Chapter 83

“I, I…” Zhang Mengqi didn’t know how to answer Su Hao for a while.

Do you like it honestly? What should Du Ruomeng do? Lie and say you don’t like it? What will she do by herself?

“Mengqi, are you still reluctant to say what you are saying at this point?” Su Hao pretended to smile wryly.

Thinking of yesterday’s painful crying and awake at night last night, Zhang Mengqi made a decision in her heart.

Since love, why not say it? Other things can be allowed, how can love be allowed.

“Well, I like you.” Zhang Mengqi said softly: “When I heard you and Sister Meng were together, my heart hurts, and I couldn’t sleep all night last night.”

“I heard that you and Sister Meng haven’t returned all night. I feel like I’ve lost my soul, and my mind is completely empty. It wasn’t until you called me that I guessed that you weren’t with Sister Meng. Those are all rumors. ”

After speaking out, Zhang Mengqi felt relaxed. As for how Su Hao chose, she did not regret it because she had already fought for it.

“Now should you tell me whether you refused or agreed to Meng Sister afterwards?” Zhang Mengqi asked extremely expectantly.

Su Hao smiled and said, “Mengqi, thank you for speaking the truth. I said that you have been my goddess since high school in 20, and I have always liked you.”

There was a touch of joy in Zhang Mengqi’s heart. At this moment, she had guessed that Su Hao really rejected Du Ruomeng.

“Mengqi, you should have guessed it, I rejected Du Ruomeng because I already have a girlfriend.” Su Hao said truthfully.

“You…” Zhang Mengqi’s face changed drastically.

She thought about the result, but guessed wrongly why Su Hao rejected Du Ruomeng.

“Su Hao, why do you bother to provoke me if you have a girlfriend? I hate you, I hate you.” Zhang Mengqi was heartbroken.

At this moment, Zhang Mengqi finally felt the piercing pain.

“Su Hao, you want to see me joke, now you see it, are you very proud, you are happy…” Zhang Mengqi has lost her mind, and her mind is full of negative thoughts.

Su Hao saw Zhang Mengqi’s extremely painful appearance, and hugged Zhang Mengqi tightly.

“Mengqi, I didn’t, I didn’t want to see you joke, I just don’t want to deceive you.”

“You let me go, you let me go.” Zhang Mengqi’s powder fist hammered Su Hao’s heart hard.

“I won’t let go, Mengqi, listen to me, things are not what you think.” Su Hao let Zhang Mengqi beat and explained quickly.

“Mengqi, do you know how it feels to have a crush on someone for three years? That’s right, I have crushed you in my first year of high school, and I dream of wanting you to be my girlfriend.”

“Unfortunately, I didn’t have the courage to approach you because I wasn’t good enough. In the last semester of high school, I seemed to have gotten better, and gradually became more confident. I started to engage in computer group buying, and it was at that time that I met my concubine sister.”

The rest is exactly the same as what I told Du Ruomeng yesterday.

Zhang Mengqi’s beating fan punch didn’t know when it stopped.

Zhang Mengqi admired Yuan Xuefei’s selfless love for Su Hao, and she believed that she could not do it now.

“Su Hao, I know, I don’t blame you, you let me go.” Zhang Mengqi said lightly.

Su Hao confirmed and asked, “You really don’t blame me?”

Zhang Mengqi nodded gently.

Su Hao slowly released Zhang Mengqi.

Zhang Mengqi looked at Su Hao quietly, her expression extremely complicated.

She and Yuan Xuefei have different views. She can’t be as selfless as Yuan Xuefei. She can’t accept sharing Su Hao with other women, at least now she can’t accept it.

“Su Hao, we have no destiny, Yuan Xuefei is very good, I wish you happiness.” Zhang Mengqi looked at the waves in the distance, no one knew what she was thinking.

Su Hao did not speak.

Su Hao’s heart hurts very much at this moment.

Did you lose Zhang Mengqi like this? Hug left and right, hehe, still too greedy. . .

The picture is frozen.

Not knowing how long it took, Zhang Mengqi said, “Send me back to school.”

Su Hao nodded lightly.

On the way back to school, neither of them spoke.

Zhang Mengqi said before getting off the car, “Su Hao, we are still good friends, right?”

Su Hao tapped slightly, but his face was extremely painful.

When Zhang Mengqi saw Su Hao with a painful face, she couldn’t bear it, but thinking of Yuan Xuefei, Zhang Mengqi gritted her teeth and got out of the car silently.

Seeing Zhang Mengqi walk into the dormitory without looking back, Su Hao had an impulse to vent, an impulse to vent fiercely.

When Zhang Mengqi returned to the dormitory, Du Ruomeng received the news immediately.

Du Ruomeng called Zhang Mengqi.

“Xiaoqi, did Su Hao explain to you?”

Zhang Mengqi: “Well, sister Meng, he said it all…”

Zhang Mengqi told Du Ruomeng all the story. Because Zhang Mengqi feels that she and Du Ruomeng are both sad.

Du Ruomeng did not expect this result.

Su Hao has liked Xiaoqi for so long, but now that it turns out, isn’t Su Hao very sad?

Thinking of this, Du Ruomeng quickly comforted Zhang Mengqi and hung up the phone.

Su Hao stayed downstairs in the girls’ dormitory for a long time, not waiting for Zhang Mengqi’s figure, but waiting for Du Ruomeng’s call.

“Su Hao, where are you now? I have something to look for you.”

Su Hao said lightly: “I’m downstairs in the girls’ dormitory.”

“Then you wait for me at the gate of the school. I have to tell you something clearly.” Du Ruomeng said directly.

Su Hao didn’t think much, and drove away.

Yesterday, I didn’t say it clearly, but it’s okay to say it clearly now. Zhang Mengqi’s lessons are in the front, and Su Hao doesn’t care about being hit by Du Ruomeng one more time.

Soon, Du Ruomeng sat in Su Hao’s co-pilot.

In the next second, Su Hao didn’t react yet, Du Ruomeng hugged him directly, and then printed it.

Su Hao was completely stunned, what’s the situation?

Ten seconds later, Du Ruomeng let go of Su Hao and said, “Su Hao, you don’t have to be sad. Without Mengqi, you still have me.”

“Senior sister, you…”

Before Su Hao finished speaking, Du Ruomeng interrupted: “Su Hao, don’t say anything, drive.”

“Where to go?”


Su Hao was completely stunned.

“Su Hao, if you like me, drive to the hotel right away. If you don’t like me, tell me, I will get off immediately. From now on, we will never talk to each other.” Du Ruomeng went out completely.

After listening to Zhou Xue’s ideas, Du Ruo dreamed for a long time and made a decision in his heart, that is to be with Su Hao. Du Ruomeng believes that she will be the last woman to walk into the wedding hall with Su Hao.

Du Ruomeng said this, Su Hao started the car without saying a word.

Two hours later, Du Ruomeng truly became Su Hao’s woman.

The hostility in Su Hao’s heart was completely vented, and all the pain and unhappiness disappeared.

Looking at Du Ruomeng, who was fainting, Su Hao’s eyes were full of pity. .

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