Chapter 82


They are all high-quality products, the high-quality products in the cottage!

It’s unfortunate that An Ran started to make counterfeit boutique accessories. After that, he connected a few people together to form a fixed industry chain, and the customers around their boutique industry chain formed a fixed industry chain. customer.

Come this way!

Those people who want to grab customers can only grab their own customers. No matter how they grab them, they won’t get out of their circle, and if everyone does this business in the same circle, they really don’t want to do business. Just pull your face down, and even sometimes some customers ran to them, and they would call and inform them that your customers had come to our side. Is there something wrong with your side?

Customers also have a good temper. You can’t do it here. There are some minor problems. People can bear you once or twice, but they can continue to do that. If they don’t change, how can they give you the order, especially the screen processing. Even more so, if your screen burst rate is too high, the customer will find someone else to do it if you don’t improve it.

Fortunately, only a few of them are the masters of boutiques, running around, and the business is still on their side.

It costs hundreds of thousands to build a dust-free workshop, but not everyone is willing to invest. They just invest a little and make money easily. Isn’t it fragrant?

If you do this and that, the investment is huge, although you are also making money, it is troublesome!

There are too many people who are afraid of trouble, and the current situation is formed. A large part of the rest is completely ignorant of the benefits of the clean room.

Huashenbei is crueler than imagined.

In order to grab customers, price wars happen from time to time. Everyone who has an order wants more profit and more money, and if you can make a dollar cheaper, they will save a dollar, if the quantity is large. , That is not a small number.

This phenomenon still exists now!

It’s just that An Ran can’t get through. He has never participated in a price war. His price adjustment has always been like that. Customers have long been used to it. Although they want to complain, even scold him, there is no way. After so many years, I have long been used to it.

“Not so much emotion~”! ”

An Ran smiled slightly, his experience is more good or not, he has been a human for two lives, but he will not tell the biggest secret: “The time is almost said, find a place to get something to eat.”

“Really don’t, I’m so hungry!”

“let’s go!”

“By the way, what do you eat?”

“Need to say? Of course it is seafood. They are all staple food. It seems that there hasn’t been a seafood feast for several days!”

“A few days? I just ate it the day before yesterday, OK.”

“Hey… I said eldest brother, the day before yesterday is already three days from today, okay, three days can be said to be several days, right?”

“Well… Your three days are several days, I was speechless!”


Joyfulness has always been their main theme, and they can spend most of the day for a little thing, which is not much different from a child.

Have a meal and chat about it again. It’s more than two hours!

After that, it’s time to divide things into pieces!

After all, although there is nothing to do, sometimes I have to look here, not there?

It is still necessary to go to your own factory to show up. No matter how bad, it is also normal to go back to your own processing factory and sit for a cup of tea.

After all, An Jun is busy and has a lot of business. It took a lot of time to take a look at one place. After walking down a few places, it was already at night. After tidying up, it was late at night when he left Shenbei.

“Drive back in a few days and let the people follow.” An Ran instructed his cousin, but there was no pressure at all.

“it’s me again?”

An Jun shrugged. Although he asked this question, he was accustomed to accepting it a long time ago: “I don’t know what day they are on holiday?”

“You won’t call to ask?”

An Ran couldn’t help but roll his eyes. This year’s New Year is in January, and I will almost have a holiday when I want to come. Within a few days: “Let them come down, mainly to settle the accounts… Don’t say it’s me, do you have the account? Less.”


An Jun smiled, and he could only say sorry to his younger siblings. He really didn’t bother to settle the accounts. It would be more appropriate to leave it to them. He could be lazy: “I’ll call again tomorrow to ask, and I will go back again after confirming the time. Actually, I want them to ride in the car by themselves. This is also a kind of exercise. Let them ride in the car by themselves, and then touch the Huashenbei side. I don’t know how to ride in a car.”

“If you want to be lazy, just say it.”

An Ran immediately revealed his cousin’s true intentions, and couldn’t help rolling his eyes: “Remember, your apartment No. 3 will be cleaned up. It’s probably all dusty.”


An Jun scratched his head in embarrassment. Who told him not to go back to live in normal times. He came to stay in apartment No. 1. He didn’t know how many times he stayed throughout the year: “It must be cleaned up, it must be cleaned up.”

“There is no problem with money, right?” An Ran asked suddenly.

“…” An Jun was stunned when he was asked, a little puzzled, and it took a long time before he reacted: “.¨ There is no problem.”

“What is the price now?” An Ran asked again.

“Now it’s high. It’s 130,000 yuan per flat, and it’s still a discount for face, and 180,000 yuan per flat, and then a mess of discounts, it will cost at least 160,000 when the relationship is harder. If the relationship is harder, it is almost 150,000 that can be negotiated. Look like.”

An Jun is more or less trivial and proud: “One set looks like a hundred million yuan, and two sets are less than 550 million yuan. The business on Hong Kong Island is just a matter of earning in a few months.”

That’s right, it’s nothing else, it’s the second phase of Shennanwan No. 1 project!

As early as the end of last year, the second phase of the project was completed and opened, but it ushered in another grand occasion. A lot of rich people are rushing to house here. If it doesn’t matter, you can’t get it. Of course, the capital must be sufficient. , Or you won’t be able to pay if you grab it. After all, even the smallest set of more than 300 square meters, one set is worth tens of millions.

One hundred thousand and one level!

The average person can afford to have ghosts.

And (Wang Hao?) There are four sets that have been negotiated before. Like the first phase of the project, the 2100-square-meter leapfrog mansion, the promise is naturally still valid, and it is directly set before the market opens. Just wait for the opening of the price and calculate it. They just pay the money.

“The price is not expensive.”

An Ran nodded. He hasn’t paid any attention. It’s easy for him to buy it. It’s just that it’s not necessary. They are just two brothers. They have already bought two sets. Also go to speculate other properties, there is absolutely no need here.”

“I’m still wondering if I won a few small rooms.”

“For the second phase, it’s okay, but I’m afraid there shouldn’t be so many houses, right?”

“After asking, there are still more or less, but it’s not good for the pattern to be oriented or something.”

“If it’s an investment, feel free to.”

An Ran didn’t have any ideas, but he didn’t mind giving pointers to his cousin. It seemed that it was also an opportunity to make money.


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