Chapter 171

  "Idol?" The second elder showed a hint of surprise on his face.

  Su Hao said solemnly: "Second Elder, you have always controlled a country's economy and made the country develop rapidly. I admire it very much. I have always been particularly interested in economics, and I have been paying close attention to economic news. I have been learning from your example. go ahead."

  "Haha." The second elder laughed happily.

  "Student Su Hao, I saw you this time to talk to you about the Internet."

  A look of surprise flashed across Su Hao's face.

  Talking about the Internet?How are you looking for him?He is just a fledgling boy, and there are a lot of seniors who are more famous than him. How could the second elder find him?

  The second elder seemed to explain: "You are the most accomplished young man I have ever seen, 985211 tutoring website, Haoyu Game Company, Alipay, YY,, Dongfeng Express, yes, and Jiajiafu Supermarket. , the companies you start are very successful, especially on the Internet."

  "Your YY defeated the penguin who dominated the Internet for three years, with over [-] million online users and [-] billion sales a day on You can create miracles on the Internet. I would love to hear your views on the Internet. ."

  Su Hao felt a little embarrassed when he was praised, and quickly said modestly: "Second elder, it's all thanks to your old age. If it wasn't for you to control the country's economy and let the country's economy develop rapidly, the people of the country would not have a good life. If not Chinese people live a good life, how can Chinese people have the money to go online, let alone online shopping.”

  "Little fox, don't talk about these falsehoods, I want to hear your truth." The second elder glared at Su Hao.

  Su Hao saw that the second elder was not really angry, and said, "Second elder, every sentence I say is from the bottom of my heart, and everything is true."

  The second elder smiled and said: "Hehe, it's just the two of us here, you don't have to be too cautious. Just treat me as your grandfather and talk to me well."

  Su Hao secretly said in his heart, 'Who dares to treat you as a grandfather, what if you are not careful, if you say the wrong thing to anger your old man, I can't bear your anger. '

  "What? Am I not your idol? Don't you believe in my old man?" Seeing Su Hao pondering, the second elder raised his face.

  Su Hao smiled and said, "How come, if I don't believe your old man, who else can I believe."

  "Since you, the old man, want to hear the boy's opinion, then I will show my ugliness. If any sentence is wrong, I hope you, the old man, will not blame it."

  "You kid, let's talk." The second elder was angry and funny when he saw Su Hao's still cautious appearance.

  Su Hao began to narrate the thoughts in his heart.

  "Looking at foreign countries, the Internet is an irreversible development, which has been proven abroad. Compared with foreign countries, our country's network can be said to be very backward."

  Su Hao has been paying attention to the expression of the second elder. Seeing that the second elder's expression has not changed, he continues to speak.

  "What's causing the Internet lag?"

  "The first is a policy issue. The country has completely allowed the Internet to develop freely without any incentive policies, so the development of domestic interconnection has been slow."

  "The second is still a policy issue. The domestic network fee is too expensive. The network construction is almost the same, and the network fee is still so expensive. This also causes many people to be reluctant to buy a home computer."

  "The third is a policy issue. In China, young people are not encouraged to learn computers at all. Even most parents think that their children can only play games online, and they are very resistant to their children's Internet access. This makes it difficult for many young people to access the Internet, and even the Internet is difficult to access. Not to mention starting a business online.”

  "In the final analysis, in a word, the country does not attach importance to the Internet, nor does it attach importance to the development of the Internet, but just allows the Internet to fend for itself like a sheep."

  After Su Hao finished talking about the question, he talked about the future.

  "Developed countries around the world are now pursuing informatization and informatization of the global economy. In this so-called informatization, the Internet accounts for an important proportion."

  "The same is true of mobile phones. Mobile phones can let two people talk in any corner of the world through network signals. The role of the Internet is more powerful than mobile phones."

  "The Internet has many functions. For example, it is very convenient and acceptable to send documents that were originally sent by mail through the mailbox. It is extremely simple and convenient. It not only saves a lot of time and improves work efficiency, but also allows people to quickly receive first-hand information."

