Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1109: One thousand one hundred twenty two

After the class, Chi Shuyan didn't have time to eat, so he went to the police station where Brother Feng was to find someone.

She had been to the police station several times before, and the events of the Fifth Middle School impressed the team Chen and Xiao Shan deeply, and several people were very enthusiastic about Chi Shuyan.

When taking her to the closed office, Team Chen and Xiao Shan never forgot to say that they still wanted to buy some exorcism charms from her to protect her life. After all, in their business, even if they couldn’t run into that thing, they would also Can't stay out of it.

Chi Shuyan still had a good impression of Team Chen and Xiaoshan. Seeing that they really wanted to buy it, he was not stingy. He took out a few middle-grade and high-level exorcism charms for them. An acquaintance gave them one more, which was very much appreciated by Xiaoshan and Chen. Meaning.

Team Chen enthusiastically patted Chi Shuyan on the shoulder and said, "Master Chi, you deserve to be treated as an acquaintance! Thank you so much!"

It can be said that the two people have the best and no better affection for her. They laughed and smiled along the way, and the smile on his face has not disappeared.

Chi Shuyan asked Team Chen to call her name directly, and don't call her a master or a master.

Xiao Shan and Team Chen shook their heads hurriedly. It can be said that since the little girl in front of them had tried to collect ghosts in the middle of five, they did not dare to look down upon them at all.

Chi Shuyan had no choice but to follow them.

When Chi Shuyan entered Feng Ge's office, Feng Yuanlin asked Team Chen and Xiao Shan to take the kid who had been in trouble last night to the interrogation room first, and he followed Shuyan with him for a while.

"Yes, close the game!"

When Xiao Shan and Team Chen went out, Chi Shuyan saw Brother Feng's face a bit embarrassed at first, but as Brother Feng got upright, Chi Shuyan also forgot about his personal affairs, and shouted, "Brother Feng!"

"Shuyan, it's good if you come! Just come!" Feng Yuanlin still knew Shuyan's ability, and he was relieved. With Shuyan, he would have confidence.

"Have you eaten?" Feng Yuanlin asked.

Chi Shuyan didn't have much time, knowing that Brother Feng hadn't eaten, and didn't want to waste time, saying that he had eaten, and got up to go to the interrogation room with Brother Feng to meet Jiang Duo's boys.

Feng Yuanlin nodded immediately: "Alright!" It just happened to ask something from those boys.

When the two passed by, Jiang Duo, Xiao Ningjin, Xiong Luoying, and Chang Hao had been taken to the interrogation room. When they saw Chi Shuyan, they immediately followed their parents with excitement!

Without waiting for Jiang Duo to get close, Xiao Ningjin spoke first, using a very familiar and polite and respectful tone: "Master Chi, you are here! Great! As long as there is Master Chi, we don't worry about it! Chi! Master, please help us. By the way, I also want to buy some talisman, for as much money as you want, as well as the jade medallion hanging on Jiang Duo’s neck. As long as Master Chi is willing to sell it, you can pay for it! "

Chi Shuyan:...

Feng Yuanlin:...

Jiang Duo, Xiong Luoying, and Chang Hao were anxious: What is the matter with this kid saying what is in their stomach?

Three lives are afraid that Master Chi only sells Fulu and Jade tiles to Xiao Ningjin, forgetting them, and quickly expressing that they have money one by one.

How diligent and enthusiastic that attitude is, compared with the initial indifferent attitude, this is called a contrast and difference.

Chi Shuyan was not used to these boys being so enthusiastic and attentive.

Jiang Duo complained at this time: "Master Chi, you don't care about other people, just ignore me. At the beginning, none of them believed in you, but I was the only one who believed in you. You gave them some talismans before, and some of them were thinking of throwing them away as waste paper! So, Master Chi, you want to sell jade medals or just sell me!"

Since knowing the effect of this jade brand is very powerful, Jiang Duo also knows that Master Chi cannot sell more to each of them, but it is still possible to sell him one. Jiang Duo did not hesitate to step on his brother by taking advantage of him. Several of them did not believe Master Chi before.

As soon as Jiang Duo's words fell, the others were anxious and staring. They wanted to kill people. Jiang Duo didn't know how many times he had died at this moment. Xiao Ningjin, Chang Hao, and Xiong Luoying didn't expect that Ah Duo, who was the best fool on weekdays, would be smart once and step on them once in front of Master Chi.

Xiao Ningjin glared at first: "You guy has one on his neck, how many rob us? Not only do you rob but also step on our brothers? Aduo, is your boy a human?"

Chang Hao and Xiong Luoying immediately agreed, and said with a guilty conscience: "Master Chi, you must not listen to Aduo's words.

If you don’t believe that others only believe in you, you don’t have any doubts about you at all. Otherwise, how could we give up the money to let Master Chi buy ghosts for us? "

"Really?" Chi Shuyan laughed a few times. He would believe that these guys were fooling around. I was afraid that the talisman she gave was useful last night, so I believed that she was not a liar, and Chi Shuyan didn't have much. Angry, they didn't believe her, and she was not surprised, but what made her quite puzzled was how did a few boys know that this jade medal was a good thing?

Chi Shuyan guessed something, and glanced at the few boys. Except Jiang Duo, everyone else could not help but feel a little guilty. It was Xiao Ningjin who had a thick-skinned face and still said diligently and enthusiastically: "Master Chi, that jade card. No matter how much money comes, you can shout!"

Several people like Chang Hao, Xiong Luoying and others did not show their weaknesses and wanted to speak. They were afraid that the boys would use the interrogation room as the street and they would quarrel. Feng Yuanlin's expression was stretched, interrupting these boys from making noise, and said coldly: "Okay. Now, you guys want to do business and go out to do it, but it’s not allowed in the police station. Right now is the main thing!"

Feng Yuanlin said and looked at Shuyan, Chi Shuyan immediately understood what he meant by sealing his brother, thinking that he had forgotten to give him a jade card, and Feng was a policeman. She gave Zhang Yu a card to her and Qi Zhenbaidu. Peace of mind.

As soon as Feng Yuanlin finished speaking, the other boys were quiet, but their eyes were still a little unwilling. They looked at Chi Shuyan frequently, hoping that she would softly promise.

Before, Chi Shuyan was almost treated as a liar by a few boys. He had a good impression of Jiang Duo, but didn’t feel much about him. At the moment, I didn’t feel soft. When I didn’t see a few baba eyes, I should deal with business first and wait for the boys to sit down. , Chi Shuyan and Feng Yuanlin also sat down and asked a few boys what happened last night? Let them be more specific.

At the mention of what happened last night, several people Qi Qi shuddered abruptly. The originally high mood was also a little weak, and his face turned pale, and no one spoke first. It was Xiao Ningjin after a while. Difficult to say: "Officer Feng, can you tell us if there is anything wrong with the other friends, how are they? Are they still alive?"

Xiao Ningjin’s question also asked other people’s feelings. Others hurriedly looked at them with worry in their eyes. Seeing Feng Yuanlin did not speak and did not answer, Jiang Duo looked uneasy and said, "Police officer, I know Fang Yinglong is afraid. There are many things, but how about the others? Are they still alive?"

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