Chapter 240

“Smartphones can be used all over the world, but our country cannot use them. Wouldn’t we be left behind? I absolutely don’t allow this to happen. What happened to the Sike supermarket being beaten by others in Longguo? Why should we pay the bill?”

“Yes, it’s all caused by Jiashike Supermarket. Jiashike Supermarket. If you don’t let the country immediately approve Huaxin mobile phones to enter our country’s market, the people of the whole country guarantee that your Jiashike Supermarket will immediately close down.”

“Jia Shi Ke Supermarket, you will remember it for me. I will give you three days. No matter what you think, you must invite Huaxin mobile phones to enter the market in our country, otherwise the people of the whole country will abandon you.”

Jiashike Supermarket was strongly resisted by the people of the country.

The same situation happened to several big supermarkets in Carrefour Supermarket.

Especially in Wal-Mart supermarkets in the U.S., the U.S. people’s will to protest is extremely strong.

The American people know that the reason why Huaxin mobile phones are not sold in the United States is because Wal-Mart supermarket in Long Country was killed by Huaxin Mobile Brothers Jiajiafu Supermarket, and then Wal-Mart retaliated against Huaxin mobile phones and prevented smartphones from entering the American market. .

People in the U.S. who are chasing smartphones are very angry. On the same day, they gathered together to protest at the door of the Wal-Mart Supermarket.

“Walmart supermarket, get out and give us an explanation. Why should we pay for your failure? Get out, otherwise your supermarket will be destroyed.”

“The shit Wal-Mart supermarket really refreshed my three views. I can’t hang around in the Dragon Country, and I will show off when I return home. Who will give you the courage.”

“Walmart supermarket, you are limited to give us an explanation within an hour, otherwise your supermarket will be smashed. Don’t even think about opening your supermarket in the United States in the future.”

The Wal-Mart Supermarket executives learned that there were protesters at the entrances of supermarkets across the country, and they were completely confused.

Walmart used the relationship to prevent Huaxin mobile phones from entering the U.S. market, in retaliation against Haoyu Group. Walmart never thought that the people of the country would protest.

It stands to reason that this is a good thing. It is a good thing to refuse the enterprises of other countries to dominate the country. This is a good thing. The people of the country should support it, but what about now?

Not only did the people of this country not support them, they also ran out to protest, and asked them to explain to them as soon as possible.

Can’t you stand up a bit and unite like the people of the Long Kingdom? What’s so good about a smart phone? It’s just a mobile phone. Don’t you have a mobile phone now?

What’s more, companies such as Pingguo have announced that they are developing smart phones. Can’t you wait?

Can we still not develop a smart phone with our country? Will you die after waiting a few months?

The Wal-Mart Supermarket executives are extremely depressed.

In the face of a huge crowd of protests, the Wal-Mart Supermarket executives had no choice but to compromise.

There is no room for Wal-Mart to not compromise, and the American people do what they say. If you dare not compromise, they will smash Walmart in the next moment.

Just in order to retaliate against Haoyu Group, the Wal-Mart Supermarket has become lonely. It is super uneconomical, and the Wal-Mart Supermarket executives are not so stupid.

The Wal-Mart supermarket side responded quickly.

Wal-Mart Supermarkets will convince the country to allow Huaxin Mobile to enter the U.S. market as soon as possible. If possible, Walmart will cooperate with Huaxin Mobile and become a channel for Huaxin Mobile to help Huaxin Mobile sell smartphones.

“If you want to fart, do you still want to become a channel provider of Huaxin mobile phones, do you want to be a idiot of Huaxin mobile phones? Just let Huaxin mobile phones enter the domestic market, and you don’t need to worry about the others.” American people angered Walmart supermarkets.

“Yes, what kind of rubbish has been defeated by others. If you don’t want to retaliate against others, you still want to become their channel dealer. It is really naive. The world thinks you are a fool.”

“The Wal-Mart executives are absolutely stupid. Even if they can’t stay in Long Nation, they still use their relationships to retaliate back. Commercial competition uses political means to retaliate. This is simply a kind of sadness.”

“Walmart Supermarket is now brilliant, but with such a stupid high-level, I am afraid it will not last long.”

“The Wal-Mart supermarket has been dark since then.”

“The Wal-Mart supermarket has been dark since then.”

“Wal-Mart supermarket, there are still ten days before the 30th. Quickly get it done. If there is no smart phone sold in the US on the 30th, don’t even think that I will spend a penny in your Wal-Mart supermarket in this life.”

“Yes, Wal-Mart, you remembered it to me. If there are no smartphones for sale in China on the 30th, I will smash your Wal-Mart.”

