Chapter 270

“Double Twelve Shopping Carnival, this is amazing. I dare say that the sales of this event will shock the world.”

“That’s also to say, shopping carnival, these five words are enough to make people crazy, not to mention that most of the products on’s entire platform are sold at 50%, and the sales do not shock the world.”

“Su Shen is worthy of being Su Shen, such an awesome event can be thought of, the Double Twelve Shopping Carnival, it is too powerful.”

“It’s nothing. has also engaged in activities before, but it’s not as crazy and formal as this time.”

“Haha, that’s not it. It was promoted several days in advance. This is the first time for such a formal event.”

“Double Twelve Shopping Carnival. What a good name for this event. I heard that will hold the Double 12 Shopping Carnival every year on December 12th. is going to build on December 12th. It’s a real shopping carnival.”

“Really? If this is the case, will be awesome, haha.”

“I don’t understand, it’s the news from the staff of I heard that Su Hao said it, haha.”

“Since it is Su Shen’s idea, this day will definitely become a shopping carnival.”

“Just get your wallet ready, 50% off the whole show, is your wallet ready?”

“Will the smartphone be 50% off?”

“I haven’t heard that smartphones are only on sale at the end of the month. I don’t know if there will be smartphones in this shopping carnival.”

“I’ll go and see, haha, yes, the Huaxin mobile phone store has a reminder that there will be smartphones on sale on the day of double twelve. Surprise prices are waiting for everyone.”

“The surprise price, is it 50% off?”

“Don’t think about 50% off, I believe it if it is cheaper, but 50% off is not a belief. If the price of 3500 is 50% off, the Huaxin mobile phone will lose money.”

“Yes, the price of 3500 is a super conscientious price, and another 50% discount. It’s strange that the smart phone is not at a loss. I’m satisfied if it’s two or three hundred cheaper. The smart phone is different from other daily commodities, so it’s impossible to get a 50% discount. .”

“Haha, it’s better to be 500 yuan cheaper, if it’s 500 yuan cheaper, I will definitely snap it up.”

“Yes, if it only costs three thousand yuan, I will buy two for my parents to use.”

“Haha, the price of 3,000 yuan is acceptable. If it is so cheap, I will buy two for my parents, 6,000 yuan, one month’s salary, and I can afford it.”

“In which city is the buddy upstairs, the salary is so high, do you have a girlfriend?”

“Is it a boy or a girl who earns 6000 yuan upstairs? Which city is it from?”

“I am a boy, and in Donghai, I am a small leader of the Haoyu Group.”

“Wow, buddy actually works in Haoyu Group. No wonder the salary is so high, and he is still a small leader, so awesome.”

“Dude, please introduce my work, I also want to join Haoyu Group.”

“Dude, help me. I want to join the Haoyu Group. If you can help me join the Haoyu Group, there will be rewards afterwards.”

“The handsome guy in Donghai, do you have a girlfriend? I’m also in Donghai. We can try without a girlfriend.”

“I’m also in Donghai, brother, how about we try?”

There are many girls who want to contact this handsome guy, and they are more concerned about this brother’s salary.

“Brother, are you at the headquarters of Haoyu Group? A little leader has a salary of 6,000, which is amazing.”

“No, I am a team leader in the production line of Huaxin Electrical Appliances Factory.”

“The team leader has a salary of 6,000? Is that much?”

“Oh my God, this salary is really too high, my heart is touched.”

“Does the team leader of a production line have such a high salary? It seems that Haoyu Group’s salary is really high.”

“Normal, haven’t you seen the recruitment advertisement of Haoyu Group? The ordinary salary of the factory is above 3,000, and the salary of 6,000 for a team leader is also normal.”

“Awesome, Haoyu Group is so awesome, no, I will go to Haoyu Group to try it tomorrow.”

“Next year I will have to go to Haoyu Group to try. Anyway, I have to go for an interview. If I don’t do an interview, I will not give up.”

“Don’t wait for next year. Now Haoyu Group is recruiting a large number of employees in the two large processing plants in Shenzhen and Beijing. You can catch up tomorrow. Don’t miss the opportunity.”

“That is, if you meet the requirements, please try it. It is absolutely impossible to enter the Haoyu Group. The treatment and benefits of the Haoyu Group are definitely the best among all factories in the country.”

