Chapter 98

“If you are allowed to decide, which new feature do you decide to launch?” Su Hao smiled and looked at Zhou Xue.

Su Hao wants to see if Zhou Xue will stick to the correct decision before. If Zhou Xue’s will is not firm, Su Hao will consider changing to the helm.

Whether it is YY or Alipay, it is extremely important in Su Hao’s heart, and the person at the helm must be a super talent with all-round excellent.

Zhou Xue didn’t think much about it, and said directly: “Last time you said, wait for Penguin to copy and imitate again. Now that the goal has been achieved, I think it is possible to launch the new feature that I said before that Penguin cannot quickly copy and imitate.”

“As long as penguins can’t copy and imitate, we will have time to develop and surpass penguins.”

Seeing Zhou Xue insisting on the correct idea at the beginning, Su Hao nodded lightly and said with satisfaction: “Well, I have the same idea as you.”

“Go, let’s go to the R&D department to have a look.”

Su Hao and Yuan Xuefei came to the R&D department.

Huang Tao and all the employees were all excited when they saw Su Hao.

It was Su Hao who created YY. It was Su Hao who made YY popular across the Internet. It was Su Hao who created the myth of YY. Without Su 20hao, all of YY’s current success would cease to exist.

In the hearts of all employees, YY is the god of creativity and their idol.

“Huang Tao, what new functions does YY have completed?” Su Hao asked Huang Tao.

Huang Tao said directly: “The voice call function has been stabilized, and the video function is also very stable. It is completely ready to go online. The QQ space mini game grabs a parking space and the Haoyu Game Company has already fixed it and can go online at any time.”

“What about the YY game platform?” What Su Hao wants to launch most is the YY game platform.

As long as the YY game platform is online, Penguin is completely out of the question. Even if Penguin develops a QQ game platform a month later, it will not be able to recover by that time.

Huang Tao said directly: “Su Shao, we are still testing the games on the game platform, why don’t you try?”

“That’s necessary, I’ll try Fighting Landlords.” Su Hao missed the feeling of fighting for landlords in Internet cafes.

Su Hao, Yuan Xuefei, and Huang Tao started fighting against the landlords.

“The music is very good, it’s fun, and the game interface is also ok.” After Su Hao entered the YY game, he entered the Doudizhu game directly.

Coincidentally, the music of YY Doudizhu is similar to that of the previous life. Su Hao is full of nostalgia for that familiarity.

Hurry up, I’ll wait until the flowers are all gone. . .

Are you younger sister or older brother?

. . .

Su Hao tried these familiar words once, and the experience was very good, no difference.

Bomb, rocket lifted off. . . The prompt sound is also done very well, everything is perfect.

“Very good, Huang Tao, you did a good job.” Su Hao didn’t hesitate to praise himself, and praised Huang Tao and the staff fiercely.

Su Hao experienced other games, military flags, mahjong, go, backgammon, and billiards. . . The experience is great.

“Huang Tao, after the notice, this month’s bonus will still be tripled.” Su Hao was happy and did not forget to reward the employees.

If you want a horse to run, you have to give it grass. Su Hao still understands this truth.

“Thank you Su Hao, I’m going to notify everyone.” Huang Tao immediately notified.

Everyone is very excited to hear that the bonus has tripled this month. Last month, their salary for the triple bonus was close to 30,000, and this month it was 30,000. They earned more than the previous year in these two months. The benefits are really great.

“Thank you Su Shao, long live Su Shao.” The employees cheered.

“It’s so happy to have a generous boss like you as your employee.” Zhou Xue’s tone was not like complimenting but like ridicule.

“The company has made so much money on YY Show and YY members. What a bonus is such a bonus.” Su Hao said solemnly: “As a boss, you can be petty to yourself, but you must not be petty to employees. Rewards and punishments are clearly necessary, employees. Good work must be rewarded, and employees must be punished for making mistakes.”

“Well, I remembered it.” Zhou Xue silently remembered Su Hao’s teachings.

Where did this guy learn so much at a young age? It’s really better than people, maddening people.

“Do you want to launch the YY game platform?” Zhou Xue saw that Su Hao was very interested in YY games and couldn’t help asking.

“Haha, Zhou Xue, we really have a good heart.” Su Hao smiled slightly and said: “Yes, the new feature of our new version tomorrow is the YY game.”

“YY game is the best choice. Penguin wants to copy YY game for at least one month. Many things can happen in one month. Maybe we don’t have to wait for Penguin game to go online. We have already defeated Penguin.”

Su Hao’s lips curled up with a perfect curve, looking extremely evil.

Seeing Su Hao’s evil smirk, Zhou Xue whispered in her heart, what wrong idea this guy is making. . .

“Well, YY game is indeed the best choice.”

Su Hao smiled and said, “Get ready to go, I’ll treat you to dinner.”

Zhou Xue nodded gently.

Su Hao told Huang Tao to get ready to update the version tomorrow morning, and then left with Zhou Xue.

Watching Su Hao and Zhou Xue leave, Huang Tao’s eyes are full of envy and admiration. There are all beautiful women with money, and Su Shao is really amazing.

“Will it be a food stall again this time?”

Su Hao whispered: “Of course not, this time I invite you to a private kitchen.”

“You are such a big beauty, you can’t always take you to the food stalls, in case you encounter a gangster by accident, I will lose out.”

Zhou Xue was speechless, whispering in her heart, wherever you encounter it by accident, you yourself are a little hooligan. . .

At the private kitchen, Su Hao asked Zhou Xue to order anything. Zhou Xue is also not polite, Su Hao’s wealth is there, and Su Hao is polite to look down on Su Hao.

“Would you like a drink?” Su Hao asked casually.

“I don’t drink liquor.” Zhou Xue refused.

Su Hao smiled and said: “You can drink red wine, such as Lafite in 1982.”

Hearing Lafite in 1982, Zhou Xue could no longer refuse, and nodded gently.

The candlelight flickered and the wine glasses touched, Su Hao and Zhou Xuetian were chatting.

As the red wine went down, the coldness on Zhou Xue’s face gradually disappeared, and she completely chatted with Su Hao.

As time passed, Zhou Xue became slightly drunk.

“Su Hao, you are the most powerful young man I have ever seen. I rarely admire my peers, but you, I am really convinced.” Zhou Xue said what she was saying.

“Su Hao, I never thought I would learn something from a boy younger than me, but I really learned a lot from you, thank you, thank you for giving me the opportunity to exercise, so that I can quickly grow into a qualified leader By.”

“Su Hao, do you know that I didn’t believe that there are people who can shine in this world before, but now I believe it, because you are the one who shines.”

Su Hao was slightly taken aback when he heard these words. Why are these words so familiar? .

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