Chapter 57

The software department doesn’t seem to have much presence in the legendary technology company.

But the company’s middle and senior executives all know very well that it’s not wrong that the software department does not have much sense of existence, but its role is still important, and it ranks among all the departments of the company.

Otherwise, the software department will continue to expand and the company will still approve it.

You need to know that if you expand, you will bring a large number of people, and the salary of these people is not low.

The same is true for technology companies. There are no large numbers of programmers silently paying, and there are no such famous technology companies.

Weihua Company is one example!

I still don’t know how many programmers there are in Weihua. I don’t think there are 30,000 or 50,000, there are 10,000 or 20,000 programmers, and even more are possible. The specific figures are probably even the personnel department of China. , It takes some statistics to get the result, I can only say too much.

Like Penguin Group and Lao Ma’s online shopping empire, they have more programmers.

“.¨ I represent the software department, thank you, chairman!” How could the person in charge of the software department not be grateful? This is the unique benefit of their software department.

“Working well is the greatest gratitude to me.”

An Ran waved his hand. Now the atmosphere in the meeting room is a little more relaxed, not as depressed as before: “Everything will be fine. When the company moves to Tianyun Building, there will be a larger office space, more beautiful. The office environment is only three years, neither long nor short, just forbearance.”

“But, what I need to say in particular is that after three years, there is no need for a legendary technology company to exist.” In the end, An Ran didn’t forget to warn him.

The next thing becomes very simple!

Around Legend S2, there were no big things around the corners and corners, but there were a lot of bits and pieces, and all the departments mentioned them one by one while taking advantage of this meeting.

It took An Ran to make a decision, and it was solved on the spot. If he didn’t need to make a decision, Yang Shaoping also decided to solve it face-to-face.

This stage before the end of the meeting is the easiest.

It didn’t take long before the meeting was declared over!

An Ran also left Chuang directly.

It’s just that they know very well that the internal meeting of Legendary Technology Company is far from over.

Breaking through the pot of cold water splashed down, severe warnings and vigilance, it takes time to digest.

And the fundamental problem has not been solved. If you want to solve it completely, you need to find the problem from the root cause.

This is the work of Yang Shaoping and several vice presidents. It is their responsibility. They must solve it, but do it, otherwise there is no need to stay. They are the management team of the company and the executives in the true sense. .


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