Su Hao asked the navy to distribute Huaxin computers that are most suitable for playing "League of Legends".

  As a result, Huaxin Computer's sales soared rapidly, and its market share was getting higher and higher.

  Inventory is being emptied rapidly during this time.

  Even many foreign players who already have computers at home can't help but buy a new Huaxin computer when they see these news.. 0

  For foreign players, a few thousand dollars is trivial for them, they just want to have a more comfortable and smooth gaming experience.

  The smoother gameplay is definitely an advantage in the rankings.

  A little advantage is a deadly attraction for gamers.

  Several major brand computer vendors came together to plead guilty, which alarmed Su Hao.

  Looking at several major brand computer vendors who were begging, Su Hao didn't have any soft-hearted, and still refused.

  In the end, the representatives of several major brand computer businesses knelt on the ground and begged for mercy.

  "Mr. Su, we were wrong. We shouldn't join forces with Microsoft and Microsoft to target Huaxin Computer. We really know we were wrong. Please, let us cooperate with Huaxin Computer. In the future, we will follow Huaxin Computer's lead. We will never target Huaxin Computer again, all of which can be signed.”

  Su Hao said coldly: "Don't be embarrassed here, you don't want to be on the news headlines tomorrow, get out of here."

  For several major brand computer businesses, Su Hao firmly refused to cooperate.These duplicitous merchants don't give them a hard lesson, they don't know who their father is.

  The representatives of several major computer brands saw that Su Hao's attitude was firm, and they all retreated in despair.

  But they didn't give up, leaving now only to see Su Hao's attitude is firm, and continuing to beg will only anger Su Hao, and they will come to the door to beg tomorrow when Su Hao's anger is gone.

  The senior management of Haoyu Group knew the news that the representatives of several major brand computer businesses knelt down and begged for mercy.All the high-level people are very happy.

  What a meow, I used to be arrogant and wanted to kill Huaxin Computer, but now I am not kneeling on the ground like a dog begging for mercy.

  Such traitors should be taught a lesson.

  Li Youwei was even more happy, and all the anger that had been held in his heart during this period of time was ruthlessly released.

  The next day, representatives of several major brand computer businesses continued to come to the door to beg for mercy.

  This time Su Hao was too lazy to receive them, so he just let them wait.This wait is a whole day.

  Representatives of several major computer brands asked several times, and the reply was that Mr. Su did not have time.

  Representatives of several major brand computer businesses did not leave because of this, but waited until all employees got off work.

  That night, representatives of several major brand computer businesses accompanied the security guards at the entrance of Haoyu Group.

  Early the next morning, when the employees of Haoyu Group came to work, they were stunned when they saw the representatives of several major computer brands.

  Seeing the haggard appearance of the representatives of several major computer brands, all the employees guessed that these people didn't go back last night, right?

  When I asked the security guard, I learned that a group of representatives stayed at the gate of Haoyu Group all night, and all the employees were completely speechless.

  Special meow, I have never seen such shameless.

  When Su Hao learned about this, he completely ignored it.

  You want to stay as long as you continue to stay.

  Su Hao has no sympathy for these profiteers.

  Su Hao instructed the security guard not to let them enter the group, lest they touch porcelain.

  In this way, representatives of several major brand computer businesses stood guard directly at the door of Haoyu Group.They want to impress Su Hao with sincerity.

  No way, the headquarters gave them a death order. If they didn't get the authorization of Huaxin Computer, they didn't have to go back.

  Many times they couldn't help shaking their heads and leaving, but they were all relatives of the boss and could go anywhere.

  Now shaking their heads and leaving, the company will never let them go, and the rest of their lives will be miserable.

  In order to live a good life in the future, they can only stand at the door of Haoyu Group, hoping to impress Su Hao with sincerity.

  This was known to news media reporters, and many news media reporters came to interview representatives of these businesses.

  Business representatives are all crying and praying for the cooperation of Haoyu Group.

  After the news was broadcast, not only the people of Longguo were dumbfounded, but people all over the world were dumbfounded, especially the top executives of Microsoft and others.

  "My God, are those people really the representatives of several big brand computer companies? They are more beggars than beggars. Are they really the representatives of big brand computer companies?"

  "Wouldn't it be a big brand computer company hyping and selling badly?"

  "This gate is really Haoyu Group, but I doubt the identities of these representatives."

  Several major brand computer companies have spoken out, that is, the senior management of their company, the reason for doing so is to obtain the forgiveness of Haoyu Group and to cooperate with Haoyu Group.

  Seeing the announcements of several major brand computer companies, people all over the world were shocked. .

Chapter 318

  The world was shocked by the brazenness of several major brands of computers.

  "This is hard. It used to be Microsoft Microcomputer, now it is Huaxin Computer, and now several major brand computer companies are insanely crazy."

  "Fuck, I've never seen such a shameless person. Others don't want to cooperate with him.

  "It's really embarrassing. I'm drunk at this step in business."

  "Don't say it's a company from Ying Nation. As a native of Ying Nation, I can't afford to lose that person."

  "Fuck, I really can't afford to lose that person. This garbage company is actually owned by my country. It's really shameful."

