Chapter 340

“Who would have thought that Nuojiya, Xingsan, Pingguo, and Morola, the four mobile phone giants, were so socially dead. Huaxin Mobile is really amazing. No, it should be said that Su Hao, the boss of Haoyu Group, is amazing. , This trick is really amazing.”

“That’s not it, it’s a super-sweet operation. Five kills are not so good. In the future, the mobile phone market will be the world of Huaxin mobile phones.”

“That’s not the case. All the smartphones on the market now use the Huaxin mobile phone system. The other phones are the younger brothers of the Huaxin smartphones. Can they not be the world of Huaxin mobile phones?”

“Other mobile phone companies have to watch Huaxin Mobile for dinner. It is impossible to surpass Huaxin Mobile. Huaxin Mobile will always be the overlord of the mobile phone market.”

“This is not necessarily true. Pingguo, Xingsan, Nuojiya, and Morola are only temporarily down. They will not give up so easily. These four companies will be like soft and micro companies, temporarily avoiding the edge and devoting themselves to research and development. They will make a comeback when they develop products that are better than Huaxin smartphones.”

“Do you think it is possible? Enoch has the technical level of the four mobile phone companies. If you want to catch up with the technical level of Huaxin mobile phones, let’s next life.”

“Haha, this is correct. The technology of Huaxin smartphones cannot be easily surpassed. It is difficult for a genius like Su Hao to produce one in a thousand years.”

“If Bigai is a once-in-a-hundred-year genius, then Su Hao is a once-in-a-millennium evildoer. If you want to surpass Huaxin mobile phones, it is difficult for the four mobile phone giants of Nuojiya to do it.”

“It doesn’t matter how many of them, I just have to use a mobile phone, no matter which company it is.”

“That’s not the case. The price of Huaxin smartphones is so conscientious and so cheap. If the four giants dominate the mobile phone market, the price of mobile phones is estimated to have doubled. How good it is now.”

“Well, the price of Huaxin mobile phones is really cheap. In fact, the price of Huaxin mobile phones can be much more expensive, but Huaxin mobile phones did not do this. It is a great thing for us.”

People all over the world are happy to see the result. Nuojiya, the four mobile phone giants fell and fell. There are cheap and high-quality mobile phones such as Huaxin mobile phones, and other mobile phone companies fell and fell.

People all over the world will not care about this.

The people of Longguo don’t care even more, on the contrary they are very happy.

After YY, Huaxin Computer, and League of Legends swept the world, Huaxin smartphones once again swept the world, and Huaxin smartphones truly dominate the world, which makes the people of Longguo very happy.

Made in Longguo, shining all over the world, what an exciting news.

“Su Shen is mighty and domineering, Su Shen is awesome.”

“Su Shen is worthy of being Su Shen. It is amazing to kill the four major mobile phone giants without any effort.”

“Haha, after killing the soft and microcomputer, Su Shen once again killed the four major mobile phone giants and became the mobile phone hegemon. Now computers and mobile phones are in the world of Su Shen, and Su Shen has unified the Internet world.”

“Haha, really, both the computer and the mobile terminal are dominated by Su Shen, Su Shen is really amazing.”

“Haoyu Group, my lifelong dream, after I graduate from university, I must join the Haoyu Group to work.”

“Me too. At this moment, none of the world’s top 500 companies can compare to the Haoyu Group in my eyes, and any large foreign companies will give me a sideways. I only love Haoyu Group.”

“That’s not right, Haoyu Group has more talents than large foreign companies. Isn’t it good to work in Haoyu Group? Haha.”

“Su Shen has successfully reversed many people’s ideas of worshipping foreigners and foreigners, and Su Shen’s influence on people is really too great.”

“This is the charm of Sushen, but it is still not enough. In many areas, our country is still behind. I hope Sushen will continue to work hard to drive more industries to be at the forefront of the world.”

“Haha, it will, it will definitely, with God Su, everything is possible.”

“Haha, I am looking forward to the Double 12 Shopping Carnival now. Double 12 will be coming soon. Will still have a shopping carnival this year?”

Some netizens mentioned the Double 12 Shopping Carnival, and immediately their attention shifted to the Double 12 Shopping Carnival.

“Yes, I didn’t expect time to pass so fast. One year has passed. Last year’s Double 12 shopping carnival was like yesterday.”

“Haha, the tissues I bought during the Double Twelve Shopping Carnival last year haven’t been used up yet. Is it the Double Twelve Shopping Carnival again? Worry.”

