Chapter 314

Su Hao thought for a long time, and finally decided to make “League of Legends” first.

“League of Legends” is Su Hao’s weapon against soft microcomputers, and it is more beneficial to Huaxin Computer to make it early. If we wait for the Pingguo mobile phone to develop a better smartphone, even if there is “League of Legends” at that time, Huaxin Computer will not be able to quickly surpass the soft microcomputer.

All employees in the R&D department of Haoyu Game Company are happy to join Su Hao. They seem to have returned to the time when they first developed a game with Su Hao. It was a time they will never forget.

On May 5th, Su Hao joined the development of “League of Legends”.

With Su Hao joining, the progress of “League of Legends” is extremely fast, with new breakthroughs every day.

By May 31st, “League of Legends” entered the closed beta.

Without any publicity, Su Hao directly selected 100,000 lucky viewers from the official website of Haoyu Games to participate in the closed beta.

Netizens who received information from Haoyu Game Company were all curious to download the game and then entered “League of Legends”.

This play can’t stop directly.

One hundred thousand netizens are fascinated. The new gameplay of “League of Legends” subverts their perception of the game. It turns out that the game is not only about fighting monsters and upgrading, but also heroes.

But this battle is not like a gun battle game. This is a five-player team game. Everyone has a role. The top lane, the middle lane, the bottom lane, the tank, the warrior, the mage, the shooter, the jungler, and the support. Every role is allowed. The player is fascinated.

Especially familiar heroes make players more excited. The heroic characters are super beautiful, which makes people want to see them after watching them. The classic lines in the game make the players fascinated even more.

That night, the voice of “League of Legends” appeared on the Internet.

“I tell everyone quietly that Haoyu Game Company has released a super fun game. I still want to play it after playing it for a long time. It’s really fun.”

“League of Legends is the most fun game I have ever played. There is no one. After the “League of Legends” public beta, it will definitely become the most popular game in the world.”

“League of Legends is really fun, I like to play as a shooter, haha, bombing opponents, so cool.”

“I like to squat in the grass and yin people. All afternoon I squat in the grass and yin people. It’s so cool.”

Netizens who didn’t know “League of Legends” saw these voices and were at a loss.

“League of Legends? What the hell, why didn’t I see this game, I couldn’t find it in my search, there is no such game.”

“Who is on holiday news, where is the game “League of Legends”, where to download it, tell me.”

“A new game from Haoyu Game Company? Impossible. If there is a new game, how can there be no news?”

“Yeah, it’s also the most fun game in the world. Isn’t it a game company promoting a new game under the banner of Haoyu Game Company?”

“If this is possible, go to Sushen Weibo and ask, haha, if you want to know the answer, just ask Sushen.”

“Yes, ask God Su to go.”

Gamers flocked to Su Hao Weibo to ask if Haoyu Game Company has a new game called “League of Legends”.

Without waiting for Su Hao’s response, the beta players have helped Su Hao respond.

“Why are we lie to you, “League of Legends” is currently in the closed beta period, only 100,000 lucky viewers participated in the closed beta. Haoyu Game Company has not announced it. It should be announced after the closed beta.”

“Wait, it will be announced after the crazy beta is over. I really don’t lie to you, “League of Legends” is definitely the most fun game in history.”

“League of Legends is super fun, if you don’t say it is fun, then you really don’t understand the game.”

“Don’t talk about it, I will continue to play, take advantage of the opportunity to familiarize and familiarize with the operation, and wait for the public beta to hang the newcomer, haha.”

“Hey, why didn’t I expect that I will continue to practice heroes, haha, I like to play the mage, I still continue to familiarize with the operation, and wait for the public beta to directly slap the newcomer 々ˇ.”

Closed beta players continue to live “League of Legends.”

Seeing the madness of the closed beta players, netizens are even more curious.

Su Hao’s Weibo is all about “League of Legends”.

Su Hao returned to Villa No. 20 and learned from Du Ruomeng that Su Hao was overwhelming. He was dumbfounded.

This is the closed beta players really can’t hold back, this is only one day can not help but exposure.

Regarding the exposure of “League of Legends”, Su Hao let him go.

Netizens take the initiative to publicize, it’s really fragrant.

“Su Hao “League of Legends” is really fun?” Du Ruomeng also likes to play games.

