Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1113: One thousand one hundred twenty six

She also hoped that Shi Ran would wake up and tell everything. She felt that among the young men, Shi Ran was the one who knew the most things and was the most critical one.

Since she is here today, the other party is not too unlucky, Chi Shuyan Yun picked up aura and infused it into the opponent's body to heal his wounds.

What Chi Shuyan didn't do was too obvious. When the spiritual energy was almost lost, she fed the other side a moisturizing pill. The other side shouldn't have a big problem.

Feng Yuanlin didn't stop Shuyan's actions. Seeing her stop, he couldn't help asking: "Shuyan, is this kid okay?"

Chi Shuyan nodded: "It shouldn't be a big deal."

Feng Yuanlin breathed a sigh of relief. Before leaving the intensive care unit of the ICU, Chi Shuyan stuffed two talisman to the other party, one middle-grade high-grade exorcism talisman and the other safe talisman, which are good for his body and healing.

When I got out of the hospital, Chi Shuyan saw that the time was almost the same and had to go back to school. Feng Yuanlin planned to drive Shuyan to school. Chi Shuyan knew that Brother Feng was busy and didn't bother him, saying that he would take a taxi.

Just before leaving, Chi Shuyan didn't forget about the drunkenness he had done before. He stared at Brother Feng for a long time, staring at Feng Yuanlin with a confused look, Chi Shuyan said: "Brother Feng, I will give you Haven't you returned me the message you sent?"

Feng Yuanlin:...

It is estimated that Shu Yan’s text message was too impressive last night. Shu Yan said, Feng Yuanlin immediately remembered that text message. At that time, he was in a bad mood because of his mother and Qin Qing’s affairs. He wanted to find a place to drink some wine. He didn't know that he suddenly received Shuyan's text message. Fortunately, Feng Yuanlin didn't drink alcohol at the time, but couldn't help laughing while holding his belly in the car. Finally, he sent the text message directly to Zhenbai on a whim.

He originally wanted to explain clearly. He still had some guilty conscience because it was sent to Zhenbai, but at this moment, he saw Shu Yan's carefully nervous look, which contrasted with the expressionless expression of the two corpses who had just entered the morgue. Great, Feng Yuanlin suddenly came and raised his lips with interest: "How do you know?"

how do you know?

Chi Shuyan opened her eyes wide and stunned. After she was drunk that day, did she really do the cross-border overlord to Feng Ge?

Chi Shuyan couldn't help but explode in her heart, and wanted to cry without tears. It's no wonder why the man Qi Zhenbai was so indifferent to her suddenly. It turned out that the crux was in this matter.

At this time, Chi Shuyan regretted why she had drank with her brother without knowing her wine first? It was the first time that the man took advantage of Feng Feng by playing alcohol and was caught by Qi Zhenbo?

Would she be so unlucky?

Under Brother Feng's gaze, Chi Shuyan flushed with a flush, wishing to dig a hole in front of Brother Feng to bury herself, his expression was embarrassing.

At this moment, even if she pretended to be calm, she had no face in front of Brother Feng and stayed there again. A taxi came over, Chi Shuyan immediately stopped the car, opened the door, and got into the car.

"Shu Yan!"

"Brother Feng, we will contact you by phone later, and my class time is almost here in the afternoon." Chi Shuyan dropped these words and immediately rolled down the car window to let the driver drive.

The silly Feng Yuanlin had a dumbfounded look. Was the answer he had just made a big deal? What if Shuyan knows the truth and settles accounts with him?

Feng Yuanlin was upset for a while, and he didn't expect Shuyan to run away so fast, so he didn't give him a chance to tease and explain!

Feng Yuanlin took out his cell phone and wanted to call Shuyan to tell her that he was joking. His cell phone rang first, it was a call from the hospital.

Feng Yuanlin answered the phone, and the attending physician of the side guard Panyang said: "The bureau is closed, the victim named Wei Panyang is already awake, do you want to come over and see? This young man seems to have been stimulated , I kept shouting that there was a ghost. Either I was too irritated or there was damage in my head.

Of course Feng Yuanlin knew that Wei Panyang's kid really met a ghost, not that his head had a problem. It was just that this kid didn't wake up early to play, but he woke up at this time, but it's good to be able to wake up.

Feng Yuanlin condensed his face and said: "Yes, I know. I'm still at the door of the hospital. I'll go in and take a look."

Finished talking and hung up.

When Feng Yuanlin and the attending doctor walked to Wei Panyang’s door, Wei Panyang’s loud and frightened cry for help and ‘ghost’ words came from outside the door.

The father and mother next to her were in a hurry. She was afraid of her son's head, her eyes were red, and she cried with tears and snot.

Weifu also persuaded: "Ayang, listen to Dad, there are no ghosts in this world!"

It was okay for Weifu not to say this. When he said this, Wei Panyang became even more excited, desperately shouting the word ‘There is a ghost’, and his throat became dumb.

Feng Yuanlin and the attending physician pushed the door in, and saw a few nurses standing beside the bed. Wei Panyang's head hit the wall with excitement and shivered and curled up in the corner, saying: "I don't want to die! I don't want to die! Yes! Ghost! Ghost! Dad, Mom, help me! Help me!"

It's distressing to see Weifu and Weimu.

Weifu only has such a son. Although he usually dislikes this kid for not being motivated, he is also very uncomfortable when he sees that this son is too daring to be so irritated.

Moreover, this son is usually very courageous. It is common to contradict him. Now he has become this timid and trembling appearance. It can be seen what tragedy has happened to this child? The distressed eyes of a big man in Weifu were a little red.

Waiting to see the attending physician and Feng Yuanlin, Weifu wiped away his tears immediately and looked at the attending physician.

Wei Panyang's attending physician was named Wang. He looked at the eye guard Pan Yang with a rather solemn expression, and suggested that the father and mother take tranquilizers to calm the child.

After the father and mother agreed, Dr. Wang and several nurses immediately prepared.

Feng Yuanlin saw that Wei Panyang was indeed too irritated. Even if he woke up now, he wanted to ask about things. He couldn't help but stimulated the other party. He had to watch several nurses give the boy a tranquilizer.

Wei Panyang calmed down and lay on the hospital bed.

Weifu and Weimu hurriedly put her son on the hospital bed and covered the quilt. When Wei Panyang covered the quilt, Weimu's tears fell.

Weifu couldn't help sighing. He first asked the attending physician about his son's condition. He couldn't help but asked Feng Yuanlin: "The closure of the bureau, can you tell me a little bit, what happened to this child last night? What tragedy has happened? My child has always been very courageous. I have never seen him look so scared, and has the murderer been found?"

Weifu was most concerned about the last question.

Feng Yuanlin said that he just saw a ghost with his own eyes. It is impossible not to be frightened. From the frightened appearance of this kid just now, it seems that Wei Panyang was really scared last night.

"Stop the game, you say something to me anyway!"

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