“Upstairs is awesome, how many tissues did you buy?”

“Who isn’t, I bought it for a year, and it’s almost used up. It just so happens that Double Twelve is here again. I’m really happy.”

“You are really amazing. I have to learn from you this year, and I will buy one year’s worth this year.”

“So cheap, and some daily necessities with a long shelf life, why don’t you buy a one-year quantity, can you save a lot of money? I saved a Huaxin 2 high-end version last year, haha.”

“It’s a savvy person. I have to do my best this year, just to save some money to buy Huaxin 2, haha.”

“Are you so sure that will continue the Double Twelve Shopping Carnival this year?”

“That’s for sure, don’t you remember the announcement made by last year? Su Shen said that the Double Twelve Shopping Carnival will be a festival every year. Don’t worry, this year will be no exception. Every year in the future. Will do it.”

“In a few days, I have to start making the list, and add all of them to the shopping cart. I will empty the shopping cart when it arrives at 1:00 on the 12th.”

“Awesome, they are all amazing people, I have learned it, and I will go shopping again this year.”

“Last year, Double 12 sales were so strong, this year will definitely be even stronger. I don’t know how much it will break this year.”

“It must be more than last year. If Huaxin 2 joins, sales will definitely create miracles.”

“That’s not it. If 100 million Huaxin 2 is sold on, Double Twelve sales will definitely set a new record.”

“What are you thinking about? If Huaxin 2 had 100 million in stock and sold it early, where would it be used to wait until Double 12.”

“That is, Sushen should not care about the sales of the Double 12 shopping carnival now. With the record of Huaxin 2 trillion in sales per day, Sushen will not be too interested in the Double 12 carnival shopping festival.”

“Haha, leave it alone, wait for to announce the Double 12 Carnival Shopping Festival.”

December 6. announced that it will continue to hold the Double 12 Carnival Shopping Festival this year.

After Taotao’s announcement, the people of Longguo were very happy.

Double 12 is really exciting.

In the next week, people would visit when they were free, adding everything they needed to buy into their shopping carts.

The linkage of all subsidiaries of Haoyu Group is bound to shock the world at this double 12 shopping carnival.

Before the arrival of Double 12, Su Hao received an interview letter from Fortune Magazine.

Fortune Magazine is formulating the 2004 World Rich List.

Haoyu Group completely shocked the world this year. People all over the world believe that this year’s richest man in the world is Su Hao, the boss of Haoyu Group. Naturally, Fortune Magazine also wants to interview Su Hao and confirm with Su Hao.

Su Hao readily agreed with Fortune Magazine’s interview.

December 10.

A group of Fortune Magazine arrived at the headquarters of Haoyu Group in Donghai City.

Before the formal interview, the host handed the manuscript to Su Hao and said: “Mr. Su, these are some questions set by our magazine. You can see if there are any problems. If there are no questions, we will press the above for the interview. Questions to ask.”

Su Hao took a quick look at the manuscript.

When the second question on the manuscript was to announce the financial situation of Haoyu Group, Su Hao frowned and said, “What do you say about the financial situation in this announcement?”

The host replied: “It is to publish the detailed financial report of Haoyu Group, let people all over the world know how much money Haoyu Group has made, and let the whole world recognize you as the world’s richest man.”

Su Hao directly refused: “Sorry, Haoyu Group will not disclose the detailed financial situation to the outside world.”

The host was taken aback for a moment, and persuaded: “Mr. Su, if you don’t announce the detailed financial situation, Fortune Magazine would dare not easily define you as the world’s richest man.”

“Fortune Magazine is fair and equitable. Although people all over the world know that Haoyu Group makes money, there is no financial report. Everything is just rumors.”

Su Hao said; “Sorry, I still refuse.”

“The financial situation of Haoyu Group is confidential and will never be disclosed to the outside world. I can only disclose simple data.”

The host was completely stunned, his face a little unhappy, and said: “Mr. Su, you make it difficult for me to do this. Without financial reports, we will not recognize your status as the world’s richest man.”

“Mr. Su, please consider it carefully. As long as you announce the financial situation of Haoyu Group and confirm that Haoyu Group’s net assets are the world’s first, we will position you as the world’s richest man.”

Su Hao was too lazy to talk nonsense with the host, and said, “Please.”

The host was taken aback for a moment, and did not understand what Su Hao meant, and asked: “Mr. Su, what are you?”

