Chapter 18

It’s a matter of time before the game makes money. Su Hao has a plan.

Su Hao thought of many possibilities, and finally came up with one point, “Manager Li, do advertisers come here?”

“Shao Shao, you are really a magical calculation.” Manager Li was secretly shocked. Su Shao deserves to be Su Shao. You can guess this, really a god.

“Shao Shao, an advertiser called the company in the morning and wanted to advertise in our game. Our game can finally make money.”

Su Hao asked directly: “How much does the advertiser give?”

It is normal for advertisers to come to the door. It would be strange if there are no advertisers to come to a game with three or four million people online at the same time.

Manager Li excitedly said: “Three million, three million a year, Su Shao, do we advertise the game?”

Although Li Hong was very happy and excited, he did not rashly agree to the cooperation of advertisers. Because Su Shao has already said that there is a way to make money in the game, and Li Hong is not sure whether Su Shao will agree to advertise in the game.

Even though it was more than three million, Li Hong insisted on holding back and did not agree. Instead, he consulted Su Hao first.

Su Hao was completely speechless and said: “Manager Li, game advertising is part of my game to make money, but three million, too little, they underestimate the value of “Plants vs. Zombies”, and the price offered by advertisers is not Ten million don’t need to report to me.”

Li Hong is completely messed up in the wind, ten million, ten million a year advertising expenses, is it really okay?

Don’t say ten million, three million Li Hong is satisfied, thinking that for the two games he developed before, no advertisers are willing to give 10,000 yuan.

“Shao Shao, will any advertisers be willing to pay 10 million?” Li Hong said in a very nervous tone.

Su Hao said very seriously: “Manager Li, your concept has to be changed. Are there any games with five million simultaneous online users in China? Not to mention five million, no two million are online at the same time. “Plants vs. Zombies” five What does one million simultaneous online mean? Not to mention anything else, this huge user alone is already worth 10 million advertising costs.”

“Manager Li, your layout has to be enlarged. Our game is a free game, and there will only be more and more players. I don’t think there are 10 million people.”

“In the future, advertisers will come to your door. You tell them that “Plants vs. Zombies” only has three advertising spaces. The higher the price is. Don’t agree to any advertisers until you don’t have 5 million people online.”

“I see, Su Shao.” After finishing the call, Li Hong couldn’t relax for a long time.

With three advertising spaces, one for 10 million, “Plants vs. Zombies” can make money solely based on advertising fees. Su Shao definitely has other ways to make money. This way. . .

Thinking of this, Li Hong is more confident in the company, no, because he has more confidence in Su Hao, and he gradually returned to his heart.

Five million are online at the same time, and it must be done within a week. Li Hong gave himself a deadly order in his heart.

At the supermarket, the event ended perfectly in three days, with a total turnover of 11.5 million in three days, achieving Su Hao’s expected goal.

The expected price cuts of the other three major supermarkets did not appear, which made Su Hao slightly puzzled.

It should be that the location of the supermarket is far away from the other three large supermarkets, and its power is insignificant. If it is placed ten years later and there are supermarkets everywhere, it would be strange if the price is not reduced.

Without fighting, Su Hao is more worry-free, so the supermarket can have more time to develop. There is a Donghai shop, and the next step is to vigorously develop the county route, and eventually form a siege, and the province will blossom.

During the two weeks of military training, Su Hao treated it with a normal heart. On the basis of physical fitness +5, Su Hao easily carried it, which made Hong Dabao’s three roommates envious.

Many girls in the class are tanned a lot, and Zhang Mengqi’s white and tender skin also has a healthy wheat color. After two weeks of getting along, everyone is more familiar with Zhang Mengqi’s charm not only conquered the boys in the class, but also the girls.

Seeing Zhang Mengqi’s orderly arrangements for class matters, and talking and laughing with the girls, Su Hao knew that Zhang Mengqi’s position as class leader was settled.

After the military training was over, all the students were celebrating.

Hong Dabao: “I finally got through it. It’s not easy. I’m all haggard and my temperament is reduced.”

“Is the temperament lowered?” Wang Yongjun looked at Hong Dabao in confusion.

“Boss, don’t worry about Dabao, his world is different from ours.” Li Weikang joked.

Hong Dabao retorted: “What is different in our world, you and I are under the same sky.”

“Ha ha.”

After the military training ended, Zhang Mengqi became the squad leader without any dispute. Hong Dabao was also elected as a publicity committee member. Wang Yongjun and Li Weikang did not go to campaign for cadres.

Su Hao asked why, Wang Yongjun and Li Weikang both said they were going to work part-time, and they didn’t have the energy to be a cadre on duty.

Through this month’s familiarization, Su Hao knew that Wang Yongjun’s family conditions were average, otherwise there would be no National Tsing Hua University to make up, so he chose to give him tuition-free Tunghai University instead.

Li Weikang’s family conditions are a little better than Wang Yongjun, and he has to find a part-time job to reduce the burden on the family.

There are four people in the dormitory, but Su Hao has nothing to do by himself.

September 20th.

Li Weikang and Wang Yongjun returned to the dormitory angrily.

“Boss, second, what’s the matter?” Hong Dabao asked.

Su Hao also looked at both of them suspiciously.

After Wang Yongjun’s narration, Su Hao learned the reason for their anger.

It turned out that many of the classmates in the school were obstructed by a senior in the student union. As a result, Wang Yongjun and Li Weikang did not find a part-time job.

The reason that the senior targeted them was actually because of Zhang Mengqi. The senior wanted to chase Zhang Mengqi, but Zhang Mengqi completely ignored the other party, so the other party retaliated.

“Ma Dan, I actually want to chase our monitor, who is that spicy chicken stuff, tell me, I’ll beat him up.” Hong Dabao immediately froze.

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