"I can't believe that Su Shen also has such a cute side, hee hee, it's really cute, I love it."

  "Shen Su, I want to be your girlfriend, I want to marry you, and I want to have a baby for you.".

Chapter 286

  Su Hao's cute performance makes female fans even more loved.

  When male fans see female fans saying that I want to marry you, they can't wait to become Su Hao immediately and replace Su Hao, so that they won't have to worry about finding a girlfriend or a wife.

  Of course, these are not the points that people pay the most attention to.

  This time the Haoyu Group press conference announced two important things.

  The first is the Huaxin computer system.

  The second is that Feilong Motors has made a major breakthrough.

  On Feilong Motors, Su Hao did not elaborate too much, but simply said that Feilong Motors has made a major breakthrough in technology.

  But it is such a simple explanation that makes the people even more excited.

  Because Longguo's auto industry is really far behind, it can't keep up with the world level at all, and no one of Longguo's independent car brands has stood up.

  Not to mention that I haven't stood up in the world, I can't even stand up in China, and the Chinese people look down on the domestic car brand-brand.

  Everyone is looking forward to the emergence of a domestically praised car brand whose quality can catch up with the world level.

  Haoyu Group's Feilong Motor is everyone's hope.

  "Su Shen said that Feilong Motors has made a major breakthrough in technology. I am really looking forward to it. Haoyu Group can develop 3G networks, smart phones, and computer systems. I believe that Feilong Motors will not disappoint our people. We Longguo will There will be a car that is on par with the world, or even surpasses all current cars, so I'm really looking forward to it."

  "Compared to Huaxin Computer, Feilong Motor makes me look forward to it. If Su Hao can really develop a better car, the Longguo brand will definitely take a higher level in the world."

  "I believe that Su Shen is absolutely right. In this restriction storm, how many people questioned that Su Shen would be destroyed and Haoyu Group would be crushed. Su Shen is still not so good. He created the Huaxin computer system, Su Shen It is the most powerful, Xinsu God, will have eternal life."

  "Flyon, a domestic brand, I am looking forward to it too much. As long as the quality of Feilong is not worse than that of foreign car brands, I will buy Feilong even if the price is a little more expensive."

  "That's a must. The quality of Feilong cars is no worse than that of foreign cars. Why should I buy a foreign car brand? Isn't it good to buy a domestic car?"

  "Su Hao is right, our people should be united and have backbone. Only by being united can we become stronger and stronger faster, and we can have the right to speak in the world faster. With the right to speak, no one can bully us."

  "Weak countries have no diplomacy. This is the truth. If you fall behind, you will be beaten. This is also the truth. I hope the country will become stronger as soon as possible."

  "That's for sure. With God Su, the country will become stronger and stronger. Feilong Motors will definitely shine in the world."

  "Haha, smartphones are already shining all over the world, and YY is next. With the Huaxin computer system, Microsoft can no longer restrict YY, and YY will definitely rise in the world."

  The topic discussed by the netizens was transferred to the Huaxin computer.

  "Why do you talk so much, let's not talk about foreigners first, we Longguo people will change to the Huaxin computer system first."

  "That's a must. Huaxin's computer system is so good, what are you waiting for if you don't change it? Isn't it good to use a better computer system?"

  "I'm already on the way, I can reach the Huaxin Electric Supermarket in five minutes, and soon I can use the Huaxin computer system, haha."

  "I'm on my way too. The Huaxin computer system must be supported. What the fuck is Microsoft. It wants to restrict YY and restrict the Internet products of Haoyu Group. Dream it."

  "Haha, I'm on my way too, the Huaxin computer system is waiting for me."

  "Su Shen said that he wants to enter the overseas market, [-] million Huaxin computers, this is a declaration of war on Microsoft."

  "There are [-] million computers, what does this data show, that Su Shen is already preparing, who else dares to say that this is not Su Shen's plan, any Microsoft company is nothing in Su Shen's eyes, expecting Su Shen to kill Ruan Micro-company, the world's first."

  "Su Shen is really amazing, even the world's largest company, Microsoft, dares to plan, Su Shen is too good, Su Shen, come on, let's bring down Microsoft, Haoyu Group is the world's number one. "

  "I haven't bought a computer yet. I look forward to the price of Huaxin Computer's release tomorrow."

  "Me too, if the Huaxin computer is not expensive, I will definitely buy one."

  "Huaxin computer with Huaxin computer system is smoother and better to use."

  "I will definitely buy one, and I will use the Huaxin computer that Su Shen said is smoother and easier to use." This is the declaration of Su Hao's female fans.

  The Internet is full of discussions about the news of CEFC and CEFC's entry into overseas markets.

  Industry insiders are directly confused.

  When Huaxin Computer entered the overseas market, Haoyu Group was going to declare war on Microsoft Corporation.

  What about declaring war, as Su Hao said, everyone has hit the door, do you still have to endure it?It is normal for Haoyu Group to fight back.With the Huaxin computer system, Huaxin Computer will definitely be able to tear off a large piece of meat from Microsoft and Microsoft this time.

  Su Hao is an amazing young man. I dare to say that within five years, Su Hao will be the richest man in the world, and Haoyu Group will become the largest group in the world.

  Will it take five years? As long as Haoyu Group seizes more than half of Microsoft's computer market, Su Hao will immediately become the world's richest man.