“That is, the food in the canteen of the Haoyu Group factory is very good and cheap. Quietly tell you that the food in the Haoyu Group’s communist canteen is as good as the food for six dollars in other factories.”

“Oh my God, is it so good? Double the benefits?”

“It’s not an exaggeration. I am the first batch of employees of the Haoyu Group Electrical Factory. My salary is three thousand and five, and the food is super good. In the past few months since entering the Huaxin Electrical Factory, I have gained several kilograms.”

“Not only did you make money, but you also gained weight. It’s hard to tolerate the laws of nature.”

“It is said that it is hard to work outside, but the Haoyu Group is completely different. The Haoyu Group has superb benefits. There is no saying that there is no squeezing of employees. Joining the Haoyu Group is absolutely not wrong.”

“After joining Huaxin Electric Factory, I am extremely thankful that the various conditions of the Haoyu Group are comparable to the place where I worked before, and it is simply heaven. The Haoyu Group is definitely the best company in the world, and there is no one.”

“Haha, it’s getting harder and harder, but this shows that Haoyu Group’s welfare is really good.”

“We are discussing the Double Twelfth Shopping Festival. Why are you discussing this?”

“Haha, no way, who makes Haoyu Group’s welfare so good? It won’t work without discussion.”

“Yes, Haoyu Group allows me to make money. Otherwise, I don’t have the money to go shopping frantically at the shopping carnival. This time I must buy frantically and buy all the daily necessities for next year.”

“Haha, that’s not bad. At such a cheap price once a year, you have to buy and buy, like daily necessities, you can really buy the amount of next year.”

“Brothers and sisters with deposits, you are happy, Double Twelve Super Shopping Carnival, don’t miss it when you pass by. Next year, I will buy paper towels, toothpaste, toothbrushes and other daily necessities first, which will definitely save a lot of money.”

“That is, if there are not new clothes next year, I plan to buy all the clothes next year.”

“Haha, girls buy a lot of things. Next year’s facial masks and cosmetics can be bought first. This Double Twelve Shopping Carnival is simply for girls.”

“Haha, that’s not the case. I have already started to list all the things I want to buy, and then add them to the shopping cart, wait for the 12th at 01, and place an order right away.”

“I have already listed it, there are more than 100 kinds of land that I want to buy, haha.”

“I also have one or two hundred kinds, and it’s estimated to cost thousands.”

“Thousands are nothing. I have to buy thousands of face masks and tens of thousands of cosmetics. This time I will spend tens of thousands of dollars on the shopping carnival.”

“Sisters are rich and generous.”

The girls were talking about how much they wanted to buy, and the boys watched silently, frightened.

Some boys also began to complain.

“My girlfriend also lists the form, and I see that long list, I’m going to collapse.”

“I can’t finish the list on a page. I have a headache. My wallet can’t stand it.”

“Where is the shopping carnival, this is the day of misery for mine.”

“Haha, the guy with a girlfriend is destined to bleed heavily. Fortunately I am single, haha.”

“My buddy, once a year, bear with me. It’s still happy to have a girlfriend. A single dog like me doesn’t even want to have a girlfriend.”

“That’s right, just be content if you have a girlfriend. There is a shopping carnival like this once a year. As a man, what does it mean to pay the bill? How happy it is to have a girlfriend.”

“That’s the big deal, let her make up for you. Isn’t that good?”

“How much can it cost, isn’t it just a few thousand yuan, haha.”

“It’s more than a few thousand, what you said is simple, then a long list, where there is only a few thousand, more than 10,000.”

“Calm down, don’t be seen by your girlfriend, otherwise you will become a single dog just like me.”

“Haha, sympathize with those buddies who have girlfriends, this time they are really going to bleed.”

“Brother, should I quarrel deliberately, break up for a few days, and wait for the double twelfth shopping carnival before my girlfriend gets back together.”

“Brother upstairs, haha, if you dare to do this, be careful that your girlfriend really dumps you.”

“Haha, brother, I advise you to be kind, otherwise your girlfriend will run away with someone else and you will cry.”

“This brother’s idea is really awesome, I think it has a lot to do, brother, thank you for waking me up, I decided to do it.”

“A few thousand dollars, I can’t afford my salary for more than a month. I also decided to quarrel deliberately. I broke up for a few days and then reunited after Double Twelve. Haha.”