Su Hao said directly: “I’m going to let you go, don’t you understand?”

“Who gave you the courage to know the detailed financial report of Haoyu Group? Are the leaders of your Fortune magazine a fool?”

“Fuck me right away.”

The host’s face changed drastically, and he patiently said: “Mr. Su, I leave now, you can’t become the richest man in the world.”

Su Hao roared: “Go away.”

The host said angrily: “Mr. Su, you will regret it.”

After speaking, the Fortune Magazine group left in a hurry.

After the Fortune Magazine group left, Su Hao immediately called the manager of the Propaganda Department and Public Relations Department.

Su Hao knows that Fortune Magazine will not give up such a big news and will definitely expose it.

As for Fortune Magazine, Su Hao decided to let him go to hell.

After the manager of the Propaganda Department and Public Relations Department arrived, Su Hao directly asked: “I have refused the visit of Fortune Magazine.”

Su Hao briefly explained the matter.

The propaganda department and public relations manager are very angry.

Fortune magazine is simply bold.

Su Hao asked: “How much time does it take to prepare a magazine like Fortune Magazine?”

“Preparing the magazine is very simple, it can be done in one day, but the credibility of the magazine is a bit difficult.”

Su Hao said: “You don’t have to worry about this, you just need to start the magazine, and like Fortune Magazine, you also have a list of the richest people in the world.”

“President Su, if the idea is to suppress Fortune Magazine, I suggest buying a well-known magazine at the moment, which will make things more convenient.”

Su Hao: “Okay, let’s do it. When the Fortune magazine is exposed, hit them severely.”

“I see, President Su.”

As expected by Su Hao.

In the evening, Fortune Magazine directly exposed the news of Su Hao’s refusal to interview.

Fortune Magazine also used a regretful tone, saying that because Su Hao refused to interview, Fortune Magazine would not include Su Hao on the list of the world’s richest people.

The news spread quickly.

People all over the world are very concerned about this.

“What’s the situation? Su Hao of Haoyu Group is not included in the list of the world’s richest people. Su Hao is obviously the world’s richest man this year. Fortune Magazine actually didn’t include the world’s richest man in the list. What is this going to do?”

“I don’t understand at all, Su Shen will refuse to interview? Is this possible?”

“There must be other reasons. This is a good thing. How could Su Shen refuse to interview, Su Shen is the world’s richest man, this glory Su Shen shouldn’t be rejected?”

“Which great god came out to popularize science, what is going on? f*ck, I don’t know why I can’t sleep tonight.”

Fortune magazine has released strong news one after another. Said that Su Hao refused to disclose the financial situation of the Haoyu Group, saying that the Haoyu Group was just a mere plausible. It seemed to have made a lot of money, but in fact it did not make so much at all. It may be a loss, so he dare not announce the financial situation.

After Fortune magazine exposed the real reason, people all over the world were shocked.

“Oh my God, Fortune Magazine is thinking about asking Haoyu Group to announce the detailed financial situation. What is Fortune Magazine thinking about? Don’t say Su Shen refuses, any other normal person will refuse.”

“Especially, Fortune Magazine, who gave you the right to let the company publish detailed financial reports, you want to fart, I suspect that Fortune Magazine has other purposes now.”

“That’s for sure, don’t forget that Fortune magazine is from the United States. Fortune magazine wants to make Haoyu Group announce the detailed financial situation, there must be a conspiracy.”

“Fortune magazine is from the United States. It is estimated that the United States does not want to see Longguo people reach the top of the world’s richest man, and wants Bige to continue to be the world’s richest man.”

“It’s also possible. Otherwise, how could Fortune Magazine be so stupid that Haoyu Group announces the detailed financial situation. This is obviously making things difficult for Haoyu Group.”

“It’s very meow, I don’t want Su Shen to be the world’s richest man and find a better reason, Fortune Magazine, are you trying to treat the people of the world as a fool?”

At this time, Fortune Magazine revealed that Su Hao’s attitude was extremely bad, and several times let Fortune Magazine’s party get out, insulting the personality of Fortune Magazine’s employees.

It is a pity that the sympathy of Fortune Magazine did not make people all over the world sympathize at all, but instead made people all over the world applaud.

“Special meow, it’s easy to get you fucking off. Change me and let the security throw you out.”

“That’s it, you are all good-tempered when you get out of here. For me, I will directly beat you up and throw them into the sea to feed the sharks.”.

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