  This time, Microsoft has really stabbed the hornet's nest and provokes Su Hao. It is definitely the worst decision made by Microsoft and regretted for life.

  Now I want to see the faces of Langxin and the Penguin team. They must be desperate now.

  More people in the industry want to see the expressions of Langxin and Penguin, two companies that have launched chat software. It must be wonderful.

  With the emergence of the Huaxin computer system, the ban on YY by Microsoft and Microsoft is completely ineffective, YY will continue to dominate the domestic market, and PP and BB will once again become history.

  As everyone guessed, all the top executives of Langxin Company were frustrated.

  When Su Hao announced the Huaxin computer system, they knew that the PP was over and everything was useless.

  "Give up PP, don't waste resources, and Langxin will not enter the chat software segment in the future." The CEO of Langxin completely gave up the dream of making chat software.

  Two consecutive failures made the boss of Langxin Company lose his ambition and dare not touch the chat software again.With Su Hao around, his dream of making chat software was always a bubble.

  Xiaoma and Dama are more desperate than the boss of Langxin Company.

  "Oh, I lost, I lost again." The pony sighed heavily.

  Malaysia did not give up: "Pony, we haven't lost yet, users can accept BB, we can still compete with YY in the market, you can't be discouraged."

  The pony said: "Da Ma, give up."

  "BB can be accepted by users because YY is restricted. Now that Huaxin's computer system can use YY, BB will become the PP in people's mouths, and BB does not have any advantages in development."

  "YY won't give BB any chance, just give up, if you continue, you will only lose more"

  "I thought about it, I want to change careers."

  Malaysia: "Are you going to change careers?"

  Xiaoma said: "It's not a change of career, I will still be in the Internet, but I don't do chat software anymore."

  "Su Hao is right, the Internet market is so big, and there are many opportunities for development. Why should I hard steel chat software, Su Hao is a super powerful opponent, why should I hard steel with him, go in another direction I will be more successful as I develop.”

  Da Ma sighed softly and said, "Alas, although I am not reconciled, I have to admit that BB can't do YY, so give up."

  "If you think of new directions, hopefully we can continue to work together."

  The big horse and the little horse are sympathetic to each other, sympathize with each other with the same illness, and report to the group to keep warm.

  Langxin company directly announced to give up PP, and will no longer make chat software in the future.

  Netizens were overjoyed when they saw the announcement of Langxin Company.

  "Langxin Company, your choice is too right. You are too embarrassed to launch such a piece of PP. Just be obedient to make games and portals."

  "Langxin Company, it's not that I look down on you. You are really not worth mentioning when competing with YY."

  "Langxin company gives up, will BB give up?"

  "Nima, I haven't asked for the money back yet, the Penguin team can't run."

  "Without evidence, who can say that BB belongs to the Penguin team, maybe it's just a rumor."

  "BB is also likely to give up. Although BB is a little better than PP, it can't compare with YY. If I switch to Huaxin computer system, I will definitely have to use YY."

  "That is, what BB, nothing, how good it is to use YY."

  "The Internet cafe is quick to change to the Huaxin computer system. I'm still waiting to play Cross Fire and Dungeon and Warriors."

  "I haven't changed the Internet cafe here, it's really slow."

  "The efficiency of the Internet cafe is too slow. Su Shen said that the system will be installed for free. What are they waiting for? I can't play the game, so I demolished the door of the Internet cafe."

  Many netizens went directly to the Internet cafe to urge the Internet cafe to quickly change to the Huaxin computer system.

  Seeing that many players were urging, the owner of the Internet cafe directly contacted and asked Huaxin Computer to come over to help them install the system.

· · 0 flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??

  For a time, people all over the country were changing the Huaxin computer system.

  People have long been unhappy with the restrictions of Microsoft and Microsoft, and they are not used to the domineering of Microsoft. They restrict Huaxin Computer from developing a more user-friendly and better Huaxin computer system.

  Even if the Huaxin computer system is the same as the Soft and Micro computer system, the people of Longguo will switch to the Huaxin computer system, for no reason, only for the backbone of Su Hao's words, only to express the evil in their hearts.

  Not to mention that Huaxin's computer system is more than ten times better than that of Microsoft's computer system. With such a good multiple-choice question, people don't even think about it. Naturally, they choose a better Huaxin computer system.

  There is a long queue in the Huaxin Electric Supermarket.

  There is an endless stream of people holding computers to install the system.

  This is the case all over the country.

  Su Hao sighed in relief when he learned that people were lining up to change the system.

  As long as the people of Longguo switch to the Huaxin computer system, nothing else will be a problem. As long as the Longguo market is stabilized, foreign markets can be planned slowly.

  1 month 19 number.

  Huaxin Computer held a new product launch conference of Huaxin Computer.

  This conference is to introduce the new model of Huaxin Computer.

  This time, the new version of Huaxin Computer is still in three styles, the normal version, the middle version, and the high version.

  The data is better than the computer data on the market. When Huaxin Computer announced the price, people all over the country were very excited.

  Because the price of Huaxin Computer is cheaper than the price of other brands of computers, even cheaper than the price of Huaxin Computer before.

  "Haha, at this price, I love it, I love it, the regular version is only two thousand one, you must buy it, if you don't buy it, you won't buy it for nothing."


  "The price of Huaxin computer is really a super surprise. It's amazing, Su Shen, I can't help myself if I don't buy such a cheap computer."

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