Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1104: One thousand one hundred and seventeen

Wei Panyang is the closest to'Fang Yinglong', let alone that he was frightened by'Fang Yinglong' breaking his head from the back to the front, and his legs were soft and almost fainted. At this time, he still clearly saw the face of'Fang Yinglong' gradually beginning to swell. , Swollen to twice the size, not only was completely unrecognizable, but the dark purple and blue corpses on his face were clearly visible, but he suddenly leaned in front of him.

Wei Panyang's eyes were dark, and he was really scared and scared to urinate at this moment. His face was frightened and his face turned green. His whole body was shaking and shaking, not only his hands and feet were soft, but his teeth squeaked fiercely.

He wanted to scream in horror and wanted to call for help and wanted to run, but he couldn't move his legs no matter how much he was filled with lead, his throat was blocked by something, his face blushed, he couldn't stop shouting a word, and his eyes turned out. Half turned it over but didn't faint.

Seeing that deformed hand gradually slipped from his shoulder to the back of his neck, Wei Panyang finally suffocated a broken howl and cry for help.

Not only was Wei Panyang frightened, but the others Jiang Duo, Xiao Ningjin, Chang Hao, and Xiong Luoying, who had never seen a ghost for the first time, were scared and pale and weaker than the others.

The quiet luxury box suddenly broke out with bursts of howls.

Chang Hao, Xiong Luoying, and Xiao Ningjin were so irritated that they couldn't speak, each of them shook their voices and shouted: "This...this...this...Fang Yinglong, this is... in the end... what?"

"My god! What the **** is this?"

Seeing that this ghost finally revealed its true colors, Shi Ran covered his face and cried bitterly.

Before I waited for a few conversations, the dirty thing grabbed Wei Panyang’s neck with a grim face and dragged people to the bathroom in the luxurious box. It kicked the door open, unscrewed the faucet inside, and grabbed Wei Panyang’s neck. Pressed in the crashing water, and while pressing, Xiao Ningjin smiled unkindly. It looked like'No hurry, I'll be there in a while'.

Xiao Ningjin, Chang Hao, Xiong Luoying, etc. saw Wei Panyang being held in the water by the ghost, it is better to live and thrash, crying for help, his face is getting paler, and his legs become weaker.

That thing seemed to like to see their horrified eyes. Whenever Wei Panyang was about to die, he pulled his head up, and after everyone saw his pale and twisted face, he immediately pressed him against him. In the sink. Bian Sensen smiled triumphantly, and squeaked triumphantly while twisting the big tap.

The courageous Chang Hao and Xiong Luoying watched this scene, their scared legs softened and they slumped to the ground.

It was Jiang Duo and Xiao Ningjin who hurriedly pulled the person up, their faces pale and loudly said: "Run!"

It was the first time that several people had been scared by this scene, especially the appearance of being stared at by the ugly and deformed ghost.

Shi Ran's reaction was the fastest here. He hurried over to open the door. Others were too busy to open the door, but they couldn't open the door at all.

The few people and the big ants on the hot pot were anxiously blushing.

In the bathroom, Wei Panyang's faint cry for help came from inside. He was choked by the water and thumped in the water again. The cry for help became weaker and weaker: "Help... Live! Help!"

Xiao Ningjin subconsciously glanced at the bathroom when she heard Wei Panyang's cry for help, and just met the smug smile of the ghost, as if they could not run away, Xiao Ningjin's heart jumped.

"Can't open!"

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