.

But at this time, none of them were dissatisfied. The reason was simple. They made mistakes or made big mistakes. A bad situation may lead the company to a bottomless abyss. If you dare to beep at this time, you will definitely be caught. Kick out of the company.

As for some people who are unwilling, angry, and want to leave the legendary technology company, it’s not that they don’t have it, but they are just angry for a while.

If you calm down a little bit, there will be some reluctance.

Legendary Technology Company is definitely a company with great potential. Staying here and becoming the veteran of the company will have a bright future.

“The financial department, calculate the financial situation and make a year-end welfare plan, targeting the bottom-level bonus plan!”

An Ran will not deduct all of them. Many people are innocent. It is this group of middle-level and senior executives who make mistakes. They do not shut down their employees. Those people are not ordinary hardships and make no mistakes. The bonuses that should be given are still to be given. It’s not stingy yet: “My initial estimate is to give 100 million yuan to the bonus. You need to verify the situation of those employees and report it, especially the marketing department. They need to focus more. Without them, the company would not be able to win. The African market, because of their years of travel on the African continent, has a complete offline channel network, and they deserve a big prize.”

Just cut off the year-end bonuses for middle and senior executives.

In retrospect, bonuses of up to 100 million were given to the staff at the bottom.

Obviously it was intentional, just to stimulate these middle and senior executives. If they didn’t make a mistake, they would also get a huge bonus. The part that took the big head, but now there’s no more, they can only watch the low-level staff. Holding a huge bonus.

“Okay, the financial department will verify and calculate, and a feasible and perfect plan will come up in half a month,” said the director of the financial department.


An Ran nodded. Today’s meeting is destined to go on in such a solemn atmosphere. He ignored it and continued: “The design department… introduce your plan.”


The head of the design department knows very well that just staggering the topic just now, he will return to their department, and could not help but introduce with the PPT: “This is our appearance design. There are many improvements on the screen. It will be about inches. .”


An Ran’s screen size is not unreliable. He is very sensitive to the size of the screen. “There are two questions. The first question is whether you have investigated whether Africans like large screens or not. What about the small screen? The situation in each region is different. Take our country as an example, the big screen is a big way, and the current Aifeng company has to make changes for the domestic market.”

“On the other hand, in the local market of the Stars and Stripes Empire, as well as in the European market, they are more inclined to small screens. Although they are slowly changing, they are also starting to prefer large screens, but the regional difference is On the bright side, have you been investigated?”

“The second question, directly on the inch, have you ever calculated the cost? A larger screen will pay a higher cost. Can a screen increase the cost of the Legend S2 too much, which is not good for pricing, or even It is possible that a bad one will make the African market that has been hit hard to lose overnight.”

An Ran pointed out the problem, very solemnly.

“The marketing department also has feedback from many parties. After a series of surveys, the results show that about 80% are more inclined to large-screen mobile phones, and the remaining 20% ​​are Ten percent thought that 4.5 inches was almost just right, and the last ten percent thought it would be better if it could be smaller.”

· ··Find flowers·············

The head of the design department is confident this time, because they communicated with multiple departments on this issue, which is supported by data: “This conclusion shows that they are still more inclined to large-screen mobile phones.”

“In addition…we have communicated with the director Xu of Horizon Intelligence and the production department of Horizon Intelligence many times. To achieve inches, not only will it not increase the cost, but it will also be lower than the original 4.5 inches. There are many reasons, including the current price of raw materials, as well as many other reasons. The most important thing is the increase in the production capacity of Horizon Intelligent Manufacturing, which invisibly reduces the cost, and at the worst, it can reach the point where the original price is the same.” The head of the design department answered the second question.

…. …. 0

Legendary technology company!

Although it cannot be said that it is 100% localization, it is also as high as 80% localization.

From the screen to the chip, they are all produced by domestic companies. The screen is handed over to the brother company Vision Intelligence, which can naturally get a minimum price. Vision Intelligence takes the initiative to make profit, and only earns a little profit from the order here. .

After all, it’s a company with the same boss, and it’s almost enough. I don’t want to talk about the ex-factory price. I still make a little bit of money, but it’s not too much.

It is worth mentioning that!

Legend S1 can keep the cost so low, it is inseparable from the help of the brother company.

Vision Zhizhi is just one of the brother companies, and there is another big head, Tianyun Times!

The mobile phone battery is provided by Tianyun Times. The legendary S1 is equipped with a battery with a capacity of up to 2000 mAh. Its endurance is very scary, reaching the same level as the Weihua mobile phone, but it is such a large-capacity battery. It only needs to be purchased at a price of just over a hundred dollars. If the price of Tianyun Times is a bit tougher, how can the Legend S1 be released at such a low price?

Really think it’s so easy to make a cheap smartphone?

The capacity of the battery, so that the legendary S1 has a long battery life, is also one of the factors that are very popular in the African market.


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