On January 1, Nuojiya smartphones were the first to be launched.

  Su Hao immediately got a Nuojiya smartphone, and after a few minutes of experience, he threw it away.

  Nuojiya’s smartphone system is really rubbish, and it’s a bit laggy to play a small game, not to mention watching videos and video chatting.

  Such a smartphone poses no threat at all.

  The sales of Nuojiya smartphones in Longguo are extremely poor, but the sales in other countries are not bad, and many people buy it for the brand and smartphone name of Nuojiya.

  1 month 21 number.

  There are many voices complaining about Nuojiya smartphones on the Internet.

  "My God, Nuojiya smartphones can't be compared with Huaxin smartphones at all. Chatting is a bit stuck. When trying to open videos, it freezes, and it's hard to open games. Even this garbage phone is sold with Huaxin. For the same price as a mobile phone, I'm really convinced."

  "I really regret buying a Nuojiya smartphone, Nima, there is no harm without comparison."

  For a time, there was a wave of returns.

  The Nuojiya smartphone generation is a failure.

  In this way, the Samsung smartphone went on sale on January 1 with an uneasy mood.

  The Samsung smartphone is similar to the Nuojiya smartphone, slightly better than the Nuojiya. At least the chat is not stuck, and the video chat can be opened, but the game is still stuck to the point of doubting life.

  However, the Samsung smartphone is [-] meters cheaper than the Huaxin smartphone, and people complain that it is not very powerful.

  "The Samsung smartphone is slightly better than the Nuojiya smartphone, but compared to the Huaxin smartphone, it's still rubbish."

  "The Samsung smartphone is two hundred meters cheaper than the Huaxin mobile phone, and it is acceptable. If you want to play YY with your mobile phone, you can buy it."

  "500 meters is still expensive, and 633300 meters is about the same. Such defective products are worth 300 meters."

  "Yes, Samsung mobile phone, let's cut the price. The quality of your product is worth 300 meters. It is so expensive to sell. I will definitely wait for the Huaxin smartphone."

  "For 300 meters, I will buy it. For 500 meters, forget it. It's better to spend an extra [-] meters to buy a Huaxin smartphone. Huaxin's smartphones are not too cool to use at all."

  "That is, the pricing of Samsung smartphones and Nuojiya smartphones is simply brain-damaged. I know that their own products are not comparable to Huaxin smartphones, and they set such a high price. I am convinced."

  "Xingsan, Nuojiya, if you want to sell, lower the price."

  There is no need for people to say that Nuojiya has cut prices. If such a large batch of goods is not sold, it will be a big loss. If you sell it cheaper, you will make less money.

  Nuojiya directly lowered the price to 300 yuan and went directly to the low-end market.

  Nuojiya lowered the price to 300 yuan and finally sold it.

  Samsung smartphones can only follow the price cuts, there is no way, they can't sell without price cuts.

  Forget it, the low-end market is the low-end market, which is better than the low-end market.

  Nuojiya and Samsung smartphones are both priced at 300 yuan, and this cheap price finally drives sales.But this does not include Longguo, the people of Longguo are still waiting for Huaxin mobile phone.

  1 month 25 number.

  The Pingguo smartphone was put on the market without changing the price. It is still the normal version of Mi Yuan, and the high-end version is 799 Mi Yuan.

  Su Hao got the Pingguo smartphone for the first time, and after experiencing it, Su Hao also threw it away.

  In a word, the same thing as the Samsung smartphone is not worth the price of 799.

  Pingguo smartphones have not escaped criticism and criticism from people.

  "Nima, Pingguo, you're crazy. Your products are just like Samsung smartphones. The prices of Samsung smartphones have dropped. You still sell at this price. How can you be so thick-skinned."

  "I'm really convinced, whoever buys a Pinguo smartphone is an idiot."

  "Comparing Pingguo smartphones and Huaxin smartphones, it's just rubbish, and it's so expensive. Whoever buys it is a fool."

  The American people who bought Pingguo smart phones happily saw these voices on the Internet, and they were immediately confused.

  They have also experienced Pingguo smartphones, which is really the same as what netizens said.

  So now the question is, should you buy it?

  Did they lose money when they bought a Pingguo smartphone at a reduced price?

  But if they don't buy it now, and the price of Pingguo smartphones won't be cut, don't they miss the best time to buy smartphones?

  At this moment, the American people hesitated. .

Chapter 294

  If I buy it now, if the price of Pingguo smartphones is reduced like Nuojiya and Samsung smartphones in a few days, then they are doomed to suffer a loss.

  Companies in the United States will not refund you the price difference or anything. If you buy it, you will buy it, and no one will force you to buy it.

  The loss is your own business, no one will sympathize with you and pity you, this is the reality of Chi Guoguo.

  Based on this, most American people are hesitant.

  Pingguo smartphones have similar functions to Samsung smartphones, and Samsung smartphones are so much cheaper, why should I buy a Pingguo phone?

  Some people say that the Pinguo mobile phone system is slightly smoother than the Samsung mobile phone system, but it is not much smoother. If Pingguo can be as smooth as the Huaxin smartphone, then they will not hesitate to buy a Pinguo smartphone.


  Naturally, the American people will not choose Pingguo smartphones foolishly.

