Chapter 275

Su Hao secretly decided to treat other real estate companies as enemies.

All came to threaten, so what else can I say, just do it.

Originally, Su Hao didn’t intend to do too much, nor did he think of controlling housing prices, now. . .

Su Hao decided to reverse the soaring real estate prices by himself, and let the real estate giants and real estate speculators go to hell.

If you have money to make a profit, you can make huge profits. Dream about it.

Su Hao asked Li Junlong to quickly obtain the land to start the sale of the house as soon as possible.

Li Junlong was full of enthusiasm and devoted himself.

In the next time, Su Hao devoted himself to the research of Feilong Motors. Feilong Motors has made breakthroughs in all aspects of technology.

Time comes to December 30th.

It’s time for a new round of smartphone sales.

This time, there are still 40 million smart phones abroad and 20 million domestic smart phones.

With the addition of 5 million units during the Double Twelfth Festival, the production capacity of Huaxin mobile phones has risen again.

The people abroad are still very crazy, queuing early and waiting for a carnival overnight.

In the morning, the door of Huaxin mobile phone was lifted and people bought it immediately. Forty million smartphones were still sold out in one day.

This speed, this crazy energy shocked the whole world again.

“There are another 40 million smart phones. Huaxin mobile phones are too good, and they have made tens of billions.”

“There are another 40 million smart phones. If this continues, in a few months, the smart phone market will be completely occupied by Huaxin mobile phones.”

“That’s not the case. Huaxin smartphones have sold more than 100 million units abroad, and now there are 40 million units for two consecutive months. If you give Huaxin mobile phones for another five months, there will be 200 million more smartphones. At that time, the market in 21 countries is estimated to be almost saturated.”

“No, how can more than 300 million mobile phones satisfy the people of 21 countries, at least 1 billion smartphones can satisfy them.”

“Young people like smartphones. Old people still like feature phones. For the elderly, feature phones are more convenient for them.”

“Smartphones are definitely the mainstream mobile phones in the future. Feature phones will be eliminated sooner or later. If other mobile phone brands cannot develop new smart phones, they may fall.”

“At this time, which mobile phone brand becomes the second mobile phone brand to develop a smart 620 mobile phone will definitely take the lead.”

“I heard that Pingguo will soon develop a smart phone. I don’t know if it is true?”

“People of the United States, is Pingguo really about to develop a smart phone?”

“I don’t know, I haven’t heard of it, and the news is not reported.” The American people said they didn’t know.

“Internal news, as well as pictures of prototypes, are no different from Huaxin smartphones. At first glance, it is a copycat version.”

“F*ck, copycat version? Will Pingguo copy Huaxin smartphones?”

“Nonsense, what do you do if you don’t copy it? Can you independently develop a completely different smartphone? It’s impossible, I dare say, no matter which mobile phone brand develops a smartphone, the phone will be about the same as the Huaxin smartphone. ”

“It’s worse, I heard that many of the technologies of Huaxin mobile phones are super advanced, and it is difficult to break through.”

“If it’s worse, do they dare to sell it?”

“Is there almost anything? It’s a good thing to seize the low-end market.”

“Yes, Huaxin smartphones are in the mid-to-high-end market, and there is also a low-end market. If smartphones developed by other mobile phone brands are worse than Huaxin smartphones, it is a good thing to seize the low-end market and make a lot of money.”

“The price of Huaxin smart phones is not high-end, like those brand-name mobile phones, which are not more than one or two thousand meters, and Huaxin Intelligent is only worth more than one meter.”

“The Huaxin smart phone should have developed a new version now.”

“That’s for sure, I dare say that when the second smartphone appears on the market, the Huaxin smartphone will definitely withdraw from the Huaxin smartphone 2.”

“That’s for sure, the technology of Huaxin mobile phone is so much higher than that of other mobile phone brands. It is difficult for other mobile phone brands to catch up.”

“I hope that the major mobile phone brand giants can give us a little hope. If the mobile phone has been lagging behind Long Country, it would be a shame.”

“I care about him so much, I will use whoever has a good phone. I don’t have so many national feelings.”

“Yes, I will use whoever product is good, no matter which one.”

“Do you feel embarrassed to use Longguo’s cell phone? Then you just don’t buy it.”

“That is, if you feel ashamed of using a smartphone, you don’t have to. Many people are waiting to buy it. It’s not bad for you.”