The Wal-Mart Supermarket executives heard these voices and regretted them.

If they know that this will end, they will definitely not retaliate against Haoyu Group. There are still ten days, we have to hurry up, otherwise the Wal-Mart Supermarket might really fall.

The treatment of several supermarkets and Wal-Mart supermarkets is similar to that of Wal-Mart, and the people of this country have given them a reward. In a word, if there is no smart phone to sell him in the country on the 30th, the people of the whole country will let their supermarkets go bankrupt.

Su Hao couldn’t help laughing when he learned of the tragic experience of the six major foreign supermarkets.

You can live if you do iniquity, but you can’t live if you do iniquity.

Su Hao told me to go down and refuse me no matter how the six countries invite them.

In a word, the global launch of smartphones on the 30th is not the case in your six countries. You are obediently waiting for the next batch of shipments.

The six countries have benefited from the six major supermarkets and have invited Huaxin mobile phones to enter their countries.

According to Su Hao’s instructions, the overseas head of Huaxin Mobile strongly refused, without any room for negotiation.

The foreign high-level officials of the six countries had no idea that CEFC’s attitude was so tough, and for a while they didn’t know what to do. When they reacted, they were full of anger.

I give you a chance, but you refuse, then you will never want to enter our market.

The six countries are used to the arrogance of foreign high-level officials. Where can they stand the anger of Huaxin mobile phones, they directly gave up discussing with Huaxin mobile phones.

After the six major supermarkets learned that Huaxin Mobile had refused to enter the station, they were all confused.

f*ck, now I beg you to come and you are not here, what are you doing?

“Leader, you must let Huaxin mobile phones enter the domestic market, otherwise the domestic people will really boycott Wal-Mart supermarkets. If the Wal-Mart supermarkets fall, the country will be unrest.”

“Go and say it yourself, as long as you convince Huaxin mobile phone, I will let it go naturally. I can’t bear this anger. You provoke the matter. You can solve it for me. Otherwise, your Wal-Mart supermarket will be waiting to close down. Bar.”

External leaders don’t care about the life and death of Wal-Mart Supermarkets. If it weren’t for the strong capital of Wal-Mart Supermarkets, he would not bother to talk to Wal-Mart Supermarkets.

Your Wal-Mart supermarket has fallen down, naturally other supermarkets have risen, and there is no shortage of your Wal-Mart supermarket in the United States. Without your Wal-Mart Supermarket, the same goes in the United States.

As a last resort, the executives of the six major supermarkets personally came to the door and begged, so they knelt down and cried and shouted that the Huaxin mobile phone was stationed in their country.

Su Hao smiled incredibly happily after hearing the news.

Rubbish stuff, I said that I will let you beg me to sell smartphones in your country and do what I say.

Su Hao asked the overseas responsible person to directly ask for compensation.

The compensation is 100 million yuan, no price.

This time on the 30th, it will not be sold in six countries, so we can only wait for the next time.

As for how the six major supermarkets explain to their Chinese people, Su Hao is too lazy.

In a word, if you do not compensate, the smartphone will not enter the six-nation market next time.

Su Hao would rather give up the six-nation market, but also fight for this tone.

The six major supermarkets were extremely aggrieved and agreed to pay compensation, while also remembering the shame.

The new hatred and the old hatred together, the six major supermarkets deeply remember the Haoyu Group and extremely hate the Haoyu Group. If there is a chance, the six major supermarkets will retaliate severely and bring down the Haoyu Group.

When the six hundred million arrived in the account, Su Hao felt happy and made six hundred million in vain. Su Hao naturally rewarded the employees of Huaxin Mobile’s overseas company.

The six major supermarkets explained it to the people all over the country on the 27th and 28th.

Due to the insufficient production capacity of Huaxin mobile smartphones, the 30th cannot be sold in the country, but they have already discussed with Huaxin mobile phones. The next batch of smartphones will definitely be sold in the country. I hope everyone will forgive me.

In order to apologize, from today until the next batch of smart phones are on sale, the supermarket is 30% off. I hope everyone will give the supermarket a chance. I hope everyone will forgive me.

The super sincere apology of the six major supermarkets has been forgiven by most of the people in the country.

Who makes the smartphone production capacity insufficient is known to the whole world. If there is no such point, let the six major supermarkets talk about breaking the sky, and allow the six major supermarkets to discount, people will not forgive the six major supermarkets.

The six major supermarkets escaped the catastrophe and he was completely relieved.

Jiajiafu Supermarket, Huaxin Mobile, Haoyu Group, don’t give me a chance, don’t give me a chance, I will kill you severely.

