Chapter 317

Huaxin Computer Manager Li Youwei received a call from a big-brand computer vendor, and when he heard that the other party wanted to cooperate with Huaxin Computer, his face was full of disdain.

I just want to cooperate now, why did you go before?

Li Youwei subconsciously refused to cooperate with big-brand computer vendors.

Huaxin Computer finally ushered in such an opportunity. If we don’t take advantage of this opportunity to dominate the computer market, then we really can’t stand the struggle with the major software and microcomputer companies.

Li Youwei did not immediately respond, he needs to consult Su Hao for advice.

Such an important matter still depends on Su Hao’s decision. He refuses to cooperate, but Su Hao is not necessarily. In case Su Hao has a different idea, he now refuses to be known by Su Hao afterwards, it will be difficult to handle.

Su Hao received a call from Li Youwei and learned that several major computer brand vendors wanted to cooperate.

Su Hao didn’t hesitate, and said directly: “I just refused, I want to cooperate now, it’s too late.”

Li Youwei said excitedly: “President Su, I think so too. Several major computer brands and software and micro companies have jointly dealt with us before, but now it is too late to cooperate with us in the wrong direction.”

Su Hao said: “Well, this period is the best development period for Huaxin Computer. We will increase our efforts and take the opportunity to win more markets.”

“Before the software and micro company did not come up with a way to crack the influence of “League of Legends”, they robbed me of the market fiercely.”

Li Youwei promised: “Yes, President Su, I will definitely seize the opportunity to seize more market.”

Li Youwei is full of enthusiasm, and Huaxin Computer sings forward.

Several major brand computer vendors waited for one night without waiting for Li Youwei’s reply, and couldn’t help calling Li Youwei again early the next morning.

Li Youwei replied with a domineering six-fifth-three, “My boss said, I want to cooperate now, it’s too late.”

After speaking, Li Youwei hung up the call decisively.

Talking more than half a word with the enemy is a waste of words.

Li Youwei’s domineering rejection of several major brand computer vendors is all in a daze.

How dare Huaxin Computer?

We switch to the Huaxin computer system. Shouldn’t the Huaxin computer company be very happy, so happy to agree?

How dare Huaxin Computer refuse?

Wasn’t Huaxin Computer afraid that we would permanently blacklist him?

The thinking of several major brand computer vendors has not changed for a while, and it is still the kind of superior arrogance.

When they get over, they will fully understand that today is different from the past.

Now they and Huaxin Computer have completely transferred their positions.

At present, Huaxin Computer is a princess who is high and unattainable, and they just humblely want to cling to the powerful and subordinates.

Several major computer brands know that their sales will continue to decline if they are not authorized by Huaxin Computer.

The sales of computer brands that cooperate with Huaxin Computer will increase, and the computer brands that cooperate with Huaxin Computer will gradually surpass them, and they will fall into the second-tier computer brands.

No, you must not fall into the second line. In any case, you must obtain the authorization of Huaxin Computer.

Several major brand computer vendors thought of the horrible consequences of their brands falling to the second line, and they all collapsed, and decided to obtain the authorization of Huaxin Computer in any case.

Prior to this, several major brand computer vendors made their last struggles, and once again asked whether the software and micro companies could solve the current dilemma.

Soft and micro companies are still in trouble.

Don’t say the game is not found, no one has come up with a good way, including Bigga.

Several major brand computer merchants were completely desperate and decided to go to the Haoyu Group personally to plead guilty.

Many computer brand merchants cooperating with Huaxin Computer are very happy.

Their sales are increasing these days. All this is the credit of Haoyu Group.

In particular, I learned that all major Internet cafes have modified Huaxin computer systems, and the computer brand merchants that cooperate with Huaxin Computer are even more happy.

The League of Legends will be a turning point in the war between Huaxin Computer and soft microcomputer.

Who would have thought that a game could be the key to victory?

I am afraid that Soft and Micro companies never dreamed that they would be defeated by a game.

Su Hao, a man like a god and a spokesperson for miracles, deserves it.

This is the evaluation of Su Hao from computer brand merchants cooperating with Huaxin Computer.

Because they all know that this battle is set for Huaxin Computer.

Even if the software company can think of a solution to the immediate problem, the users of Huaxin Computer System have completely surpassed the users of software and microcomputer, and Huaxin Computer has already won.

