When Li Rongrong learned that Su Hao had developed a smartphone, she was very interested and found Su Hao directly.

  "Su Hao, can you give me a smartphone to experience the experience?" Li Rongrong asked for a smartphone.

  "Can you use it?" Su Hao asked directly.

  Li Rongrong gave Su Hao a roll of eyes and said, "I can't use it and I can't learn it?"

  Su Hao said: "Not yet, I don't have any, wait a few days, the smartphone is still being tested.. 0"

  Li Rongrong was extremely curious and asked, "I heard Xiaoxue say that smartphones can directly let people use YY video calls, is it true?"

  Su Hao said: "Really, don't ask so much, I don't have time to explain this, I'll give you a smartphone in a few days, you can experience it yourself."

  "By the way, you have to ask for a mobile phone card from Huaxin Communications. Without a mobile phone card, a smartphone cannot be connected to the Internet. What number do you want to use, I will directly ask Ruomeng to give you the whole one."

  "Can't my mobile card work?" Li Rongrong asked in confusion.

  Su Hao said: "The smart phone does not support other mobile phone cards at the moment, only the mobile phone cards of CEFC."

  Li Rongrong was slightly startled, and immediately said: "How dare you do this, you are really good, are you not afraid of the protests of the three major operators, and the people of the whole country?"

  Su Hao smiled and said: "What is there to protest, the first batch of smartphones is at most [-] million units, what is there to protest against such a small number."

  "It's up to you, I'm too lazy to care about you." Li Rongrong asked, "Really any number is fine?"

  "Of course, don't give me all those 8888s, tacky." Su Hao said directly.

  "Then do I want four six lines?" Li Rongrong said, "I add four six or eight digits to the end of my birthday, and the first three are the mobile phone number segment. Is this okay?"

  "This is no problem, do you want the East China Sea or the capital of the capital?" Su Hao asked.

  Li Rongrong said: "It doesn't matter where, just Donghai."

  "No, there are roaming charges, I..."

  Su Hao interrupted directly: "There is no need to consider roaming charges, there is no such statement for Huaxin Communication mobile phone cards."

  Li Rongrong was shocked and said, "What, there is no roaming fee? Do you want to cancel the roaming fee?"

  Su Hao said: "It's just a temporary idea, I haven't decided yet, just Donghai. You work in Donghai, and you belong to Donghai."

  "Well, it's fine." Li Rongrong didn't have much opinion on whether she belonged to the capital or the East China Sea.

  "By the way, the day after tomorrow, Grandpa Su is coming to visit the Huaxin mobile phone laboratory, do you want to accompany him?" Su Hao felt that he had to tell Li Rongrong about this, otherwise Li Rongrong would definitely scold him when he knew it.

  "Of course, when Grandpa Su came to visit, I must accompany me." Li Rongrong said as a matter of course.


  6 month 1 number.

  The second elder and his party visited the Huaxin mobile phone research room.

  Su Hao and Li Rongrong were already waiting for the second elder to visit.

  "Grandpa Su, why didn't you tell me when you came." Li Rongrong saw the second elder and went up to grab the second elder's arm, like a well-behaved granddaughter.

  The second elder saw Li Rongrong with a full smile on his face and said, "Hehe, Su Hao will tell you, how are you doing here in Su Hao? If Su Hao bullies you, tell me, and I will help you clean him up."

  Everyone was shocked when they saw the familiar state of the second elder and Li Rongrong.

  My God, Li Rongrong actually knew the second elder, and she was very familiar with it. I really didn't expect Li Rongrong to be a hidden boss.

  Li Rongrong smiled softly: "Grandpa Su, I did a good job in Su Hao, and I learned a lot after being tempered. Su Hao didn't dare to bully me."

  "Hehe, that's good, Su Hao's ability is still pretty good, if you study hard with him, you will definitely improve." The second elder directly praised Su Hao.

  "Well, Grandpa Su, I will study hard." Li Rongrong obeyed obediently.

  Then the second elder and his party visited the Huaxin mobile phone laboratory.

  Su Hao taught the second elder to use a smartphone.Following Su Hao's teaching, the second elder's expression became more and more shocked.

  The second elder and his party were all shocked, and they were all shocked by the advancement of smartphones.

  Su Hao and the second elder experience the YY video on the spot.

  When the second elder saw from his mobile phone that he and Su Hao were in the same picture, his face was even more shocked.

  After the experience, the second elder expressed his sincere admiration and said, "Su Hao, you are right, this smartphone can really change people's living habits. Smartphones are a hundred times more advanced than those on the market today."

  "Grandpa Su, you boast so hard, I'm embarrassed to answer." Su Hao said modestly.

  "Are you still embarrassed?" Li Rongrong rolled her eyes at Su Hao and said, "Grandpa Su, don't praise him a few words. If you praise him more, he will be even more embarrassed."

  "Haha, this must be praised." The second elder said seriously: "This smartphone will make a sensation in the world, which must be praised."

  Thank you [Cold Eyes] for your monthly pass, I am very grateful, thank you.

  Explain the update problem. Now it is 4 words per chapter, and two chapters a day are also [-] words. There are no fewer updates. .

Chapter 228

  The researchers in the Huaxin Mobile Phone Research Laboratory were full of pride when they heard the praise from the second elder.With the affirmation of the two elders, they are even more certain that smartphones will be popular all over the world.