Su Hao said: “I think it’s fun, but depending on the individual, people who like it will like it, and people who don’t like it will not like it either.”

“Aren’t you nonsense? Let me experience it.” Du Ruomeng was curious about what game “League of Legends” is.

“Give me your computer.” Su Hao said to Du Ruomeng.

Su Hao asked Li Hong for the installation package, and then started the installation.

“Wait, you can play after the installation is complete.”

Du Ruomeng said: “Hurry up and go back to your fans. If you don’t go back, they won’t give up.”

Su Hao smiled slightly, took out his phone to open Weibo, it seemed two minutes, and then replied.

“League of Legends” is a new game of Haoyu Game Company. It will be closed and tested for one week. After the closed beta, it will be directly publicly tested, so stay tuned.

Su Hao never considered the closed beta. The closed beta is just looking for bugs that may be missed. “League of Legends” is already very complete and no internal beta is required.

When the game players saw Su Hao’s reply, they were all overjoyed.

“Haha, there is really a new game, “League of Legends”, I’m so looking forward to it, I’m tired of dungeons and Cross Fire, and finally there are new games to play.”

“That’s not it. Every day I cross the line of fire and dungeons, or I play old games. After more than half a year, Haoyu Game Company finally released a new game.”

“Except for games from Haoyu Game Company, I don’t want to play games from other game companies. After playing games from Haoyu Game Company, I think other game companies’ games are rubbish.”

“Haha, so am I. The game of Haoyu Game Company is really fun. Compared with other games of Haoyu Game Company, it is really rubbish.”

“League of Legends, a week later, I am really looking forward to it.”

“I look forward to finally having a new game to play. The beta players are so fun. I hope I won’t be disappointed.”

“Go away, how could the game of Haoyu Game Company be disappointed? Then you will shout that it’s really fragrant, haha.”

After the development of “League of Legends”, it happens that Feilong Motors can arrange the time to go on the market.

After a month of continuous rotation, the output of Feilong Motors has reached 700,000 to 800,000 yuan, and the daily production capacity is slowly increasing, and it is completely ready for the market.

In the end, Su Hao decided to go public on the 4th.

On the 2nd, Su Hao began to promote Feilong Motors.

It is mainly online promotion. Feilong Motors has the title of national glory, and it has been popular all over the country, so there is no need for too much publicity.

Besides, there are only so many, and too much publicity is not appropriate.

This month, at the same time that the Feilong Automobile is being produced, Feilong Automobile’s specialty stores are also being renovated. Before June 1, all specialty stores in Tier 1, 2 and 3 cities have been renovated and are ready to open at any time.

At the Feilong Auto Store, Su Hao decided to only sell it in first, second and third tier cities for the time being.

Netizens were thrilled when they saw the propaganda of Feilong Motors and knew that Feilong Motors was officially launched on the 4th.

“Haha, it’s finally time to wait, I know Su Shen won’t let us wait too long, it’s only a little over a month before the listing, really awesome.”

“There are specialty stores in the first, second and third tier cities across the country, and Haoyu Group deserves to be Haoyu Group, proud.”

“There are only first- and second-tier cities. It seems that I want to buy a trip.”

“Haha, it’s good to be able to sell at the same time in the first, second and third tier cities in one month.”

“I saw Feilong Motor’s specialty store being renovated a few days ago. When I saw that the specialty store was renovated, I knew that it was not far from the date of Feilong Motor’s launch. I didn’t expect it would be announced within a few days. .”

“Why haven’t the price been announced yet, Su Shen, please announce the price so that I can prepare the money.”

“Why do you announce the price so fast now? If you want to know the price, go to the 4S store to see it. You still have to have such a sense of mystery.”

“Don’t worry, there can’t be only one style. What style you want to buy is compared with the same model on the market. You can definitely buy Feilong Motors for that money. Feilong Motors is definitely cheaper than other brands of cars.”

“That’s for sure, taking Su Hao as a person can’t be expensive, don’t worry.”

“I have prepared 200,000 yuan, hoping to buy a good style.”

In the past few days, Feilong Motors has been hotly discussed throughout the country, and the popularity of “League of Legends” has been completely squeezed by Feilong Motors.

June 4.

Feilong Automobile did not hold a press conference, but released various styles and prices of Feilong Automobile on the official website.

