Chapter 238

Several large foreign supermarkets have been operating in Longguo for many years, and they have finally managed to make a fortune in Longguo. In addition, Longguo’s economy is developing rapidly, with unlimited potential in the future.

Longguo will develop into one of the largest markets in the world. If it leaves the Longguo market in this way, several large foreign supermarkets will really not be reconciled.

“It’s all caused by the family family and Carrefour. They patted their butts and left. We, we are affected by the fish, who are we going to make sense.”

The senior executives of four large foreign supermarkets gathered together to discuss, it is inevitable to complain about Carrefour and the family.

“It’s not about who should be held accountable now, but about finding a solution.” Wal-Mart’s senior representative said very seriously.

“What can you do?”

“Wal-Mart is a large international company, can’t you help it?”

The representatives of the other three supermarkets all looked at the representatives of Walmart.

The representative of Wal-Mart Supermarket smiled bitterly: “I will not hide it from you. Wal-Mart headquarters is very concealed about Wal-Mart’s losses in the Dragon Kingdom. Wal-Mart is capable, but it cannot withstand losses of several hundred million a day. Wal-Mart headquarters ordered Long Guo Wal-Mart to resolve the current dilemma within one month, otherwise Wal-Mart headquarters will consider allowing Wal-Mart to withdraw from the Long Guo market.”

“What, does Walmart have to quit too?”

“Walmart is so powerful, how could it withdraw from the Dragon Country market? Are you scaring us?”

The representative of Walmart Supermarket said seriously: “Do you think I am in the mood to joke with you?”

“It’s not that you don’t know the current situation. If there is no solution, we will continue to lose money. No one can stand it. Wal-Mart headquarters cannot continue to make the Dragon Country market lose money. If there is no way to solve the current dilemma, There is a way to withdraw from the Longguo market.”

The representatives of the other three supermarkets were silent.

“The local high-levels cannot go through this road. We have to find another way.” A representative of Walmart Supermarket said: “The magic weapon of Jiajiafu Supermarket is smartphones. What is the progress of the development of smartphones by major mobile phone manufacturers in your country?”

The representatives of the three supermarkets all shook their heads, saying they didn’t know.

“I only heard that smart phones are difficult to replicate. I want to bypass the patents of Huaxin mobile phones to develop 20 new smart phones, and none of them can’t be done in two or three years.”

“It is estimated that it is difficult for those big-brand mobile phones to develop new smart phones in a short period of time.”

A representative of Wal-Mart Supermarket said: “In this way, the road of declaring war with the new smart phone and Jiajiafu Supermarket will not work.”

“Then there is only one way left.”

“Which way?” the representatives of the three supermarkets all blurted out.

A representative of Wal-Mart Supermarket said: “Let the ambassador come forward and put pressure on the Dragon Kingdom. If the pressure is successful, we can continue to survive in the Dragon Kingdom, otherwise we can only temporarily withdraw from the Dragon Kingdom market.”

“The ambassador came forward to put pressure on Long Country?” The representatives of the three supermarkets were all taken aback.

This can be big or small, and it’s not easy to get an ambassador to come forward.

“That’s right.” The representative of Wal-Mart Supermarket said seriously: “Our four ambassadors put pressure on the Dragon Kingdom together. This is the only opportunity.”

“I can persuade our ambassador to come forward, but you won’t be able to persuade your country ambassador to come forward?”

“I can.”

“I’m fine.”

“I can too, but is this really useful? If it doesn’t work, it will offend the senior leaders of the Dragon Kingdom. I am afraid it will be difficult to make a comeback in the future.”

A representative of Wal-Mart Supermarket said: “I will talk about the future. Whether we can make a comeback depends on the means. As long as we have the strength, the comeback is not a problem at all.”

“As long as other mobile phones develop new smart phones, Jiajiafu Supermarket will not threaten us. Is it not easy to make a comeback?”

“Don’t forget, we are not family members and Carrefour, we are just caught by the fish, not the culprit.”

The three major supermarkets thought for a while and all agreed.

“Well, that’s it. Together, our four supermarkets let the ambassadors of our respective countries come out to put pressure on the Dragon Kingdom.”

A senior representative of Walmart Supermarket smiled and said, “Okay, let’s talk about it. After they have persuaded their ambassadors, let them come forward together. The four ambassadors will be more powerful to come forward together.”

Senior representatives of Wal-Mart Supermarket firmly believe that if the four ambassadors come forward together, Longguo will certainly be subdued.

Longguo is at a time of rapid development, and certainly does not want to be higher than the news of foreign companies withdrawing together. If this affects more foreign companies to invest in Longguo, it will be a loss for Longguo.