“Awesome, you are all too good. I have served you. If any brother wants to abandon his girlfriend, I will go out and see if I can pick up a girlfriend.”

“Haha, that’s right, I will also go out to see if I can find a girlfriend.”

“Divide it, divide it all, as long as you divide it, I will have a chance.”

“I decided to go to bed late these few days and listen to if there is a quarrel upstairs and downstairs next door. If there is a quarrel, I will immediately rush out to see if I can pick up a girlfriend. It’s only a few thousand dollars. I can’t give it up.”

“Yes, for the sake of my girlfriend, I can give it up.”

“I want to fart, it’s just a fight and it’s not really a breakup. Does my girlfriend have such a good pick, get out.”

“Haha, I decided to use deliberate quarrels to avoid this double twelve shopping carnival.”

When some girls saw these topics from male netizens, they all fought back.

“I advise you guys to be kind, sisters, if your boyfriends deliberately said that they broke up these days, they will all be blacked out, and they will never be given a chance. If you don’t want to spend thousands of dollars for you, this kind of man is not worth entrusting for life.”

“That’s just a few thousand yuan. I can’t bear to spend such a small amount of money. He deliberately quarrels and breaks up. Why do this kind of man come here? Just kick it. There are better ones waiting for us.”

“Sisters, we must unite, let such stingy boys get the lessons they deserve, and must not let their treacherous tricks succeed.”

“Yes, they must not be allowed to succeed in their trickery.”

“Sisters, remember, if your boyfriends deliberately said that you want to break up, you kick them, don’t give them any more opportunities.”

“A man who is reluctant to spend thousands of dollars for his girlfriend is going to do it, so I kicked it as soon as possible.”

The boys were angry when they saw the girls in these voices.

“You said it easy, the salary now is just a lot, don’t have the money to pay for you so that we can sell blood?”

“That’s it, a few thousand dollars is a lot, I can’t get tens of thousands of dollars.”

“I’m just an ordinary migrant worker, with a monthly salary of 2,000, and I can’t get tens of thousands of dollars.”

“Not all men are like that. Only a few think like that. Don’t generalize all boys.”

“That’s, if it doesn’t cost much, I am willing.”


“If you live together, don’t you guys need to buy daily necessities? Isn’t it frugal to take advantage of this cheap purchase? You still have opinions. I really convinced you guys.”

“That’s it, you also said that you are diligent and thrifty, and this kind of boy is really undesirable.”

“Sisters, in a word, you really don’t want a boy who is stingy with his wife. The bloody lessons from people who have come here are divided as soon as possible. Don’t wait for you to regret it after you really get married.”

“Yes, don’t marry a boy who is stingy to you. This kind of man doesn’t really love you. He values ​​money more than you.”

Because of the Double Twelve Shopping Carnival, the topics discussed by netizens have risen to emotional topics, and this topic has also quickly made the search list.

Weibo also deliberately set up a voting column to allow netizens to vote on Double Twelve. Should they pay for their girlfriends?

As a result, the netizens who voted accounted for 70% of the votes, and those who shouldn’t accounted for only 30%.

As soon as the voting result came out, many boys were at a loss.

“How did you vote for this vote? Seventy percent of people think it should be? Oh my God, I burst.”

“Actually, 30% of people think that they shouldn’t pay for their girlfriends. Those who shouldn’t vote are definitely single dogs. I wish you will never find a girlfriend and be single for the rest of your life and be a five-guarantee household.”

“Yes, it’s definitely a single dog who shouldn’t vote. Just wait for your whole life to be a bachelor for your unwillingness to spend money for your girlfriend.”

“Singles who are single, keep your eyes open when looking for a boyfriend in the future. Don’t look for a stingy boy, otherwise you will be offended.”

“Yes, sisters, you must keep your eyes open when looking for a man, and don’t bury the happiness of your life in the hands of a stingy man.”

The girl who shouldn’t vote was severely complained by the girl.

The controversy belongs to controversy. People are crazy to add their favorite products to their shopping carts, only to wait for the arrival of 0 o’clock on the 12th.

Within a few days, people all over the country knew about the Double Twelve Shopping Carnival on Middle-aged people who don’t know how to shop online let their children who can shop online help purchase the goods they need on

People across the country are looking forward to the arrival of zero on the 12th. .

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