With the League of Legends game, soft and microcomputers can at best stabilize the current market, and it is impossible to defeat soft and micro companies.

Conversely, Huaxin Computer may defeat the soft microcomputer.

If Huaxin Computer really defeats the soft microcomputer?

Thinking of this question, these businesses dare not think about it.

Not only these merchants think so, but many netizens also have this idea, especially the netizens of Longguo.

Long Kingdom netizens learned that “League of Legends” is popular abroad, and “League of Legends” is being played all over the world. Because of the game “League of Legends”, most Internet cafes abroad have modified the Huaxin computer system. The users of the Huaxin computer system have surpassed the users of the soft and microcomputer system. The information was shocked at first, and then ecstatic.

“Haha, now I finally understand why “League of Legends” does not allow software and microcomputer systems to download. It turns out that Su Shen has long expected that League of Legends will be popular all over the world. I can say with certainty that the game of League of Legends is used by Su Shen. A weapon against soft microcomputers.”

“When you say this, it really looks like that. After all, domestic computer users are switching to the Huaxin computer system, and restricting the software and microcomputer system to download League of Legends in China has no effect at all. Su Shen’s move is aimed at overseas users.”

“No one thought that the League of Legends would explode globally. Only Su Shen had this idea. Su Shen is really an unfathomable man.”

“That’s not true. God Su is the spokesperson of the miracle. With God Su, everything is possible.”

“Haha, now foreign Internet cafes are gradually switching to the Huaxin computer system. The users of the Huaxin computer system have surpassed the users of the soft and microcomputer system. Su Shen is really amazing. Let’s celebrate.”

“This is just the beginning. As the League of Legends becomes more and more popular, the number of users of the Huaxin computer system will far exceed the users of the soft microcomputer system. Huaxin Computer is completely seizing the soft microcomputer market.”

“A League of Legends has allowed Huaxin Computer to win. It is too good. I can’t believe that the war between Huaxin Computer and Soft Microcomputer will directly determine the outcome because of a game.”

“Haha, who would dare to think, it is estimated that the world’s richest man in software and micro company than Gai would not have thought, otherwise he would not let the Huaxin computer system steal the tower.”

“Stealing towers, this time I used it too right. We like to steal towers in League of Legends, and God Su also likes to steal towers, haha.”

“There is no doubt that Huaxin Computer will definitely snatch the market for many soft and microcomputers this time. The battle between Soft and Micro and Haoyu Group is the battle that Haoyu Group has won.”

“Awesome, Su Shen is too good, how about the world’s largest company, it has not been defeated by Su Shen.”

“Haha, the software and micro company is estimated to be unable to recover this time, and Su Shen is determined to win.”

“Su Shen won, doesn’t it mean that Su Shen pulled the world’s richest man down and became the world’s richest man?”

“It won’t be for a while, knowing that computer system users, when Huaxin Computer takes over more markets, Sushen will definitely become the world’s richest man.”

“In any case, Bigai is the world’s richest man. This year, he is unstable and lost to Su Shen. This year the world’s richest man is someone else even if he is not Su Shen. He is definitely no longer Bigai.”

“Su Shen will definitely have the opportunity to become the world’s richest man this year. Don’t forget Feilong Motors.”

“Yes, I almost forgot Feilong Motors. Now that Haoyu Group has a super weapon like Feilong Motors, it is really possible for Su Shen to become the world’s richest man.”

“Actually, I guess Su Shen is now the richest man in the world. Smart phones have made a lot of money in the past few months. Now Haoyu Group has no big investment, right?”

“Who said no, isn’t Longteng Real Estate?”

“Longteng Real Estate has no bank loans at all, and the profits of smartphones are estimated to be invested in Longteng Real Estate.”

“So, if Su Shen wants to be the richest man in the world, he still has to look at Huaxin Computer and Feilong Motors.”

“I look forward to Su Shen’s efforts to become the world’s richest man.”

“Haha, Su Shen is only 20 years old this year, the 20-year-old richest man in the world, it is exciting to think about it.”

“The 20-year-old richest man in the world is unprecedented, Su Shen, come on.”

People all over the country think that Su Hao will be the world’s richest man this year.

If Su Hao can really ascend the throne of the richest man in the world, it will be the glory of the people of the whole dragon country.

At that time, the glory of the country was placed on Su Hao, and he deserved it.

“League of Legends” continues to be popular.

Su Hao let the navy distribute the Huaxin computer which is most suitable for playing “League of Legends”.