  "I've seen the brazenness of several major brand computer companies. They're even more rascal than scoundrels chasing girlfriends. I really lose face in the business world."

  "The country's face has been lost by them, and the country is advised to remove these garbage companies."

  "Haoyu Group, don't promise to cooperate with them, let them go bankrupt, our country doesn't need such a garbage company."

  "That's right, Haoyu Group, don't soft-heartedly agree to cooperate with them. Let them go bankrupt for such a spineless company with absolutely no bottom line. I really can't afford to lose that person."

  Foreign netizens are all ashamed of the major brand computer companies, especially the people of the countries where the major brand computer companies are located, and feel ashamed.

  Several major brand computer companies have seriously damaged their country's reputation, and companies like this with no bottom line should go out of business, news.

  Longguo netizens are happy for Su Hao and Haoyu Group.

  "Haha, Sushen is mighty and domineering. What about several major brand computer companies? In the end, Sushen has to come."

  "Don't say it so ugly, it's Huaxin Computer. If Huaxin Computer doesn't cooperate with them, these major brand computer companies will slowly decline, or even close down."

  "It's all the same. Isn't Huaxin Computer the God of Su? Haha, God of Su is mighty and domineering. Neither the supermarket war nor the electrical war is as powerful and domineering as the computer war."

  "I'm really happy to see several major brands of computers with 20 hard times. Everyone in the Dragon Kingdom should be happy and celebrate. This is a testimony to the rise of the Dragon Kingdom."

  "Yes, the rise of Huaxin Computer is a testimony to the rise of the Dragon Kingdom, the rise of smartphones is also a testimony to the rise of the Dragon Kingdom, and the rise of YY is also a testimony to the rise of the Dragon Kingdom. In the future, Su Shen will let Haoyu Group launch more super awesome products. Products, let Longguo shine all over the world."

  "The glory of the country is well-deserved by God Su."

  At the same time of rejoicing, Longguo netizens also shouted that they refused to cooperate with several major brand computer companies.

  "Shen Su, don't be soft-hearted, you can't promise to cooperate with them if you say anything."

  "Shen Su, don't forget that several major brand computer companies and Microsoft are targeting Huaxin Computer together, and no matter what, they cannot agree to cooperate with them."

  "Shen Su, profiteers like several major brand computer companies, let them go to hell and take the opportunity to snatch their market and make them all go bankrupt."

  "Foreign netizens say that they will all go bankrupt. The people of the countries where the major brand computer companies are located are ashamed of the major computer companies. I laughed so hard, God Su, kill them completely."

  Several major brand computer companies don't care about online voices at all. As long as they can cooperate with Huaxin Computer, those bad voices on the Internet will disappear with time.

  Several major brand computer companies just want to survive, if they can't cooperate with Huaxin Computer, they will really go bankrupt.

  Soft and Micro is no longer a thick thigh, and Haoyu Group is the thick thigh they want to hug tightly.

  When Microsoft and Microsoft saw the announcements of several major brand computer companies, Bie Gai and other senior officials looked extremely ugly.

  Several major brand computer companies are allies of Microsoft and Microsoft.Now the allies are running to kneel and kneel at the enemy, which is a spiritual fatal blow for Microsoft.

  "Boss, should we condemn the behavior of several major brand computer companies?"

  Bigai: "Condemnation? Why?"

  "In the face of real interests, the alliance is a piece of shit. Now that Huaxin Computer has the advantage, they will naturally go to Huaxin Computer. When we have the advantage, they will come back to us."

  "This is the reality of Chi Guoguo."

  Senior: "Then we are now?"

  Bige: "Don't worry about them, but still give them a hard warning on the phone."


  The executives of Microsoft and Microsoft successively called the executives of several major computer companies and issued a severe warning.

  The top executives of several major brand computer companies hung up the call without hearing a few words.

  Special meow, do you think your company still has thick thighs?A company that is about to collapse, who gave you the courage to warn us.

  Microsoft is worse than their major brand computer companies.

  There is no turning back for Soft and Micro. Huaxin Computer will never give up the competition with Soft and Micro. There will be a loser between Huaxin Computer System and Soft and Micro Computer System.

  According to the current situation, the loser must be Microsoft's computer system.

  After the computer system of Soft and Micro is completely occupied by the computer system of Huaxin, the company of Soft and Micro will surely decline, and the world's largest company will be nothing.

  And they, they still have a way back, as long as Huaxin Computer agrees to cooperate with them and authorize them to use the Huaxin computer system, their company will come back to life.

  If you don't go to Huaxin Computer at this time, do you still want to be a Microsoft company that can't be guaranteed by itself?

  No fool would do that.

  The top executives of Microsoft and Microsoft were hung up, and their faces were even more ugly.

  Several major brand computer companies, I completely remember you, and when the Microsoft and Microsoft computer systems suppress the Huaxin computer system, I want to see what your face will be.

  Several major brand computer companies are squatting at the door of Haoyu Group, kneeling at Haoyu Group, brazenly begging Haoyu Group for forgiveness and cooperation news that countless people discuss every day.

  There are media tracking reports at the door of Haoyu Group every day, and this news has become the most concerned news at present.

  This has led to the resignation of employees of several major brand computer companies one after another.

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