Su Hao saw Su Zhongqi and several others staring at him, a little speechless, and asked, "Have you all thought of a way?"

  Su Zhongqi and the others smiled wryly.

  Would we still come to you if we figured out a way?There's no way we've come to you.

  Su Zhongqi said solemnly: "Mr. Su, we really can't think of any way. You are so powerful, you should tell us directly."

  "Yes, Mr. Su, tell us directly, you are so powerful, there must be a good solution." Several others echoed.

  Chen Junyong almost couldn't help laughing when he saw that the senior representatives of the four major supermarkets were flattering Su Hao and lying on Su Hao's ass.

  Even the high-level representatives of the four major supermarkets flattered Su Hao, and he usually flattered Su Hao more.

  Su Hao took a light breath and went straight to: "My method is very simple. I use my smartphone to revitalize Jiajiafu Supermarket, and I can use my smartphone to revitalize your supermarkets."

  Su Zhongqi's eyes lit up when they heard the words.

  They all know that the reason why Jiajiafu Supermarket is really popular is nothing more than smartphones.Without smartphones, Jiajiafu Supermarket could not have been so popular.

  If Su Hao is willing to give them smartphones, they can be as popular as Jiajiafu Supermarket.

  Su Zhongqi and the others did not speak, waiting for Su Hao's next words.

  Su Hao continued: "How many supermarkets do you each have?"

  Su Zhongqi first said, "Mr. Su, Runhua Wanjia has a total of 400 supermarkets."

  High-level representatives of the remaining three supermarkets have stated the number of their respective supermarkets.

  360, 380,360, [-] five eight seven.

  Runhua Wanjia supermarket has the most facades.

  Su Hao continued to ask: "Is there a facade of the county town?"

  Su Zhongqi and the others shook their heads one after another.

  "The business in the county seat is not easy, so we have not yet developed to the county seat, and all our stores are in the city."

  Su Hao did the math, the four supermarkets added up to a total of [-], which was five times that of Jiajiafu.

  "You have a total of [-] supermarkets, so it's really hard for me."

  Su Hao frowned slightly.

  Su Zhongqi was silent and did not dare to speak.

  They also don't expect to have a quota of a thousand mobile phones a day like Jiajiafu.The four major supermarkets add up to [-] stores, [-] units a day, a total of [-] million units, and the production capacity of Huaxin mobile phones is simply not enough.

  Not to mention a thousand units, a hundred units, Huaxin's mobile phone production capacity is a bit difficult.

  Su Zhongqi and others only want to have fifty copies, so that they can revitalize their supermarkets.

  Su Hao thought for a while, and said, "Well, I'll give you [-] units per supermarket, [-] supermarkets, add up to [-] units a day, plus Jiajiafu supermarket, a total of [-] [-] units, Huaxin mobile phone can just be supplied."

  Su Zhongqi and several people were very happy to hear that each supermarket has a quota of [-] mobile phones.

  This has greatly exceeded their expectations. With these [-] mobile phones, their supermarket will definitely be able to revitalize, not to mention making a lot of money, anyway, it will definitely not lose money.

  Su Hao continued: "Each supermarket has [-] mobile phones. The activities of each of your supermarkets are the same as the activities of Jiajiafu Supermarket, and the products are [-]% off."

  "Since there are only [-] mobile phones, you can't be too tricky, so let's set up [-] lottery tickets a day, so that you can guarantee a turnover of [-] million a day, okay?"

  Several people in Su Zhongqi expressed no opinion.

  The guarantee of [-] million turnover a day is already very good for them. Before, they could not achieve a turnover of [-] million at all, let alone about [-] turnover these days.

  Not to mention a million turnover a day, at this moment of life and death, they will happily agree to a turnover of [-] a day.

  Su Hao smiled and said, "That's fine, I'll arrange it later. You arrange for people to pick up the goods at the Huaxin Communications store in each city, and remember to count the number of each city."

  "One more thing, I remind you to strictly follow my requirements. If I find out that you are making troubles, I will cancel the cooperation immediately."

  "Mr. Su, don't worry, we will strictly implement your requirements." Su Zhongqi and several others assured.

  Su Hao said: "That's fine. I don't think you can catch up tomorrow. Let your supermarkets start the day after tomorrow. You can publicize them tomorrow."


  Su Hao said solemnly: "The big foreign supermarkets are very well-capitalized, and it is impossible to defeat them in a short period of time. We must make concerted efforts to drive them out."

  "Yes, Mr. Su, don't worry, as long as they can't get smartphones, those big foreign supermarkets will fail."

  In this way, Su Hao reached cooperation with four major supermarkets.

  The four major supermarkets are looking forward to the good news of every family and go out together.

  After the four major supermarkets returned, they immediately collected the data and sent it to Su Hao.After Su Hao made arrangements, he notified the four major supermarkets.

  The four major supermarkets immediately began to promote.

  People gradually learned that the four major supermarkets started their activities on the 12th. The activities are exactly the same as Jiajiafu Supermarket, except that the prizes of the four major supermarkets are only [-] smartphones a day.

  People are a little confused about this.

  "How come the big four supermarkets have smartphones?"

  "Isn't this nonsense? It must be Huaxin Mobile who cooperated with them. If it weren't for Huaxin Mobile, where would they have a smartphone."

  "The four major supermarkets are rivals of Jiajiafu Supermarket. How could Huaxin Mobile cooperate with them?"