August 30.

The first-generation smartphone of Huaxin Mobile was launched globally.

Longguo has 20 million units and 20 million units in overseas markets. A total of 40 million smartphones are on sale at the same time.

There are a total of 16 countries in the overseas market, with 1.25 million smartphones in each country.

Longguo Market is still sold on

Netizens are extremely happy to learn that there are 20 million smartphones.

“Haha, we must grab it this time.”

“Twenty million copies, there must be one of mine, this time I must grab it.”

“20 million in the domestic market, 20 million in foreign countries, a total of 40 million smartphones, indicating that the daily production capacity of Huaxin mobile phones is definitely more than one million. You can definitely grab it next month.”

“It’s great. Huaxin mobile phones have a daily production capacity of more than one million units silently. It is really amazing. I wish Huaxin mobile phones dominate the global market.”

“That is necessary. Now the world sells Huaxin mobile phones with smart phones, can we not dominate the global market? We must dominate.”

“Twenty million units are still not enough. Now all cities have built 3G network base stations, and many counties are also being built, and 20 million units are not enough.”

“Satisfy, now the daily production capacity of Huaxin mobile phones has exceeded one million units. This time I can’t get it, and I can get it next month.”

“Hehe, you guys grab it slowly, I have been using it for two months, I am watching the show quietly.”

“Haha, I’m also watching the theater quietly.” Netizens who have bought smartphones are all watching the excitement quietly.

At 7 pm, Huaxin mobile phone shop opened on time.

In less than five seconds, 20 million smartphones were sold out.

“Would you like to be so crazy, 20 million copies in less than five seconds, should you be so crazy?”

“F*ck, I didn’t grab it again. I was too miserable. I didn’t grab it three times. I didn’t get the prize after drawing 20 times at the Jiafu Supermarket. I am so pitiful.”

“You only smoked 20 times. I didn’t draw 50 times. I am worse than you.”

Netizens started selling miserably.

“Am I talking a hundred times?”

“One hundred times, it’s not that you have to buy something for 10,000 yuan, this brother is too pitiful, haha.”

“What’s a hundred times, I’m one hundred and twenty times, am I miserable?”

“One hundred and twenty times for 12,000 yuan, you can buy three smart phones. This buddy is too miserable.”

“This buddy is really bad luck.”

“My buddy, don’t panic. There will be fewer people to grab the next batch, and you will definitely be able to grab the next batch.”

“The next batch. I’m still waiting for the next batch. My girlfriend is going to break up with me. Who can save me?”

“One hundred and twenty times, I also took the luck of this guy. Everyone put him up and let the Huaxin mobile phone shop see him and save him.”

“Yes, this buddy is too pitiful, please push him up and see if Huaxin phone can see him and save him.”

“It’s really miserable. I hope that Huaxin Mobile will help this poor buddy and sell him a smartphone so that his girlfriend will not break up with him.”

“Haha, please forgive me for smiling unkindly.”

Netizens one after another topped the poor buddy’s comments.

Su Hao just saw it, flop directly, reply with two words with Huaxin mobile phone shop account, arrange.

Netizens were a little confused when they saw the reply from Huaxin Mobile.

“Arrangement, what do you mean?”

“Yes, what does this arrangement mean?”

“Arrangement, does it mean to arrange a smartphone for this miserable buddy?”

“should be.”

Huaxin Mobile directly sent messages to the miserable brother, giving the miserable brother the opportunity to place an order for two smartphones.

The miserable brother naturally pays immediately. After completing the payment, the miserable brother reacted.

It’s true, all of this is true, I’m all suffering.

The miserable brother immediately commented, “Thank you Huaxin Mobile, thank you for giving me the opportunity, now I finally don’t have to break up with my girlfriend, thank Huaxin Mobile, I will always support you.”

When netizens saw the words of the miserable brother, they all understood that Huaxin mobile phone had arranged a smart phone for the miserable brother.

“F*ck, there is this kind of operation, I want it too, I am even more miserable, I have not drawn two hundred times, I am even more miserable than him.”

Two hundred times, three hundred times, and one thousand times all came up. Unfortunately, the two-character response from the Huaxin mobile phone shop did not appear again, and those netizens who sold falsely were destined to be disappointed.

Longguo was snapped up on, and it was purchased offline in 16 overseas countries.

There are long queues in the overseas sales points of Huaxin mobile phones early in the morning.

Some people even set up tents in front of the Huaxin mobile phone shop in the early morning. Many people came to the Huaxin mobile phone shop at four or five in the morning to line up.

“F*ck, there are buddies who set up tents. When did the buddies come to line up?”.

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