Chapter 273

Regarding Su Hao’s desire to enter the real estate market, the second elders have no opinion at all.

Regarding the real estate industry, the second elders haven’t paid much attention to it, and they are completely laissez-faire in development.

The second elder felt that Su Hao’s words still made sense.

One cannot be crushed by a house.

If it is really like Su Hao’s analysis, housing prices soar in the future, then most ordinary people will really be crushed by their houses, and they will be working hard to repay their mortgages all their lives.

The second elder does not want to see this situation. It is a good thing for Su Hao to enter the market and control the housing price a little bit.

Just like Su Hao said, if everyone can buy a house, happiness will definitely be stronger. If people have more spare money to nurture their children, there will be more talents in the future, so why not worry about the country not being strong.

In addition, the country is planning to implement preferential policies in the area of ​​talents, which happens to reflect each other.

Su Hao’s request is only fair competition. For such a simple request, the second elders naturally agreed.

Su Hao’s face was slightly excited after receiving a positive reply from the second elder.

Let me change the real estate industry.

Su Hao immediately boarded Weibo and posted two words to arrange.

Su Hao’s fans saw the two words arranging for a moment, and immediately reacted with excitement.

“Haha, Su Shen replied, see the arrangement again, this is to enter the real estate industry.”

“Haha, when was the last arrangement? It was the buddy who couldn’t buy a smart phone. I didn’t expect to see the word arrangement again after so long. That’s great. Su Shen decided to enter the real estate industry. That’s great. House prices will definitely not rise so fast now.”

“I know Su Shen will not let us down. God Su is sent to give us welfare. Su Shen, I am looking forward to your house built by Haoyu Group. I am so looking forward to it.”

“Haha, is this true? Does Su Shen’s arrangement really mean to enter the real estate industry?”

“Absolutely, I promise that the arrangement of these two words means that we will enter the real estate industry in 20 years. Don’t worry, the house waiting for Haoyu Group to build is that the price will never be higher than the current market.”

“In any case, I am looking forward to the house built by Haoyu Group. Haoyu Group is a super conscientious enterprise and will not let us down.”

“I plan to get married tomorrow, can I wait for the house built by Haoyu Group?”

“It’s too late next year, but it’s almost the same the next year.”

“Yes, how can it take a year and a half to build a house, next year is too in a hurry, the next year should be fine.”

“This depends on the strength of Sushen. If Haoyu Group is willing to enter the real estate industry with all its strength, there will definitely be many people who can live in Haoyu Group’s houses next year.”

“Haha, I’m only 20 years old, I can afford to wait, Su Shen, come on.”

“I’m only 18 years old, I can afford it, Su Shen, don’t worry, the quality of the house must be guaranteed, we are not in a hurry.”

“Nonsense, the quality of Haoyu Group is guaranteed, and there is no need to worry about quality.”

“I’m 25 and plan to get married next year. I guess I won’t be able to keep up.”

“Haha, I want to know how other real estate companies will react when Haoyu Group enters the real estate industry?”

“You must be very anxious, you must be cursing Su Shen.”

“That’s for sure, Su Shen is the spoiler. With Su Shen spoiler, the house price will definitely be controlled to a certain extent.”

“That may be true. With such a big real estate market, Haoyu Group may not be able to compete with so many real estate companies across the country.”

“Nor did Haoyu Group say to fight with other real estate industries. I build my house, you build your house, I sell my house, you sell your house, there are so many people in the country, Haoyu Group cannot satisfy The needs of the people across the country.”

“That is, I just want to say that Haoyu Group’s houses are definitely in short supply, which has little impact on other real estate companies. Haoyu Group has no houses to sell, and people will naturally buy houses from other real estate companies.”

“Haha, why do you have so much confidence in Haoyu Group, Haoyu Group Real Estate Company has not been established, you said that the supply exceeds demand, haha.”

“That is, you must have confidence, don’t you want to buy it?”

“Of course I want to buy it. Haoyu Group and Sushen are brand quality assurance. Who doesn’t want to buy it.”

“Haoyu Group is the largest group in Longguo. I believe Haoyu Group is right.”

“Come on, Su Shen, build a house as soon as possible. Starting from today, I will save money and I will buy it when Haoyu Group builds the house.”

“Woohoo, double twelve has spent my savings, I’m still far from buying a house.”

“Me too. I ran out of double twelve deposits. I want to save enough money to buy a house. It’s a long way off.”