“It’s the 21st century now, and this kind of narrow thinking is really sad and hateful.”

People in foreign countries are open-minded, and most people’s opinions are that I will use whoever product is good, regardless of which country’s product you have.

The people in China learned that 40 million smartphones were sold out for most of the day, and it was another heated discussion.

“Awesome, Su Shen has made tens of billions of foreigners, haha.”

“The country is only as strong as Su Shen, who earns tens of billions of foreigners every month. Who else is there?”

“This is really only Sushen. Other domestic brands are completely uncompetitive abroad. Let alone tens of billions, it is very capable to make hundreds of millions.”

“That’s not it, Sushen is the best, and I hope that more products of Haoyu Group will shine all over the world.”

“Huaxin smartphones are already shining, and YY can be regarded as shining abroad. There are already two products. I believe that in the future, Haoyu Group will have more products shining overseas.”

“That is, the next model is very likely to be Huaxin Electric. The competitiveness of Huaxin Electric’s products is better than that of foreign electrical giants. The power saving is not comparable to foreign electrical giants.”

“Yes, if it weren’t for Huaxin Electric’s products to save more power, it would be impossible for Huaxin Electric to drive foreign electrical giants back to their hometown.”

“I hope Huaxin Electric will shine in the world as soon as possible.”

“Haha, do we expect too much of Su Shen, because Su Shen is under a lot of pressure.”

“Su Shen is a god-like existence, these are nothing at all.”

“Yes, there is nothing that Su Shen can’t do, just believe in Su Shen.”

“Believe in Su God and get eternal life.”

At 7 o’clock in the evening, 20 million smartphones went on sale at the Huaxin mobile phone store on

It was sold out in just over a minute.

“I thought it would be a little longer this time. I didn’t expect it to be just over a minute. It seems that the domestic market is still not saturated.”

“Nonsense, now many villages and towns have built 3G networks, and rural areas are also under construction. There are only one or two billion smartphones. How can the market be saturated?”

“That is, let alone one or two billion units, the market for five or six billion units will not be saturated.”

“Think about how many people in the country use mobile phones. Many people use two phones. How can the 200 million smartphones be saturated?”

“What’s more, the scalpers are still seizing and going overseas, and another one or two hundred million will not be enough.”

“Haha, I almost forgot the scalper factor. The scalpers probably hate the Huaxin mobile phone. The whole country is suppressing the scalper like this. If other companies, if you are a scalper or not, as long as the mobile phone is sold, the others I’m too lazy to care.”

“So, Haoyu Group is a super conscientious enterprise, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with supporting Haoyu Group.”

“That is, I have been waiting for Longteng Real Estate to sell the house. I heard that Longteng Real Estate has been madly acquiring land in first-tier cities recently, and it is estimated that it will soon start selling houses.”

“I had several auctions the day before yesterday, and Longteng Real Estate won one.”

“Quickly, as long as Longteng Real Estate gets the land, the house will be sold soon.”

“This time Huaxin Mobile has made another 100 billion. If this 100 billion is invested in Longteng Real Estate, Longteng Real Estate will definitely develop more rapidly.”

“Haha, this is the truth.”

“In other words, can 60 million smartphones really make 100 billion?”

“Internal news, there are only more and no more, as for the specifics, it is not clear.”

“It’s awesome, making 100 billion a day, it’s really amazing, Su Shen is worthy of Su Shen.”

“It’s nothing. made a real sales volume of 20.8 billion a day. made more than 6 billion that day.”

“It’s amazing. It makes more than six billion a day. It’s amazing.”

“The richest man in the Long Kingdom, you think it was a blow, the speed of making money makes the rich people behind them completely desperate.”

“Only there is God Su, and other rich people don’t even want to be the richest man in the Long Kingdom. In the next few decades, other rich people in the Long Kingdom will have to look up to Su Shen.”

“Really, with the Su God, don’t even think about the other rich people in the Dragon Kingdom. Who can make money faster than that.”

“It’s even better than the money printing machine, who can compare it.”

“When Feilong Motors is developed, Su Shen is expected to be on the throne of the world’s richest man.”

“Yeah, I almost forgot Feilong Motors. I don’t know how far the development of Feilong Motors is.”

