Chapter 149

Li Jun replied with a message: “To deal with YY? With the current situation, I can’t guarantee the result.”

General of the Penguin Marketing Department: “You don’t need to guarantee the results. You only need to let your subordinates slander YY and slander YY on the Internet. Others do not require your guarantee.”

Li Jun whispered secretly, ‘I’m going, Penguin is determined to engage in sexual intercourse, no, I have to talk to Brother Hao. ’

Li Jun responded with a message: “Now the entire network is guarding YY, yelling that YY is a conscientious enterprise, and engaging in YY now will ruin my reputation. I need to think about it.”

The general manager of the Penguin Marketing Department started directly and said, “20 million, I will give you 20 million, if you cooperate with us, I will give you 20 million.”

Seeing the amount of 20 million, Li Jun realized that the penguin was making a big move, and immediately dialed Su Hao’s phone.

Su Hao, who was teasing Zhou Xue, saw Li Jun’s call and pressed the answer button.

“Fatty, something?”

Li Jun: “Brother Hao, the big thing is not good. Just now, the senior officials of Penguin contacted me and asked the navy to cooperate with them to slander YY and slander YY.”

“I’m sure that Penguin will take a big move to deal with YY in the future. They offered a reward of 5 million yuan to contact me, and now they have issued another 20 million yuan. With such a determination, they must do something.”

Li Jun spoke out his thoughts.

Su Hao was taken aback when he heard the words, and immediately said: “Are you still chatting with the other party?”

Li Jun: “Well, I was chatting with the senior officials of Penguin. He bid 30 million yuan.”

The general of the Penguin Marketing Department saw that Li Jun did not reply, and he increased the price again, “Thirty million, we will pay 30 million, and you only need your navy to cooperate in one day to slander and slander YY.”

Li Jun saw the price of 30 million yuan and immediately told Su Hao.

Su Hao said: “You hold the other party first, and I’ll justify it a little bit.”

Li Jun: “Okay, Brother Hao.”

Su Hao didn’t hang up the phone, and he fell into deep thought.

The penguin came to Li Jun because he was aware of the power of the navy. The penguin didn’t know that the navy was his Su Hao’s. This was a good opportunity. If you use it properly, you can take advantage of this time to defeat the penguin in one fell swoop.

Whether it’s a reward of five million yuan or a price of thirty million yuan, Su Hao is deeply aware that penguins have big moves, maybe the penguin is the last one to give it a go.

Can the penguin’s plan be discovered through the navy?

Su Hao frowned slightly, feeling that it was impossible to easily inquire about Penguin’s overall plan.

Seeing Su Ha frowning, Zhou Xue couldn’t help asking: “Su Hao, what happened?”

Su Hao directly told Zhou Xue Penguin about looking for the navy to deal with YY.

“A reward of five million, and a bid of thirty million?” Zhou Xue said with a serious face, “In this way, Penguin really wants to fight back and is willing to spend such a big price. Is Penguin going to die for life?”

Su Hao said: “It should be. I will let the fat man agree to the penguin first. By the way, let the fat man take a closer look and see if he can make a penguin plan.”

While Su Hao was meditating, the general of the Penguin Marketing Department increased the price again, bidding 35 million.

“We pay 35 million. I believe YY will not give you so much. As long as you promise to cooperate with us, we will give you more business in the future, and there will be more cooperation between us.”

Li Jun cursed secretly, wanting to fart, and more cooperation, if you know that the navy is Brother Hao, you might have the desire to die.

Su Hao informed Li Jun of the decision, “Fatty, promise him, and bid 50 million. Penguin is a rich man. If you don’t kill the white, you can’t kill the penguin by the way.”

Li Jun: “Brother Hao, do you really agree to Penguin?”

Su Hao said: “Of course, promise him first before talking about the plan to explore the penguins. You can say that, in order to cooperate with you, I need to know your plan, so that I can arrange how to target slander and slander YY.”

“In this way, Penguin will reveal a little bit even if it doesn’t say the overall plan.”

Li Jun praised: “Brother Hao, you are so smart. I’ll talk to him about the price. What if Penguin disagrees with 50 million?”

Su Hao said: “If you don’t agree, you have to be harder, just say that you don’t agree to the interview, goodbye, now it’s Penguin who wants you, and he will agree.”

“Okay, Brother Hao, I see.”

Li Jun bids 50 million yuan according to Su Hao’s orders.

“I can promise you, but the entire network of YY is optimistic, and they all boast that YY is a conscientious enterprise. If you are going to engage in YY now, if you are known by netizens, I will suffer a lot of reputation loss. The price is 50 million. You agree with us. Cooperate, disagree to cooperate and give up.”

General Penguin Marketing saw the price of 50 million yuan, his brows were slightly frowned, but when he saw the reason Li Jun said, he also felt understandable.

“Can it be cheaper, the price of 50 million yuan is beyond my authority?” Penguin marketing general asked tentatively.

Li Jun retorted stiffly: “No two prices, agree to cooperate, and disagree to give up. I will give you five minutes to discuss with the leader.”

The general of the Penguin Marketing Department knew that the price was not negotiable, and directly agreed, “Okay, 50 million, but I need you to cooperate with us fully.”

Li Jundao: “No problem, in order to cooperate with your plan well, I need to know your plan, so that I can arrange the following targeted slander and bad YY.”

The Penguin Marketing Department will hesitate and keep calm. This plan is related to the fate of Penguin. The Navy and YY have always cooperated, and they must not be disclosed to the Navy.

If the plan is revealed to the navy and the navy turns around and tells YY the plan, the penguin will truly be overwhelmed.

Thinking of this, the general of the Penguin Marketing Department replied: “¨` Our plan is very simple. We will do our best to deal with YY. Your navy only needs to slander YY on the Internet, slander YY, and put as much trash as YY says. That’s it.”

Li Jun knew that the Penguin Marketing Department could not tell a plan, and replied: “Okay, pay half of the deposit first.”

General of the Penguin Marketing Department: “Half of the deposit is required?”

Li Jun: “Nonsense, if you don’t pay a deposit, who will do things for you? I don’t know how to live a life like this. If you don’t give money afterwards, I will find someone to make sense.”

General of the Penguin Marketing Department: “Okay, give me an account, and I will arrange the transfer immediately.”

Li Jun gave a company account to the general of the Penguin Marketing Department.

After getting the account, the general manager of the Penguin Marketing Department quickly came to the office of Qi (Li Dezhao) Goose and Xiaoma, and then quickly told Xiaoma about the matter.

Xiao Ma did not doubt that he had him, and said: “Yes, our plan must not be disclosed, and there is nothing wrong with paying a deposit. You are responsible for following up on the navy side.”

“Okay, Brother Marco.”

Li Jun also reported to Su Hao.

Su Hao is slightly disappointed when he knows that Penguin is unwilling to reveal his plan.

After thinking about it for a moment, Su Hao is relieved that the Penguin’s senior management is not stupid, knowing that the navy and YY are cooperating, how could they reveal their plan.

“Fatty man, if the penguin wants you to act, please notify me immediately. I have to think about how to use the penguin in the water army pit.” Su Hao smiled evilly.

“Well, I see, Brother Hao.” Li Jun became excited.

There is going to be a war again soon, which is really looking forward to it, haha.

Four o’clock in the afternoon on February 17th. randomly selects 10,000 praises from users, and then announces the list of winners.

The list is announced, the whole network is envious. .

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