Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1107: One thousand one hundred and twenty

In the police station, although the four people stayed in the police station detention room at this time, it is estimated that they escaped tonight. Even if they stayed in the detention room, the four of them stared at the policeman guarding the door. They were very relieved, and they were not noisy, honestly. Sit on the ground inside.

It’s just that the four of them are still worried about the life and death of Wei Panyang, Shi Ran, and Jin Ming. As for Fang Yinglong, they feel that Fang Yinglong is more than auspicious, but even if Fang Yinglong is really okay, they feel that with the shadow of their counterpart Yinglong’s face tonight, How good he is, there won't be much intersection in the future.

"Aduo, Ning Jin, what do you say if the police put the murder on our heads?" Chang Hao looked worried and couldn't help but said, "What if someone else asks us again? We are now You should contact Master Chi quickly!"

Speaking of the three words'Master Chi', Chang Hao changed his previous carelessness and was extremely respectful. He was only mentioning the word'ghost'. Chang Hao couldn't help but shudder, for fear that the thing would not die any time soon. They killed them here. Chang Hao hurriedly touched a few talismans in his pocket before reluctantly, and regretted that he didn’t believe the words of Master Chi and didn’t buy a few more talismans. No, he didn’t buy the one from Jiang Duo’s neck. Jade card.

"Damn, what the **** is putting my phone in?" Chang Haomo touched his pocket, only to remember that the phone had just been handed in, and he couldn't help but vomit.

Chang Hao felt that the four of them were really unlucky tonight. Not only did they encounter ghosts, but they were also caught in a police detention room inexplicably.

Compared with the excited Chang Hao, the other three were calm and calm.

The calmest person here is Jiang Duo. Even if the ghost comes to him, he is not afraid.

As for Xiao Ningjin and Xiong Luoying, the two frequently looked at the jade medallion on Jiang Duo’s neck, especially Xiao Ningjin stared very seriously. Since entering the detention room for a few hours, his eyes have not moved away from Jiang Duo’s neck. The jade card at the place has a particularly deep look in his eyes.

It’s not that Jiang Duo didn’t see the coveting of his jade medals by some of his buddies. When Xiao Ningjin glanced over again, he hurriedly covered his neck and stuffed the jade medal into his neck, his face pretending to be impatient and said: "Damn, old man. Xiao, your kid has been staring at the jade card on my neck to see what, no matter how much you look at, the jade card is not yours or not yours, it belongs to me Jiang Duo!"

Except for Xiao Ningjin, the other three people have some thoughts about playing Jiang Duoyu's card, and each of them is turning around with grunting eyes. Everyone who choked with Jiang Duo was choking.

Xiong Luoying didn't give up, and suddenly said in a good voice: "A Duo, how can we be brothers too, or do we take this jade medal every night in turn?"

As soon as Xiong Luoying's words fell, Chang Hao immediately echoed his words, indicating that Xiong Luoying's words make sense. Without this jade medal, they would not even dare to sleep tonight.

Who knows that Jiang Duo didn't want to refuse directly, clutching the jade card in his clothes tightly, and said: "You two think too much, this is my baby, didn't you believe me or Yunfeng? Master Chi is a liar? You don't even want that talisman? It's done, you all give it back to me now?"

The other three people were very embarrassed by Jiang Duo's words, and their faces were very painful.

The three looked at each other. The first action of Xiong Luoying and Chang Hao was to hurriedly hold the talisman in their pockets. They were really afraid to get it back from Ador. Then they were even more uneasy. What happened tonight not only refreshed them. The Three Views also shocked them.

In short, they really don't want to see the ghost, and they hope to find the master Chi immediately and quickly collect the ghost. Why did they have to go out and travel?

Thinking of what happened tonight and the death of Wang Yu and Shen Zhihua before, several people suddenly became silent.

Xiao Ningjin said at this time: "Aduo, let me have a look at that jade card?"

Jiang Duo didn't want to refuse directly.

"Just a look!"