“There is no news, there is no wind at all, but I believe Su Shen’s ability, Feilong Motor will shine in the world sooner or later.”

“Don’t tout Sushen. Automobiles are different from other industries. Domestic automobile technology is too backward. Feilong Motors still has a long way to go to rise.”

“Yes, unless Feilong Motors acquires foreign auto giants, it will be difficult to break through in this area of ​​technology.”

“Acquisition, do you think Sushen would not expect to acquire? Haoyu Group didn’t have the money? No, Sushen has the ability to develop more advanced technologies. Wait, Sushen will not let us down. “Su Hao’s diehard fan believes in Su Hao’s abilities.

Not to mention building cars, Su Hao said building rockets and spaceships, and they would believe it unconditionally.

Su Hao’s black fans saw Su Hao fans desperately praising Su Hao, and they were all depressed. But the black fans were so scared that they didn’t dare to go back, and their intelligence was complaining about the black fans.

“Those loyal fans of shit are really disgusting. They blow Su Hao desperately. I want to see what kind of cars Feilong Motors can build. By then, Feilong Motors can’t build awesome cars. I must hack him to death.”

“Yes, Feilong Motors does not acquire foreign auto giants. If you want to make a breakthrough in technology, dream, I’m waiting for Feilong Motors to be hacked and Su Hao to be hacked.”

Black fans can only revel in black fan groups, and dare not black Su Hao on major platforms at all.

New Year’s Day is coming, 2003 has passed, and the new year 2004 has arrived.

At this New Year’s party, Tunghai University also wanted to invite Su Hao to perform on stage. Su Hao naturally refused. Su Hao has a deep memory of the lesson last time, and of course he will not agree to it again.

Without Su Hao’s performance, the East University students were all disappointed, and the East University New Year’s Day party seemed to have lost their souls.

In the new year, new regulations will be issued.

On New Year’s Day, the state announced various new regulations, one of which attracted Su Hao’s attention.

The state pays more attention to talents, encourages people to do research, and rewards more technological research that is conducive to national development.

The control of patents is stricter, and the treatment of elite talents is higher.

In particular, the state has set up a special department specifically to manage and control talents and accept cases of suppressing talents.

In a word, if your scientific research results are plundered and you feel that your talents cannot be used, you can find this department, and the state will solve it for you.

In other words, all elite talents with real materials will have room for display in the future.

After this new regulation was promulgated, many people realized a problem, that is, the country began to really attach importance to personnel training.

“Great, all kinds of research patents will be rewarded by the state as long as they are graded, ranging from 10 million yuan to as little as 50,000 yuan. The country is going to be true.”

“That’s not it. They all set up a special department. Can it be true? To be honest, too many talents were buried before, and many people could not stand the domestic environment and left. Now it’s fine. After the new regulations are released , There will definitely be more and more talents appearing, and the country will definitely become stronger and stronger.”

“The highest reward is tens of millions, my God, if this is rated as the most senior, it will instantly become a multimillionaire.”

“This reward is not so easy to get. Didn’t you see an example? Products that lead the era like 3G networks and smart phones are the highest level.”

“I don’t ask for the highest level of reward, I am satisfied with giving me a million level reward.”

“3G network, smart phone, doesn’t it mean that Su Shen can get a national bonus of 20 million yuan.”

“This shouldn’t be there, but it seems that the country has exempted CETC for one year from the tax, which is the reward for the 3G network.”

“Hey, it is actually tax-free. This reward is even better. The tax revenue of Huaxin Communication is more than 10 million a year.”

“That’s not the case. At that time, the new regulations hadn’t come out yet. Maybe this new regulation has something to do with Su Shen.”

“It has something to do with God Su, how do you say?”

“Because of the sudden birth of God Su, the country pays more attention to talents. Isn’t this something to do with God Su?”

“It’s all rounded up by you, you bully.”

“The country’s development is getting better and better, and our lives will become happier and happier. This is a good thing.”

“That is necessary. After the introduction of this new regulation, parents will pay more attention to the cultivation of their children, and there will be more talents in the future, so why not worry about the country being strong.”

“A strong young man makes a country strong, and a rich young man makes the country rich. This is justified.”

“Let’s cheer together, take Su Shenwei’s goal, take Su Shenwei’s example, learn from Su Shen, and cheer together.”

In response to the new national regulations, Su Hao made a decision in his mind. .

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