Chapter 11

Looking at Zhang Mengqi, who is innocent and pleasant, Su Hao couldn’t help but look more.

In my memory, Zhang Mengqi attended Tunghai University in the last life. I don’t know if this will change. If Zhang Mengqi is still at Tunghai University, what might happen in the next four years?

Thinking of this, Su Hao’s mouth unknowingly evokes a charming arc.

The school flower goddess who had a crush on, if there is a chance, who wants to miss it, who doesn’t want to win it.

There was no bloody pretending to force the plot. After more than an hour, the dinner ended happily. All the students went directly to KTV.

All the crazy performances are the few influential figures in the class, Su Hao, sitting in the corner listening to the song silently.

“Brother Hao, don’t you go up to the whole song?” The fat man returned to Su Hao after singing a song.

Su Hao shook his head lightly, and said, “Let’s go with the flow. With so many classmates, everyone is happy.”

“Brother Hao, you are really low-key.” Li Jun stopped persuading.

Su Hao’s character Li Jun understands that since Su Hao doesn’t want to show up, he doesn’t bother to persuade him.

At this time, a classmate on the side asked Li Jun: “Fatty, can the computer group buy a low-profile computer be cheaper?”

Someone spoke, and the classmate on the side also asked: “Yes, Fatty, we are classmates for three years anyway, can you give us a discount?”

“Summer vacation is so long, I don’t have money to go to Internet cafes, so I have to buy a computer, fat man, you can give us a discount.”

Eight or nine classmates made Li Jun a little confused about what you said and what I said.

Zhang Mengqi also noticed the situation on Su Hao’s side and came to the side in silence.

Li Jun was very speechless. Brother, it’s useless to ask me. The real boss is Su Hao. I just work part-time. . .

Li Jun looked at Su Hao.

Su Hao nodded lightly, and at the same time stretched out five fingers to face Li Jun.

Li Jun instantly understood Su Hao’s meaning, and said, “No problem, as long as you place an order, you will get a discount of 500 yuan.”

When the voice fell, a classmate immediately said excitedly: “Really? A discount of five hundred yuan. Now I will be able to persuade my dad to buy me a computer. Fatty, loyal enough.”

“Of course, for a few computers, I will tell our boss that I will give you a discount of 500 yuan per unit.” Li Jun promised, patted his chest.

“Haha, great, fat man, thank you, I’ll order one.”

“I’ll order one too.”

While the classmates were clamoring to order the computer, Zhang Mengqi looked at Su Hao closely.

Zhang Mengqi clearly saw the small movements of Su Hao and Li Jun just now. From Li Jun’s embarrassed face and Su Hao’s small movements, the smart Zhang Mengqi saw that Su Hao was the real master.

Zhang Mengqi has always been concerned about computer group buying. Influenced by her father, Zhang Mengqi, who is interested in business, is very interested in the group buying model.

Group buying is an advanced business model for Zhang Mengqi. Zhang Mengqi went to learn about the prices of the three configuration computers, and was shocked to learn that the group purchase prices of the three computers were more than 1,500 yuan cheaper than the computers on the market.

Knowing that the school’s group buying has always been hosted by Li Jun, Zhang Mengqi felt like she was dreaming. She felt that Li Jun could not think of such an advanced model.

At the delivery site of the second batch of group purchases, Zhang Mengqi inadvertently saw Li Jun obey Su Hao’s words, coupled with the change in Li Jun’s name for Su Hao, Zhang Mengqi suspected that group buying was the real behind-the-scenes person, so he paid more attention to Su Hao.

Now that it is confirmed that the person behind the group buying is Su Hao, Zhang Mengqi’s eyes on Su Hao are full of curiosity.

Although this Su Hao is handsome, he is usually low-key and his grades are good. I didn’t expect him to be so good. . .

Su Hao felt a gaze looking at him all the time and looked up. His eyes met in an instant.

The air seemed to be shining with electric sparks, Zhang Mengqi did not lower her head shyly, but still looked straight at Su Hao. Su Hao was slightly surprised in his heart, didn’t think much, and smiled in return.

A smile appeared on Zhang Mengqi’s face. In the next second, Zhang Mengqi Lian moved lightly and came to sit next to Su Hao.

“Su Hao, computer group buying is your idea?” Zhang Mengqi couldn’t help but curiosity in her heart, and regardless of her restraint, she sat directly next to Su Hao, just to confirm what she was thinking.

Su Hao heard the words and instantly understood why Zhang Mengqi was staring at him.

“Well, my family is poor, I want to earn some college tuition.” Su Hao did not hide it, but admitted directly.

It has been seen that there is no point in concealing it, but it makes Zhang Mengqi look down on it.

“Earn tuition?” Zhang Mengqi almost rolled her eyes and said, “Su Hao, if I guess right, three batches of computer group purchases will make at least several hundred thousand yuan. Your college tuition is too expensive, right?”

“Hundreds of thousands?” Su Hao was taken aback, without explaining too much, and smiling slightly: “Not that much, but the tuition is earned.”

Zhang Mengqi did not delve into it, but instead said: “I think your first choice is Tunghai University. If nothing happens, we will still be classmates in the next four years. Su Hao, please take care of me in the next four years.”

Su Hao smiled and said, “Is our school flower goddess afraid that no one will take care of it? A lot of knights want to protect the goddess, haha.”

“Really? What about you?” Zhang Mengqi asked smoothly.

As soon as the words were spoken, Zhang Mengqi knew that she had said the wrong thing, coughing lightly, and said: “Xiao Meng called me, slip away first.”

Looking at the figure of Zhang Mengqi slipping away quickly, Su Hao’s smile was even stronger. The goddess, it turned out not to be unattainable, ha ha.

No one noticed the small exchange between Su Hao and Zhang Mengqi.

In the end, many of the classmates were a little drunk. When Zhang Mengqi went to checkout, Su Hao took the initiative to pay for the money.

“Squad leader, everyone is a little drunk, don’t let everyone get together, spoil the atmosphere, I can afford a few hundred dollars.” Su Hao said to Zhang Mengqi.

Thinking of Su Hao’s group buying to make money, Zhang Mengqi nodded gently, “Thank you, Su Hao.”

“It’s a trivial matter, you’re welcome.”

In the end, Su Hao arranged with Zhang Mengqi and finally sent all the students away, leaving only two.

The atmosphere is a bit awkward.

“I don’t know if I have a chance to send the beautiful class leader home?” Su Hao joked.

“Seeing that you don’t talk very much, I didn’t expect to be so poor, let’s go, little rich man.” Zhang Mengqi gave Su Hao a lightly white look.

The moonlight is slightly cool, and the evening breeze blows gently. Su Hao and Zhang Mengqi strolled on the street, neither of them spoke until they reached the door of Zhang Mengqi’s house.

“Su Hao, see you at Tunghai University.” Before leaving, Zhang Mengqi gently waved the green onion hand.

Su Hao has a big smile on his face, “beautiful monitor, see you at Tunghai University.”

July 18.

Su Hao and Yuan Xuefei met to choose the address of the supermarket in Donghai. The moment she saw Yuan Xuefei, Su Hao couldn’t help but lost her primary insight to Yuan Xuefei.

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