Chapter 87

“Do you think I’m handsome?”

Su Hao saw Zhou Xue staring at him and couldn’t help but jokingly asked.

Zhou Xue returned to her senses and said, “Yes, you are really handsome.”

Zhou Xue’s answer surprised Su Hao. Su Hao didn’t even know how to answer the call.

“Did you find that I am excellent?” Su Hao asked cheeky.

After Zhang Mengqi’s rejection and Du Ruomeng’s acceptance, Su Hao’s mentality for beauties and women is completely different from before.

Zhou Xue said indifferently: “Is it right that I answered yes, you will still ask, I am so good and handsome, do you like me?”

Su Hao smiled and said, “Zhou Xue, haven’t you heard such a sentence?”

A hint of doubt flashed in Zhou Xuemei’s eyes, and she asked smoothly, “What is it?”

Su Hao whispered: “Men don’t like women who are too smart. Men like smart women who pretend to be stupid in front of him.”

“Musical theory.” Zhou Xue spit out two words coldly.

“I’m so beautiful, and I’m excellent, can I also ask you, do you like me?” General Zhou Xue opposed.

Su Hao said directly: “Of course, I like me.”

“But like is not equal to love. I just have a good impression of you, but that is not love. I believe that 99% of the men in the world will have a good impression of a beautiful woman like you, and the remaining 1% are either blind or blind. gay.”

“I really can’t see that you can speak so well.” Zhou Xue learned another characteristic of Su Hao.

“This is a good way of talking, I’m telling the truth.” Su Hao smiled.

“A kid, I’m not interested in you.” Zhou Xue said directly.

“Little kid? It’s not so small…” Su Hao whispered softly.

Zhou Xue quickly understood, glared at Su Hao, and cursed: “Hooligan.”

“What rogue?” Su Hao asked pretendingly.

Zhou Xue did not respond and drank the porridge silently.

“Haha.” Seeing Zhou Xue not speaking, Su Hao smiled triumphantly.

Woman, fight with me, you are still tender.

Faced with a cold woman like Zhou Xue, if you are serious with her, she will ignore you. Only if you are not serious will Zhou Xue be more impressed and make her think you are quite interesting.

Only when she is not so serious in front of her will she find it interesting to be with you and will have more opportunities.

When Zhou Xue saw Su Hao smiling triumphantly, she glared at Su Hao again, and said, “I didn’t expect you to be a hooligan. I have to remind Xiao Meng to keep her away from you.”

“Hehe.” Su Hao smiled, did not speak, but silently said in his heart, it is too late, she is already my woman.

After eating overnight, Su Hao sent Zhou Xue home, and then went home.

December 21.

Su Hao came to Haoyu Network Technology Company early.

“Su Shao, I just watched the background. Our YY users have exceeded 100 million, and the highest number of online users is 50 million. It was 10 o’clock last night.” Zhou Xue reported data to Su Hao.

“To announce this good news, I will let Haoyu Game Company announce it too.” Su Hao said the decision in his heart.

YY users broke 100 million in 12 hours. This great news must be announced, which shook the Internet severely.

At eight o’clock exactly, the two companies issued announcements at the same time.

As soon as the announcement came out, the whole network was shocked.

“Twelve hours, half a day with more than 100 million users, my mother, do you want to be so fierce?”

“It broke 100 million in just 12 hours. YY is really aggressive. According to this trend, it is only a matter of time before YY catches up with Penguin.”

“It’s impossible to catch up with Penguin? Penguin is known as 200 million users. Isn’t it difficult for YY to catch up?”

“It’s hard, don’t you apply for YY? When you have experienced all the good things about YY, you will say it’s not difficult.”

“Is it really that good? Isn’t it just a chat software, can you still show flowers?”

“Don’t say much, please experience it. I have decided not to use QQ. In the future, if you want to chat with me online, please use YY to chat with me.”

“Compared with YY, QQ is really bad, there is no group, and there is no room, let alone YY show, can chat, why don’t I need a better YY, I dare say YY users will be able to catch up with QQ .”

While the Internet giants were shocked, they were all ready to move.

With over 100 million users in 12 hours, is chat software so easy to use? Why don’t you get some water to try?

You don’t want to break 100 million users in 12 hours, break 100 million a month, no, break 50 million.

Although the big guys were moved, they didn’t make a decision right away. They were waiting for Penguin’s counterattack. If the Penguins can’t defeat YY, they will enter the game without hesitation and get a share of the pie.

The Penguin Company was lit up all night, and Xiao Ma also stayed in the company all night.

Seeing YY users breaking through 100 million, Xiao Ma’s face is extremely ugly.

Penguin Xiaoma has thought that YY users will grow rapidly. After all, YY Farm players are based on.. 0 Even Xiaoma boldly predicts that 70% of YY Farm players will be converted into YY users, but it will take about a week.

Xiao Ma never dreamed that in just 12 hours and one night, YY users directly exceeded 100 million. This is simply the greatest miracle of the Internet.

YY, is there such a magical power?

At this moment, Penguin Pony’s heart is full of doubts, and at the same time there is a hint of unconfidence.

In the face of such a magical result of breaking 100 million in 12 hours, Penguin Pony’s strong self-confidence was severely torn apart.

The other Penguin employees were even more confused and couldn’t believe the news they saw.

“It’s over 100 million in 12 hours. It’s fake, yes, it must be fake. Our QQ has worked hard for three years before breaking through 100 million. How could YY break 100 million in 12 hours? This is impossible.”

“It’s absolutely impossible. YY is making fake news. I want to call YY to complain about fake news.”

“YY is definitely sensationalizing. I definitely don’t believe that YY’s 12-hour users exceed 100 million. This is absolutely false.”

Many Penguin employees cannot accept this fact.

If this news is true? In the face of such a miracle, can the penguin really defeat YY?

At this moment, the employee’s confidence collapsed suddenly and was shattered by the miracle of YY.

The senior executives of Penguins noticed the abnormality of the employees and said loudly: “Everyone should calm down. No matter whether YY’s over 100 million users is a rumor or a fact, no one needs to think too much.”

“Don’t forget that our QQ users have exceeded 200 million. As long as our new functions are online, our QQ and YY have the same functions, and YY will definitely not be our opponent.”

“For the time being, let YY be successful for a few days. As long as we launch chat groups, QQ show, and QQ space, YY will lose out.”

Some employees regained some confidence.

“Yes, the manager is right. As long as our QQ and YY functions are the same, we will definitely win.”

“We will definitely win, and we will definitely defeat YY.”

“We will definitely win, and YY will lose.”

More and more employees yelled out loudly, and finally all employees yelled out loudly to get rid of fear and worries in their hearts.

The shouts were deafening, and the company next door could hear them clearly. Someone who has done something good spread the penguin’s shouts of cheering on the Internet.

Thank you [zyb] for your monthly pass, thank you very much, thank you! .

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