Jiang Duo thought for a while and finally brought out the jade actor, only to let Xiao Ningjin touch him. Xiao Ningjin twitched the corners of his mouth severely. Although he coveted, he immediately let go when he really touched him.

There was still silence in the detention room, but Xiao Ningjin suddenly said, "By the way, Ah Duo, what about the Taobao link you showed us before? Send us one more?"

Jiang Duo knew what the other three brothers wanted to do, but thought that he had been begging the three to believe in Master Chi before, but the three brothers didn't give much face to them. Jiang Duo wanted to slap a few people in the face, so it was the hardest to bow his head. Chang Hao and Xiong Luoying first admitted their mistakes.

Jiang Duo was proud to send the link to them. Before sending it to them, Jiang Duo felt tired and upset when he thought that when he grabbed something in the future, there were so many competitors invisible.

"Wait, Ah Duo, your phone has not been confiscated?" Xiong Luoying asked suddenly.

Jiang Duoxin said that he hid strictly.

At this time, when Xiao Ningjin took out his mobile phone, Xiong Luoying and Chang Hao had big eyes.

Xiao Ningjin immediately clicked on the link, but it was a pity that almost all of the above items were sold out. Among them, he found that in addition to Lingmi and Jade Brands in this Taobao store, the most popular is the Nourishing Pill.

At the beginning, they didn't take Nourishing Pill seriously, and transferred this thing 500,000 to A Duo or Yunfeng, no more heartless than Chang Hao and Xiong Luoying, Xiao Ningjin was regarded as the smartest and most discerning person here.

Since Master Chi is a true celestial teacher, thinking of the role of the jade tiles on the necks of Fulu and Jiang Duo, I am afraid that the nourishing pills that Master Chi sells on Taobao are really not ordinary things. Thinking of this, Xiao Ningjin thought of putting the nourishing pills at the beginning. Throwing it to Yunfeng and A Duo casually, the intestines of regret are blue.

He has a faint intuition, that nourishing pill is probably a very rare and very rare good thing baby.

Xiao Ningjin couldn't help regretting the more he thought about it.

At this time, a few police officers suddenly came in. A group of people thought they were here to let them go. Knowing that the police were here to collect their mobile phones, Jiang Duo and Xiao Ningjin's mobile phones would inevitably be handed in.

"Police officer, we were wronged, we didn't kill anyone!" Xiong Luoying suddenly shouted.

Xiong Luoying shouted, and Chang Hao immediately said that they were wronged, and they had encountered a ghost.

The person they called the police officer was Feng Yuanlin’s team Chen. If it were in the past, Team Chen might not believe their nonsense. I can think of the pen fairy game played by the children in the Fifth Middle School, which attracted all kinds of ghosts. Team Chen still believed what **** they were saying, and the eyes of the few boys inside were particularly sympathetic.

I don’t know what these guys did, what was wrong with them, but they just met a dirty thing like a ghost. Since the last time he met, he also knows the cruelty of this kind of thing, unless he really takes people away. Otherwise, this life might not be guaranteed.

Team Chen didn't talk much with a few people, and was about to leave.

Xiao Ningjin suddenly said: "Team Chen, return the phone to us for a while, contact us personally, yes, contact the individual, and hand in the mobile phone immediately!"

Team Chen knew that these little guys were going to contact Master Chi, his face was very weird, and he didn’t agree on the spot. After all, the police station has police station rules. After listening to them, he believes that these guys do. Did not kill.

After Chen's mobile phone was handed in, the team returned to the closed office and reported the incidents of the ghosts encountered by the boys, and by the way, told them about their knowledge of Master Chi.

Feng Yuanlin didn't expect it to be so coincidental. He thought about it and wanted to give Zhenbai's wife a call, but thinking that it was so late now, he would not be bothered right now.

He just happened to have something he wanted to talk to Shuyan, such as explaining the overlord's hard bow. When he thought that Shuyan had misunderstood that he had to bow his overlord, Feng Yuanlin didn't know whether to laugh or something else.

Feng Yuanlin calmed his mind and asked suddenly: "By the way, what are the names of the two people who were sent to the hospital for emergency treatment?"

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