Chapter 43

October 24.

Su Hao woke up early, had breakfast with Yuan Xuefei, and went to the stock exchange.

Ten days have finally passed, and today is the day of stock harvest.

“Su Hao, all the stocks are sold today?” Yuan Xuefei felt Su Hao’s excitement and asked in confusion.

Su Hao nodded lightly and said, “Well, today is the tenth day. The stock should go up almost, it’s time to sell.”

“Huachang Medical has risen to four and five dollars, a full three-fold increase, which is almost the same?” Yuan Xuefei gave Su Hao a white look and groaned: “Three times the income, if this is almost the same, how much will it cost?”

“Hehe, is there too much money? I don’t think it is too much for ten times a hundred times. I’d better have one ten thousand times, haha.” Su Hao smiled triumphantly.

“It’s ten thousand times. I think you haven’t woken up yet.” Yuan Xuefei gave Su Hao a gentle white.

Looking at the price of four and five yuan, Yuan Xuefei was happy for Su Hao and tripled the income, indicating that Su Hao could earn two to three billion yuan.

Earning two to three billion in just ten days, if anyone knows this, Su Hao will be named a stock god.

Su Hao is not in a hurry. According to the system, the stock will be the highest at 2 o’clock in the afternoon.

Starting at ten o’clock, Su Hao began to ship slowly. At this moment, Huachang Medical’s share price has reached five yuan.

Su Hao shipped slowly, and sold more than 20 million shares in less than half an hour, and directly earned back the principal. The remaining almost 50 million shares were pure profits.

Shareholders are very optimistic about the Huachang Medical stock, but suffer from the lack of stock. Now Su Hao is selling. As long as Su Hao sells, someone will buy it immediately.

Su Hao saw this situation and sold a lot, one million shares and one million shares.

After most of the busy day, all the stocks in Su Hao’s hand were sold off, and the gold rating on the account was 400 million. Invest 115 million yuan, which is more than three times the profit.

“Four billion?” Yuan Xuefei was shocked when she saw the number of four billion.

“Haha, concubine, are you still worried now?” Su Hao asked with a smile.

Concubine Yuan Xue scratched Su Hao and said, “This is your luck. Next time you can’t put all your wealth on.”

“Yeah.” Su Hao was too lazy to pull, and nodded slightly.

With the first success, the next time it will only be crazier. If you have money, you don’t make a bastard.

Su Hao transferred 73.5 million yuan to the supermarket account, including 13.5 million yuan filled in by Yuan Xuefei for the tutoring website, 5 million to Li Jun, 5 million to the game company, and repaid There are about 316 million left.

In addition to the 30 million principal of the game company, Su Hao made a net profit of 280 million and 6 million.

“Ding, congratulations to the master for achieving the third monetary achievement, earning 100 million yuan, and rewarding a golden treasure chest.”

The familiar and unfamiliar reward sound made Su Hao even more happy.

Sure enough, the third monetary achievement is to earn one hundred million. The golden treasure box is really exciting.

Su Hao opened the golden treasure box without hesitation.

“The golden treasure box is open. Congratulations to the host, congratulations to the host, gain intermediate insights, mature 3G network commercial technology, and perfect lithography machine technology.”

Su Hao was completely shocked by the reward of the golden treasure chest.

Let’s not talk about intermediate insights, the effect needs to be verified. The mature 3G network commercial technology is a big killer. You must know that the popularization of 3G networks in China was only in 2008.

The best 3G networks abroad are also unstable, and the 3G network technology rewarded by the system is the most mature. It can be said that as long as Su Hao is willing, he can set up a laboratory and recruit a group of professional scientific researchers. It takes less than a month. Can build an extremely mature 3G commercial network.

If the country can popularize 3G networks a few years in advance, the country’s development will be even faster.

And the perfect lithography machine technology makes Su Hao excited and ecstatic.

The lithography machine is an eternal pain for the country. Until 2020, the national lithography machine technology still lags far behind foreign countries.

Without the lithography machine, the chip can only rely on foreign countries. Su Hao is very angry when thinking about the foreign countries’ suppression of domestic large enterprises in 2020. At the same time, he feels that the reward of lithography machine technology is really good.

In this life, there is a perfect lithography machine technology rewarded systematically, and those suppressions have disappeared. Even if there is, he uses technology to suppress foreign companies.

“What are you in a daze?” Yuan Xuefei saw Su Hao in a daze, and lightly nodded Su Hao’s arm.

Su Hao came back to his senses and smiled and said, “Nothing. Just thinking about something, you asked Manager Chen to come back. Now that we have the funds, the supermarket is on the road of rapid development.”

“Let’s go ahead and let you know, there will be a middle and high-level meeting tomorrow morning.” Su Hao thought for a while, and felt it necessary to convene a middle and high-level meeting.

“It should have been this way, no one will know that you are the owner of the supermarket if you don’t show up.” Yuan Xuefei vomited.

“No way, I don’t want to be too high-profile.” Su Hao waved his hand.

“That’s strange.” Yuan Xuefei retorted: “If you don’t want to be too high-profile, why would you be interviewed on TV?”

Su Hao was speechless, “That was an accident, I can’t refuse that.”

“Haha.” Concubine Yuan Xue replied.

October 25th.

In the morning, Su Hao and Yuan Xuefei came to Jiajiafu Supermarket together.

In the conference room, Chen Junyong and a group of middle and high-level officials were already waiting.

“I heard that the boss will show up this time? Is it true?”

“Manager Yuan said that the boss held a meeting, it should be true.”

“We really failed as employees. We don’t know who the boss is now.”

“Don’t say you, except Manager Yuan and Manager Chen in the entire supermarket, I’m afraid no one knows who the boss is.”

“The boss is too low-key.”

There was a lot of discussion among the middle and high-level people.

When everyone was talking, Su Hao and Yuan Xuefei appeared in front of everyone.

When everyone saw Su Hao walking in front of Concubine Yuan Xue, they were all taken aback.

At such a young age, it seems a bit familiar. By the way, it is Su Hao, the founder of the tutoring website. . .

Someone quickly recognized Su Hao’s identity.

“It’s no wonder that our supermarket sponsors the tutoring website. It turns out to be the same owner.” After everyone recognized Su Hao’s identity, they all solved a puzzle in their happiness.

Yuan Xuefei introduced, “Hello everyone, this is the owner of our Jiafu Supermarket, Su Hao.”

“Good boss,” everyone shouted.

Su Hao smiled slightly and said, “Hello, everyone, like Manager Chen, will call me Su Shao from now on.”

Everyone silently remembered it in their hearts.

Su Hao smiled and said: “I want to hold this meeting today to get to know you, and to announce several important decisions.”.

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