After seeing the price of the Feilong car, the car owners are ecstatic.

“Haha, I knew that the price of Feilong cars would be cheaper than other brands of cars, but I didn’t expect it would be so much cheaper.”

“The brand cars with this displacement cost more than 200,000 yuan, and the Feilong car only costs 150,000 yuan. Oh my God, this is simply too cheap.”

“The price below the displacement is only 100,000, the price is really cheap.”

“The price of Feilong Motors compares with the prices of branded cars on the market. It is simply too cheap. I never dreamed that I could buy a car with such good quality and such good data for 100,000 yuan. Feilong Motors, I loved it.”

“¨` God Su, I love you so much. I bought this price and this quality, and I did not hesitate to buy it.”

“At this price, if you buy it, you earn it. You must buy it.”

People who plan to buy a car see Feilong’s price and performance ratio, and they don’t hesitate to choose Feilong.

As for those foreign brand cars, they are completely forgotten by people.

The same performance, tens of thousands less, is this tens of thousands of dollars not fragrant, haha.

Some netizens also expressed regret.

Because Feilong Motor does not have SUV and sports car models.

“Flying Dragon, hurry up to get sports cars and SUVs. I still prefer to drive supercars.”

“I like driving SUVs. I think SUVs are more aggressive.”

Feilong Motors responded immediately and will produce SUVs and sports cars as soon as possible. It will not keep everyone waiting.

Those foreign brand cars saw the performance and price of Feilong cars, and they all collapsed.

How does this compete?

Flying dragon cars are sold so cheaply, this is to completely disrupt the market.

I didn’t believe it before, but now I completely believe that Haoyu Group is the disruptor of the market. As long as Haoyu Group enters a certain industry, it will definitely disrupt the market of that industry.

This price and performance make other cars uncomfortable.

Other foreign brands of cars also know that the price of Feilong cars can make a lot of money.

They can also make money by selling cars at the price of Feilong, but they have a tariff, and they are destined to make less money than Feilong.

Price cut?

Impossible, the price will not be reduced even if you die.

Flying Dragon is an emerging brand, and I don’t believe it can rival their bosses.

Daben, Mabao is still the favorite car brand of Longguo people.

The brand car dealers in Sakura Country are extremely depressed when they see the price of Feilong Motors.

Their cars are completely incomparable with Feilong cars.

Especially in terms of safety performance, Sakura Country’s cars are completely inadequate.

With the addition of the Feilong Motors option, their sales (Wang Li’s) will surely drop drastically.

The worries of foreign auto brands have all been fulfilled.

After Feilong Motors went on the market, the Chinese people preferred to choose Feilong Motors. Sales of foreign brand cars have plummeted.

Especially the branded cars of Sakura Country, they are mainly fuel-consuming. Now Feilong Motors consumes more fuel than them and is ten times safer than them. People naturally choose Feilong Motors.

The Feilong car is selling hot, and its production capacity almost can’t keep up.

On June 4th, 300,000 Feilong Motors were sold.

After the sales figures were released, people all over the country were happy for Feilong Motors and celebrated for Su Hao.

“Flying Dragon is awesome, Sushen is awesome, Sushen, kill those foreign brand cars and drive them back to their hometowns.”

“Especially the Sakura Country brand cars are really disgusting. The safety performance of cars sold in Long Country is greatly reduced. I used to buy them as a last resort. Now that I have Feilong Motors, I will never buy Sakura Country brand cars in the future.”

“That’s not the case. Sakura Country is uneasy and kind. Everyone shouldn’t buy Sakura Country brand cars. Just buy Feilong cars.”

“Flying Dragons are of good quality and cheap. Isn’t it fragrant to buy Flying Dragons?”

“Don’t ask what is the best car right now. Just ask the Feilong car. Comparing other cars to Feilong, they are all rubbish, haha.”

The entire network supports Feilong Motors.

On June 5th, Feilong Automobile continued to maintain sales of 300,000.

Customers who bought Feilong Motors praised Feilong Motors, both in terms of comfort and driving feeling, which are super comfortable, much more comfortable than driving other brands of cars.

With the praise of the first batch of customers, people naturally like Feilong Auto Li.

No one can stop Feilong Motors from selling in Longguo, and no one can change Feilong’s dominance of Longguo’s auto market. .

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