  The people of the United States are not like the people of the Dragon Kingdom, who have a heart of solidarity and support for domestic production.The American people don't care whether you make it in your own country or where it is made.

  The American people only buy good products and only the right products. The American people do not have the concept of domestic production at all.

  Due to the hesitation of the American people, Pingguo smartphones sold very poorly in the United States.The sales volume in countries around the world is even less than that of Samsung smartphones and Nuojiya smartphones.

  In a word, if Pingguo smartphones insist on not cutting prices, there is only one result waiting for Pingguo smartphones, which will not be sold.

  The Pingguo smartphone was not defeated by the bad sales, but increased its promotion, and even bundled it with several major computer brands to promote sales.

  It's a pity that people don't buy it at all. After two days of crazy publicity around the world, the sales of Pingguo's smartphones are still pitiful.

  Sales are almost the same, people all over the world are complaining about the crazy advertising of Pingguo smartphones.

  "Nima, don't you need money for advertising? Everywhere you go, there are advertisements for Pingguo's smartphones. Does this advertisement cost money?"

  "Software, several major brand computer vendors, and Pingguo are all three. They have money. What's the advertising fee?"

  "That's right, as long as Pingguo smartphones and several major brands of computers sell well, such a little advertising fee is nothing at all."

  "Turn on the TV is an advertisement of Pingguo's smart phone, open the computer is also an advertisement of Pingguo, walking on the street is also an advertisement of Pingguo, I am also convinced, if you have a good product, you can say it in the past, just you sell this garbage product. It's so expensive that no one will buy your ad when it goes to space."

  "Such a crazy advertisement will only make people more disgusting, I will not buy a Samsung smartphone and a Pingguo smartphone."

  "That's right, Xingsan doesn't have to be bad for Pingguo, and Nuojiya can do it. Pingguo is so expensive, why should I buy Pingguo, only a fool buys Pingguo, and Pingguo thinks he is a Huaxin smartphone."

  "If Pingguo's smartphones were as good as Huaxin's smartphones, there would be no need for advertisements, and people would buy them. Now, don't cut prices and wait for bankruptcy."

  People all over the world are complaining about Pingguo's crazy ads.

  The American people also joined the Tucao team.

  "Nima, speed reduction is the kingly way, advertise Nima."

  "I feel like throwing up when I see Pingguo's advertisement. It's also the greatest smartphone and the most cost-effective smartphone. Have you ignored the Huaxin smartphone?"

  "Only the Huaxin smartphone is the greatest smartphone, and no one can take away the status of the Huaxin smartphone."

  "The Pingguo company is completely abolished. If this goes on, I will buy a Samsung smartphone."

  After seeing the crazy advertisement, the sales volume of Pingguo Company still did not improve, and they were all depressed.

  "Lower the price."

  Microsoft's Bigger suggested that Pingguo cut prices.

  If this continues, the low-end smartphone market will be completely occupied by Samsung smartphones and Nuojiya smartphones, which will be a fatal blow to Pingguo smartphones.

  If Pingguo smartphones cannot occupy a certain market, MS will definitely be surpassed by YY, which is not the result Microsoft wants.

  Under pressure, Pingguo had to choose to cut prices.

  2 month 28 number.

  The price of Pingguo smartphones is the same as that of Samsung smartphones and Nuojiya smartphones, which are 300 yuan.

  While Pingguo waited for sales to pick up, Huaxin Mobile announced that it would launch a new smartphone on March 3.

  Huaxin's new smartphone is priced at 250 yuan.

  Seeing this price, everyone knows that the new smartphone from Huaxin Smartphone is aimed at the low-end market.

  The price is cheaper than the three mobile phones of Pingguo, Xingsan and Nuojiya, and the data is also better than the three smart phone numbers of Pingguo.

  For a time, people all over the world forgot the three smartphones of Pingguo and waited for the new smartphone from Huaxin.

  Su Hao named CEFC's new smartphone CEFC L1.

  On March 3, Huaxin 1 and Huaxin L1 were launched at the same time.

  Huaxin 1 is still sold out in one day.

  Huaxin L1 is loved by the people at the bottom of the world.

  At 250 meters, they simply love it.

   They can't afford it for Mi Yuan, but they can afford 250 Mi Yuan.

  After people experience the Huaxin L1, they buy it without hesitation.

  Huaxin L1 is much better than the smartphones of Pingguo, Xingsan and Nuojiya.

  Chatting, watching TV, video chatting, and playing small games are not stuck. The only difference is the memory, the camera pixels, and the processor.

  These people don't care, is it cheap, other data are almost normal, as long as they can be used normally and can play small games, they are satisfied.

  Since the quality of the Huaxin L1 is better than the three smartphones in Pingguo, the Huaxin L1 is also sold out in one day.

  1 million L[-] smart phones were sold short without using Huaxin mobile phones to advertise.

  The listing of Huaxin L1 made Pingguo three smartphones completely desperate.

  Since CEFC L1 has not been sold in the United States, the people of the United States once again severely criticized Microsoft and the top executives of the United States.

  "Trash Microsoft, due to your arrogant behavior, Huaxin mobile phone cannot be sold in the United States. You have violated the rights and interests of the people of the United States. You must solve it within three days. If the next time Huaxin mobile phone is sold, the United States will not Huaxin mobile phone is sold, be careful with me when you go out 々ˇ."

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