  "Like in the past when there was no internet and no cellphones, we had to wait a few days and a week to get information about foreign countries, and the time limit was over. Now, as long as you have the Internet and watch the news online, you can immediately know what's happening on the other side of the ocean. major event."

  "The offices in Silicon Valley, the economic center on the other side of the ocean, have all been computerized, but what about our country? Many companies still use the traditional way of working, and the Internet in our country is really backward."

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  "The development of the Internet is irreversible. The Internet must occupy a very important position in the 21st century. Vigorously developing the Internet will definitely make the country's economic development faster and better."

  Su Hao said a lot in a row.The second elder was completely lost in thought.

  "Second elder, what I said is from the bottom of my heart. If there is any mistake, I hope you will forgive me." After Su Hao finished speaking, he realized that some words were too sharp, and said again.

  The second elder said softly: "Student Su Hao, you are right, the country does not pay attention to the development of the Internet."

  "Second Elder, the country has been developing at a high speed, and it is normal not to pay attention to the emerging product such as the Internet." Su Hao smiled.

  Second Elder: "No, this is the country's dereliction of duty, it's my dereliction of duty. As you said, the development of the Internet is irreversible, and the Internet must occupy a very important position in the 21st century. The country should pay more attention to the development of the Internet."


  "Second Elder, what you said is serious." Su Hao said: "It is already great that you can make the country's economy develop so rapidly."

  "But I can still do better." The second elder said: "Student Su Hao, thanks to you, you created the 985211 website to make me pay attention to you, and your sales of [-] billion shocked me. , that's why I want to talk to you."

  "Student Su Hao, thanks to you, you made me realize the importance of the Internet, otherwise our country would not know when the development of the Internet would be taken seriously."

  "Second Elder, what you said is serious." Su Hao said, "Even without me, you will soon notice the importance of the Internet."

  "Hehe, you kid." The second elder laughed softly and said, "Our surname is Su, if you don't mind, call me Grandpa Su."

  The more the second elder looked at Su Hao, the more he liked it, and offered to ask Su Hao to call him Grandpa Su.

  Su Hao shouted with joy on his face, "Grandpa Su."

  mind?My God, who would mind, such a good opportunity to hold a thigh, who would miss it and who would be a fool.

  "Haha." The second elder laughed even more happily.

  Afterwards, the second elder took Su Hao to Nanzhonghai canteen for dinner.Along the way, Su Hao absorbed a wave of shocked gazes.

  Thank you [one v one v good] for the monthly pass of the big guy, I am very grateful, thank you!Ten thousand.

Chapter 172

  Seeing Su Hao following behind the second elder, everyone was extremely curious about Su Hao's identity.Soon, someone with sharp eyes recognized Su Hao's identity.

  Immediately, Su Hao's name spread quickly.

  Especially seeing the second elder and Su Hao having a happy meal together, everyone paid more attention to Su Hao.Within two days, Su Hao was listed by many big families as not to be provoked.

  During the meal, the second elder and Su Hao talked about national economic issues.

  The country's economic development rate is good, but the consumption of Chinese people has not kept up at all.It is for this reason that after created a miracle sales of [-] billion a day, the second elder started to talk to Su Hao.

  The national economy?

  This question is too serious, Su Hao dare not talk nonsense.

  He can also say a few words on the Internet, but Su Hao of the national economy really dare not talk nonsense.

  "Su Hao, you just talked about the idea of ​​five, three, three people. can achieve [-] billion sales a day. You must have a lot of experience in stimulating people's consumption." The second elder encouraged Su. Hao Chang said what he wanted.

  Su Hao smiled and said, "Consumption? Then I can talk about it."

  Su Hao didn't dare to make false statements about the national economy, but Su Hao dared to say a few words about stimulating consumption.

  "Now that the country's economy is developing rapidly, and people's living standards are gradually improving, if you want people to spend money, you must make them excited and willing to spend money."