  After the second elder and his party visited the Huaxin mobile phone research room, they also went to the lithography machine research room.

  Knowing that the technology of lithography machine has been at the forefront of the world, the second elder is very happy.

  "Su Hao, the technology of the national lithography machine can be said to be blank. I really didn't expect you to be successful so quickly. Keep working hard and don't let down the expectations of me and the first elder." The second elder patted Su lightly. Hao's shoulders, with boundless anticipation in his eyes.

  The second elder and his party looked at Su Hao with shock when they heard the second elder's words.

  Although they didn't know what the second elder and the first elder expected from Su Hao, it was certain that the country had high hopes for Su Hao.

  Under this circumstance, Su Hao's development will be smooth sailing. If anyone dares to trouble Su Hao with his eyes open, he will die without knowing how to die.

  "Grandpa Su, don't worry, I will, and this time won't be too far away." Su Hao said confidently.

  The second elder smiled and said: "Hehe, I like your confidence. The country needs lithography machines, so I will sell a few to the country."

  "No problem, I will sell it to the country at the cost price." Su Hao assured.

  The second elder said: "The cost price is not necessary. You still have to make some money. I don't want people to misunderstand that the country is taking advantage of you.

  "It's all up to Grandpa Su." Su Hao smiled.

  The second elder said: "Well, I will let someone contact this side later on this matter."

  Li Rongrong was shocked by the lithography machine. She didn't even know that Su Hao also set up a lithography machine research room.

  3G research room, lithography machine research room, smartphone research room, is this guy Su Hao so versatile?

  Thinking of Su Hao's actions in the futures market, at this moment, Li Rongrong admires Su Hao from the bottom of his heart, and admires him from the bottom of his heart.

  Li Rongrong fully understands that there will always be some people in the world who are beyond the reach of people, and who can't catch up no matter how hard you try to catch up.

  Su Hao is one of them, a peerless evildoer that makes people feel hopeless and admirable.

  Before parting, the second elder told Su Hao, "Su Hao, I hope the smartphone will be available as soon as possible."

  20 Su Hao assured: "Grandpa Su, don't worry, the smartphone will be put into production immediately, and will be available in a month at the latest."

  The second elder smiled and said, "Okay, I'm looking forward to it, hehe."

  After the second elder and his party left, Li Rongrong said to Su Hao: "Su Hao, you are really amazing. I have never seen Grandpa Su praise a person so much. You are the first, you are really amazing."

  "Haha, did you suddenly find that I'm handsome too?" Su Hao asked with a smile.

  Li Rongrong said, "Hey, I admit that you are quite handsome, but you are not my lady's type."

  Su Hao said: "I didn't say anything, it doesn't matter if it's your dish, I don't lack your girlfriend, hehe."

  Li Rongrong instantly became angry, gave Su Hao a blank look, and said, "Big radish with a big heart."

  "Hehe." Su Hao did not refute, this is a fact, there is nothing to refute.

  "I'm too embarrassed to laugh, no wonder Xiaoxue often says you're a rogue, I've found out now that you're really a rogue." Li Rongrong said fiercely.

  "Why am I a hooligan? Beauty, I have never played a hooligan to you. You slander me like this, and I have to really play a hooligan to you." Su Hao said with narrowed eyes.

  "Do you dare?" Li Rongrong deliberately stood up, as if you would come if you dared.

  Su Hao smiled slightly, took a step forward, and instantly approached Li Rongrong.The next second, while Li Rongrong was stunned, Su Hao wrapped his right hand around Li Rongrong's waist.

  Su Hao suddenly approached Li Rongrong, stopped only two centimeters away from Li Rongrong, and smiled evilly: "Beauty, don't try to provoke a man, it will be very dangerous, this time I will give you a reminder, next time I will provoke me, I'll let you know what a man is."

  After that, Su Hao let go of Li Rongrong and strode away.

  Li Rongrong reacted and was about to get angry, but Su Hao could no longer be seen.

  "Stinky Su Hao, how dare you take advantage of Miss Ben, you wait for me, I must settle this account with you."

  Li Rongrong chopped off her little feet and scolded her fiercely.

  Thinking of the super-close-up picture of Su Hao wrapping her waist just now, Li Rongrong's pink face involuntarily climbed onto a red cloud.

  This guy is really a rogue. . .

  On June 6, Su Hao did not go to the group and hid from Li Rongrong for a day.

  On June 6, Su Hao came to the group with a dozen mobile phones.

  When Li Rongrong saw Su Hao, she wanted to get angry.

  Su Hao directly took out a smartphone and said with a smile, "Do you want a smartphone?"

  Li Rongrong snatched the smartphone from Su Hao's hand and said, "Don't think that just thinking about a smartphone makes me not angry, I'll tell you to dream."

  Su Hao pretended to be stupid: "Why are you angry, why are you angry, who is the guy who offended our Miss Li, stand up for me, I promise not to kill you."

  Li Rongrong couldn't help laughing when she saw Su Hao's cute appearance.

  "Forget it, for the sake of your smartphone so quickly, I'm too lazy to bother with you."

  Li Rongrong really couldn't scold.

  "Haha." Su Hao sneered and said, "The number is according to your request, the first three are number segments, the middle four are your birthday, and the last four are 6666."

  "This number is unique, and you earn it."

  Li Rongrong rolled her eyes at Su Hao and said angrily, "The other numbers mentioned are not unique, and I won't accept your favor."

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