July 23.

The four major foreign supermarkets contacted their respective country ambassadors and negotiated conditions. The ambassadors of the four countries agreed to come forward.

July 24.

The ambassadors of the four countries successively called the second elders of Longguo, with a rather tough attitude.

The ambassadors of the four countries probably mean that if Longguo does not come forward to stop Jiajiafu supermarkets, they will remind those domestic enterprises that want to invest in Longguo, because the environment of Longguo is not suitable for investment.

In a word, the ambassadors of the four countries want to protect the four major Walmart supermarkets.

The second elder responded directly and strongly, and refused without hesitation.

In a word, several major Wal-Mart supermarkets are embarrassing. Dragon Country does not need such affiliated households. If those who want to invest in Dragon Country are also such affiliated households, Dragon Country does not welcome them.

The ambassadors of the four countries did not expect that the attitude of the second elders would be so tough, and they were a bit embarrassed.

This matter will not stop.

After the incident, the ambassadors of the four countries also gave a severe training to the four major supermarkets. Because it was the four major supermarkets that made them ashamed of the second elder.

“If you can’t go down, go home, don’t be embarrassed outside.”

The senior executives of the four major supermarkets were desperate when they heard this. Because they knew that the last road was broken, and the only way they left was to withdraw from the Longguo market.

In this way, the four major supermarkets withdrew from the Longguo market one after another.

It’s useless to stick to it, you will only lose more if you stick to it. Stopping the loss in time is the kingly way at this moment.

On the 26th, the three major foreign supermarkets announced their withdrawal from foreign markets almost at the same time, leaving only one large foreign supermarket, Walmart.

Netizens were ecstatic when they learned that the three major foreign supermarkets had withdrawn from the domestic market.

“Haha, three foreign big supermarkets have withdrawn again, and now there is only one Wal-Mart one left. Almost, we are about to win.”

“There is only one Wal-Mart supermarket left. Brothers and sisters hold on to it. Jiajiafu Supermarket. We must insist. At this time, we must not give up. We must destroy the Wal-Mart Supermarket.”

“That is necessary. In this case, if the Jiajiafu Supermarket gives up, it will be dark for a lifetime.”

“Don’t say it so serious, Wal-Mart is strong, I am afraid it will be difficult to defeat it.”

“Yes, Wal-Mart is a Fortune 500 company in the world and a large enterprise with assets of more than 100 billion yuan. It is very difficult to defeat Wal-Mart.”

“We can’t put pressure on Jiajiafu Supermarket, just support Jiajiafu Supermarket.”

“Yes, it’s the right thing to continue to unite all the time. Jiajiafu Supermarket has done a super beautiful job and must support Jiajiafu Supermarket.”

“Nonsense, don’t you support Jiajiafu Supermarket? Does it support Wal-Mart? I want to watch Jiajiafu Supermarket knock Wal-Mart down.”

“Guess how many days can Walmart Supermarket last?”

“As long as there are no new smartphones, Wal-Mart Superstores will definitely not stick to it. As long as we unite, Wal-Mart Superstores will definitely not stick to it.”

“Yes, unity is the kingly way. At this last moment, everyone can’t lose the chain.”

“That’s a must, no one has to do it for friends who drop the chain.”

“Come on, there is only one seedling left at Walmart Supermarket. As long as this seedling is pulled out, we will win a great victory.”

“Haha, look forward to a great victory soon.”

“Look forward to a great victory soon.”

Netizens are all looking forward to Wal-Mart’s announcement of its withdrawal from the domestic market, looking forward to a great victory soon.

Su Hao smiled involuntarily when he heard the expectations of netizens.

Walmart? It must be done.

No matter you a hundred billion supermarket, no matter you the world’s top five hundred, you will fall to me.

Both Chen Junyong and the employees of Jiajiafu Supermarket admire Su Hao.

The representatives of the four major domestic supermarkets also admire Su Hao.

Whether it is Jiashike or Carrefour, or the three major foreign supermarkets, their withdrawal is the credit of Su Hao. If there is no Su Hao, there is no Haoyu Group, there is no Huaxin mobile phone smartphone, there is no Jiajiafu supermarket, how many Large foreign supermarkets will not withdraw in such an embarrassed manner. The domestic supermarket market is still dominated by foreign supermarkets.

The second elder was very proud when he learned that large foreign supermarkets had withdrawn from the domestic market one after another.

Su Hao can now knock down foreign supermarket companies, and will surely create more miracles when they become stronger.

3G networks, lithography machines, smart phones, maybe other industries soon, ha ha. . .