  "Let me say it's related to the Internet. Every household in developed countries has a home computer? But in our country, how many households have a computer?"

  "On the one hand, the reason is that computers are expensive. Maybe you don't know Grandpa Su, but I made the first pot of gold by doing computer group buying."

  "The cost of a computer is actually not very high, but after being sold by a dealer, it is two or three thousand more expensive. A computer that costs two thousand sells for five or six thousand. At this price, people are naturally reluctant to buy it."

  "The second reason is that due to objective factors, the Internet fee is too expensive, and ordinary families are reluctant to spend that money."

  "Of course, the most important thing is that people don't realize the role and importance of computers. If our country can also produce a richest man on the Internet who wants to be like Bigai, it will greatly promote people's awareness of the Internet."

  "As long as people think it is useful, practical, and the price is reasonable, people will buy it, otherwise, people are completely unaware of the practicality of a thing, have no sense of a thing at all, and will definitely not buy that thing. "

  "Your example is good." The second elder looked at Su Hao with the same light.

  Is the richest man on the Internet in China?Haha, this kid has such a big heart.

  Su Hao continued: "For example, in rural areas, household appliances are not widely used in rural areas. TVs are fine, but what about rice cookers and refrigerators? Is it because they don't have the money to buy them?"

  "It's not. The price of rice cookers is much cheaper than that of TV sets. There are so many families who buy TV sets, but few families buy rice cookers. Why? Because people see the practicality of TV sets, watching TV together as a family at night is for rural families. Have a good time, so they're willing to pay that money to buy a TV."

  "However, for many people, rice cookers are dispensable, and everyone does not recognize the convenience of rice cookers. Of course, there are also reasons for the burden of electricity bills, especially refrigerators. Few households in rural areas use refrigerators, because everyone feels that Refrigerator is optional, so naturally I won't buy it."

  "Then do you have a solution to this problem?" The second elder was very interested in the issue of rural consumption that Su Hao said.

  This is also his headache, so stimulating rural consumption is a point of national concern.

  Su Hao smiled and said, "Grandpa Su, I'll tell you about my method, just listen to it, don't take it too seriously."

  "You kid, hurry up and talk." The second elder was very interested.

  Su Hao said directly: "If you want to make rural households buy rice cookers and other household appliances, you must have policies that make them excited. With so many rural families across the country, this market is huge."

  "The state can shout slogans and introduce a policy of home appliances going to the countryside under the slogan of improving the quality of life of farmers. The policy must allow farmers to see benefits, such as how much subsidy for buying electric appliances, how much is the annual subsidy for electricity bills, etc."

  "We must make farmers feel the preferential policies of the state, and give a price acceptable to farmers, then farmers will definitely pay for consumption."

  "To put it simply, the rice cooker that originally cost [-] yuan is now subsidized by the state for [-] yuan. You can buy it for [-] yuan, and there is also a subsidy for electricity bills. Who wouldn't be tempted?"

  The more the second elder listened, the more shocked he became.

  Home appliances to the countryside seems to be promising. . .

  "Grandpa Su, I'm just talking casually, it's just my personal opinion, just listen to it... 0" Su Hao said that again.

  "Haha, I am quite touched by what you said about home appliances going to the countryside." The second elder didn't say much.

  Then Su Hao and the second elder continued to chat, and the second elder liked Su Hao more and more.

  "Su Hao, work hard and become the richest man on the Internet as soon as possible." Before leaving, the second elder expressed his expectations.

  Su Hao said solemnly: "Grandpa Su, I will work hard."

  "Good boy." The second elder patted Su Hao on the shoulder lightly.

  After leaving Nanzhonghai, Su Hao breathed a sigh of relief.

  This trip to the capital can be said to be full of rewards.

  Holding Grandpa Su's thigh, no one in the country would dare to make Su Hao's idea in the future. It can be said that as long as Su Hao doesn't do anything to commit crimes, no one can stop him.

  Since there was no flight back to the East China Sea, Su Hao could only stay in the capital for one night.

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