Netizens are extremely supportive of Haoyu Group’s entry into the real estate industry, waiting for Haoyu Group’s house.

After Su Hao finished posting Weibo, he immediately went offline.

When Du Ruomeng saw Su Hao’s Weibo, they all initiated soul torture.

“Su Hao, are you going to enter the real estate industry?”

Su Hao said: “Yes, I just talked with Grandpa Su, and he agreed to enter the real estate industry.”

“Now that housing prices are showing signs of rapid soaring, it is the best time to enter the market at this time, otherwise it will be really difficult to control housing prices in the future.”

“I haven’t thought about controlling housing prices. I just hope to suppress the rate of housing price increases a little bit, so that ordinary people can relieve the pressure of repaying their mortgages for a lifetime.”

“Is house prices as horrible as you said?” Li Rongrong still couldn’t believe that a house could crush a person for a lifetime.

Su Hao said: “What was the house price three years ago, what is the house price now?”

The women shook their heads.

Su Hao continued: “Three years ago, the average price of housing prices in the capital was only over 1,000. Now, the average price is over 4,000 and the highest is over 10,000. What does this mean?”

“It has tripled in three years. Think about it at this rate.”

“What’s the average salary now, is it four thousand?”

“There shouldn’t be.” Li Rongrong said softly.

Su Hao said: “So, the rate of house price increase is abnormal. The average house price now is only more than 4,000. After a few years, the average price will double by four or five times. What about wages? Will wages be able to keep up in a few years? ?”

“That’s impossible. Let alone a few years, the average salary will not reach 20,000 yuan in ten years.” Li Rongrong retorted: “But house prices can’t rise so much, right.”

“What’s impossible? According to the current growth trend, it is normal for the housing price of 560,000 square meters in the capital in ten years. A ten-fold increase is not a problem at all.”

“Really, it has doubled in the past three years and ten times in ten years. It is really possible.” The women were all thoughtful.

Su Hao said: “If it is fifty-one square meters, a one-hundred-square-meter house needs five million yuan. I calculate your salary is twenty thousand yuan. You don’t eat or drink. It will take more than 20 years to save all the money to earn a house. money.”

“At that time, let alone being overwhelmed by mortgages, most people won’t even be able to make up the down payment.”

“You are alarmist.” Li Rongrong still couldn’t believe Su Hao’s analysis.

Ten years later, housing prices have doubled tenfold. How could this be possible? It is definitely not that scary. . .

Su Hao said directly: “Really? Or let’s make a bet to see how much house prices will rise next month?”

“If the house price in Beijing next month increases by one-twelfth than this month, that is, 8.3%, you lose, otherwise I lose.”

“Bet, just bet.” Li Rongrong was stimulated and directly agreed, “What about the bet?”

bet? Su Hao is a little embarrassed, this bet is really hard to say. . . .

Su Hao thought for a few seconds, and said, “After you lose, stay more in the room and less sloshing in the living room.”

“You…” Li Rongrong was very angry. Is this an eye-catching problem for her?

“Okay, I promise you that you can’t enter Xiaoxue’s room at night after you lose.”

Thinking of the ravages of the sound last night, Li Rongrong really couldn’t stand it.

Zhou Xue guessed the reason, and a red cloud rose on her pink face.

Su Hao readily agreed, “No problem.”

“Zhou Xue, you give us your testimony, lest anyone loses and doesn’t admit it.”

“Huh, who doesn’t admit that who is a puppy.” Li Rongrong snorted, turned and went straight upstairs, not wanting to say another word to Su Hao.

“Su Hao, don’t you stimulate Rongrong less, can’t you get along well?” Zhou Xuebai gave Su Hao a glance.

Su Hao said: “I also want to get along well, but she always dangles and affects our getting along.”

“What can it affect?” Zhou Xue asked.

Su Hao said: “The impact will be great. For example, sometimes I want to hug you and have to worry about her. That feels really bad.”

“I’m too lazy to talk about you.” Zhou Xue went upstairs after finishing speaking.

“Su Hao, it really doesn’t work, you can accept Li Rongrong.” Du Ruomeng urged.

Su Hao said: “Forget it, I can’t bear the temper of Missy.”

“Different, say no, I must be thinking about how to win Li Rongrong.” Du Ruomeng said directly.

“You men are like this. The harder you get, the more you want to conquer. You must be thinking about conquering Li Rongrong severely and turning Li Rongrong into a little lamb in front of you.”