As a result, the sales volume of Huaxin Computer has soared rapidly, and its market share has become higher and higher.

During this time, the inventory was quickly emptied.

Even many foreign players who already have computers at home can’t help but buy a new Huaxin computer after seeing these news. 0

For foreign players, a few thousand dollars is a trivial matter to them. They just want to have a more comfortable and smooth game experience.

In the rankings, the smoother game is definitely an advantage.

A little advantage is a fatal attraction for gamers.

Several major brand computer vendors came together to plead guilty, and this shocked Su Hao.

Looking at the begging for several major brand computer vendors, Su Hao did not have any softheartedness, and still refused fiercely.

In the end, representatives of several major computer brands directly knelt on the ground and begged for mercy.

“Mr. Su, we are wrong. We shouldn’t unite with Soft and Micro to target Huaxin Computer. We really know that it is wrong. Please, let us cooperate with Huaxin Computer. We will definitely not target Huaxin Computer again, and all of these can be contracted.”

Su Hao said coldly: “Don’t be embarrassed here, you don’t want to be on the headlines of tomorrow, hurry up and get out.”

For several major brand computer vendors, Su Hao resolutely refused to cooperate. These two-sided businessmen don’t give them a severe lesson. They don’t know who is their father.

The representatives of several major computer brands saw Su Hao’s firm attitude, and they all retreated dingyly.

But they didn’t give up. They left now only to see Su Hao’s resolute attitude. Continue to beg will only irritate Su Hao, and they will come to the door to beg when Su Hao is angry tomorrow.

The senior executives of Haoyu Group knew the news that representatives of several major brand computer vendors kneeled down and begged for mercy. All the top executives are very happy.

It’s special. Before, I was arrogant and wanted to kill Huaxin Computer, but now I am not kneeling on the ground like a dog and begging for mercy.

Such profiteers should be severely taught.

Li Youwei was even more happy, and the bad anger that had been in his heart during this period of time was severely vented.

On the second day, representatives of several major computer brands continued to come to the door to beg for mercy.

This time Su Hao didn’t bother to receive them, so he asked them to wait. This wait is a whole day.

Representatives of several major computer brands inquired several times, and the responses were all that Mr. Su did not have time.

Representatives of several major computer brands did not leave for this reason. Instead, they waited until all employees got off work. They were still waiting.

This evening, representatives of several major computer brands spent the night with the security guards at the gate of Haoyu Group.

When the employees of Haoyu Group came to work early the next morning, they were all taken aback when they saw representatives of several major computer brands.

Seeing the haggard appearance of the representatives of several major computer brands, all the employees are guessing that this group of people will not go back last night, right?

When I asked the security, I learned that a group of representatives had stayed at the door of Haoyu Group all night, and all the employees were completely speechless.

Especially meow, I have never seen such a shameless one.

Su Hao heard about this and completely ignored it.

If you want to stay there, keep staying.

Su Hao has no sympathy for these profiteers.

Su Hao ordered the security not to let them enter the group, lest they touch porcelain.

In this way, representatives of several major computer brands stood guard at the gate of Haoyu Group. They want to impress Su Hao with sincerity.

No way, the headquarters gave them a death order. If they hadn’t obtained the authorization from Huaxin Computer, they wouldn’t have to go back.

Many times they can’t help but shake their heads and leave, but they are all relatives of the boss, where they can go.

The company will never let them go now, and the rest of their lives will definitely be miserable.

In order to live a good life in the future, they can only stand at the door of Haoyu Group, hoping to impress Su Hao with sincerity.

The news media reporters knew about this. Many news media reporters came to interview these business representatives.

Business representatives are all crying and praying for Haoyu Group’s cooperation.

After the news was broadcast, not only the people of Longguo were dumbfounded, but the people all over the world were dumbfounded, especially the high-level software and micro companies like Gaihe and others.

“My God, are those people really the representatives of the big computer companies? More beggars than the beggars, are they really the representatives of the big computer companies?”

“Isn’t it a big brand computer company hyping up and selling badly?”

“This gate is really Haoyu Group, but I doubt the identity of these representatives.”

Several major brand computer companies have spoken out, that is, their company’s senior executives, the reason for doing so is to obtain the forgiveness of the Haoyu Group and to cooperate with the Haoyu Group.

Seeing the announcements of several major brand computer companies, people all over the world were shocked. .

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