As for affecting other foreign companies to invest in Longguo, the second elders are not worried at all. The ability of a country to attract foreign companies is by no means attracted by softness, but a strong country and better development of the country. Only when foreign companies see that Longguo can make money will attract more companies to invest.

Netizens united as one, and with the continued activities of the Jiajiafu Supermarket and the Big Four Supermarkets, Walmart finally couldn’t stand it and announced its withdrawal from the Longguo market on July 31st.

After Wal-Mart announced its withdrawal, all large foreign supermarkets withdrew from Longguo Market, and Longguo Supermarket Market is dominated by local supermarket companies.

Jiajiafu Supermarket became famous throughout the country and became the leading supermarket of Longguo Supermarket in one fell swoop. The four major supermarkets of Runhua Wanjia and Jiajiafu Supermarket go hand in hand, establishing the reputation as one of the five major supermarkets in Longguo.

The Chinese people are ecstatic when they know that Wal-Mart has withdrawn from the domestic market.

“Haha, Walmart finally withdrew, we won, haha.”

“Celebrate the whole world, this is our great victory.”

“It’s so cool, it feels really cool, I’ve never been so happy like today, I’m so happy, haha.”

“We won, haha, Jiajiafu Supermarket is awesome, and the Chinese are awesome.”

“Haha, we persevered. The Chinese people are so united. Unity is strength. The Chinese people are awesome, and the family portrait supermarket is awesome.”

“Thank Jiajiafu Supermarket for allowing me to enjoy a great victory, thank Jiajiafu Supermarket for letting us unite, thank Jiajiafu Supermarket and Huaxin Mobile for leading us to a great victory together. This victory will Will be remembered in history.”

“The Jiajiafu Supermarket has repelled the six major foreign supermarkets. This commercial war will definitely be a business war that all major universities must learn. The Jiajiafu Supermarket is awesome.”

“This feels really cool, I hope other industries will also rise.”

“That’s a must. Didn’t you see that Huaxin mobile phones have risen? Smart phones dominate the world. Sooner or later.”

“That’s right, Huaxin Mobile and Jiajiafu Supermarket are both super awesome. I hope Haoyu Group will get better and better, and it will also create brilliance in other industries and create another miracle.”

“I really want to know who the boss of Haoyu Group is now? The boss of Haoyu Group actually drove out the six major foreign supermarkets. It’s simply awesome, idol, absolute idol.”

“You can’t be awesome, just ask who can have such brilliant results, only Haoyu Group, the owner of Haoyu Group is really awesome.”

“Is there a great science popularization, who is the boss of Haoyu Group?”

Netizens have been curious about the identity of the boss of Haoyu Group. Such an awesome figure is a pity in life.

“I heard that the owner of Haoyu Group is Su Hao, the founder of the 985211 tutoring website. I don’t know if it is true.”

“Stu Hao of the tutoring website, it’s impossible, isn’t Su Hao just freshman? Freshman is so awesome, if it is really Su Hao, then Su Hao will be the idol of young people across the country, and he deserves it. Idol.”

“I don’t know, the rumors are like this. There have been many well-founded analyses on the Internet before, so you can check it out if you want to know.”

For a time, many previous analysis posts were turned over, but only the boss of YY was mentioned, but the boss of Haoyu Group was not mentioned.

“These analysis posts are really well-founded. What can be determined now is that the tutoring website and PayTong were founded by Su Hao. We all know the weight of the tutoring website. It does not belong to any one person, it belongs to the people of the whole country. Will Paypay be sold by Su Hao?”

“If Alipay is sold by Su Hao, Haoyu Group is definitely not Su Hao’s.”

“If Su Hao didn’t sell Alipay, then Haoyu Group might really belong to Su Hao.”

“Anyway, there is no definitive news to prove that the Haoyu Group is Su Hao. I really hope who is such an awesome boss, so that I can have an example to learn from.”

“Me too. I want to know who the boss of Haoyu Group is. I will work hard with him as the goal. Such a powerful character is the goal I will strive for in my life.”

“Haha, I am now in my junior year. I will try to go to Haoyu Group for an internship, and then truly become an employee of Haoyu Group. I want to work side by side with Haoyu Group to create more brilliance.”

“Haha, brothers, I graduated this year and I decided to join Haoyu Group. After I meet the boss, I will report to you again.”

“Let’s talk about it when you enter the Haoyu Group. The Haoyu Group is now the most famous group in the country. Do you think you can enter if you want?”

“That is, Haoyu Group became famous because of this supermarket war and became a famous company in the country. With the addition of Huaxin mobile phones, the potential is unlimited. Not everyone can enter.”.

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