Chapter 141

Jiajiafu Supermarket’s hoarding of Banlangen and white vinegar was still noticed by other major supermarkets.

All major supermarkets are secretly inquiring, but unfortunately the answers are all arranged by the owner of Jiajiafu Supermarket, and nothing else is known.

Afterwards, the major supermarkets gave up to continue to explore the reasons. In the eyes of major supermarkets, the family portrait’s move was completely stupid and it was not worth their attention.

Chen Junyong went all out to buy warehouses and land. According to Su Hao’s instructions, all urban areas in the province were hoarding ~ a large number of goods.

“Manager Yuan, if there are no special circumstances, we will not be able to sell this batch of goods for a hundred years.” Chen Junyong said with emotion.

Yuan Xuefei said indifferently, “Are there few miracles in Su Hao? We believe him.”

“Yes, haha.” Chen Junyong agreed with Yuan Xuefei’s words very much.

Just believe in Su Hao, don’t worry about the others, Su Hao’s thoughts are beyond their ability to see through.

For four days on the 7th, the 8th, the 9th, and the 10th, Su Hao was thoroughly involved in the R&D department, working on an online shopping platform with all employees.

This time there is no system reward information. Su Hao is designing based on memory, telling employees some advanced concepts for everyone to develop.

Wang Chan and Zhou Xue are fully recruiting and recruiting couriers.

Su Hao is well aware of the importance of express delivery companies to online shopping platforms. He never thought about relying on other express companies, but only thought about setting up an express company by himself.

Su Hao uses the J Dong business model.

Although the initial investment in online shopping platforms and express companies was extremely large, Su Hao did not think about quickly expanding online shopping platforms and express companies, so Su Hao is confident of being self-sufficient.

On the afternoon of February 11, the first version of the online shopping platform was released.

After two days of testing on the 12th and 13th, the online shopping platform tends to be perfect, and it is very convenient to operate, and it looks much more comfortable than

Su Hao named the website

Originally, Su Hao planned to use Taobao directly, but after thinking about it, he gave up. The name is also quite good.

In this life, will be popular all over the world. As for the of Ari’s father, it hasn’t been seen now.

Su Hao was not in a hurry to let Taotao go online, but was waiting for the opportunity.

Jiajiafu supermarket has finished stocking up.

Zhou Xue and Wang Chan also completed the initial establishment of the express delivery company, which was completely in accordance with Su Hao’s instructions, mainly in the province of Jiang Province, and other provinces could not manage it temporarily.

Everything is ready, waiting for the east wind.

This week, Wang Chan’s ability was also demonstrated.

Su Hao knows from Zhou Xue that Wang Chan’s abilities are good in all aspects, and his adaptability is also very good. He is also very happy.

It is a good thing that Wang Chan is competent, so there is no need to spend energy to find another person in charge.

“Keep on working hard, I am optimistic about you.” Su Hao encouraged Wang Chan.

“Well, I will come on.” This time Wang Chan is more confident than last time.

“The pre-job training must be done well. Next we may have to fight a tough battle. Staff training must be done well, you know?” Su Hao reminded.

“Well, I see.” Wang Chan obediently responded.

Under Su Hao’s powerful aura, Wang Chan has only infinite admiration, and he does not dare to doubt any decision of Su Hao.

“I’m almost exhausted these few days. I have to go back and take a good rest.” Su Hao said to Zhou Xue: “Zhou Xue, you must always pay attention to the news. If you have any signs, call me immediately.”

Zhou Xue said: “Okay.”

Su Hao returned to Villa 20 and slept for a day, and Yuan Xuefei and Du Ruomeng did not bother.

February 14, Valentine’s Day.

Su Hao has no special plans on this day. He wants to stay at home and spend time with the two girls.

Su Hao is indifferent to the international festival, and it is also the Chinese Valentine’s Day.

On this day, the relevant state departments began to pay attention to the cases in Guangdong Province, and the news also reported this incident of acute respiratory syndrome.

After the news was broadcast, the Chinese panicked slightly.

On the 15th, I don’t know where the rumor came from that Radix isatidis and white vinegar can prevent strange diseases. This rumor suddenly swept the country.

The price of Banlangen has been rising steadily, from a large package of less than ten yuan to thirty or forty yuan. The price of white vinegar has soared even more terribly, from less than ten yuan a bottle to tens of yuan, even one. Hundred yuan.

Banlangen and white vinegar are snapped up all over the country.

At this time, the major supermarkets that knew that Jiajiafu Supermarket stocked Banlangen and white vinegar finally understood why Jiajiafu Supermarket stocked Banlangen and white vinegar.

·· 0 Seeking flowers··········

f*ck, this Jiafu supermarket is simply amazing, this time it will definitely make a lot of money.

Just when the major supermarkets believed that Jiajiafu would increase prices to sell Banlangen and white vinegar, Jiajiafu Supermarket issued an announcement.

All Jiajiafu supermarkets in the province sell Banlangen and white vinegar at the original price, and the supply is sufficient.

A warm reminder was specially added at the end. It is only a rumor that Radix isatidis and white vinegar can prevent infectious diseases, but it has not been confirmed. Please be sensible and calm.

The Jiajiafu Supermarket’s announcement completely detonated Jiang Province. Other vendors who were about to increase prices and who had already increased prices for selling Banlangen and white vinegar all cursed Jiajiafu Supermarket.

The people of the whole province praised the family portrait supermarket fiercely.

…… 0

“Jiajiafu supermarket is indeed a love supermarket. Fortunately, I did not buy high-priced Banlangen and white vinegar. Jiajiafu supermarket will charge you for not increasing the price. I will choose your Jiafu supermarket when I buy things in the future.”

“The Jiajiafu supermarket is really great. Now everyone is rushing for Banlangen and white vinegar. Other vendors have increased their prices drastically. Only Jiajiafu will not increase the price. It is a very conscientious reminder that everyone should not fight for it. Jiafu Supermarket, I support you.”

“I heard that a bottle of white vinegar costs 100 yuan. I am really scared. Those unscrupulous profiteers are making money for the country. Fortunately, there are family portrait supermarkets, family portrait supermarkets, and conscience supermarkets. I support you.”

Jiajiafu Supermarket is supported by everyone in the province. People in Jiang Province no longer buy Banlangen and white vinegar from other places after knowing that Jiajiafu has sufficient supply. They only go to Jiajiafu Supermarket to buy them.

At the same time, was officially launched.

YY recommends for users in Jiang Province and informs everyone that people who don’t want to go to a concentrated flow of people can order isatis root and white vinegar through, and they will be delivered within two days within Jiang Province.

The emergence of makes people who don’t want to go out ecstatic.

“Really? How to use and how to place an order?”

“Download, will prompt you to operate. It is very convenient to have YY and Alipay.”

For a time, many people in Jiang Province who wanted to avoid the risk of infection placed orders on

Thank you [Huajian Prodigal Son] for your monthly pass. I am grateful, thank you! ten thousand.

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