Chapter 223

“If Huaxin Communications competes with the three major operators, can Huaxin Communications be able to do the three major operators?”

“The three major operators are state-owned enterprises, and CETC is one-to-three, which is difficult.”

“I don’t care about those. As long as CETC is cheap, I will definitely support CETC.”

“Yes, whether it is YY,, Huaxin Computer, Huaxin Mobile, Huaxin Electrical Appliances, they all provide benefits to our people. As long as Huaxin Communication also provides benefits to our people, I will definitely support Huaxin Communication. I don’t care about his three major operators.”

“The three major operators are not the likes of Penguin and For CETC to really work with the three major operators, it would be more fortunate than fortune.”

Many netizens are worried about Huaxin Communication.

“Nothing, what are you worried about, speechless.”

“Since the country can agree that CETC will become the only private communication operator in the country, it will definitely give certain policy support. Think about the Haoyu Research Institute. The 3G network is in the hands of the Haoyu Research Institute. The three major operators must build The 3G base station still has to look at 20 Haoyu Group, the two sides can’t do it.”

“Yes, why do I think so much? I only hope that CETC will develop as soon as possible, so that I can use cheap networks sooner.”

Various rumors appeared on the Internet.

“I heard that CETC wants to build its own 3G network, and the three major operators also build their own. Does CETC have so much money to build it?”

“If you want to build 3G networks all over the country, you can’t do it without tens of billions. Does Haoyu Group have the financial resources?”

“It seems that it is very difficult for CETC to develop rapidly.”

Most netizens feel that it is difficult for CETC to develop rapidly and will always be overwhelmed by the three major operators.

In the next week, Huaxin Communications established outlets in first-, second- and third-tier cities. In accordance with Su Hao’s instructions, the wealthy Huaxin Communications purchased the outlets.

Moreover, Su Hao also asked Du Ruomeng to arrange for people to go to fourth- and fifth-tier cities and counties to buy outlets in advance. In this way, after the base stations in the first, second, and third-tier cities are built, the fourth and fifth-tier cities can immediately keep up.

The facade was bought, quickly renovated, employees were recruited, and the base station construction started at the same time.

People in the first, second and third tier cities saw the start of construction of base stations in their cities, as well as the recruitment advertisements of Huaxin Communications.

“Who said that the development of Huaxin Communications will be very slow? How long has it been before it has opened to third-tier cities? Is this slow?”

“The base stations are all started. Why is this slow?”

“My God, 3G network base stations are being built in several places in Beijing.”

“It’s the same with me. 3G network base stations are being built in several places. I saw that their work clothes are those of Huaxin Communication.”

“It’s the same with me in Dayangcheng. 3G network base stations are being built in several places. I gave them water yesterday. Haha, my Dayangcheng will be able to use the 3G network soon.”

“As far as I know, the first, second, and third-tier cities are starting construction at the same time, all of them are Huaxin Communications, and the other three operators have not yet started construction.”

“It seems to be. I only saw Huaxin Communications building 3G network base stations, but did not see the people from the three major operators. What is going on?”

“Oh my God, in this way, won’t Huaxin Communications be ahead of the three major operators?”

“This is also normal. After all, the 3G network was developed by the Haoyu Group, and CETC is owned by the Haoyu Group. It is normal for the Haoyu Group to give its own priority.”

“Huaxin Communications is awesome, this is truly ahead of the three major operators.”

“Looking at the speed of their construction, it is estimated that it will be completed in one month.”

“I saw that Huaxin Telecom’s business hall was being renovated and was still hiring. I tried to apply for the job. The conditions were really super good. Unfortunately, I didn’t have the right professionalism and I didn’t apply for the job. It is recommended that those with professional abilities in this area go to Huaxin. Let’s take a look at the communication application, the conditions are really good.”

YY directly advertises the recruitment of Huaxin Telecom’s pop-up window.

When netizens saw the recruitment advertisement of Huaxin Communications, they were all attracted by the favorable conditions.

“F*ck, the staff in the business hall are well paid. If I were a female, I would definitely apply.”

“It’s normal for the salary to be good. Didn’t you see the conditions? At least graduated from high school, preferably graduated from undergraduate. The height and appearance are all required. It is strange that the salary can be low.”

“The purpose of Huaxin Communication is to provide good service. It is normal. I heard that the salaries of YY and are very high, but it is difficult to get in.”

When netizens discussed the high salaries and benefits of CETC, the three major operators were really anxious.

Huaxin Communications has already built 3G network base stations in first-, second- and third-tier cities across the country, and they have not yet started. If they fall behind too much, the market will probably be occupied by Huaxin Communications.

But they had no choice. CETC did not stop them from building, just let them study with CETC’s construction team for a month, and then build after they learned the technology.

The research institute also said that first let CETC be a pilot. If there is no problem after the base station is built, then the three major operators can build it with confidence.

Another point is that CETC does not really have so many technical personnel sent out. The technical personnel of Huaxin Communication are all trained in advance, so Huaxin Communication can construct 3G network base stations in first, second and third tier cities at the same time.

If the three major operators start construction now, the research institute will only send two or three technicians to guide and only one base station.

Faced with this result, the three major operators can only frown and send technicians to learn from the team of Huaxin Communication.

While learning, he also helped Huaxin Communications build 3G network base stations.

This made the top executives of the three major operators almost vomiting blood.

This Huaxin Communication is really a good calculation, but they also have nothing to do with Huaxin Communication.

In this way, the progress of CETC’s 3G network base station is advancing rapidly.

With the start of the construction of 3G networks, major computer brands have also cut prices.

It is impossible for them not to reduce prices. All kinds of small businesses have reduced prices. They have no way to survive if they do not reduce prices.

This has been well proved in the past few days. In the past few days, many big-brand computers not only have very few orders on, but also few people buy them in offline physical stores.

As a last resort, many big brands had to cut prices.

The price is more than hundreds of thousands more expensive than small businesses.

Netizens are overjoyed when they see the price cuts of big-brand computers.

“Haha, the high profile of more than 9,000 has dropped to 7,000, which has dropped by more than 2,000. It seems that big brands can’t stand it anymore, haha.”

“It’s weird if you can survive. I heard that big brands have only a few orders these days, and those who place brands have at least dozens of orders, mostly hundreds of orders.”

“Is it just a few orders? No wonder the price will be reduced, but I can’t stand it.”

“This is all the credit of Huaxin Computer, haha.”.

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