Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1101: One thousand one hundred and fourteen

After Jin Ming left, Chang Hao couldn't help but worry and asked, "Lao Jin is okay! You won't be going to work with Lao Ying in the bathroom!"

Wei Panyang thought that Shi Ran was also there, and the two were really fighting. He should come over and call them, so he stopped worrying, and continued to punch and shake the dice with Chang Hao and Xiong Luoying.

Chang Hao and Xiong Luoying also thought that Shi Ran was there. There shouldn't be much trouble, so they didn't care about the matter. They asked Jiang Duo and Xiao Ningjin who would win the next bet?

In the bathroom, Shi Ran was in a daze and absent-mindedly. After going to the toilet, he turned on the faucet and washed his hands. He stared in the mirror with horror, and his pale face was in confusion.

While washing his hands, he thought of Fang Yinglong, who was uncharacteristically tonight, and he was already seven to eighteen certainty that Fang Yinglong tonight was not the Fang Yinglong he used to be.

But Fang Yinglong is not the same Fang Yinglong before, so who is Fang Yinglong tonight?

And every time he could see that thing before, he lay on Fang Yinglong's body, but tonight he didn't even see the dirty thing on Fang Yinglong's back.

Where did the dirty thing go? He had a faint answer in his heart, and the answer was beyond his imagination. He rubbed his hands harder and harder, the expression on his face became more worried, and his lips turned pale.

No, no, he wants to leave, he wants to leave!

There are also Jiang Duo and Wei Panyang. Shi Ran is going to send a message to them. There is only this he can do. As for whether they believe it or not, he has no choice.

No, no, they definitely don't believe it. Although Shi Ran was extremely frightened, it was possible that Wei Panyang and the group might repeat the deaths of Wang Yu and Shen Zhihua. Shi Ran's face turned pale and his lower lip bite and bleed, and he didn't even feel pain. feel.

After much deliberation, Shi Ran thought of the little girl who claimed to be a ‘Master’ early in the morning. Before she made up her mind to leave, the dead horse was a living horse doctor to call the other party and let the other party rush here.

What if the other party is really a celestial master?

Shi Ran took out the phone and turned out the phone record first, but he had too many calls every day, he was not sure which phone was the little girl for a while, thinking that the little girl once gave him a piece of yellow paper, which was still on the yellow paper Wrote the phone number.

He stretched out his hand and searched in his pocket. He felt all his pockets but couldn't find the yellow paper. His face turned white. He shook his hands and touched it again. He turned all his pockets out and didn't see any yellow paper.

At this moment, the door was suddenly pushed open with a creak, Shi Ran subconsciously looked over, and saw'Fang Yinglong' suddenly appearing at the door, creaking and laughing at him, Shi Ran was frightened on the spot, and the blood in his body seemed to freeze instantly. Countercurrent rushed into his head, the blood on his face faded away, and his lips and legs were clean.'Fang Yinglong' opened his mouth to say something. He didn't hear a word clearly, and his fingers kept shaking and twitching.

'Fang Yinglong' collected the horror on his face and under his eyes. The smile on his face grew deeper and he asked again and again: "What are you looking for?" He glanced at the phone in his hand, babbling and twisting the Peking Opera. Singing: "Who do you want to call?"

As Fang Yinglong entered the door, Shi Ran realized that there were only two people in the bathroom, and his heart contracted, his heart pounding in panic and panic.

"Call anyone you want to call! Why are you afraid of me?" Fang Yinglong said slowly, and walked to the first faucet to open his mouth and fill it with water. After five minutes of filling it, the faucet sucked in his mouth shook, and after drinking the water again Dip your head under water.

When that face touched water, he was addicted to drugs, and his face was exaggeratedly enjoyable and hideous. The complexion of his water-drenched face under the light was very pale, almost dead white.

A pair of faintly green eyes under the water curtain kept staring at Shi Ran, the eyeballs did not stagger from his body.

Shi Ran was horrified by those faint green eyes. He clearly saw Fang Yinglong's emotional face with large dark purple and blue corpses spreading one by one.

A strong rancid smell and watery smell spread to the tip of his nose.

Shi Ran was full of horror, screaming and almost broke his throat.

If he had confirmed that Fang Yinglong was not Fang Yinglong tonight by only eight or nine points before, then wait to see his face now

The horrible corpse spots spread with emotion.

He finally determined that Fang Yinglong might have died prematurely, and the current "Fang Yinglong" is not a human being!

Thinking of this, his heart shrank and trembled, and his legs trembled softly. If he weren't holding the pool with his hands, he was sitting limply on the ground.

The quiet ticking water in the bathroom kept ringing, and Shi Ran was trembling with fright, and his eyes disappeared, as if he might faint at any time.

But now he didn't dare to faint or die. As the opponent walked over, his eyes gradually reddened with terrible fear, and his mouth kept trembling and teeth shaking: "No! No! Don't... I don't! I don't... "

After appreciating the other party's fear, Fang Yinglong suddenly grinned, moving his head away from the water, shaking his wet head, and grinning more and more unkindly: "I am Fang Yinglong, your brother, why are you afraid of me?"

He said that he was about to walk over with a stiff pace, his face twisted and proud.

The door of the toilet, which was not closed, was suddenly slammed on the wall, and "Fang Yinglong" stopped.

Jin Ming saw the scene inside, only when Fang Yinglong went crazy at him and then went crazy at Shiran.

Jin Ming sneered triumphantly as he grasped the opponent's handle: "Fang, you can do it to me, you can do it to Shi Ran! Why don't I let a few Wei Shaojiang come over and comment now?"

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