  "There must be reasons we don't know about this, but the four major supermarkets are all domestic enterprises, and I support this cooperation."

  "You said, will Jiajiafu join forces with the four major supermarkets to deal with foreign supermarkets?"

  "I'll go, it's really possible."

  Netizens are even more open-minded.

  "The activities of the four major domestic supermarkets and Jiajiafu Supermarket are exactly the same. I dare to say that this is definitely a super action, a super action against foreign supermarkets."

  "There is no doubt that it is so."

  "Jiajiafu supermarket, Huaxin mobile phone, which one of you can explain."

  "That's right, tell me what's going on."

  "Hehe, I'm too lazy to care about this. I only know that there are thousands of stores in the four major supermarkets, and there are [-] smartphones in a family of [-]. This is a good opportunity."

  "There are more than a thousand, there are at least [-] stores in the four major supermarkets. That's [-] smartphones, haha."

  "The four major supermarkets are [-] and Jiajiafu is [-]. Isn't that almost [-]? With the production capacity of Huaxin mobile phones, how can there still be smart phones to open up foreign markets?"

  "Maybe Haoyu Group is trying to defeat the big foreign supermarkets. According to this situation, those big supermarkets abroad will not last long."

  "Jiajiafu supermarket, Huaxin mobile phone, come out and say something."

  "Is there any great god who broke the news, what the hell is going on?"

  After Su Hao learned that netizens were shouting about Huaxin Mobile and Jiajiafu Supermarket, he thought about it and asked Huaxin Mobile to make a simple announcement on the official website.

  The announcement is as follows.

  Huaxin Mobile and the four major supermarkets are just normal business cooperation, mutual benefit, please don't make random guesses.

  At the same time, Su Hao asked Li Jun to instruct the water army to break out the news that Carrefour and Jashike supermarkets did not respect Longguo and looked down on Longguo enterprises (HUA country is a dangerous word, changed to Longguo).

  When netizens were still complaining about the announcement of Huaxin's mobile phone, they were instantly furious when they saw the news that broke out on the Internet.

  "Carrefour supermarket, Jashike supermarket, you actually don't respect Longguo, look down on Longguo enterprises, then you come to Longguo to open a fart supermarket, get out of Longguo for me, get the hell out of me."

  "Nima, how dare you disrespect the Dragon Kingdom. As a native of the Dragon Kingdom, I am super upset. I will go to these two supermarkets in the future. I am not a human being."

  "It is suggested that the state immediately block Carrefour and Jashike supermarkets. These two supermarkets are disgusting."

  "It's so meow, you don't respect Longguo, look down on Longguo enterprises, you come to Longguo to open a wool supermarket, and call on Chinese people not to go shopping in these two supermarkets."

  "I appeal to Chinese people not to go shopping at Carrefour and Jashike supermarkets. The wolves from abroad are not familiar with them. We Longguo people must be tough and have a backbone, and don't go shopping in supermarkets that disrespect our Longguo."

  "Come on, I want to smash those two supermarkets right now, I'm really upset."

  "Calm down upstairs, as long as we don't go shopping in those two supermarkets, we must not do illegal things."

  "That's right, everyone has to be rational. Don't go shopping in their supermarkets. There's no need to pay for these two junk supermarkets."

  The navy immediately brought a positive rhythm, making netizens rational and not impulsive.

  "Support domestic supermarkets and Jiajiafu supermarkets, starting from me."

  "From today, I will never go shopping in foreign supermarkets again. Isn't Jiajiafu supermarket good? Isn't domestic supermarket good?"

  Some people listed all the big supermarkets abroad.

  Netizens saw the list of big foreign supermarkets and shouted that they would never go shopping in these supermarkets in the future.. 0

  "Haha, I won't go if you don't tell me. Jiajiafu supermarket and the four major supermarkets can get the right to purchase smartphones. Isn't it delicious? Why go shopping in big supermarkets abroad."

  "That's right, all the big supermarkets abroad give me the fuck, haha."

  "It's beautiful, we must unite, and we must not let foreigners look down on us."

  "Yes, we have to unite and let outsiders know the unity of our people."

  In this way, the whole network is calling for unity and boycotting foreign supermarkets together.

  When large foreign supermarkets saw the voices on the Internet, they were completely confused.

  Nima, what the hell is going on?Can anyone tell me what the hell is going on here?

  I didn't provoke netizens, how could this be?

  The two supermarkets, Carrefour and Jashike, were completely stunned.

  The whole network is shouting to boycott them, and they will definitely feel cold now.

  The four major supermarkets are also engaged in the same activities as Jiajiafu. They must be the whistleblowers. Yes, they must have reported to Jiajiafu Supermarket, and then Jiajiafu Supermarket agreed to cooperate with them.

  The four major supermarkets are really shameless.

  7 month 11 number.

  The business of foreign supermarkets is extremely deserted, and only some unknowing people go to foreign supermarkets.

  Some Chinese even stopped people who wanted to enter foreign supermarkets at the entrance of Guoda supermarket, telling them that foreign supermarkets did not respect Longguo and looked down on Longguo enterprises.

  When people heard that big foreign supermarkets looked down on Longguo, they immediately did not want to go shopping in big foreign supermarkets.

  Gradually, more and more people know the news that foreign supermarkets don't respect Longguo.

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