Su Hao directly changed the subject and said: “Don’t talk about her, it’s time to take a break, tomorrow I have to hold a meeting to discuss the real estate subsidiary.”

“Then I’m going to bed.” Zhang Mengqi was the first to escape.

Du Ruomeng also fled immediately.

Concubine Yuan Xue walked slowly, and was hugged by Su Hao, “Sister Concubine, why are you walking so fast? I don’t know how to eat people.”

“Tonight is Mengqi’s turn. Go find her.” Yuan Xuefei struggled lightly.

“I don’t care about those.” Su Hao directly picked up Yuan Xuefei and walked into the room.

A happy night passed.

On the second day, Haoyu Group held a high-level meeting.

The meeting has only one topic, the real estate subsidiary.

The senior executives of the group knew the Weibo that Su Hao posted last night and guessed that Su Hao is going to enter the real estate industry.

After a one-hour meeting, Longteng Real Estate Company finalized the decision, the person in charge, Li Junlong.

Li Junlong, male, 45 years old, has worked in a real estate company for three years. He has a good understanding of real estate and is a suitable candidate.

After finalizing the person in charge, Su Hao directly announced the adjournment of the meeting. Then Su Hao and Li Junlong talked about Longteng Real Estate Company separately.

After more than an hour of chatting, Su Hao finally decided that Longteng Real Estate would first start up capital of 50 billion yuan.

“President Su, in fact, we don’t need so much start-up capital. As long as we have the money to get the land, we can borrow from the bank.” Li Junlong said: “As long as we get the land, we can lay the foundation and open the market for the sale.”

“In fact, in the real estate industry, as long as you have a network, you can completely empty the white wolf.”

Su Hao said: “Long Teng Real Estate does not play that set. Every real estate in Long Teng Real Estate will be sold after it is completed. It will never be sold before it is completed.”

“This, this…” Li Junlong was completely stunned.

“President Su, the cost is very high, and there are risks. No real estate company in China dared to play this way.”

“There is a risk? If it does not exist, the building I built can definitely be sold. There is no risk.” Su Hao confidently said: “Since no real estate company in China dares to do this, then I will be the first. indivual.”

“It’s not good to sell a house before it’s built. If it hurts a family, I hope I can set an example, hoping to change this phenomenon.”

“This…” Li Junlong admired Su Hao incomparably, and said: “President Su, if the people of the whole country know that you think this way, they will be extremely moved.”

Su Hao said with emotion: “I also know that it is difficult to change the status quo by myself, but if it affects more people, it will change by accident.”

“President Su, I listen to you, and I will do what you ask me to do.” Li Junlong admires Su Hao from the bottom of his heart.

Su Hao said: “Manager Li, don’t worry, since I have decided to enter the real estate industry, I will invest more in the future. Even if we sell the house after it is built, it will not be worse than other real estate companies.”

Li Junlong said: “That’s natural. The seller will have a larger initial investment when it is built. After the cycle is formed, it’s actually nothing.”

“This is a good thing that benefits the people of the whole country. I support your approach, Mr. Su.”

Su Hao said: “Okay, then you can do it. First, build all the real estate in first-tier cities. If you don’t have enough money, tell me that the first phase of Longteng Real Estate must be available in all first-tier cities.”

Li Junlong promised: “Okay, President Su, I will come on.”

December 20th.

Longteng Real Estate Co., Ltd. announced its establishment.

At the opening press conference, Longteng Real Estate announced that it would enter the real estate industry with RMB 50 billion. After all, it shows that the first phase of real estate will be built in all first-tier cities.

Such a big move by Longteng Real Estate makes people all over the country ecstatic.

“Haha, 50 billion funds, awesome, I know Su Shen is awesome, so that we can soon book a house in Longteng Real Estate.”

“Longteng Real Estate, this name is as aggressive as ever, haha, how come it’s a first-tier city, it’s also a second- and third-tier city.”

“What’s the hurry, Longteng Real Estate has just been established. It’s already very big on such a large scale, 50 billion. Is there any company that can generate 50 billion in cash flow.”

“That’s right, but why do you need so much capital? Doesn’t it mean that most real estate companies are borrowing from banks?”

“That’s right, start selling as soon as it is built, why do you need so much capital?”

“Maybe Su Shen doesn’t want to borrow from the bank.”

“How is it possible, so a little interest is easy to earn back, why not take a loan if you can take a loan, you are not a fool.”

“How could Su Shen’s thoughts be understood by me and other mortals? If you could understand Su Shen, you would not be so poor.”.

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